THE KINSTON FREE PRESS PAGE TWO THE DAILY FREE PRESS H, Gait Braxton. Editor and Manager Published Every Day Extent Sunday by the Kinston Fw .Praia Co, Inc, Kinston, N. C Subscription Kates Parable In Advancei Dm Week .10 Three Montha ....... 1-00 One Month M Six Montha ......... LOO One Year 14.00 Communication! received and not published will not be returned unlets stamps to cover pottage accompany same. NEW YORK OFFICE--38 Park Row, Mr. Robert W. Sykes. Jr., in sole charge of Eastern Department Mail should be addressed to him, car of R. 0. Mulligan. Fllea of Free Preea can be seen, WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be aeen. . Entered at the postofflce at Kinston. North Carolina, as m VL.SBAVa'a econd-class matter under act oi tangress, Marco a, iotv ' 11.- CI- V M a.itia.tttara IM MIT1lfatjlt t(l Call West- Alicr OU 4 M. puuniivKi. - - -1 - - arn Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, ii eompismt mu umvra P. M, without cost to subscriber. . , TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 25, 191 The Greensboro Daily Record la showing many changes and improvements under ita new management, and Its editorial columns reflect the refreshing touch of Colonel Fairbrother. We note with Interest that the Colonel has expandod his columns to twenty ma end he assigns aa lila reasons for so doing, his desire not to appear narrow-minded. His friends who have been reading his say ings In Everything will not need this further evidence of his broad gauge. ; ; Our New Bern Sun friends evidently didn't enjoy their Easter celobration, judging from the following clipping from their columns of Saturdays , 'Monday morning, bright and early, General Bill Collector will start out for ft fresh eJttack. and when he finishes, the old Man 1s go ing to be cleaned out." It appears that the 'general" should have at least been considerate enough of our brethren of the quill to have postponed his visit until the first of the month; end thus have let the poor fellows wear tho new off their apring duds. . The Free Press notes with pleasure that the Scotland Neck Commonwealth has recently entered the semi-week-8y field. According to the Commonwealth's announce ment, there are now only two aemi-wecklles published In the Second congressional district. We were not sware that The Semi-Weekly Free Press had had tho distinc tion of being tho only eml-weekly in the district before the conversion of the Convmonwoalth, . We congratulate Editor Carroll and wish' for him success in his larger undertaking. 0 Judge D. II. Bland o the County Court of Wayne yesterday sentenced a prominent and well-to-do merchant of Coldsboro to term of six months on the road for having too much .whisky in his possession. , The mer , chant pleaded guilty when Arraigned and asked .for the mercy of the Court die was charged with having Ave hundred quarts. The Judge is to be commended in hav ing imposed a road sentence and not a heavy fine, which, if reports as to the financial responsibility of the de fendant are correct, would have been no hardship what soever on him. Too often the rich lawbreakers escape with a fine when the poor and fricndlssa, who are per ' haps" not so guilty, have to do time for the State. The road sentence imposed without discrimination regardless of whether the defendant is white or black, rich or poor, where convicted of violating the prohibition law Is the most effective means of enforcing the law and getting far it proper respect The