PAGE TWO T1TE KINSTON FREE PRESS 1 THE DAILY FREE PRESS -, 'J- (United Press Telejrsphie Reports) IL Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager Published Erery Day Extent Sunday by the Kinston Pw , f ' - Press Co. Ine Kinston. N. C. Sabeeriptioa Rates Psysble In Adrsnce! One WNk ...... .....I .10 Three Months On Month ........... JO Six Months ., On Year 14.00 1.00 1.00 Communications received and not published will not be returned unless stamps to cover postage accompany same. NEW YORK OFFICE-38 Park Row, Mr. Robert W. Sykei, Jr., in sole charge of Eastern Department. Mail should be addressed to him, cie of K. 0. Mulligan. Files of Free Tress can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. Entered at the postofflc at Kiniton, North Carolina, as second-class matter under act of Congress, March 8, 1879. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West am Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is mad before Nine P. M without cost to subscriber. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or Inattention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. by affording carts for hauling off the garbage and re fuse. The tax of twenty-five to fifty cents a loaj novr paid, is not an incentive to clean premises, and, In fast, it very naturally encouraire the use of the back lots for the storage of tin cans, which afford breeding places for mosquitoes through which malaria is conveyed. The Free Preas is glad that Kinston is to enjoy even this "half loaf .towards a clean-up, and it is still hope ful that the city authorities will conclude that the res ponsibility is upon Xhem and that a regular systematic cleaning and a "weekly hauling-off of garbage from the various sections of town is essential to the better health of the community. THURSDAY' EVENING, APRIL 13. 1916 We are impressed with the number of Kinston boys and girls whose names appear upon the honor roll published - elsewhere in today's paper. , Unquestionably this is a most healthy indication of splendid work being done by our Kinston schools.: ; - : S r. t ''; y . - . ;, V y 4. ,;,, , 'f Not only did 'Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of the President, follow in her distinguished papa's steps toy . breaking a precedent, when she appeared before a con jerrossional committee, but ah demonstrated that ahe wai a "chip ff the old fllock" fcy winning her point That is a very decided Wilson characteristic. . :;-.,'- - The Free Press is glad that Lenoir county has put for wttid a candidate ior Stat Senator in the person of Col. W. D. Pollock, whos candidacy was launched by the Lenoir Bar Association Tuesday night. Lenoir did not furnish a representative In tf upper branch of the State Assembly last Hertn. - I'a interests were well "taken care 'of by Senators Ward and Thompson. We should be very jrla:l to entrust out interests to them again if it were not jiowihle for us to send one of our own fellow citizens. Col. Pollock has rondered faithful service to the party. lie is an able speaker and will represent this district with . m-ilit. We bespeak for him the support of the peo ple of Greene, Cravtn, Carteret. Jones and Onslow, as velt as Lenoir, 'f , " i " t MUNICIPAL ASSOCIATION PROGRAM. The program for the Municipal Association's annual convention which will be held in Kinaton May 4th and 5th, as published in Wednesday's Free Press, provides for the discussion of some very interesting and essential mat ters relating: to municipal government not only so to the members of the association, but to the citizens of Kin ston as well. Commission government will be discussed by Hon. John R. Hornady, one of the Commissioners of Birmingham. There has been some agitation in Kinston for a change of the method of city government It is realized by many that the old aldermanic system is obsolete end incapable of producing the best results. Mr. Hornady has given a great deal of study to commission form of government A few years ago, when there was agitation for doing away with the aldermanic system in Birmingham, Mr. Hornady, who was then managing editor of