! PMEE 11 lixiL 11 w THE IPE PAPEB 11 M THE WEATHER Unsettled VOL. XVII. No. 288 KINSTON, N. c( SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1916 SECOND EDITION 6 PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS UNITEII STATES WOULD LIKE ESTABLISH A A THOUSAND CASES BIG lilllly OF SINN GRADUATING CLASS COMPRISES NEARLY SCORE yuNG FOLKS GERMAN OFFICIALS EXPECTED PROTECTORATE OVER NOR HERN PART TRIED f THE CIT1 FEIN M CUT OFF PERSONAL EXPRESSIONS OF MEXICO, SCOn MAY HINT INCOHERENCE COURT FISCAL YEAR BY BRITISH TROOPS AMERICA WITH REPLY OF PRESS FRIENDSHIP EMPEROR nown 10 e upposed to Proposition, However More Thai Sixteen Thous and Doljrs Collected In e Year Obregon -America WUlKeiuse to Withdraw Troops and Will Ask fol Use of Railroads and Othlr Facilities Both Nations! Prepare for War Which Would Follow Un satisfactory Ending of Meeting at Sending More Troops North De Un nnnA ti , , xias vmvv men in riein Against wer. Scott Mostly Will Dwell On Co-on g. uarez-Carranza MJUUIUI FUD WELL cto Government shing's 16,000- Has Had Something Over $2,100 With Another Day to Rui Ministers and Women! Approve Court, ition (B j E. T. CONKLE, United Press Staff jCorrespondent) M Palo, April 29. Refusal to wlhdraw the troops ana a suggestion tnat use ot the railroids and other facil ties be granted the Americans, will befamon? Scott's nro posals to Dbregon today, the indicatiAs were this morn ing. Ihef Administration even would welcome an invi- Lii by judg tation to establish a protectorate ovel Northern Mexico night, win sj until the pandits are exterminated, lfaving the Carran- received in zistas'tret rein to clean un their foesain the smith. Oh- total of 750 regon is Ifiown to be opposed to the litter proposition. Meanwhile the mobilizing of troopl by both sides for a showdown continues. The Americans have approxim ately sixtlen thousand men inside Melico. The Carran zistas ara garrisoning Chihuahua ani Sonora States. They nunjfoer about forty thousand, lnstrilbtis to Scott From Washington. Washington, April 29. In the conference with Gen oral Obregon, General Scott is authori&d to propose that the Ameflcan troops move northwari while the Mexi cans purstte the Villistas in the south. I He was instruct ed not t Says ttfb Judge The annu report of the Record er's lourt, t be made to Citv Coun- T. C. Wooten uMondav w that the county has rviee of convict labor a onths, valued at $8 per month, a totW of $6,000. The city has received during the year as cost! paid in, ? 5.604,04. The schofd fund has received w $4,548.85. fc The aggrejpte is $16,152.89 so far. Appeals to Superior Court which might lose wSuld iiring the figures up some, possibhr several hundred dol lars I About l,0(fi cases have been dis posed of. Tftere has been one case treat on the withdrawal proposal, but to tell bl'Jude wften's court formg the ObreSTOn ahat this matter must hp tlkpn thrniip-h tVip 12 moh every dozen persons nQ'ial rUrflrmntir rVi cmrmlc Q-ff'o nv&nva rJ-.ol Tr,'fV. n Kinston! s l J 4 1. 1 V .liUlllll.in. L Ii.lLL -1 III 1X1 llt-1l Willi 1 II I Hp is inarmM-prl in prnnV.oKi'zp flia rooc fnr and in Mexfco. He has been " T 1 ; ; 21 fpll (ihrfirrnn Vijf AmamKa iMrill Vrrlr nr fin. W operations it, both fer its effect here The Recorder will recommend that ordered ther bon said Obri Juarez, iiroifi EoUftS MRIVE WAS ;D BY CROWN PRINCB LAST NIGHT Germans Attacked Heavily On Bo Mei Banks of the e, Says Paris MORE THAN A FIFTH PER DIEM i French tions Two the Tel War a 1 TI.'!fi4 . 11. I p . - - , 1 ------ - smury. yvhb, a reasoname ' salary ;r outrages, btate Denartmant advices todav Ua u ,a kq ..j i w X K 1 I VIIV .lUJf U V 3 VU JVC-toll on has asked that the conference be held at $1,200. Judirff Woolen savs. 55olici- iich was granted. I lor Shaw, according to figarea ia the port, ftas received more than $2,100 jet ft few $10s more ealed. mendations will be: e elected to the court es, collect all money court," etc., and that ents in each case 'be the clerk and "save ty." That "the juns- itory of the court be ja rural policeman in In other words, that ade a county court. der's salary, accord ing to the workshould be more than $83 per month. His entire time is necessary for thl court." He has letters from ministers and ladies commendjgjr the cour,t for its work during thajtwelve months end ing Sunday r.jPit, Judge Wooten have told him that kled materially the atter of labor. It grancy and driven ns out, of the city anta tions. LIQUID ffIRE EMPLOYED Outermost Posi- iffered Severely avy Assaults By tons Repulsed, the lice Declares (By I e United Press) Talis, At il 29. The German Crown Prinj i . resumed the Verdun drive last i ght, heavily attacking French posi1 3ns on both banks of the 'Meuse. 