'- . . ' . - C- .' .' - hf ' . , ' mi 1L II I II f" II f -ii 1 7E 7" i; 7" l( 1) "?TZ!? - ) T? THE WBATEE THE ' ' HOKE F'.FEB l r " i,r '" " " '.' ' . . i VOL. XVII.No. 276 I . y, j: ric nvo ccnis tflVE CENTS ON TRAIN ' - l'RAl W'nf ITipilEllllESI FOE EFEATED HARRY STEIN DEAD CAN BE CAUIiVG AMERIGANS9 yffiiMiiEATii; OVER THE BY.TURKS N RIVER STREET AND OPEN'G AND, PARTEILO GIRL EIGHTS IS HELD BY STATE DRU11N .KINSTON TIGRIS P N, SAID nr upbhi CENTS ui KINSTON, N. C, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1916 I FOUR PAGES - : . -i . .. , , . , , . , . . mil i; jts bmtb : o pi ran lift si wi DEF.IANDS OF VILSON nun FOR TWENTY ILIU1U11 1 Refusal of De Facto President dition Gives ConcernPershin, Alarming Reports to Funston of Corpse by Mexicans Would United States Parral May Protection of Americans nihilate Tompkins' Command' lust Use Railroads, Says Funston, or Change (By E. T. CONKLE. United , ' "I Washington,, April 18. Carran .stands pat on- His jrithdrawalrequest until he receives formal reply, Con , Ail Rodgers at Mexico City, today informed the State De partment., 'lne army's report Situation Critical. "v - El' Paso," April la-Protectiori.oi America" oops'ik uie iuicxuuou cuusiuerauun oi urxnj neaus, .saiat0.! vQ about to attack Parral, Carranza withdrawal request makes th. situation critical. Pershfilg is understood to have reported adverse conditions tof llunston Failure" to verify thY identification, of Villa's Ibrpse' is due to the wires being down, "Mexicans here claim. It the Mexican Government officially identifies the b6dy of Villa the Aih ; ericans cannot dispute the statement andwill yithdravv. Americans Concentrating, . ? f ; j . , " San , Antonio, April 18. American advanced detach ments are1 concentrating at Satevo, for a newly planned Villa chase. General Funston asserted today that- the troops will be unable, to advance beyond Satevo with the "present communications. The use of - Mexican railways or a change of base will be necessary. Washington Doesn't Believe Villa Dead. v Washington; April 18 Withdrawal of the American forces from Mexico is expected soon. It will be accom plished with 'the breaking up of all the Villa bands. Re- V- V fVX lll" A'Ul VUIUU UVUIIUi AUV'UVUIl . MA.V the Americans may delay the withdrawal- , , Parral Attack Vicious. . With the American Army in Mexico; Wireless to Col i umbus, 'April ' 18. The men in the Parral fight describe the Mexican attack as a deliberate attlmpt of Carranzis- tas o annihilatje Tompkins' command. -The Carranzistas attacKea Americans ana Kiiieo FORMER SECRETARY m i Von IgelrFidh of Alleged WellanoV Ganal Plotters TaUen'FoJght Four Offi cer Wftei Taken Into Custody, aays Report (By the Washington, nited Press) . ril 18. Wolf Von Igel of New Y( former secretary of Capt. Von Pa m, la the fifth man indicted by a w York grand jury in the Welland anal plot, the Jus- tire Bcpartment 'today announced. As secretary he hi died Von Papen's employes' corrt; mdence. Arrested in four officers. w'York, Igel fought CHAftlBELmAOT BILL 1$ EXPECTED 1 PASS SENATE TODAY , (By t! United Priss) : Washingtoi i. . . i AprQ 18.-The Cham- enau army jill is scheduled to pass the Senate iay.' It provides for 180,000 regulars and a fifteen-million- dollar goveil ment nitrate plan. J ROOSEVtLT HASNT PL INJiED GO CHICAGO ( Oyster velt has Chicago ! the United Press) fj : ay, April 18io. Roose- ot arranged to attend the nventidns. He will make fl0 stum 115 campaign. He contem- putes to pre-convention however. ' , ' speeches, CAP! ARREST'I PAPEN ffree to Punitive Expe- Believed to liave Sent ffidal 'Identification' e Embarrassing for Be Attacked by Troops, for Delicate Attempt" to Ah Base Press Staff CorresnonrlAntY of