people of North Carolina have gone on record by a very large majority in outlawing whisky and those who persist in defying the will of thi peopla should pay tho price. t MR. MITCHELL'S CANDIDACY, vTbt announcement of Honorable Clingman W. Mitchell of .Berti&s VcahdidaU for the Democratic nomination from the Second Congressional District, to succeed Ma jority Foor Leader Kitchin, came as a surprise -to the people of the Second District. Some of Mr. Mitchell's close friends and advisers ware acquainted with his plan f o oppose Mr. Kitchin, but there was no widespread Information that be was to be a candidate. His entry nevertheless, becomes a material factor la the race. Mr. Kitchin ao recognizes it , Mr. Mitchell is a prosperous farmer, merchant and man of affairs.- He Is a prominent churebmsn, has repre sented his county in both branches o' ltaU Legis lature and Is generally recognized : ae State's beit men. He is a strong and pleati 'JCMbb' Mr. Mitchell bases his campaign on his sympathy wi'h the policies of the Wilson edmtn'strat'on with whiv'U he claims to be Is entire accord. He believes that the Se cond District should be represented by a man who ia In accord with the Administration, and his campaign, based upon that Issue, will have Instant attention and support not on':y by the people of the Second District, but throughout the State and Nation. When Mr. Kitchin first announced his opposition to the Administration's preparedness policy, The Free Press, though i egret: ing his inability to line up with Mr. Wil son, felt that Mr. Kitchin's constituents should not criti cize him too harshly because he could not support Mr. Wilson in one particular instance. Although this paper recognized at the outset, In view of the fact that Mr. Kitchin was Majority IFloor Leader and the prepared ness issue was the vital one before the American pub lic, that he was in a most unfortunate attitude, it did not agree with the view of eome of hia critics that he should resign as Floor Leader. , It has developed, how ever, that Mr. Kitchin was not only opposed to the pre paredness program but to the Administration's solution of practically every other vital Issue before the Ameri can people. The Free Press believes that the large majority of the people of the Second District as It believes is the rase with reference to the people of, the entire country are supporting President Wilson and have been out of sympathy with the anti-administration stand of tho rep resentative from this District Whether, the voters will consider Mr. Kitchin's attitude upon questions so vital to the Nation as sufficient to warrant hia retirement in fa vor of Mr. Mitchell, of course, is a matter to be determin ed, but there is mo question that the race will be a battl royal. . - 00,800 64,700 17,100 03,200 51,000 04,100 03,000 28,100 20,100 29,400 47,100 69,100 7,900 68,900 WHAT OTHERS SAY MORE SAGES NEEDED. , tJ Wilmington Star; "Thomas Jefferson . said that "all men are born free and equal,," but eome men who are not Thomas Jeffersons don't know what he meant. If they did, we would have a few more sages than we have. What we need is a sage or two like Jefferson." : ; . .. a BACK TO NATURE. , ' ' "i - , , ' Everything: "The shoe men tell us that shoes will soon go to $10 a pair. Why not hike back to Nature? Men were never made to wear shoes. Why the toe nail? That was given man to help him .climb trees. The shoe has pinched and dwarfed his foot but the toe nail still lingers, Sometimes