. : the hq:.:e fafeb HTTLJTTF" THB WBATHEJ Fair ToniK J Tomorww JllilG r i VOL. XVII No. 275 SECOND EDITION KINSTONeN. 0, MONDAY, APttIL 17, 1916 FOUR PAGES P1ICB TWO GOVTS tIVE CENTS ON TBAIN1 4 WILL HOT IN m HUM BODY MEN GREECE AVILL HAVE RAIN MAY PUT Stop 1IS0N PliriMRING TO SEND SPARINE NOTE THIS EVENING FROM LONELY GRAVE MEXICAN M01M TO JO! raENiSlifi. SIIELLED TO WOODS FIRES IN XA; THE BANDIT OR OTHER AT ONCE SAIL SHIP FOR PAVING ilSSUE ft, i ' DA f TT 7 ii r mm sl a m. w - bb a . . . . ' OHIO BOND BROKERS give MWm VAS THAT OF PANCIIO V ST ART Intimates of Outlaw Leave Juai View, Corpse at Chihuahua, C j z on Special Train to Teutons I Hold in Athens y, baid to Be Outlaw Responsible for Allied Troip Movements Chiefs Pershing Gonef to Investigate Fort Sam Houston at San Antonio Expefts to Be Advised of the Truth Very Soon-Army Talfcs No Chance, and as SERBS CROSS COUNTRY "Precautionary Measure Su Up at Base Across Border Have Died from Wounds Jiecj Americans - )Iies for ; Month Piled rm mi mm w . I ine "iiger; way JNot lycd In Scrimmage With i Newly-Ifiufpped Slav Ar a my ii Proceeding From Corfu! to " Saloniki Ger man Warship Bombed No Nlws From West Lomlon, f (Uy E: T, Conkle, United PrAs Staff Correspondent) April 17. A tram today left Juarez for Chihuahua with a small group of Americans who knew Villa intim ately, to examine a body take! from a lonely grave in the mountains west of Satevo aid said to be that of Villa. General Pershing knows that Villa was recently near sis' at Atl the spot wnere tne body was (Khumed. Pershing Goes to View Body fo Himself. - San Antonio, April 17. General Pershing today left Cusihuiriachio with a cavalry gletachment to view' the body being taken to Chihuahua City as Villa's, headquar ters announced. Pershing should be able to let headquar- tnva L-nmxr nnaitfvolv in a -fnwr it if ia Aillo'ci Vwli unless the corpse is in too bad condition to permit , of ago said thly would regard the act laenuucrtuuiu . , as deliberately unfriendly if Greece A rmv Taking Nn r.hnnrp VillnNnt TlPinir nAnH permitted it.! The Allies refused to Columbus, N. M., April 17. Enormous supplies of re- use the watel route in fear of 8ubma nncAwfl fCiTinna h Qizn hoon vnohoi Ia Avoir in Movirtn ooirincS. a "precautionary measure." Officials of the QuartermaS' ter corps today said they were "sufficient to lastuntil May 15 even if no more were shipped." the United Tress) Lpnl 17. DecHHve steps by the Allies have forced a new crl ns. with the possibility that ihe Cfeeks may le thrown into "the war ajAinst their will. i - Overridiife'Jreek objections, the Allies havii begun transporting: the newly-equiijped Serbian army over t -. '-- : . land from Corfu to Saloniki. Germany iind Austria several days CIEAN-DP FORTNIGHT IN. KINSTON STARTED TODAY; WORK BY WARDS Clobn-up fortnijrht started today During the first half of this week First Ward residents and business men. axe to; cleanup their premises, nd the trash will be hauled away by the street cleaners during the last half. During the Jast three days of this week the Second Ward will be overhauled, and during the first three of next week the Third Ward The sanitary and street officials are co-operating, and say the citi sens are showing willingness to aid in the work. 1 , , It is intended t4 make Kinston "cleaner and ibrtghtep" than ever bi- ion during these -cwo weeks 41 BULLETINS (By theiTjiited Press) COAST GUARD AT JfORFOLk. ; Washington, fcri 17. ant Secretary Newton today eropianes are! first at Norfolk! scouts, to pick AEROPLANES of ill-treatment and fired their dispatches saidfl soldiers perished, Assist-. the-. Treasury 'announced that to be tried out as coast guard up. positions of steamers in distress. BUSSIAN GA"RRBON MUTINIES. :. Berlini April 