theTarral fight was sent ;5 i ' one. CONSTITlfTION HOLDS ONE GIAT LIE, SAYS: DR. GYRUS THOMPSON No greater He was ever pen ned than tie Declaration of In- dependence n which it is declar men were created ed that all free and eq'jial." That, according to reports in this, moral 'a : newspapers, was made ; by Dr. Cy. Onslow county be- a statcmcn Thompson fore the N th Carolina Health Oflicers As! iation in Durham Monday nig' He was discuss-. ing "The, V sician and - Public Health." It might heresy to make such a dec! ration, 5 Dr. Thomp- son said,' bi: he was not a poli- tician. ' v-; A -fr , 601 (By thefUnited Press) REPORTED Ii SIGNATIOXS BRITISH MIN XEBS. ' London, A il 18. The coali- tion cabinet conscription !ay considered the sue. 1 he resigna- tions of' , Bonar Law vid Lloyd-George, And Lord Curzon ' were rumore MANY LOST OX TORPEDOED SHIP. ' London, Ail 18-rBritish lin er Zent has feen torpedoed, un warned, and 149 killed, and the ' dutch steam Ejdijk submarin- ed and beaevd. STATE Bi Pi 0.ET0 MEET S WASHINGTON (By the Eastern Press) ' Washington, ; X.C April 18. Of ficers of tire 1 :al lodge of Elks an nounced today hat the State conven tion will be h 3d here on ; May It and 1S. A thousand Elks are ex pected to attend the meeting. to Emperor- and Chancellor Want ReBtions Main tained; iOppositi tion IS AGAINSB CONCESSIONS Reiqhstaj? leaders Willing .to Go to fAny'Extreme Rather Than Modify the Submarine Warfare. The Note to Public Friday ( , (By tiieOnlted Press.) Berlin, Aril 18. Reichstag leaders favoi tag a vigorous sub marine warf re oppose further concessions to America. The Kaiser supp rts the chancellor, -desiring to r aintain friendly re lations. Note to Reach Berlin ; :.;, . Frjday.. 1 ''" i.- (By ROBEOT J. BENDER, (United; Press tatf Correspondent) Washington. April 18. The note to Germany which makes, possible the breaking off of relations is complete. It will reach Germany Friday. The contents will be'iunknown until then. The President today conferred with Congress leaders. The Cabinet ap proved his action at tthe last meeting. The. President; is hopeful -of a peaceful outcome of the negotiations. The President and Secretary Lansing conferred today. , , Von Bernstorff and Lansing Confer. Washington, April 18.-HAmbassa- dor,.Von Bernstorff waked for a con ference with Secretary Lansing on the" S.ussex situation this afternoon. INVESTIGATION OF - 1 SISAL INDUSTRY Ordered by Federal Trade Commis sion Internationa Harvester Co. Accused -of Controlling Business Through Commisson in Mexico and Holding Up Yucatan Ship ments Washington Aprils 18. The Fede ral Trade Commission today ordered an investigation of irthe sisal indus try. . The InternaJJonal Harvester Company is accusad of controlling the industry, increasing prices, it is alleged, through aiYucatan commis sion' and holding 'fib shipments FISHERIES MEN MEET IN WILMIBGTON TODAY National Asspciabon of Commission ers Hold Annu 1 Convention Red field and Craig to Be Among the Speakers Man Coast States Re presented To isii : Hatchery and Army Post . (Special to e Free Press) Wilmington. C., April 18. The opening session f the. annual con- vemtion of tho ational Association Fisheries mmissioners was ning. The conven ugh Thursday. held here this mi tipn will last thy Scheduled to gpe&k during the three days are G&ernor Craig, May or Moore, Judge.W. P. Stacy, Ed. Chambers Smith J chairman of the North Carolina isheries Commis- sion; w. jucuon Lee of, Virginia; Deputy Commissi er H. F. iMoore, of the V. S. Bu u of Fisheries; Braytton A. Roun of Rhode Island; New Jersey; W. Maryland; John T. R. Hodges of George A. Matt H. Maltbie of Craft of Alabama Florida; Frederic L. Perry of Con- necticut; Joseph Hyde Pratt