it grows In. Sometimes it is a nuisance, but Nature, knowing that the time would come when shoes would be scarce has saved the toe nail in order that men may hike back to the bare-footed days of the long ago. Therefore, beloved, better go barefooted this sum mer and get your feet toned up for a bare-footed winer. Because when shoes go to ten dollars many of us will cut 'em out." .;)' BETTER HOPEWELL PAPER. , Richmond Virginian: "The consolidation of the two Hopewell papers, the News and the Daily Press, is an nounced and the first issue of the News and Press will be published today from the offices of the Southern Printing Company of this city, Few. cities a year old can boast ne daily paper. But Hopewell has had two and both ory good and creditable papers. t: "In consolidating the two properties it is intended to noke one better paper than either of the two could have ieen mailej In a temporary organization of the consoli la ted company Mr. John L. Vaughan has been made pres ident, iMr. Richard Bauer, vice-president, and Mr. J. T. Ellis, secretary-treasurrv Mr. Wise WarriU will be edi tor and Judge Alden Bell, associate editor J. B. Withers, business managerand C. A. Alorgancirculation mana ., "We wish and predict for Hopewell's new paper a bright future. May the News and Press and Hopewell 'ontinue to grow together." A.C.L SPECIIAL RATES. I28.S5 Saratoga Springs, N. Y. and return. . J . Account General Conference Meth odist Church, tickets on sale April 27, 28, May 9 and 16, good to return , until June 6. .$18.05 Philadelphia, Pa., and return. .- Account General Conference A. M. E. Church, tickets on sale April 29, ;30, May 1, limited to June 4, 1916. '$1L10 AaheTill. N. C, and return. ' ' Account Southern Baptist Conven ; tkm, tickets on sale May 13th ' to 1 17th, icclasive, limited until May 31. 'Extension of final limit may be ob Ttalned until June 15 by deposit of ticket with authorized agent and pay ment of fee of $1.00. '$13.15 Birmingham, Abu, and return, f I Account United Confederate Vet erans Reunion. Tickets on sale May 13-17, inclusive, limited Until May 25, '$30.03 Orlando, fW and return. Account of General Assembly, Presbyterian church, tickets on sals 'May 15-19, inclusive, good to return i until June 3."' " s ATLANTIC COAST LINE T. e ftandird Railroad of the South D. J. VAED, Ticket Agent . ' VOTE COUPON " '." GOOD FOR 50 VOTES '.' For ....... Address ....v..;........, NOT GOOD AFTER MAY 1 V , This coupon should be neatly clipped out.' filled up with name and . address of the person for whom you wish to vote, and forwarded by mail or otherwise to the ofCre of the FREE PRESS CONTEST DE PARTMENT, in the WHITAKER BUILDING, KINSTON, N. C NOMINATION BLANK 5- GOOD FOR 5.000 VOTES I Nominate Street.. Oty... Nominated by , . . . Address In The Daily Free Press' Golden FestlvaL Only the first nomina Uon blank seat la foreach candidate will be counted. Must be clipped ut neatly and sent er brought to the Contest Department. ; KINSTON FREE PRESS COMPANY - , HERE IS X LIST OF v, THE CONTESTANTS (Continued from psge 1) Miss Julia Tyndsll, Kinston.. 47.800 Miss Bettie Underbill, Kinston 29,700 MUs Lona D. Weeks, Kinston 44,700 Miss Kstie WhiUhurst Kins.. 68.800 Miss Camilla Aldridge, Kins. 27.100 Mws Kvelyn Waters, Kinston 62,200 Miss Ella Haskett. Kinston.. 3,000 Hermnn Lawson, Kinston . . .66,400 Mrs. Eva Cumraings, Kins... 47.700 Miss Kyle Hargett, Kinston.. 8,600 Mrs. J. B Leonard, Kins.., 39,700 Miss Velma Hill, Kinston..,, 43,300 Mr. Gordon Boney, Kinton. 