EE THB WEATHKJ Cloudy Tnfcht and Tmornf Vht ad ulw VOL. XVIIr-No. 270 SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1916 6 PAGES TODAY rsiCA rwu cents tilVR CENTS ON TRAIN J JED STATES HAS NO IDEA RECALLING REPLY FROM BERLIN BAKER SAYS FLYING CRAIG SHOULD TAKE FRENCH DEFENSE' OF PRECAUTION TO GET BETHINCOURT SAID TROOPS SNOW HILL TO AMAZE ENGLAND TROOPS FR05I MEXICO UNTIL GO VERNM'f MAY HAVE SUlifONED FOR JOHN DOE AND CORPS OF ARMY IS Of if RANZA ME.' TO TAKE UP WORK THE PRESID'NT RACK HIS CONFEDERATES TO BE REORGANIZED DAILY FR PRESS i RETURNS Absolutely ISO intention Kelinquisrungr Search for Villa m t w BtRtd or Bands Until The? Are Broken Up or Carraro- zistas Prove Themselves? . , .'- 1 ....... . . r J 11' ''i n rmm - ' i .. uraer lorunsion juaae General Given Authority Two or More Columns Troops Will Come Up With Out- rJiipf. Sonn Annlhpr. ' "Will-othe-Wisp" (By-Carl D. Groat, United Washington, April- 8. The United States will regard the Mexican mission completed as soon as the de facto ?" "rZ i t uiorw v.vvo, .broken MP. ,,.. ., . . This became known from the War Department to Funston to send the punitive expedition: across the border. flav revealed the now noted . . . . A PnwilnnnA'M AnitAM lilg w vxvi aii,& o ijucotiuii The official text says : , "You "will promptly 'organize an adequate force under Pershing, ahd will , direct him to proceed promptly . across the border in pursuit of the Mex ican bands which attacked Columbus. ; These troops will be withdrawn as soon is the d6 facto government . ; is able to relieve them of the i work. It wilTberegard ed as finished as , soon as Villa's band or bands are 'broken up. You are authorized to employ whatever guides and interpreters that may be necessary, and are given general authority to employ such trans- 4 portation including motor transportation with the necessary civilian personnel, as is required (deletion) ; (Signed) : ADJT.-GEN. M'CAIN." Publication of the order mnnv here to mean that paring towithdraw the troops. - High army officers and White House officials deny Cavalry Driving Southward. San Antonio,' April 8. With Villa the will-o'-the-wisp apparently located between Hatevo and Parral, Ameri ran troons in at least two advanced columns are reported to be rushing southward for tion of Colonel Erwm s lamous iY-nour nue 10 ixeruiuniu, where the first engagement occurred. No Worry Over Supply Problem Now. Washington. Anril 8.The problem of sending sup plies to the ; American War and State- departments " i private mining concerns in naving supplies djucu w mem and then turned over to the punitive expedtion.will solve; i.1 LI - V 1 ' '. ' . ' V HARPER CSIGNS AS C&FO t)F HISTORIC CASWELL FIRE COMFY Caswell Fire Company Friday eve ning elected L. O. Moseley foreman, Clay Andrews, assistant foreman and h C. Dail, secjreteryYr'' ' Foreman Moseley was named to suc ceed P. 8. B. Ttarper, a veteran fire man. Mr, Harper askedt to be allow ed to resign. He had seen much ser vice. He'. was for niany years an en thusiajtje .fireman',' and" 1 was noted particularly far his interest Iri the annual State ouroaments,' in which 'Kington pacing teams he' helped , to develop frequently took prize' money. I Placed on the "retired list, of ros ter of honorary members, widi 'Mr. Harper, Were J, Tj Skinned H. C. lCdwsrds, andv Ed.'Sumrell, all veter ans r of long servioe. r ' : , ' RUNfi'-TAYDSIGClE 1 XOIIES DOWN TO EARTH An t. vit Pensacola, Fla, April 7. The 80 fv Coot naval dirigible balloon at the na- val stalion here' today was ' driven about by the wind for six hours be J fore it descended at ArgySe, Fla.. 100 miles northeast of Pensacola. " , " ou cannot" enjoy summer if you haven't an atonbiIe. . The Free Press is giving two Maxwells away n the 3th of May. Temptmg? Xa The Free Press congest is a promise. . mm m m m I Competent to Smash Them- i'uduc louay uommanainff to Go the 'Limit-Believed hv C.avalrv n raiu .w.v SUMBJ W WUtVl . Press Staff Correspondent) i n i i T .