'wo heavy attacks were repulsed, wij the attackers losing heavily. Liitid fire was again used, the French if advanced trenches suf fering extreKply. TO'ORGM CLUB ;iZEAGUN ERE; KINSTON !E IN BIG SHOOT the trap-shooting ers in general, will coming week for the nixing the i "Kinston is ' reported ' It is i Devotees sport, and meet during purpose f "Gun Club'.tf Hoped by th'e'pftmoters that the club wi" be repreaer.Rd at the SUt shoot e at Tarboro. D. secretary for the tion, and all who invited to be on session, at a time to be held hi T T uixon is act Proposed organ i interested naad t the fi A. IQw announced iter. Yon wai .want aa automobn to en the warm summer nighta. This fmt opportunity io gtt one. Will Be SI Workingi May 1 : Will Be 000, U. P so far, end m; from cases a: Other rec "That a clerk to keep min; coming into tj a tax of 15 specihcj to pi money to the diction and t i i . ' I aonh tAiifnuhin I I VttLll lVlll.i, en Keffinmnfir the court be I T-U .. 1 . 1 (I T I 1 J 111411. U1B IV Imost $64,500,- Estimates The Rebels In Dublin Have Headqua ters in Post office Building MANY BAKpS SURRENDER I - Governmenl Forces Be- siege Lelders in Public Edifice -4 Guns Trained But OfScers Hope to Avert Qalnaerinc: It (By the London, Apr) variously estii 10.00U men is heart of Dubli The governmeii fnited Press) 2i. A rebel force ited at from 2,000 to surrounded in the by British troops, forces have laid siege to the gfneral postoffice, in which the rebos have their head quarters. Several neaiJy captured from Light arti'Uew postoffice, 'but hope to captua out further deJr have buildings Binn Feiners. is trained on the l.he British officers the building with- iuction. Press dis patches say nutty rebel banls have surrendered. About Hundred! Killed. Dublin, AprilJZU. A hundred per sons have beenJkilled as the result of the street fiiting since the out break last Monday, Although it is believed ,thc miDtary has the situa tion in hand, oflfrials today admitted that it will h3difncult to dislodge the rebels fromlthe postoffice. The dead include fclfiliahs and ichildxen ents make up flie';' rebels. Looting has been rampajft. Seniors of v. H. S. to En gage In Finals On Tues day Night ? PROF. KNIGHT SPEAKER . . ..4 8" Member Trnity College Fa culty Exercises Mondav Morning and Evening 6" Declamaion Contest Baccalaureate Sermon Note Should Be Here by Middle of Next Week Official Washington Busy Conjecturing How Far Kaiser Has Gone Toward Meeting the President's Demands; Impe rial Government Has Not Been Overzealoujs About Complying Heretofore American Definition' of 'Arm ed Merchantman' Publisftcd In Berlin; Causes Excite ment Germans Surprised and Shocked by Iemoran dum, SayJ United Press Correspondent I Superintendent Caldwell of: Do not let sci discourage you.! commencement from the lack biliry. he other contestant The origin and all failures spring faith in your own Put a sharp and win a car o e on your campaign the 13th of May. the Citv Schools; today announced the completed pgram for ;the com mencement cercises next week. It follows: fc Sunday, Ajpril 30: At 8 p. m., 'bac calaureate aprmon by Rev. H. A. Humble in ''Queen Street Methodist church. jj' Monday, Jay 1: At 10 a. m.. play ground exajpcises of pupils of the Primary School and exhibit of hand iwork of grades, at the Lewis build ing. At 8;5, senior class day exer cises. '- Tucsday?pAt 10 a. m., declamation contest for.the Faulkner medal; con testants, Robert Collinii, Mildred Hill. Julian MofSullen, Mary Pridgen, Al bert Scarborough and Bryce Wooten. The gloe Sxb will sing the following numbers pior io, during and follow ing the rhetorical display: "Welcome, Sweet Spring," "Violet" and "Sum mer Fancfes." Misses Addie Smith and Ida Oettinger will render an in strumental .duet, This program will 1oTh'CraBeymtfaJiiiprX 8:15 p. m., graduating exercises: An nual address by Edgar W. Knight, Ph. D., Trinity College. Song, "Faith in the future," by the glee club. Announcement of honors. Songs, "Lullaby? and "Mammy's Lullaby," by thoglee club. Delivery of diplomas to numbers of