17. Russians at Nikolavesk, mutinied on account by their officers, barracks, today's Twenty-seven SUTTON TO SP PINE Mayor Button h vitation to speak faster Sunday 'at 1 r will be served ic fashion, and pe: they desire, may ca! Easter ear hunt K AT REST SUNDAY accepted an in Pine Forest on o'clock. A din the grounds pic- ons attending, if baskets. - An II be held. Mr, Hoy i;in,will bein charge of the BMisie. ' ; ! LARRY RIOORE TO P.1AKE. mm DAY SPEECH Larry V Jtfoore, '.the 'well-known New Bern lawyer, has accepted the jontation extended him by the Dsrhters of the Confederacy , ' to the May 19 .ddress here. MAJETTE, FRIEND OF CASWELL SCHOOL, NOT; -- TO RUN FOR SENATI (By the Eastern Press) i j Washington, N. C, April 17. Sen ator Mark Majette of the Second dis- trict has announced that he will not. be a candidate for re-election, IU health of his wffe will not permit him to make the campaign. Senator Majette has been one of the.staunchestjfriends of the Caswell Training school at Kinston. There are at least three candidates for the two senatorshlps in the district LANE, HUp, MIL AND FOWLER CRAVEN PRIMJRY SELECTIONS (Special t The Free Press) New Bern, pril 17. Sheriff R, B, Lane, 1 County Treasurer B. B. Hurst and Roister of Deeds Steph en Fowler wefe renominated in Sat urday's Democratic primary in Cra- Paris Official Statement. Paris, April 17. A French aviator dropped sixteen bombs upon a Ger man warship in the North Sea from a height of 100 yards, 'the war office today announced German artillery directed a violent cannonade upon tho west bank oftjie no ' important infantry fights. Activities Two Fronts Keep Austrians Busy.. .Rome, April 17. flans for an Austrian offensive against the Alba nian doit of Valona have been aban doned bekause of activities along the Italian arjd Russian fronts. The Aus trians were moving' troops south ward, when the Italians and Russians attacked sjmul'taneously. Lull at Verdun Continues. Berlin, fApril 17. The lull in the Verdun fighting continued last night, Tho war iffice reports that nothing impor.tantjhas occurred on the west front. In the eastern theater, Rus sians are! active about the Dvinsk bridgehead. i ; lit ven county. D. Williams Fowler was Dail was no tive. (tine's majority over as nearly a thousand aoDDosed. George B Bnated for Representa- A MURDER VICTIM, IS STORV of convict NOTHING DOING ON COTION EXCHANGE I ' : No cotton wis sold here today.' All weighed - wasf deliveries from last week's sales, f lures quotations were: Open Close 11.82 12.00 .12.17 12.34 . .12,39 New York May .. July . , ' October . December January 11.85 12.01 12.18 12.3B 12.40 AutcRan Intb'jBanh; iri Hurt 1 3 t r 1 r 1. 1 - : ' f i . Miss Eessi 2 Bpaman ofv Hookerton had an arm jbroken and four other persons were bruised up when an automobile, d iven ; by Ormond Ed wards of Ayd 1, smashed into a bank on the KinstoiJ road about a mile and a half this sle of . Hookerton late Sunday. . Edwprds had lost control of the car. The party comprised two young men arid' three young women. No one was seriously hurt. - . 1 Edward Glenoris, In the Rhodi Island Penitenti ary, Declares lie and An other! Man Buried Body J WcstJPoint for Stranger -.if "' (Ryf the United Press) Provideile, R. I, April 17. Ed ward GlcnWis, an inmate of the State prison, hal told the police that he helped toury the body of Dorothy Arnold, th New York heiress, miss ing since Seccmber, 1910, after she was murdered: The police ar inves tigating. , , . Glenorisaid a mysterious man, in possession gTeac wealth hired him and another man. '.to dispose of the body in tfc cellar of a house near West Poin , Impcrator Bombarded and liredt iiiT tolumbretes IslandsTwo U. S. Citi zens Escaped Uninjured, Vessel Bound for France (By thi United Press) Washington April 17. 