-j tiis vauuyj. yauua. axe - t t. ., "j " . '. the original order given by The War , Department to- March 10th' order in renlv - -. I . tV 4- V t k 4-v 1 J u,i vyiicliuci a wine mini, iiau at this time was interpreted the Administration was Pre- this flatly. what may prove the repeti- man-hunters in Mexico gave the less, concern toaay man ior 1 L.'ll.J 1. i-T L. BULLETINS (By the United Press) THREE VESSELS SUNK. London, April 8. Three British : vessels, including the User Chan tala, have been sunk or blown up in the las; 24 hours. All the crews were saved. It is believed the Chatitala was sunk by a sub- marine. . TRANSPORT SUBMARINED. 'Parisfi April 8 A French sub " marine has sunk' an Austrian transport 'ia the Adriatic. CO. c r..iiAif ivat RECOVER ' ' (By" the EastenT Press) Williamnton. N. lC., April 8. Cecil Moored white-hot by Jtfhn Guilford, held ba'aless in jail here, is expected to recover, said report from Ever- etts today. Guilford ia charged with shooting Moore, with whom he is al leged to have been angry, through a a window." GREEfJE I.IAY SEND PAUL ' FRIZZEUE TO ASSEMBLY Everything in: the way of politics in Greene county is serene. It is ex pected lhat riot one of the Democrat ic incumbents' Win be opposed for re electaon except Representative Mew born, wb., it is rumored, will retire, J. Paul Friztelle, now mayor of Snow Bjll, is being mentioned as successor to Mewborn. Mr. Frizzelle is a young lawyer well ' known in this part of Hastens to Washington From Down River; Was to Stay Till Monday INTENTION OF GERMANY Did Not Authorize Torwedo- I , ing of 'the Sussex, But Won't Agree to Disavow Attacking of Freighters England-Bound (By the. United Press) Washington, April 8-President Wilson will return to Washington late this afternoon, a wireless from the Mayflower, in which he is taking Potomac river cruise, today said INo reason is assigned for the ud- I f . I Hen r na n irA from liin Til den change from his plans to remain away until Monday. It was suggest ed that fhe Mayflower ran into a blinding snowstorm, which proved too much for comfort. It as also intim ated that he may have been wireless ed that Germany's preliminary report n -the recent submarine, activities would be here this af terooon. Submarining of Sussex Unauthorized. By CARL W. ACKEEMAN. (United Press Staff Correspondent) Berlin. April 8. If a German sub marine torpedoed the 'Sussex' ilhe commander violated his instructionsj it is unconditionally stated. But Germany -will never disavow attack ing freighters as Jong as they carry food to England, while England is trying to blockade Germany, , it fc said in regard to the Englishman case. BRIEFS IN THE NEWS OTHERS CAROLINA CITIES AND COUNTIES A Tiegro woman named Gaskill at New Bern tells the police that two small colored boys engaged by her to dig in a garden unearthed a pot fill- Ud with goia coins and fled with the ' " iu iu The Bank of Vanceboro is lending money without security ,to pig club boys. Nearly half a hundred students of thePennsylvanla 'State Forestry Col lege are visiting the woodlands of Craven county The faculty of the college says the finest collection of forestry growth in the Eastern Unit ed States is in Craven. Secertary of State Bryan Grimes made the address- at the Onslow county commencement in Jackson ville Friday. : Joseph Washburn, 22, died sudden ly at Pollocksville, says a report. He was a leading citizen in spite of his youthfulness. CITY BEAUTIFIED