PACE TWO THE DAILY FREE PRESS 'H. Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager Published Every Day Exeeot Sunday by the Kinston Free - Press Co. Inc.. Kinston, N. C. 8bcrlptlon Rt Parabl In Advance: . .1 .10 Three Monthi 1.00 On Month Six Mntht One Year f4.00 2.00 " Communications received and not published will not be returned unless tamps to cover postage accompany lame. NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row, Mr. Robort W. Sykea, Jr., in ol charge of Easfrn Department Mail should be addressed to him, eate of R. O. Mulligan. Files of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Pres can be seen. Entered at the postofflce at Kinston. North Carolina, as second-class matter under act of Congress, March 8, 2879. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A eopy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nine P. M, without cost to subscriber. " Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 76, The Free Press of any Irregularity of delivery or Inattention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. r MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1916 , cated that Villa was being given too much start, General Fumrton's painstaking to make ready before crossing the border has been fully justified and there is no reason for any sensible American to think that all of the prepara tions made and the expense gone to, to run to earth Villa, would have been undertaken, if the Administration had not meant fouainess. This is no bluff, and the Americans ought not to be misled by the various rumors. In pass ing it might bo said, too, that the average American has little confidence in iCarranza' ability to take Villa, am' the Administration will meet tho approval of the average American citizen if American troops are kept on the trail until Villa is taken, dead or alive. ARE YOU IN THE RACE FOIl: One of the Maxwells T A Diamond Rlngf , A Gold Watch? A Bank Account? The Free Presa contest is a free-for-all opportunity to secure one of these valuable prizes. The time to enter is now, ; The game is young. The "Big Stick" seem to be making some impression iipon the "Stand Pat" hrigade and the hungry pie-hunter but the average American citizen won't regard the wtpon with the same awe that was once the case. - Th Birmingham' Ledger says: "In Alabama politics is A business." .-The parae might be said in North Carolina, but -we" presume the same trouble exists in both states, that too-ftenthe business Is In the wrong hande. 'i T'Tyrrr:-' ". a ' t Brittun, in the Raleigh News & Observer, like his arter ncKrtcontemporary, endeavors.'to bring our slogan "Kum, Kum," into disrepute by connecting it with the mob gath ering of last Tuesday night. - If our words continue thus to bo misconstrued we hall have, to withdraw our gener al Invitation to "Kum, Kum" and issue cards to an exclu sive and desirable set. is little astonishment, to those who have kept up in a genoral way with the record of "Bob" Burman, who has been setting a"dea'th-daring pace wi:h automobiles fur some years, at the new of his death in California Saturday, -Burraan went the way of other adventurers and reckless speed maniacs, and the wonder is that for tune hut trailed upon him at long al it has and that his demise has not been chronicled earlier, -'" ' r IDLE HUMORS NAILED. We are very glad to ae Socretary of War Baker stamp the rumors of .withdrawal of troops from Mexico as fake. We don'i know the source of these rumors. It is highly probable that they emanate from across the border and that they are a creation of the desires of Villa sympathizers. If such is not the case, and any American citizens, for political or other reasons, are endeavoring to discredit the Administration's conduct of the punitive expedition, they should be prosecuted for their conduct is little short of treason. The War Depart ment was criticized by some of the anti-Administration interests for the preparation made for the expedition, It being thought by the more hot-headed and unsophisti- PEKFUNCVOUY INVESTIGATION . NOT SATISFYING. The first hearing in the investigation of the lynching of the negro, Joe Black, taken from the Kinston jail by a mob last week, failed .to bring out any facta that were not already established. The hearing conducted be fore Recorder Wooten by Solicitor Shaw Saturday was perfunctory and should be preliminary only to the real investigation. None of the witnesses examined could tell anything about the party wno took the law into their own hands. The policemen on duty in Kinston, and who saw the assembly of the mob gathering could offer no evidence or clues which would assist the prosecution in placing the responsibility. It is presumed that all of the numbers of the cars had been hidden from view and that, therefore, the lynchers were not only outlaws in the sense of murderers, but were operating cars apparently without license. The wonder is, if three policemen or. duty in Kinston to preserve order, noted the arrival of a number of automobiles at an unseemly hour in ths morning, and the occupants of the cars were too num erous for the trio of guardians of the peace to approach and ascertain the occasion for he assembly, why was not a riot call put in, so that