3ustave Qlsen, an American citisen, was wounded by sfrapnol when the Rus sian ship Imferator, lumberJadon, from Gulfpor iliss., to Marseilles. r ranee, was canionaueu uy an aus Irian submarme I on Anril 11. The United Stateacn8ulttte at Barcelo na, Spain, tol4y cabled !to the State Department thit Aner Swennsson and another American escaped uninjured when the submarine stt firp . to tho ship. The affair1' occurred near the Columbretes Iifcimls. JUDGE BONO STATES HIS AFFECTION FOR KINSTONIANS AGAIN Judge W. M, Bond of Edentofi, who conducted Superior Court here last week, left this morning Jar Jack sonville, where ' he presides - this week., - ' t , - . 1 fit's a fine " own-Kinston and fine, people. They've been mighty nice to me," he declared. 'This is ;the pl'ottiest street I know of anywhere,.". -W said, referring to Queen "street. t FG3TY t::iand extra VOTES CREATES INTEREST Mrs. Claude Smith Wins Final Honor Roll Position for City of Kinston Considerable Interest Being Mani fested In Kxlra Vote Offer HONOR ROLL Two-Pound Box of Lowney'g from Skin- Queen Street, to each Honor Chocolates, f resn ner's, at 127 N will be given Roll candidate Mr. II. L. Pale, La Grange. R. 3, Monday. Miss Lucille IJrown, Ayden, Tuesday. Miss Dora Diamond, Kinston, Wednesday. ' f V Miss Glenif Suggs, Snow Hill, Thursday. Mrs, Jay Smith, Leon, Fri day. . " Mrs. Claude Smith, ' Kins ton, Saturday. Stacy &Braun o Toledo Agree to Pay Par and Ac crued Interest and $2,000 for Bonds Kinston Has Been Fortuna r Stacy & BrnunTMalo, ISo give jiar and 0., bond brokers, have agreed accrued interest amy a premium of $2,000 for the City if Kinston extra paving bonds. It understood that the proposition was jhade by tho mu nicipality, and that it binds the city to sell to Stacy & lfaun. They have bought Kinston bolds before, are among the best-known dealer in tho country and are fusinesa-like and prompt; city oflici:Js say the Coun cil could not have nBule a better deal City Clerk Colem; ton-has been extre selling the recent i The bonds will m fore September nt declares Kins- lely fortunate- in sues. . be, prepared be lie earliest. COLORED PRESBYTERY - DEPLORES LYNCHING The' Cape Fear Presbytery of the colored Presbyterian church, at Wil. mington,ias passed resolutions .. re gretting and "deeply condemning" the "various acts of tliS iype of ne groes which havo made lynching pos sible in this State," and it "calls up on the white citizens to be patient and law-abiding in dealing with that cle- hwnt of the race. BRIEFS IN .WE HEWS, VIRGINIA FOREST FIRES ARE CHECKED (By5 the United Press) f C Richmond, April 17. Destructive forest fire raffing for several days in Chesterfield, Prince George and pinwiddie counties are reported to day to be well omler contrd. '4 Saturday's record was ihe final one for the Honor ftoIL After the pub lication of thiafissue no more names will lie added io this list of pecial istinction. ' Tab struggle for the fin. a! position proved to be the most ex citing one of ihe entire week. The position was $1 doubt until the last mall was in Ithls mornings Mrs. Claude Smith f Kinston finally suc ceeded in wlifiing the last coveted place, Mrs. Jinith won through the effoils of herwn determination and energy. tMrs.fw,, G. Morris, also of Kinston, wis feeond, and Mr Phillips Brooks, anotSr Kinston candklate, won third pfa e. Mr. H. U Pate of LaGrange, roi te 3, turned in his usu al good repor . Others -who turned in exception ly jgood reports , are Miss Ruth Iuil of LaGrange, Miss Tiffany Hill &f Deep Run, route 2, Mrs, Emily Maxwell of Pjnk Hill, Miss Sadie Waller of Route 2, Kins ton, and Mist Aileen Jones of Snow IUH. 1 ? :': v- - '. The, Honoj Rolj proved to have unusual succs3, and all of the Honor Roll candidates have expressed their appreciation for the Lowney'a Choco lates "which fhey received, and are very gratefu to Skinner & Son for 'heir chocolates. 