BY CANNAS; PLANT MANY (By the Eastern Press) Washington, N. CApr. 8. Mon day will be "Canna day" here. Hun dreds of canna plants have bloomed Beside some of the local streets for two or three seasons past. Next week the women's clubs will plant thousands more. The Chamber of Commerce is expected to add "The City of Cannas" So its stationery. The Civic Club has asked every owner-of a vaeant lot fronting upon a street to lend it for temporary parking un til it is needed, to make the ftown beau tiful. : - The lilies blooming in pro fusion1 are striking to the eye. hollaiprSmg ' CALL MORE RESERVES . (By the United. Press) The Hague, APr0 The govern ment today introduced a parliament bill authorizing the callmg of tha 19!7 class of recruits if the "mili tary situation" continues. Sheriff Informs Solicitor That Lynchers Cannot Be Located Official Witnes ses Examined This Morn ing Without Result The first hearing in tho investiga tion into tthe lynching of Joseph Black was. conducted in Recorder Wooten'a ', Court in City Hall this morning, commencing at 10 o'clwl Solicitor Shaw examined the following witnesses: Sheriff' Williams and Coroner -Har per of Greene county; Sheriff Taylor and Jailer Allen of Lenoir county; Chief of Police Healh, Assistant Chief Skinner and Patnolman J. E. Dupree, and Mr. W. IF. t&tton, a cit izen of Kirtston. Not one of those examined could state that he had recognized any member of the mob. Assistant Chief of Police Skinner saw the lynchers passing through the city to the jail, was hailed by several, as "Hello, Skinner," etc., and was called a liar in a "friendly" fashion by one who asked him if he knew anything about a negro being secretly kept in the jail. here. Skinner answering him to ilhe effect that he believed a negro had been carried through the city to New Bern. Mr. Sutton told of hear ing shots at the edge of the city and autoimobMes passing his house. The evidence developed practically nothing new. The hearing was ended with the The Standing ants up to Friday night Q DISTRICT No. 1. After the Capital prizes; two Max well Touring Cars have been award ed, this district will receive one dia mond ring, one gold watch and one bank account of $25. All others in this district who remain in the con test until the close, who do not win one of the above prizes, and who com ply with the rules, will be paid a commission of 10 per cent. DISTRICT No. 1. Miss Sarah Dunn, Kinston '. . 12,200 Mrs. Susan Dunn, Kinston,. . G,(iOO Miss Barbara Emary, Kinston 6,400 Miss Mary Farmer, Kinston. 13,100. Mis3 Bessie Faulkner, Kinston 6,500 Mis3 Sarah Faulkner. Kinston 9,200 Mrs. Mamie Fitzgerald, Kinston (i.OOO Miss Addie Ford, Kinston,.. 5.400 Mr. Coy Stroud, Kinston ... 11,!)00 Miss Barbara Andrews, Kinst'n 10,800 Miss Bettie Barfield, Kinston 5,300. Miss Carrie L. Beasley, Kinston, 7,200 . Mrs. Clara Beeton, Kinston .. 14,800 Mrs. Katie Bell, Kinston.... 5,400 Miss Maa-gie Bissett, Kinston, (!,500 Miss Georgia Bizzell, Kinston 11.700 Miss Nannie Blackwell, Kinston, (,0Q0 Miss Ada Bostic, Kinston,.. ,.5,000 Mrs. Henry Bradshaw, Kinston 5,000 Mrs. Mary L. Braswell, Kinst'n 12,000 Miss Aima ifroadharst, Kinston 5,000 Miss A. L. Broadway, Kinston. 5,400 Miss G. V. Broadway, Kinston 5,300 Mrs. Laura Cummings, Kinst'n 15,800 Mananna LaKoque, Kinston 0,000 Miss Carrie B. Cox, Kinston.. 10.200 Mrs. F. L. Hooker, Kinston.. 10,100 Miss Lula Waller, Kinston.. 13,700 Colby Abbott, Kinston 12,200 Miss Bertie 'Cullom, Kinston 9,800 Mrs. W. G. Morris, Kinston.. 15,800 Miss Joanna Ennts, Kinston,. . 6,000 Miss Kate Brown, Kinston. . 11,700 Miss Susie Canady, Kinston. , 14,100 Miss Lillie B. Cobb, Kinston.. MOO Miss &;ella Buck, Kinston . . !),700 Elizabeth Copeland, Kinston b.OUO Miss Dora Diamond, Kinston. .5,000 Miss Katie Gaylor. Kinston.. 