one of the leading papers, The Birmingham News, waa sent to Dal las, Dee Moines and a number of other places where com mission government, city manager and other plans were being successfully tried. With the impressions thus gath ered at first-hand, Mr. Hornady wrote some very inter esting articles espousing the cause of commislson govern ment, and the change to that-form for the City of Bir mingham was probably due more largely to" the educa tional campaign thus conducted than to any other one factor. Mr. Homady's address here will bo illuminat ing and interesting, because he not only knows the theory but has had pant in the practical operation of this mod em method of handling municipal business. Other matters of importance will be discussed. Health, BIG EXTRA VOTES BACKED BY THE HONOR ROLL (Continued from Pag One) coupon of 15,000 votes will 1 given. This vote offer, together with the Honor Roll, make this week one of the important weeks of the whole contest. This is a sort of pivotal week when the friends of ell the can didates will be watching .them in or der to judge whom to support during the last weeks of the struggle. By your effort this week make them hrow their support your way. You must do your part this week to make it the biggest week of all. This week will hear rumors and then some more rumors. The wiae ones will attempt to give you advice which, if you heed, will be sure to have a bearing on your campaign that will not be to your credit when the winners are announc ed. Many are trying to compare this jampaigfj with others that have Kone before. To such advice there is a very few words to say don't do it. There is just one way to win in the Great Golden Festival, and that is to do your best each day as the days go by. Do hot put off your hardest wdrk until the last few weeks, or the last few days, for if you do, you are bound to lose more than you will gain. The people who really want to win are working every doy. and when you make up your mind to go to work the last few days you will find that the territory has been covered, and that the subscriptions that you were depending upon have been giv en to someone else. Plan to make each day day of accomplishment. Get some votes and subscriptions from somewhere, some how, each day. Not Too Late to Enter. It is not by any means too late to enter the contest.. In fact, it is just starting. The Honor Roll gives you an opportunity to place your name at the front of the list at once, and the G RA N B THEATREGOER WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS THE;$100,000;STAR WljlAM FARNUM jj "THE BROKEN :U!9m fire prevention, street and road work, parks and play grounds are among the principal other topics. The peo- large votes give you an opportunity pie of KInalton should be particularly interested in the to place to your credit as many votes discussion of health measures and the provision for parks I a any one on the list. But this time and playgrounds. There is meed here for better health it must be seen that the subscriptions safeguards, and the necessity for public park and a ro the guiding, factors in the con- n1wt 4. nm.-ent to ll whn nr interested to anv tnat 1 vou would Wln. V0 must . . , , ... wi . - t,i!-1 secure a few subscriptions each week I Now rive the contest a careful stud v. amusement uuu revrcnuun. i . , utcii viikcr anu win. ' I Balcony 10 cents , Main Floor 15 cents,! T HALF A LOAF BETTER THAN NONE. , The Free Press is glad to encourage the response of : every citisen of Kinston to Mayor Sutton's proclar.iation to obaei-ve the two weeks, beginning April 17 and ending the 29th as "clean-up" weeks, We ro always glad to - endorse every effort to produce bettor sanitary condU - tion in Kinston and consequently more healthful place 4o live in. v Although we are in entire sympathy wlththe city offi cials in their endeavor to have everything spick and span for the members of the Municipal Association who come here for tho annual meeting the first week in May. and we are going to lend every effort possible to the entertain ment of the visiting, gentlemen, we do not base the ne