40,000 Extras' Vote. ' ' The closing of the 40,00;) extra - Continued on Paje Three) New Bern donsistovy No. 3, An cient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, will hold the spring re- union at New Bern Tuesday and Wednesday. The co-ordinate bodies of the consistory are"' the Lodge of 'erf action, 14 th degree; Chapter Roue Croix, 18th degree; Council Ca- dosh, 30th degree, nd the consisto ry, 3lst and 32ml fogreesr , E -.B. -f icklcn lias returned to Greenville after a lour of England, Ireland, .Scotland and France. Greenville's fire department, has been undergoing inltruction by "Sher wood, JJrockwell, Sdte fire prevention expert and formerffire chief of Ra leigh. ;":'v 'f : NO DEPRESSION 18 to BMElFOR TI1IS COMPAMY felVING ifp Timber and Farm property , Destroyed In Narly Do zen Counties Damage By Todav More Than $d00.000 f 17 " (By tho Eatteri Washington. N. C. Hope that the timbi several counties of tli be checked came wit! showers. Lumber m Press) ' April 17. fires in the section would this morning's estimated to. day that more thai half a million dollars da ma go h:iS been done in Beaufort, Craven, Cumberland, Car teret and Pamlicoj-counties, , Some losses have been slstained in Hyde, Lenoir, Pitt, Onslo and Duplin and the counties North Jtf here. Fires m the jwcilons out from Bel- haven, where on Friday ond Satur day one dwelling, n church and a num ber of barns wercburned, have driv end scores of bears and deer out in to tho farms. Fiye hegrpes. hemmed in by flames in a I'amlico county for est, had a narrow escape. Charles Simmons, colored, was badly burned at Teria Ciea. He is expected to live One Life Lost. - Fayetteville, N. ., April 17. J)an Carter, cut off by flames on every side, was burned to death on' a road something of the importance of get- The damage to limber and farm pro perty in Cumberland county from for- est fires is many thousands, Towns Threatened. Beaufort, . N. C, 'April 17.-This town as well aa Bayboro and Roper a saw mill plant having been burn ed in the latter place-r-haa beon mon Won't Hold ItUtfor Ratn fication'Dy Cabinet Tuesda PUBLICATION iYITHHELD Public Won't Kriow What -Administration Saya to Kaiser Before Middle of Week Presjdent Has Spent Days ion Message . 1 Were Many Stoclcholders ... as In the Hustling v Kin- ston Co-operative Mer cantile, Wiicli Cleared 75 Per Cent! In Bad Year The Kinston Co- tile Company hat The company's grc Caswell Cotton MJ sold to A. W. Mas agea 11 lor tne cij derstood. The tra late Saturday, Ma for dollar on the worth some $500 perative Mcrcan- becn dissolved. :ory store in the Is , village was y, who haa man- ipany, it is un- isfer. was i made ey paying dollar ock, which ' was $600. Fires Up-State. Raleigh, April 17. Reports readi ng here tell of tho destruction by fire of timiber on hundreds of acres in Halifax, Nash, Wayne, Johnson 'and Wilson counties, Wilmington reports est fires in ItrtiiiswK-k, lVndor and Sampson counties. Mate in Pitt jf dreenville, April f 17. Uig pine woods seven miles nffrth of here are being swept by flanges. Houses IJurned Nea Beaufort Beaufort, April 17"Several houses were burned by foreit fires near this town Saturday nigltt and Sunday morning. Damage in Lenoir County, Timber worth $500 was burned on the plantation of IF. Hughes, sev eral miles from hSre, late in last week, and woods, it wood and farm property to the vjlue of $800 was destroyed on the ferm of Sam Tay lor, near tho Ironsbridge. Fires raged in file woods between this city and Colisboro Sunday. AUTHOR 'PECK'S BAD , BQY WEI WISCONSIN SATESI1AN - EDITOR (By the Utite ted Press) TOril 17. George of "Peck's Bad rnor of Wiscon of Milwaukee, Milwaukee Sun. m dead after 4 Aort illness. He : was 75 years oAagc. Milwaukee, W. Peck, autho Boy," twice Gov sin and ex-May and editor of th Thus went a-glinmering Kinston' probably Easterjj Carolina's first enterprise of the kpid. . And the com pany has made afprofit ' of 75 per cent in the f.tceif , adverse condi- tions in 1913, aniL,xperienced ait un usual period i urosperrty m.