8,200 Margerite Goodson, Kinston, 7,000 Miss Lena Grady, Kinston.. 5,000 Miss, Lois Grubbs, Kinston.. 10,300 Miss Alice Hart, Kinston,.,., 7i)00 Mary Hartsfield, Kinston.., 8,300 Miss Proosie Heath,-Kinston, 6,700 Miss Martha Hines, Kinston,. . 7,000 Miss Scotia Ilobgood, Kinston 6,500 Miss Delia Hyatt, Kinston.,., 14,700 Miss Lula Isler, Kinston,. ... , 6,700 Miss Lula Isler, Kin : - Miss Verna Johnson, Kinston ' 6,500 Miss Mana Patrick, Kinston. . 8,700 Miss Terry Mitchell, Kinston. . 6,000 Miss Florence Moore, Kinston 6,700 Miss Annie Nobles, Kinston.. 8,300 Miss Daisy Outlaw, Kinston. . - 5,700 Miss Eoline Padrick, Kinston. 9,100 Miss Fannie Pollock, Kinston 6,000 Miss Roberta Pridgen, Kinston 6,300 Miss Mary Pridgen, Kinston.. 10,300 Miss Nannie Randolph, Kinston 5,600 Miss Amanda Rhodes, Kinston 8.300 Miss Lillian Rowe, Kinston.. 5.000 Miss Lida Lee Rhodes, Kinston 10,400 Miss Annie 1 bcott, Kinston 6,700 Miss Ruth Simmons, Kinston " 5,800 Miss Rosa Simpson, Kinston. ' 9,300 Miss Nannie Stanley, Kinston 6,500 Miss Annie Stephenson. Kinston 6,000 Miss Maria Sutton, Kinston-; 10.000 Miss Vana Sutton, Kinston, 6,000 Mrs. Nora Taylor. Kinston. 7.300 Bessie V. Thornton, Kin3ton, 8.900 Miss Jane Tilghman, Kinston 14,300 Miss Myrtle Tucker, Kinston 5,000 Miss Julia Tyndail. Kinston. 10,200 Miss Bettie Underhill, Kinston 5,000 M;ss Ina D. Week, Kinston 7.900 Miss Katie Whitehurst, Kinston 0,600 Complete Shaking Up In Branch Plans Greatly Enlarged Civilian Avia tors to Be Added Sccrc tary Before Committee (By the United Press) Washington, April 8. Entire re organization of the War Depart ment's aviation corps was promised by Secretary Baker before the House Military Committee today. This was regarded as an answer ito questions concerning the result of the recent in vestigations. "Mr. Baker defended tfhe aviation corps ar-d said plans for the corps have been greatly enlarged, adiiing also civilian aviators. FIERCE SNOW STORM SWEEPING THE NORTH ATLANTIC COAST NOW New York. April 8. From Vir ginia to New England the At lantic coast ia being swept by a fierce snowstorm. intention of resuming it if new wit nesses can be secured. Sheriff Taylor this morning return ed to the Solicitor a Warrant for "John Doe and others," i. e., the lynchers, with the inckrsure thait they could not be found. of lire Contest Miss Camillo Aldridge, Kinston 0,400 Miss Evelyn Waters, Kinston 14,100 Miss Daphne Waters, Kinston 6,200 Miss Ella Maskett, Kinston.. 8,400 Herman Lawson, Kinston. , . . 5,300 Mrs. fcva Cummings, Kinston 9.SMM) Miss llattie Daley, Kinston.. 9,300 Miss Kyle Jlargett, Kinston.. 8,000 ivirs. J. B, Leonard, Kinston 11,200 Miss Velma Hill, Kinstcn 10,300 Mr. Gordon Boney, Kinston.. 14,100 Mr. M. h. MeCullen, Kinston 12,800 Miss Victoria Bursell, Kinston 5,000 Miss Isabel Baily, Kinston 6,300 DISTRICT No. 2. This district includes all ten-ritory outside ot the City of Kinston. After .the capital prizes, two Max well Tourinjr Cars have been award ed, this district will receive one dia mond r;ng, one gold watch, and one Bank account of $25. All others in this district, who remain in t he con test until the close, who do not win one of the above prizes and who com ply with the rules, will be paid a commission of 10 per cent. Mrs. Mabel Barwick, Seven Springs 9,800 Mus. Winnio Thompson, Seven Sprinirs 10,200 Mrs. Emma Barwick, Springs . . Miss Lula , Outlaw, (Springs . . .'" Miss Mabel Grady, Springs . . ...... Miss Kflla Sto'oud, Springs .. ........ Miss Fannie Elmore, Seven Seven Seven Seven Seven 8,300 12,800 11,200 10,900 7.300 9,100 Springs Miss Lola Rouse, Seven Spgs. Miss (iertrude vJrady, Seven Slinks, R. F'V. No. 1..... 