of North Carolina; Maryland; Henry epson Earle of D. S. Woodbury, member of the SM and Shore Tish- mes Commission;! George W. Field of ' Massachusetts H. L. Gibbs of North Carolina: AoL EV" E. Prince of Ottawa, Canadft Hon. William B . . Redfield, Secretarjfof Commerce, and others. . The fish hatcher! on Cape Fear ri ver and Fort Caswell will be visited on Thursday. fly Counter 'Attacks' Frenth; Assert Germans Havd Made No In; West, ... i Material Gain Berlin Report Different (By the United freu) , ! : London, April -18. The Turks have again defeated the Britlh expedition attempting to relieve tho besieged garrison at Kut-el-Ama. The Brit ish have been driven blck on the south bank -of the Tigas by Turk French Statement. Paris; April la. The tench today repulsed a German attack on Jtho e&st hank of the'Meuse. Germans in charges captured one reloubt. The cannonading coniinued. Josses have been; heavy on both sides Many German Captives. Berlin, April 18. The fear office today announced; the captflre of im portant French jpositiona liear Ver dun, and seventeen hundred prison' ers. - ' FOREST FIRE BURNING , OUT AROUND BElJlAYEN (By the Eastern Press) Belhaven, N. i q., April J 18. The forest fires which have raged un checked in this part of !the tate for days ai"e beginning to burn themscl- Driven " Back Here is a List of Contestants anPaHiatSchejdule, of Votes " DISTRICT No. 1 After the Capital prizes, two Max well Touring Car have Deen awara ed, this district W 1 receive one dia- mono ring, one Id watch and one bank account of 5. All others in this district who emain in the con- test until the cloi who do not win one of the above izes, and who com- ply with the nil wiu be paid a commission of 10 er cent ' DISTR T No. 1. Miss Sarah Dunn! Kinston . 16,200 Mrs. Susan Dunn( Kinston . , 8,600 Miss Barbara Ei ry, Kinston Zl.wv Miss Mary Farmf Kinston.. 26,700 Miss bessic Faul er, Kinston e.ouu Miss Sarah Faulkifcr, Kinston. 31,800 Mrs. Mamie FitzEaW. Kms'n 11,000 Miss Addie Fordl Kinston,. . y5.40fr Mrs. Coy Stroud( Kmton.... 37.00 Miss Barb. Andrtis, Kins... 34,300 Miss Bettie Barfild, Kins.. . 26,100 Miss Carrie L; BeajMey, Kinst'n 10,300 Mrs. Clara Boctont Kinston . . 41,(500 Mrs. Katie Bell, Kinston.... 5,400 MisS Maggie. Bissitt, Kins... 29,700 Miss Georgia Bisll,4 Kinston 11.700 Miss Nannie Blacflvell, Kins. 38,700 Miss Ada Bostic, Kinston .... 8,200 Mrs, Henry Brad aw, Kins. 26,200 Mrs. M. L. Braswel, Kins.. ... 29,300 Miss , Alma Broadfl Misa A. L.- Broadv ursi, iv.ins. 0,1. iw y Kinston, 5,400 Miss G. V.- Broadfay, Kins 17,100 O5,f00 Mrs. Laura Cumiilnirs, Kins, Mariarma LaRonut Kinston 6,000 Miss Carrie B. Co Kinston. 4300 Mrs. iF. L. HookerfKins..... 40.700 J Colby Abbott, lliiston. . . 3ra Mrs. W. . Morris.IKinston . . 44,700 Miss Kate Brown Kinston... 22,600 Miss Susie Canady,! Kinston . 38,800 Miss Lillie B. Cox, 24,100 Miss Stella Buck, KiiRton' 19,800 Elizabeth Copeland, IKinston. 19,100 Miss Dora Dlamon(U ,'Kins';. 45,600 Miss Katie Gaylor, funston.'. 8,200 Mariritirih (inodson. Kinston 19.800 Miss Lena Grady, Kfiston. .. 36,800 Miss Lois tirubbs K Alston., 38.7UU Miss Alice Hart, Kiteton ., 7,000 Mary Hartsfield, KiniJn .... 28,500 Miss Proosie Heath, Hinston. 41,700 Miss Scotia Hobgood,, Kinston, 6,500 Miss Delia Hywtt, K iston. . .45,300 Miss Lula Isler, Kinst n...... 6,700 Miss Mana Patrick, :inston 40,600 Miss Terry Mitchell, K iston. . 6,000 Miss Florence Moore, " Cinston 22,600 Miss Annie Nobles, K iston.. 21,400 Miss Daisy Outlaw, linston 20.700 Miss Eoline Padrick, IKinston 43,000 Miss Fanme Pollock, Kinston 6,000 Miss Roberta Pridgen, Kinston 19,100 Miss Mary Pridgen, ? fcinston 24,600 Miss Nannie Randolp Kins. 19.200 Miss Amanda Rhodes .Kins.. . 