- the first quarter of tbis year. - . ' Operatives of the mills were . the stockholders. It is said that the bus iness took teo much, of the iirne of the managers from their work at the plant ' If the name of didate does not a nominate him or h that, purpose ia our favorite can- ipear on the list, ir. -The blank for another page iWorbo and , v I . '' ' Harry Stein, n TJarrott Memorial Hospital more than (Wai weeks, with a bullet wound allegW to have been inflicted by Margare( rartello, ' a South Kinston woman, is in & criti cal condition this afternoon. ; Stein took a turn for. the Worse Sunday, and tho chances are .slightly against his recovery, , (By the United Pret) I Washington, April 17, President Wilson's communication to Germany on the submarine. Issue will probably go forth tonight. Is stated it th White House that the President de voted practically J, all his attention to preparing the paper Saturday '; and Sunday. All the preliminaries are completed. ,The President probably will not confer with Secretary Lana ,r.g again. The cabinet already has ratified the note's general tone so, ' that there is no necessity for holding it up' for tomorrow's abinet meetingf. ; It is still held likely that" the Presi dent will go over the Anal draft with members of ihe House and Senate ; foreign relations - committees, The contents probably will not be pub lished before Wednesday or Thurs day. , i COURTHOUSE GOSSIP; STORIES OF THE BAR "AND COURT OFFICiALS Judge Wooten calls it a jubilate. "It was n excellent prayer to say the Jeast," he said, in referring to an announcement by Patrolman Claud Sumrell in : the Recorder' Court. Sumrell waa acting bailiff and didn't know tbe stated lines. , He declared that the court had "come down , to business," and said: "God have mer cy and save this worshipful court. Amen." At least one mamber of the local, bar had a musical turn of mind to day. He had "paiers" for three or gans. , There, is an old lolored man around town who was trifJ in reconstruction times for ehecp-slealing. He engag ed the late Judgl Dorsey Battle Of Rocky Mount to lefend foJm. Lawyer1 Battle took him Iside and "instruct ed him," and' ien arraigned he darky respondet to every question put him, "Ba-a ' "You see, ' . Vonr Honor, the man is not responsible.' declared Battle .0 the court. Clear out!" said the :ourt to the defend ant.: Judge ky a little late; about my. fee. "Ba-a-a!" said (tie went to the dar- to collect $5. How f Jim?" ho , asked. Jim. That was all tho fee the attorney ever got. TWO DISTRICTS FORM ONE FOR SPECIAL TAX School districts Nos. 1 and 2 in Trent township carried an elecstion 0:1 Saturdcy torombine the two dis tricts', as one Rfifcial tax district, ac cording to infofimation .thai reached County Supt Jqi . Kinsey here today. YOUNG WO'JAN LECTURES TO FffiBIIN Of, KINSTON Miss Mary Caley H trained nurse, read a paper bnf'Burns and. Scalds," etc., o about half a hundred volun teer, firemen in City Hall Sunday af ternoon. : Miss dasey substituted for Dr. V. T. ParJott, surgeon to the department, wbJ had expected to be present. It was br first public ad dress, but an excellent one, according to Fire Department officers. Energy and.eTort together with support of youf friends will make you a winner on the 13 Ih of ilay "V.

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