cessity for the clean-up campaign primarily on the pros pect of entertaining visitors. We are interested first in having Kinston cleaned vp for the benefit of those who live here, many of whom have suffered from preventable diseases In the past because adequate sanitary measures were not taken, and The Free Press believes, as it has often proclaimed, that the responsibility for cleaning up the town and keeping it clean rests upon the city authori ties. It is our opinion, too, before expressed, that an an nual or semi-annual clean-up campaign is not sufficient, These special spasmodic efforts are all right as auxiliary to regulr systematic daily and weekly cleaning through out out the year, and we believe the city authorities ought to encourage the cltiaens to keep their premises clean WHAT OTHERS SAY KINSTON MARKETS MILK AND TYPHOID. i: .Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch: "The Health Department of the United States Government has sent to the papers a public warning that should be heeded in every commun ity. It says: "-; "-VvV" "Seventy-six out of tho eighty-seven cases of typhoid fever occurring in a recent outbreak have been traced by the United States Public Health Service (to infected milk. Had the first cases been reported to a trained health offi cer, the outbreak could have been stamped out promptly. When will we learn that disease- prevention is sure and cheap." Norfolk is to be congratulated on having a Health De partment whose attention Is directed toward the ques tion of pure milk and pure foods, and it should have tion of pure milk and pure foods, and it should have the co-operation of every consumer In the city." Prices prevailing here for farm produce today, as quoted by the Kin ston Peanut Company, were: Hams, lb , 174 Shoulders, lb. 12Vj Pork 10 Lard .. 14 Eggs ...15 Hens, lb. . . 10 Roosters, apiece 25 Country butter 30 Corn, bushel 80 CHICHESTER S PILLS M.U.W. a.K jr i.rwi I'lll. In k,4 ,nd tlnlj ki, lealed with Bluo mm wafir. nay T Toar vranlab Alt f of ll.'I;H.TrKH r-.-.nn.i,.K.i,a.iMlAiway Kellall BY DKU0GI5TS EVERVWHER6 tin for Ai awniHcVV v A. C. L. SPECIIAL RATES. $9.35 Washington, D. C, and Return. Tickets on sale April 11, 12, 14, 15 and 1C, limited to return to original destination by May 12. $28.35 Saratoga Springs, N. Y. and return. Account General Conference Meth odist Church, tickets on sale April 27, 28, May !) and 16. good to return until June (. $1G.05 Philadelphia, Pa., and return. Account General Conference A. M. E. Church, tickets on sale April 29, 30, May 1, limited to June 4, 191G. $11.10 Asheville, N. C, and return. Account Southern Baptist Conven tion, tickets on sale May 13th to 17th, inclusive, limited until May 31. Extension of final limit may be ob tained until June 15 by deposit of ticket with authorized agent and pay ment of fee of ?1.00. $13.15 Birmingham, Ala., and return. Account United Confederate Vet erans' Reunion. Tickets on sale May 13-17, inclusive, limited until May 25. ' $:0.0. Orlando, Ha., and return. Account of General Assembly, Presbyterian church, tickets on sale May 15-19, inclusive, good to return until Juno 3. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South D. J. WARD, Ticket Agent. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT, SPECIALIST In Diseases of Women & Children Office Hours: 10 to 12. Office: 107 West Caswell Street' PHONE 118. TWO FOR ONE That's Our Offer To You TOMORROW 1 Cedar Oil Floor Mop, reg. price $1.50 1 Bottle of Cedar Oil Polish, ... price 50 cents FOR ONLY THIS IS STRICTLY A CASH SALE BMBS B(SMMMSMBSaNaVBMSMMSSSSaSSBSBSMSBSBSB . QUINN tlMlLLER "FURNITURE OF QUALITY" Saved Girl's Life SUPERINTENDENTS ATTITUDE ALL RIGHT. Winston-Sslem Sentinel: "Dr. Albert Anderson, the su perintondent. requests a full investigation of some of tthe charges anado by a former inmate of the Hospital for the Insane at Raleigh. That is right and proper. After charges against, such an institution are given publicity, there should be an inquiry affording everyone abundant opportunity to substantiate any statements that have been made, and the sooner it is done the better. We' feci PQJ STATEMENT sure vne jiuioign institution win come oui ail rtgni. DR. DAN VV. PARROTT DENTIST Crews sad Bridge Wert a Specialty Office over Cot Mill office BASEBALL WEDNESDAY'S GAMES. At Philadelphia S; New York 4. At Brooklyn 1 ; Boston 5. At Cincinnati 1; .Chicago?' 