22,000 Miss Lillian Rowe, K liston , .15,500 Miss Lida Lee Rhodes IKinston 10,400 Miss Annie L. Scott, linston. 19,100 Miss Ruth Simmons Kington 21,000 Miss Rosa Simpson,! Kinston. 14,700 Miss Nannie StanleJ-1 Kins. : 44,700 Miss Annie Mepnen a, Kinston b.uuu Miss Maria Sutton, iinston. . 41,300 Miss Vana Sutton,? tinston, 6,000 Mm. Nora Tavlor. I tinston. 7.300 iBessie V. Tnorntonf Kinston. 28.600 Miss Jane Tilghma' " Kins... 4500 Miss Myrtle Tuckel , Kinston 5,600 Miss Julia Tyndal!t' Kinston.. 38,900 Miss Bettie Underh .1, Kinston 29,700 Miss Lona D. Werf.s, Kins... 37,500 Miss Katie Whitehf rst. Kinston 600 Miss CamHle Aldrl !ge; Kinston 6,400 Miss Evelyn Wat-s, fiinston 4200 Miss Daphne Waters, Kinston C.200 Miss Ella Hasketk Kinston . ". 8,400 ' . ' Planned by Perfcns Who Would Develop! Property North of Ci& Would ' Remove Near! Mansion , From End of sfrcet The development of hat. part of Vernon Heights lying A the north ern end of Queen atreelwill bo un dertaken soon, it is ewectod, The handsome brick horn on 'Sarahurst,' . D. T. Ed- the place of Mr. and M ward possibly will be nlovcd to face a contemplated- extensife of Queen street ' Chattanooga, ' TJnn., capital was several weeks ago aid to be in tfiiested in the property but no fur ther overtures have be i made to the owners, it is stated! If the Edwards house 9 moved, as seems likely, Queen strt will be opened up for a distancl of several blocks farther north, anJ there will probably be started one (g the finest, residential sections of thdicrty. ; The city authorities faior the ex tcrrion of Queen street d develop ment of the property, of lourse, but nc.tj-.ing oftlcial has been faid to the owners in the matter, and Wy action that may be taken will be$y the lat ter voluntarily, it. is said! ves out No new fires were report ed today, and the pall of Smoke that has hung over this town since Thursi day is lifting (this afternoon. . Herman Lalson, Kinston...'. 31,400 Mrs, Eva Cummings, Kinston 33,800 Miss Kyle llargett, Kinston.. 8,600 Mrs. J. Bi Leonard, Kins.. . 16,100 Miss Velml HU1, Kinston. . . . 28,600 Mr. Gordon! Boney, Kinstort. . 88,100 Mrs. M. L.1 McCullen, Kins.. . 24,600 Miss Victoja Bursell, Kinston 39,700 Miss Isabel Baily, Kinston... 2800 Miss Corinla Mial 18.100 Mrs. Claudl Smith .. 44,800 Miss JanielHardy 43,800 Miss Ruth)ail 17,100 Mr. Phillip! Brooks 28,900 Miss Lucyf Freeman ....... 39,700 MisS Allie;ffelle Gaynor. . . . . 36,600 Mrs. E. AABest 39,200 Miss May jflettinger .. ...... 26.70Q JtlSTRICT No. 2. " This dis$rict includes all territory outside of Mhe City of Kinston. After tfll .capital prizes, two Max well Tour ifg Cars have been award ed, this djltriet will receive one dia mond ring? one gold watch, and one Bank accolnt of $25. All others in this distriii, who remaiti in t he con test untilmhe close, who do not win one of thelibovo prizes and who com ely wilihflhe rules, will be paid a commissitfi of 10 per cent. Mrs. Mao Barwick, Seven i .v.W..... .,.. 39,700 Thompson, Seven . 10,200 Barwick. Seven . 21,300 Springs Mrs. Will Springs Mrs. Emt Springs Miss Lifi Snrintrl. . Outlaw, Seven 12,800 , Grady. Seven Miss Mipel Spring?.. . 41,700 Miss EiJ Stroud, Seven Spring, 10.900 Miss Lolitf House. Sev. Spgs.. . 38,200 Miss Gorlfude Grady, Seven SnrinffsFn. F. D. No. 1.... 28,800 Mrs. J, JiHarper, Deep Run 28,000 Mrs. Lulalplizzard, Deep Run 23,700 Mrs. Annkrstroua, ieep nun, R. F. IVJ-'o. 2 : 81,000 Mrs. Addk?!Boyett. Deep Run, R. F. I No. 2 ............ 26,000 Miss Sue Davis, Logo Run, R. F. D $o. 2 19,100 Miss Tiffitty Hill, Deep Run, ' R. F, ilI tNo. 2 ,.. 43,200 Mrs. Mild iju Outlaw,, Kenans- ville . i.. ........ ... 28,600 Misa Jim? Je Karnegay, Ken- ansvillep .......... .... i , . 