the citizens of Kinston might respond and protect the good name of their community? This feature, however, is aside from the point that we started out to make in this particular article. The Free Press is glad that the Solicitor asked for a continuance of the hearing, and that the usual verdict that the "victim came to hi death at the hands of par ties unknown" was not called for. The State should em ploy detectives and put them on the track of .the ring leaders of last Tuesday night's outrage. It is preposter ous to say that two or three hundred men could assemble, carry out their Intentions and disperse after daylight to their various homes without their identity being known by some reputable witnesses, and the prosecuting officers ere obligated not only legally, but morally, to-bring into play every known method to ferret out and bring to jus tice the guilty ones, if it takes six months or a year to get sufficient evidence. There should be no let-up. The prosecution should go on. Let there be no white-wash Ing in this case. Tho best citizen of this section and throughout the State will welcome the prosecution and adequate punishment of the guilty parties, and they are looking to the constituted prosecuting officials to go the full limit in the investigation. . . ' THE KINSTON FREE PRESS ATTRACTIVE LOW ROUND f RIP FARES VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY $28.65 Coldsboro, N. C, to New Orleans, La., and return, ac count Southern Sociological Congress and Southern Conference for Educa tion and Industry. Ticket on sale April 11, 12, 15, 15 and 17. Final imit April 80. $10.55 Coldsboro, N. C. to Washington, D. C, and return, ac count 25th Continental Congress of Daughter of the American Revolu tion. Tickets on sale April 12. 14 and 16. Final limit May 12. $9.80 Coldsboro, N. G, to Asheville, N. C, and return, ac count Southern Convention. Ticket on sale- May 13 to 17, inclus ive. Final limit May 31. Final limit may he extended to June 15 by de positing ticket and payment of $1.00 at Asheville. $12.65 Coldsboro, N. C, to Birmingham, Ala., and return, ac count annual Reunion United Con federate Veterans. Tickets on sale May 13 to 17, inclusive. Final limit May 25. Final limit may be extend ed to June 14 by depositing ticket and payment of 50 cents at Birmingham. Tickets on sale during April, May, June, July and August. See ticket agent for limits and other informa tion. Low round trip fares from all oth er points on same basis. The Southern Serve the South. ' 0. F. YORK, T. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. -.;.... WHAT OTHERS SAY EXAMPLES GOOD AND? Wilmington Star: "President Wilson's private physl dan is going to get married.. Well, the President set an example that fully justifies his doctor. AS WE SEE IT. Raleigh New and Observer: "Tho Kinston Free Press is doing a wtse thinjj in calling attention to the undesir able free advertising Kinston ia receiving because a mob from another county, supposedly Greene, took a prisoner from the Inoir county jail in Kinston and put him to death. When there are lynching not alone the county in which these fclke place is hurt, but all the sections, and the State areolsso hurt." OFFER S2600 IN PRIZES FOR GOOD ROADS PHOTOGRAPHS Rational Highways Association Announces Photo Contest Open to Everybody. Want Pictures to Start Exhibit In National Capital to Show Law Makers What Uncle Sam f Should Do in the Good Roads Movement COLONEL THEODORE ROOSEVELT, IDA TARBELL AND MARK, SULLIVAN TO SERVE.AS JUDGES IN CONTEST frmcots or lUTioiuTHicirwm'iJsoaATioM who'sumcwbed fukmtocaui : ON PUOTOCIAPUJC CONTEST.' Yo& cannot enjoy summer if you haven't, an ' automobile. . The Free Pre? is-giving two Maxwells away on the 1'Uh of May.- . v ' ' i "vtit'ia'your nomination, yet?" The Maxwell hojds leadership ir it class. The Daily Free Press is giving away two Maxwell Touring Cars. It will require only tlx weeks' ork to win. . SCHOOL TEACHER Anaemic, Run-down, Nervous How She Recovered. There are so many cases like this right here in Kinston that we are publishing this interesting letter with the hope that some of our customers will try Vinol and get the same hap py result that Miss Bae did. s Key West, Fla. "I am a teacher and became anaemic, nervoua,Tun down, no energy or desire to do any. thing, I could not sleep nd had that languid, nervous feeling that made me a burden to myself. I had taken various tonics without benefit. I heard of Vinol and tried it. Soon I had a good appetite, could sleep all night and it built me up so I have the ambition to do any kind of work." Mary L. Bae, Key Weat, Fla. The reason Vinol was so successful in this case is because it is a consti tutional remedy that goes to the seat of trouble. Th peptone of iron con tained in Vinol enriches and revital izes the blood, while the strengthen-' i, tissue-building properties of the extractive of eoda' liver and beef peptone aid in building' up the tired, overworked run-down system.' J. E. Hood St Co.. Druggist, Kinston, N. C v" .-j. W adv f Yes. 1 m in the contest Save you;vote for roe." ; Do yoa enjoy seeing your neighbors driving cut In tfieir cart Perhaps! But you4 would enjoy a car of your own much betUr.