7, -At Pittsburgh 1; St. Louis 2. American League . At Boston 2, Philadelphia 1. At New York 2; Washington 3. At Cleveland 1; St. Louis 6. At Chicago 0; Detroit 4. STANDING OF THE CLUBS, i National League. - Clubs W. L. Pet. I'hOsdelphia .. 1 0 1,000 Boston .. 1 ' 0 1,000 Chicago .. .......... 1 0 1,000 New York 0 1 .000 St. Louis .. ......... 1 . 0 1.000 Pittsburgh .. ....... 0 1 .000 Brooklyn 0 1 .000 Cincinnati .. .,4.;.. 0 1 .000 Americas League . Clubs W. L. Pet Dt troi; .. , 1 : 0 1,000 Bo Iot ., 1 0 1,000 Wash nn- . i- ; 0 1,000 st. ' i o . ljooo i-ik .......... 0 1 .000 Ui.c go .......... o i .ooo rhi'aJciphia , 0 1 .000 Cleveland rr- 1 .000 a, s s VOTE COUPON GOOD FOR 100 VOTES For, .... Address NOT GOOD AFTER APRIL 20 These coupons are numbered in series from one to ten, a different number appearing each day. If a series of any five consecutive numbers are pre sented to the contest manager each series will count for five thousand additional votes. BY A eiGJISINESS MAN "Neglsct of Apparently Unimportant Conditions Wracks Many a Healthy Growing Business DR. JAS. W. POWELL, DENTIST Modern Dentistry All Branches . Offices Over First National Bank. (No Colored Work) PnONE 595 Joseph Dawson J. Frank Woo ten DAWSON & WOOTEN, ' Attorneys at Law, Practice Wherever Service Desired Accounts and Rents Collected. LCNSFORD ABBOTT. . O, Osteopsthlc Physiclaa Usstslrs, Next Door to BKU Phone 679-J. o o 0 "I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re-, j? celved from the use of Thedford's Black-Draught," writes J? Airs. Sylvartia Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. ' 2 0 0 0 0 o 0 o o o o o o o a o 'It certainly has no equal for la eriDpe. bad colds. Hver and stomach troubles. 1 firmly believe Brack-Draught saved my little girl's life. When she had the measles, they went , in on her, but one good dose of Thedford's Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without THEDFORD'S In my home." For constipation, Indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford's Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try lack Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. 5 t ,S f il . t-M. -J!, mm , mm O O o o o o o o o o NOMINATION BLANK GOOD FOR 5.000 VOTES ' I Nominate Street................... Oty. ....... Nominated by ...,.....;.......,..,........ ?, ... . Address . Is The Dsily Free Press Golden Festival Only the first nemina. tioa blank sent in for esch candidate will be counted. Must be clipped lit sestly and sent or brouCht to the Contest Depsrtment. , KINSTON FREE PRESS COMPANY Kinston, N. C W. S- ELKIN, JR. , a prominent drain-ist of Atlanta, r.a.. B snthority for the above positive state. menu in explaining this statement he asked two questions anl offered one suggestion. . " ',-! rrowina healthy business' turns ana oegma to run uom'b hill, what Is the condition of the owner's health? Almost always, unusually bnd. " What was the Orst cause of bis poor neannr tonstiiwtioik ' This constipation could have been avoided by taking Kesall OnlerUes oc casloually. They are s pleasant candy tablet laxative which can bemused b.t men. women or children wita tbe bejt results., i : : THE REX ALL STORE TEMPLE DRUG CO. C. B. WOODLEY, M. D., Office treatment of Rectal and Skin Diseases a Specialty. Temporary fjflice in Hood Buildinjr Z.V.MOSELEY.M.D. PHYSICIAN an4 SURGEON, ' Back of Lenoir Drug Company . Phones Office 478; Residence 113 Dr. Albert D. Parrot . Physician and Surgeon kkuton, N. C O&ct $ack if Hoof Dtaj 5ore srt "a . - QO(fycdrlfcl? SHOE REPAIRING We Un This Tunaua Coodrw Well Symaa to Reko.U Toot SJk. Fr Fir-CUi wrk mnd tone W Se. M. BLOOM, 116 W. North St " SR. a C HARPER, DENTIST, OSes Orer PestoCcsb DR. F. FITTS, V - u , Osteopath. ... --" Upstairs, Next boor Old Postoffice EXAMINATION FREE. ' Phones:- 03ce 9. ' Kesv 2