10.300 Mrs. J. J. Harper, Deep Run 500 Mrs. Lula Blisszatd, Deep Run , 9,600 Mrs. Annie Stroud, Deep Run, R. F. D..No. 2 (5,000 Mrs. Addie Boyett, Deep Run, R. F. D? No. 2 ........... 13,400 Miss Sue Davis, Deep Run, R. F. D. No. 2............ 1200 Miss Tiffany Hill, Deep Run, R. F. D. No. .2 ..... 14,300 Mrs. Mildred Outlaw, Kenans- ville 15.100 Misa Jimmie Koirnegay, Ken- .ansville ........ 4 .. . . '. '.. 9,100 Mrs. Nancy Smith, Kenans- ville .. ..... 1000 Mrs. Mary P. Russell, Fort Barnwell ............ ..... 600 Mrs. R. W. Lamb, Fort Barnwell .. 9,200 Miss Sallie French, Fort Barnwell ; j ....... . . . . i , 8,100 Miss Amy Ruth Joyner, Fort . Barnwell ......... i ....... " 6,000 Miss Sudie Cox, RSchlands . . 9,100 Miss Bona K. Basden, Richlands v Miss Bona K. Basden, Rich lands 500 Mrs. John R. Shaw,, Richlands 10,300 Mrs. S. Lee Sadler, Richlands 7,000 Mrs. C. D. Basden, Richlands, . R. P. -a '.No. I i.... 9,400 Mrs, R. D. Jaiman, Richlands, R. F. D. No. 1 7,400 Mrs. D. E. Pickford, Richlands, R. F. D. No. 2 11.200 Miss Josephine Whaley, Rich- lands, R. F. D. No. 2. . . . . . 5,400 Miss Katie Sanderson, Rich- . lands, . F. D. No. 2 800 Mrs. R. W. Hill, Comfort, R. m F. D. No. 1 5,400 Mrs. Tommie Koonce, Comfort,. R. F. D. No. 1 9,300 Miss Eula Eubanks, Comfort. R. F. D. No. 1 6,500 (Continued on Tage Three) When Trial of Will Black Comes Off Says Greene County Paper Negro Blacks Inherited Crimin al Tendencies, Claimed "Governor Craig and the authorities had just as well take notice now that Will Black without the protection of troops will stand a poor show in Greene county. It is to be hoped that every measure for safeguarding, the majesty of ithe law will be taken, says the Snow Hill Standard-Laconic, referring to the coming trial of the os- tinult fiend there in May. The lynching of Joseph Black, fath or of Will lilack, by a mob who took him from the Kinston jail Wed nesday, "removes a notoriously bad charac'ter from .the county." says the Standard-Laconic. The paper re fers to Josoph Black's incendiary re marks and bis former criminal record, Will Black, while of no kin so ar as is known to the rapist Dock Black, who was hanged here several years ago whilo R, D. S. Dixon was sheriff of the county, cornea from a criminal ly-inclined - ancestry," the Standard- Laconic s bates. Joseph Black had served several terms on the roads and in Jail. "A brother, Nathan Black, :s said to be in the State prison now; his son, Clarence Black, and a brother of the rapist Will Black, is now se-rv ing a term on the Greene countv roads for breaking into and, robbing the Walstonburg depot a year or so .' .i THE HONOR ROLL - STARTS ON MONDAY The Free Presa Starts Honor Roll for Enterprising Candidates Most Important Week of Alt Two- Pound Box of Lo whey's Chocolates Fresh From Skinner's One of the most exciting weeks of the wholo contest in which the Free Press is giving away two Maxwell Cars and many other valuable prizes suarra on ivionuay, tine lum. On . thUit day and continuing throughout the entire week, Ithe Con test Manager will create an Honor Roll, which will be published each day for one week, at the head of the contest story. The candidate who turns in ithe most money on subscript tions throughout the day will receive the Honor Roll position for the fol lowing day. A new name will be add ed each day. The Honor Roll Is or the utmost importance to tfle candi dates and itheir campaign. The ej:tlre public will be watching this Honor Uoll, and it will ,be of no little mpor- tance to place your name iathis place of distinction. A few subscriptions each day may put your name there. The race for the first position on Mon day will be an exciting one. The