67.800 Mrs. M. L. McCullen. Kins... 24,600 Miss Victoria Bursell, Kins.. 60,500 Miss Isabel BaUy, Kinston... 2800 Mrs. Claude Smith .. ... Miss Janie Hardy Miss Ruth Dail Mr. Phillips Brooks Miss Lucy Freeman .. . Miss Ailie Delle Gaynor . Mrs. E. A. Bes t Miss May Oettinger Miss Susan Phillips Siss Susan A. Msrtin . . Min Lillia Smith. Leon . Miss Lottie Whitfield. Leon Mrs. Inda Deaver, Leon .. Mn. Jav Smith. Leon Miaa Mattie Kennedy. HalUville, R. F. D. 4 i... 65,300 Miss Gertrude Maxwell, Re- saca ... ........... 67,100 Mra. Don. Maxwell, Resaea. 38,300 Mrs. Swannie Mewborne, La- , MUs Ren Elmore, LaGrange 41,700 Mrs. iJeslie Creech, LaGrange 32,600 Mrs. Fsnnie Rouse, LaGrange, R. F. V., No. 1 29.900 Mrs. Eva Carljsle, LaGrange, R. F. D. No. 1 26,300 Miss Ruth Dail, LaGrange, R. F. D. .. 69,100 Miss Lucy Herring, LaGrange, R. F. D. No. 1 21,200 Miss Mittie Harrison, La Grange. R. F. D. 5 48,100 Miss Roberta Aldridge, La Grange, R. F. O. 5 68,700 Miss Doll Waters, LaGrange R. F. i). No. 6 28,100 Mrs. Ada Newspm, LaGrange, R. F. D. No. 2 21,700 Mrs. George Taylor, LaGrange, VR. D. No. 2 69,900 Miss Glennie Britt, LaGrange R. F. D. No. 2 64,500 Mrs. Minnie Craft, Walston burg .. 6,000 Mrs. Sarah Jones, Walston burg .. 19,400 Miss Fannie Mercer, Walston burg .. 63,200 Miss Murtie Rouse, Walston burp .. 10,400 Mrs. Mary Ramsey, Trenton.. 12,800 Miss Lou Dougherty, Trenton 65;300 Miss Lillian Haywood, Tren ton,1,. '...,. v.... ..,.'28,300 Miss ' Nannie Scarborough, Gralngerst R. F. D., Kin ston H700 Mrs. Daisy Speights, Grain gers, R. F. D., Kinston... i 38,700 Mrs. Lillian Worthington, Graingers, R. F. D. 68,900 Mrs. Mary Heath, Kinston. R. Miss Theresa Kilpatrick, Kin F. D. No. 6 ;.. 68,900 rM rs. Annie Daugherty, Kin ston, K. F. V. PJo. b....,.l,4UU Miss Elvis Sutton, Kinston, ston, R. F. D. No. 6 59,100 Miss May Stroud, Kinston, R. F. iD. No. 5 26,100 Miss Sadie Waller, Kinston. R. F. D. No. 5 68.3U0 Mrs. J. K. Rouse. Kinston. R, F. D. No. 18,200 Mrs. Minnie L. Tyndall, Kin ston, R. F. D. No. 6 ...... 19,100 Miis Glenn Gray. Kinston, R. F. D. No. 2 ............. 43,100 Mrs. Ashley Mercer, Halls- , ville . . 28,200 Mrs. Auther Whitfield, Halls- . ville'.. .... ......... ,24,500 Miss Luia Ouinn. Hallsville. 6,000 Miss 'Sudie Thomas, Hallsvle. 29,100 Mr. Willie Grady, Seven Spgs., - R. F. D. 1 64.400 Miss Lucille Brown, Ayden. 66,100 Miss Gennio P. Taylor, K. t , V. . No. 2, Kinston .... ....... 18,900 Mrs. S. H. Grant, R. F. D. No. S .. 13,100 Mrs. Martha Colie, K. F. U No. ....ii.. 31,000 Mrs. J. R. Gray. R.F.D. 1.. 19,300 Violet Adkinson. R. F. D. 1. 27,200 Mrs. Ada Phillips, R. F. U-l. 65,200 Miss Lucy A. Cauley, R. 4 ..19,000 Miss yilian Isler. R. F.- D. 4 48,300 Mrs. M. A. Miller, R.F.D. 7.. 28,100 Miss Delia Gooding, B.F.D 7 69,700 Mrs. H. M. McDonald, K. F. V. No. 7 10,900 Miss Sue M. Nobles, Trenton 37,600 Miss Laura Eobmson, ; Deep Run" . i. .. 68,200 Misa Ethel Ives R. F. D. 4.. 13,000 Misa Sallie Williams. Kenans ville .. 19.100 Miss Gladie Simmons, Albert- ' son .. . 24,100 Mr. H. L. Pate, La Grange, R. F. D. 3 65100 Granire : . ............... 41,700 Mary Williams, Kenansville. 32,700 Miss r annie Elmore, Kout s, LUrange .. ex.vuo Mrs. Chester Houston, Kenans ville '.) .........s., ...... 39,100 Mrs. J. H. Fields. Fields Sta tion -j. 48,100 Sallie Meastey, LaGrange. . . 67,100 Dorothy Taylor. La Gran are.. 62,700 Lizzie Ussell, LaGrange .... 19,100 Miss Inez Smitiiwick, La- Granee 3830 Violet Howard. LaGrange . . 