- All that ia needed is om of your spar time. Subscribe in Th Free Pre, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between the undersigned, W. H. O'Berry and H C. V. Peebles, carrying on business in the City of Kinston, under the firm name of the Neuse Mantel Company, was on the 3rd day of March, 1916, dissolved by mutual consent, and that che business in the future will be carried on by tho eaid W. II. O'Ber ry alone, who will pay and discharge all debts and liabilities, and receive all moneys due and payable to the late said firm. This the 13th day of March, 191G. W. H, O'BERRY, H. C V. PEEBLES 3-ll-Dly&SW-4wks CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 FIRST.CLASS FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE. . Southbound Northbound 332. i 833 A. M. P. M. 7:35 Ar.... Kinston ,.,.Lv. 6:00 7:29.... Hines Junction 6:05 7:08 Pools f 6:20 s 7:00....... Dawson ........ 5:27 s 6:47 Glenneld 6:41 f 6:40 Suggs Siding .....f 6:60 6:30 Lv.... Snow Hill ...Ar. 6:00 All trains governed by the Norfolk Southern rules while nsing the track from Kinston to Hines Junction, and subject to the order of its supsrin vendent. The above schedule is given as in formation only, and is supposed to b th time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not guaranteed. WILLIAM HAYES, General Superintendent B. A. JONES. Frt & Pass. Agt, Snow Hill, N. a I..' i ' . ' ..-".. :, CHICHESTER S PILLS I'UUi. lit M l X wtt Mm V ItlAlIwNO IIRANO Pil l . V. a? fwnknown M Beit. Safest. Alwava Rtt.t.i SOU) BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE SMIB aV WW fBPmjM, mil i . ' 1 ' : - Coat Suits, and Dresses f"') -w w A A V i f Weclnesaay, April itn: For Full Particulars See Daily Free Press, Tuesday J.M. Ste phe nson "The Ladies Store" A. C. L. SPEC HAL RATES. $9.35 Washington, D. C and Return. Tickets on sale April 11, 12, 14, 15 and 16, limited to return to original destination iy May 12. $28.35 Saratoga Spring, N. Y. and return. Account General Conference Meth odist Church, tickets on sale April 27, 28, May 9 and 16. tfood to return" until June G. $16.05 Philadelphia, Pa., and return. Account General Conference A. M. E. Church, tickets on sale April 29, 30, May 1, limited to June 4, 1916. $11.10 Asheville, N. C, and return. Account Southern Baptist Conven tion, tickets on sale May 13th to 17th, inclusive, limited until May 31. Extension of final limit may be ob tained until June 15 by deposit of ticket with authorized agent and pay ment of fee of $1.00. $13.15 Birmingham. Ala., and return. Account United Confederate Vet erans' Reunion. Tickets on sale May 13-17, inclusive, limited until May 25. $30.05 Orlando, Fla., and return. Account of General Assembly, Presbyterian church, tickets on sale May 15-19, inclusive, good to return until June 3. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South D. J. WARD, Ticket Agent. Dly-to-May 19 DR. O. L. WILSON DENTIST Oslo Over J. E. Hoc4 C' Star. DR. F. FITTS, i Osteopath, Upstairs, Next Door to Postofflce. EXAMINATION FREE. Phone: Office 80. Res 523 C.B.WOODLEY, M.D., Office treatment of Rectal and Skin ' Disease a Specialty. Temporary Office in Hood Building We have up-to-date equip ment of pneumatic tools, insuring quick service and first class work. Sa us for your needs. Our pric es are right, consistent with the good work that we do. K1ST0N! NOMINATION BLANK GOOD FOR 5.000 VOTES , I Nominate Street.. Nominated by Addres ... City..... In The Daily Free Press Golden Festival. Only the first nomina tion blank sent in for each candidate will be counted. Must be clipped out neatly and sent or brousht to the Contest Department. KINSTON FREE PRESS COMPANY v Kinston, N. C. VOTE COUPON GOOD FOR 100 VOTES . 8 For . Address ...... NOT GOOD AFTER ArRIL 17, 1916 These coupons are numbered in series from one to ten, a different number appearing each day. If a" series of any live consecutive numbers are pre-. sented to the contest manager each series will count for five thousand additional votes. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager , . Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 182 (Next to Postoffice) Graceful Styles That Charm I iKArcK The new J & K trap effects and novelties have all the dainty refine, ment that appeals to young women., Furthermore, they FIT Snugly, torn.-. fortably, The secret lie in the abili ty of the J & K designers to build shoes that fit the arch. For when the -arch i3 fitted, the entire foot is fitted. , For stirring style, sec the new J & K'i For a real fit, wear the new J & K'a I Mark Cummings. CBinuNjmtOTKE.i This store has made a specialty of spreading, "big c it y ' ' clothes throughout town; After trying va rious lines atVa- nous prices, we,, have concluded that our present lines of Griffon Brand Clothes have reachedf the point of perfect ion in materials and skilled itail ADLER BROS ts easier to coo A ivje7 you have ofs of and fifche? utets's 0 IT IS ONLY THOUGHTLESS TO CO ON USING THE SAME OLD, WORN-OUT COOKING UTENSILS WHEN YOU CAN COME TO OUR STORE, AND FOR A SMALL SUM, GET BRAND NEW ONES. - AND DONT FORGETMOST OF THESE OLD ONES ARE NOT "SANITARY." WE HAVE MANY KITCHEN LABOR-SAVING THINGS YOU WILL BE GLAD TO OWN. THEY ARE INEXPENSIVE. COME AND SEE THEM. S

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