closing hour for the Honor Roll will be 9 o'clock in the evening. What ever your plans may he, be aure to get on this Honor Roll at least once during the week. Honor Roll Prizes. In addition to the Honor Roll, and in connection with it, the , Contest Manager will give a special prize ev ery night do the Honor Roll candi date. r The candidate who succeeds in I making 'this place of distinction will receive a two-pound box of Lowney's famous chocolates fresh from Skin- eV at 7127 North Queen street.: Announcement will be made each evening in The Free Press who the J Honor Roll candidate for the previ ous dav was. and as soon a i an. I nouncement ; is " made, Ihe candidate may receive the candv. In the ease I of outside candidates winning, . the special box of Lowney's Candy will be mailed, if it is impossible .for those people io call at the Contest Mana- ger'a office. - Be sure to make a special effort I to place your name on this : Honor l Roll at least once during Ithis week, for it will mean wonderful support for you during the rest of the con- test. If you do not believe the public is taking great interest in this con- Crown Prince Trying to f Squeeze Them Out of; Their Positions A HAIL OF PROJECT!. JK . Bursting Over Lines of Jof- f re's Men Germans Hop ing to Capture Big Sail ent of Verdun Works by Superhuman Effort (By the United Press) London, Eng., April 8 The Crown Prince has thrown large forces across the Meuse in a determined effort to squeeae the French from their posi tions at Bethincourt, Paris today re ported. A veritable shell etorm s is . .. ; "t. i.' j v rcncri Buueiu. j. t renca ueienso at Bethincourt is considered marvel ous. ' German Gains Claimed. Berlin, April 8. The Germans ' have captured French positions , v a mile wide near Harcourt. the war of fice today announced. ' J THE DAY ON LOCAL .1.. COTTON EXCHANGE. Le than ten bales of cotton hai been ld here today hy 2 oVlock. The lnRt:TrMA nam :wait 11 SI. r New -York fulturea quotations werei July 11.96 October . . . , . . . ... .12.16 12.06 12.33 12.43 December ., 12.31. May ................ 12.37 KILLED HIMSELF AND x ; TRIED TO KILL WIFE Danville, . April John Edward Lanier, wealthv member of lishin. Lushed Vireini uw-livW ' r.hthm W wi wifa A then turned a pistol on himself and meeting dnstantaneous death. No reason except despondency, for which there is no evident cause, was attrib uted to his action. He was married in Decentber to Miss Elizabeth Pigg." Mrs. Lanier will recover. Twenty years ago Lanier's father ended his life in the same wby. .... . NEGRO BLOCKADER SHOT ' IN RAID ON A STILL Siler City, April 7. (Deputy Col- lectors E. L. Hedrick and P. C. Hed- rick and P. C. Ttolhert olnuw in a still in full blast, three miles southeast of Siler City, and caught the negro operator, Green McLean. McLean ran full into Tolbert and in the scuffle that ensued, Tolbert'a pis tol was accidentally discharged, the bullet plowing through McLean's arm and deep into his side. He was car ried to the Sanford Hospital, v EXPLOSION KILLS ONE, BMY INJURES ANOTHER High Point," April S. Martin was seriously burned and Eli . In gram, a negro, was killed today as a result of a boiler, explosion in th Plant of the High Point laundry. You cannot win one of the cars unles you tay. The thing to do is to test,' just aak the next person that you meet on the street, who is ahead, The chances are that yott will be told offhand who the leader ia. Do not forget that you will receive a big extra vote coupon for 60,000 votes on every Ten Dollars worth of NEW subscriptions as fast as you secure them, and as soon as the Ten Dollars ia completed your b'g ex'.- s coupon v.iU bs elves io rou. 3.t m Z: 'A id 111 i ,- 1 y1 Jit 1-