33,200 Lois Sutton, La Grange, K. F. 'D. .; v.....l..,.s;....i 47.300 Mrs,; Ernest Jackson, Dover, R. F, D. ; .... . ..... ...... 64400 Mrs. Jno, Griffin, Dover R.D.' 62,100 Miss Fleta Marshburn, Dover 63,400 Miss Aileen Jones, Snow Hill 68,300 Miss Minnie Aswell, Snow Hill 53,100 Miss liattie Wells, R. 2, Ken- - ansvaie 40.700 Miss Minnie Grady. Albertson 20,300 Misw Johnnie fatnek, bnow HU1 69,100 DISTRICT No. S. This district includes all territory outside of the City of Kinston. - After, the capital prizes, two Max well Tourinsr Cars have been award ed, this district will receive one dia mond ring, one gold watch, and one Bank account of $25. All others in this district who remain in t he con test until the close, who do not win one of the above prizes and who com ply with the rules, will be Taid a commission of 10 per cent .- , airs. Mawi carwiCK, v , oeven , Sprmrs .. 63.400 Mrs. Emma Barwick, Seven Sprinw . ...(.,.... . -. 43,700 Miss Lula Outlaw. Seven Spnnes 61.700 Miss Mabel .Grady, , Seven Springs .-53,100 Misa Effie Stroud, Seven " Springs .. r ....10,900 Mis Lola Rouse, Sev. Spgs... 38,200 Miss Gertrude Grady, Seven , ! Springs, R. F. D. No. l ,V.. 67,700 Mrs. J. J. Harper, Deep Run 28,000 Mrs. Lula Blizzard, Deep Run 45,800 Mrs. Annie Stroud, Deep Run, R. F. D. No. 2 49,100 Mrs. Addie Boyett, Deep Run, . R. F. D. No. 2 26,000 Miss Sue Davis, Icp Run, R. F. D. No. 2 19,100 Misa Tiffany Hill, Deep Run, R. F. D. No. 2 68,100 Mrs. Mildred Outlaw, Kenans ville 28.600 Miss Jimmie Kornegay, Ken ansville 49.900 Mrs. Nancy Smith, Kenans ville 28,300 Mrs. Mary P. Russell, Fort Barnwell 64,100 Mrs. R. W. Lamb, Fort Barnwell . . 54,700 Miss Sallie French, Fort Barnwell 28,100 Miss Amy Ruth Joyner, Fort Barnwell 24,000 Miss Sudie Cox, Richlands. . . . 21,300 Miss Bona K. Basden, Rich lands .. 28,600 Mrs. Jlno, R. Shaw, Richlands 64,100 Mrs. Si Lee Sadler, Richlands 58,400 Mrs. D. E. Pickford, Richlanas, R. F. D. No. 2 28.100 Miss Josephine Whalev, Rich lands. R. F. D. No. 2 49,900 Miss Katie Sanderson. Rich lands, R. F. D. No. 2 23,200 Mrs. R. W. Hill, Comfort, R. F. D. No. 1 25,300 Mrs. Tonunie Koonce, Comfort, - R. F. 1). No. 1 21,300 Miss Eula Eubanks, Comfort, R. F. I). No. 1 44,300 Mrs. Bertie Hardy, Snow Hill 5,400 Mrs. L. Pridgen, Snow Hill, R. - F. D 28,100 Miss Dorothy Bass, Kinston, R. D. 2 .. .,49,300 Mrs. J. F. Jones. R. F. D.. No. 3, Snow Hill 5,600 Mrs. W. H. Hill, R. F. D., No. 3, Snow Hill 41,700 Miss Glenn Suprgs, R. F. D. No. 2 Snowvllill 66,800 Miss Lottchen Hill, R. F. D. No. 3, Snow Hill 1130 Mrs. Clayton Johnson, Ayden R. F. D. 3 . 31.400 Miss Lula May Southarland, Albertson . . , 48,500 Miss Emma Grady, Albertson 38,600 Mrs. J. K. Sutherland, Al bertson 41,000 Mrs. Verda B. Graay, Albert son, R. F. D. 61,100 Miss Mabel Herring, Mt. Olive 5,400 Mrs. Lula Waller, Mt. Olive 42,000 Mrs. Nora Outlaw, Mt Olive 28,300 Mias Mattie Outlaw Mt Olive R. F. D. No. 6 24.100 Mrs. J. W. Worley, Pink Hill 41,700 Mrs. J. R. Miller, Pink Hill.. 10,400 Miss Conner Jones, Pink Hill 69.100 Miss Carrie Davis, Pink Hjll 63,200 Miss Lula Tyndall, Pink Hill 67,700 Miss tiertrude Howard, ' Pink Hill . . 61,800 mrs. YYinniirea Howard, JPink Hill .... .................. 19,800 Mrs. E. Maxwell, Pink Hill.. 69.400 Mrs. Stella Smith, Pink Hill. 6,500 miss Tessie UMooies, rink Hill 28,300 airs, viauaie carraway, Hook er ton , . 28,600 ours, u Xj. Edwards, Hooker- ton .. 23,100 Mms.ivina iay auggs, uook- erton .. 