34,500 Mrs. Nail "y Smith, Kenans- ville . J. 14,700 Mrs. Maf P. Russoll, Fort BarnwifU 38,100 Mrs. R W. Lamb, Fort Barnwf f . , 2800 Miss Stllie. French, Fort- 'BarnwI I A .............. . 19,600 Miss Anff'Ruth Joyner, Fort Barnw I . .... 24,600 Miss Su ,ie Cox, Bichlands. . 9,100 Miss Bo a , K. Basden, Rich-Elands f 28,600 Mrs. Jn R. Shaw, Richlands 43,300 Mrs. S. e Sadler, Richlands 15,600 Mrs. D. 5. Pickford, Richlands, - R. F. X No. 2 28,100 Miss Jo pphine Whaley, Rich lands. B. F. D. No. 2 19,200 Miss K tie Sanderson, Rich- lands JR. F. D. No. 2 ..... 2300 Mrs. R W. Hill, Comfort, R. No. 1 15.400 F. D Mrs. T. nmie Koonce, Comfort, R. F U. No. 1 21,300 '3 Eubanks. Comfort,' Miss h . F D. No. 1 24,700 rtie Hardy, Snow Hill 5,400 Pridgen, Snow Hill, R. Mrs. 1 Mrs. I ntinued on rag Two; 7f Yoiln Jewish Merchant Died Early Tjiis Morning Front ' Revo ver Bullet Wound Self -Wefense to Be Plea of Isailant Harry. Stein, shotlby Margaret Partello in her Soutli Kinston house on a night late in Mirch, died about 1 a. m. today in Piyrott Memorial Hospital, where he been confined since the shooting. &s stated in Monday's Free Press Stein was im proving from his woind an abdom !nal puncture from afrevolver bullet until Sunday, when! a change for .he. worse occurred. Stein was well-known in the city. He was an installment dealer with a fairly large business;! was a native of Russia and has natives in Rus sia and this country. lie waa prob- ably SO years of age His parents live in Russia, and he Bias a brother in the medical servicl of the army of that country, thoug to le an of ficer, now a prisoner it Austria, v Margaret Partello, a lvoman appar ently about 25 or 26 : ears of age, not bad looking and of etter address snd appearance than nost of ner class, was held under ;uard at City Hall this morning. S a was under $1,000 bail also, fixed some time ago. She shot Stein- after ie had kicked, beaten and choked her, she stated, following the shooting; she declared thai she held no enmity, for the man, that, in fact, he had promised to mar ry her in the summer. Self-defense wi'l be her plea. If Stein. made an ante-mortem statement assuming the blamedwhich cahnot be determined Uday' "becnuHeJIaf the absence "bt "hlrfl physiiciant ur.iJ. M. Parrott, from the city tho vlman will probably : be given her freedom. ".Margaret Par tello, in oae statement, said Stein npproached Jier with a knife, and that site " shot following his declaration tha' he intnded to kill her. ' The JewiSh congregation took the remains ofsStein in charge today. The funerauwill be held at 10 a. m. Wednesday, the Jewish ritual service being hold iiit the Queen Street syn agogue and interment following in the Jewish cemetery in Southeast Kinston. He jwas a member of the Fire Department, Woodmen of the World and Mgaons, and members of those organizations are' requested to rffer tleir semiees for the custom ary death watca over the body in the synagogue tonight. CONTESTANTS BECOME MORB ENTHUSIASTIC New Contestants Entering Mon day's Report ridicates An Exciting Week 40,000' "J5xtra Votes Make Work Hardet " . t "- .Y' y ; f :,' .'-'.-V .'i;V'.j With the closing of the Honor Roll last Saturday Ivening several , ticw names were adfled to the opportuni ty list of the Dillly Free Press' great contest. Some !f them have assum ed high Importfeo at the very start of the campaisfci This shows that there is no limtt,'. to the interest that one's friends vbH take in your be half in the con jpkt When one stops to consider thafjii very few subscrip tions will give K great many thous- and votes it ca be readily seen wKh what ease thisTgreat battle of wal lots can be wfged and won. , Even now one can Ifttcr the contest and soon win a hi position., Tho work that has beenfcjone so far has been spread out ovir such a large terri tory and divided among so many con testants that tny one can soon place themselves at the head of the lisi;. There are itv.jt touring cars that are awaiting thef pinners i at the end of the contest o the 13th of May. You can get one Jm them iffyou wish it. We have gjien you the wishbone wllh which Ito wish, but you must furnish the Backbone to win. -House-to-Hfiise Canvass. It is tin for each contestant to start a syflematic campaign. Here tofore' thefefTorts of the contestants Confnued on page four) Plenty of iJamaica Ginjrer 'Lemon Extract, and Spfrits Nitre' SIX IBIPffiARILY INSANE From Dri king 100-Can ' dlepower ope, Accord- ing to cials Little Drops of rugs, . Oceans of Alcohol1 By applying t one of several drug stores or umeroux edge-of- town groceries a: securing "Jama f nitra or "es e may get drunk ica ginger, spin sence of lemon,' as a lord for abou 20 cents. Recor- der T. C. Wooten nd members of the police force sa so. Tnese things are put up with mulas: , m, . Gingerr Alcohol, e following for- 1 1-2 per ,cent. extract of ginger, at 6 2-3 per cent. Spirits of Nitre: llcohol, 92 per cent; "other in sent ' ' Jients," 8 per I Alcohol, about . Essence of lemon 70 per cent; "othe ingredients," about 30 per cent ' "It is against the law to sell these things with more than enough alco hol to actually preserve the mediclh- ' al or culinary ingredients," : Judge . Wooten declared , today, "and some ,r body's going to get in jail," Druggists, if there are any violat ing the law, as tha Recorder, says, "know better; the grocers, most of them at least, cannot be expected to know better." A case of one of the articles was ' seized from a North Kinston ' mad several days' ago. : The police that - he was drunk from it Hie war con- victed and fined and appealed. . He " declared the seizure of Bis foods an - . outrage and talked of arclaim of de- livery to recover it Til I, theyH . . do anything 'to you up therel" he is. . alleged to have said, cignmenting on' tho to him unfair tmatment he had received. The samf man is offli cially stated to have threatened W take his own life and mat of a well- known quack medlcmePdealer in the ' city Monday night m A South Queen strait watchmaker admitted to officials lata Monday that he was suffering fro: :"ilIumanation" from alleged essence lemon. "He was yellow!" and felt bad! and aoted i .;'j;'S,,;5ji:' less than r six like a house afire! There are today n m"n in Kinston tern ?rarily insane from "extract of . lemon-" ; "Jamaica ginger", and "splritsof nitre,", the authorities say. Tw drinks of the stuff, diluted, with soda ? drink, are good for a BmalKized j&g and a large-sized headache rttwo bottles, or four drinks, will mato one hate hii poor old grandpapa: An agent of a cerpin Pennsylvan ia manufacturing consent is going to dt time on- tho Toads of Lenoir coun ty, North Carollna,and some , at that unless he watenes his step, ac cording to Judge Wooten. The per son suspected is believed ' to have "stocked up" a nunracr of ihe amall groceries in the outlying , parts of town with the so-foiled drugs and cooking extracts. :- FIVE KILLED, IANY , ' HURTINTflECKAT BRADRD, CONNT (By the United Press) New Haven, ConnH, April 18.-MFive passengers were killed, three of them burned beyond recognition, and 31 in jured in a collision etween two pas senger trains at Bradford station last night The cause fs unknown. Four coaches and the passenger and the freight stations wre burned. .. ( " i. I.:": ; ' ' ' . If the name of our favorite can- didate does not appeal" on the list, nominate him c hor. ,: The blank for that purpose , is (h another rage, .4 S