64,100 miss rauimo Meadows, ctom- fort, R. F. D.. No. 1 .. .. . 21,400 Miss Bettie Heath, Comfort 40,700 Mrs.. Maud Basdin. Comfort. 42.000 Miss Sallie Kinsr. Comfort 55.200 Mrs. Joseph Basden, Comfort 41,700, wrs. u. 1. uardner, Unfton. 6,000 Mrs. G. ,T. Gardner, Grifton. 29,100 Miss Blanch Tucker, Grifton. .31,600 Miss Sallie Causley, Grifton R. F. D 28,700 Miss Rosabel Taylor, Grifton, R. F. D. 68,300 Misa Bettie Rouse, R. F. D., La Grange 41,000 Miss Annie Benton, R, F D., La Grange 8,900 Miss Jesse Kennedy, R. F. D., LaGrange 47,100 Miss Kate Rollings, R. F. D., La Grange .12,200 Mrs. Fannie Morris, R. F. D., LaGrange .51,300 Mrs. Vich Hardison, R. F. D. LaGrange . . 63,200 Mrs. Bessie Joyner, R. F. D, La Grange ............... 7,500 Mrs. Sallie White, R. F. D., LaGrange 31,700 Miss Lena Harris. Winterville 40.700 Miss Emily Bagley, Graingers 42,200 Miss Mattie McAuther, Grain gers . . 18.100 Mrs; D. Pittman, Graingers .. 27,100 Miss iora Miller, Hallsville. . 16,300 Miss Nannie Rhodes, Hallsvle 54,700 Mrs. Dan Mitchell, Aria 6,100 Mrs. J. C. Dawson, Hanra-6 han . . 28.300 Miss Helen McLawhorn, Han- 1 rahan . .29,100 Miss Agnes McLawhorn, Han rahan K son Mrs. Will Forrest Greenville 18.400 Miss Minnie Rives, Greenville 64,100 Prescription for Eczema for 15 years the utandard nnmti for nil .kin : diaetuc. A liqnid uxed externally, instant . relief ftvm itch. (Ac, SOcnd Yonr money . back if th flrat bottle rlor. nnt krin v,u relief. Ak alto about D. D. Soap - J. E. HOOD & CO., C.B.WOODLEY,M.D Office treatment of Rectal and Skin Diseases a Specialty. , Temporary Office ia Hood Building. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAY, SPECIAUST Ia Diseases ef Women & Children ; Office Hours: 10 to 12. - ' " Office: 107 West Caswell Street "'.V- -" PHONE 118. '".: It. J. iMse. : Edward K . Lama Kiaatoa, N. C Goldsbof N. G BOUSE & LAND .1 riORNEYS-AT-LAW - -, iV" Oflceai . Ktastaa, . C, Golds bor. . H. tii-tn Borfiea BeiUIag " M a - m 4 TEMPLE DRUG CO.. " ' INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kfnstcn Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 182 (Next to Pos toff ice) FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1S1 Capital and Surplus, $160,000 " . STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted i By Patronizing the . FmST NATIONAL BANK N. J. ROUSE, President DR. HENRY TULL, VIce-Prest D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier v J. J. BIZZELL, Asst Cashier .... . i T. W. HEATH, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy DIRECTORS S. H. Isler , . N. J. Rouse C. Felix Harvey David Oettinger BL E. Moaeley: ;;.vvy 'fi.'-r BARACA PHILATHEA CONVENTION GOLDSBORO, N. C, Low Round Trip Fares Via Norfolk-Southern '''., :. : . -"X-tMXtm.:m::-iM v April 26, 27, 28 Good Returning Until JVIay 1, 1016. Ask thr Ticket Agent. "V T J. F. MITCHELL, , . " ' ' ' f-'i . Traveling Passenger Agent, - . Raleigh N;i,; II. S. LEARD, ' " " : General Passenger. .Agent,, , v , Norfolk, T. ' ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? If so, it will pay you tov inspect our complete line of building materials be fore making your purchases, i We car ry only the best grades, and sell them at reasonable prices. - ; . ' ; '' ,,: r. 7 1 1 .a ' Alpha Portland Cement..... - a Washington Lime r r . t 4 Acme Plaster ' , I r;, j y De Voe's Paints Jr ; Sash, Doors, and Blinds ; ! And all that is required to complete a , . building. v i i. W. Caoady ,z Son 3:

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