the grad ua'.ing class. "Night In June," by a double quartet. f'Hail, Carolina!" by (Continued! on Page Six) 1 (By It. J. Bender) Washington, April 29 There is marked relaxation of f Ur tnnc-lin f ?r Aflminictotinn fMivOps nvpr thift interna- uic icuoiuii jiii iiuimiiiijn t w. " - r- tional situation, as the time draws nearer to the arrival of the Genlan reply, expected about the middje of next week. The reply is expected to be accompanied with person al expressio is of friendship from German officals. There is much con, ecture here as to how far the Kaiser has gone in meeting ' emands. Always heretofore it hasibeen Ger many's p'oli ty never to meet demands fully. , Germans Aftgry at American Definition J 'Armed Merchantman (By Carl W. Ackerman) f Berlin. ADril 29. Publication of President Wilson's memorandum regarding armed merchantmen iere caus ed a flurry bf Excitement. The average Berliner is an- considered ently. gered at thl definition that an armed merchantman is peaceful ship until positively knwn differ (By th iNew York, will not usher labor situation ed States. A dail CI 6 will be grant ginning Monday. Statistics gath Press show that ( affected. The yea nearly sixty-four lions. jnited Press) .pnl ZV. 'May uay an unprecedented oughout the Unit- increase of $204,- i laboring men bc- icd by the United 2,500 workers are increase will be Lnd one-half mil- says, and plante the court has farmers in the has discouraged many trifling pe; to work on the REPORT OF f HE CREDITABLE KHIBIT A few less bales of cotton TflWFR II I i SI H I . day by 3 o'cloc City School for Nej terdav Mr. Cow dress Domestic 'ual Training Dei gress toes Closed Yes- Mado Ad- ience and Man- trtments' Pro- Mr. G. V. Cowpei the board of trustees City Schools, made ment address at the T i - . r ka memuer 01 i( the Kins:on commence- ler Hill school Friday. Supt. Caldwl and others and friends of the school officials were Dresent to witneB the exercises of the ne?ro school, lnd they com mend very highly the k ork done un der th direction oflProf. J. H. Sampson and the l-achers. The Tower Hill school ha J made marked progress and has kepJstep with the white schools xhibit of the the domestic progress made by the! ot the city. A very interesting work .of the pupils ini science department washown. Mat, fancy work, including a-mhroideries, tattings, etc cooking d carpentry samples were exhibited fwbich would fTON MARKET pn hair a nunirea Id been sold here to- Prices were 10 1-2 es quotations were: Open 11:40 May a 11.92 11.97 July .. 31 12.07 12.10 October i 12.25 12.25 December .. .A 12.36 12.41 January ii ..... 12.48 12.45 to 11 1-2. New York fut do credit to afly the schools. Par ticularly credits was the entire cooking exhibit, frrluding many va rieties of cakes, farads, meats, atnff ed eggs, 8andwicV pickles and des serts. A ' featnrejif the fancy work particularly noticaable was the nice clean condition 'fn which it was brought in, and os ia charge of the exhibit 8tate4hat every piece was hung aa it wl delivered iy the pupil, no laundry rk being done In the school The csfeentry work was somewhat kandicapftd because of suitable materiaL Inly rough, lum ber being available with the limited means; but in spite H that handicap the exhibit showed prigresa 4hat was creditable. S30.0VINGOLD WILL BE AWAkDED MOMMAY I J i THKEE SPECIAL PKIZES today and Monday. Saturday is gen- 1T1.' i 4 I -1 ' ' J w6 " ' n the target prorapses to ;be complete ly changed for Monday. AWARDED $15 in Cld. $10 in Gld. $5 in Gold In yesterday's special prizes and advantage was wi trict. Mr. II. L. P candidate, jumped an unusual good r a real contender f ial prizes, which on Monday. Mis Snow Hill again the top of the tar; nnd place. Mrs, the city -who hit;! yesterday's issue has dropped bac Miss Eoline Padr comes back to fo lia Hyatt drops Mrs. Jay Smith t names were plac the reports turni Glennie Britt of 2, Miss Sallie Ki: Miss Laura Rotoij The contestants off from the ta Marshburn of Di Aldridg of LaG; and Miss Doroth Grange. Bat th many others are behind those on ruggle for the e Bull's-Eye, ths the outside dis- e, an .Honor Kol! to first place by ort. Mr. Pate is one of the spec- 11 be given away Glenn Sugg of Saces hersElf near t by winning soc- G. Morris of the bull's-eye in The Free Press to third position. also of Kinston, h place. Miss De- fifih place and sixth. Three new on the target by n yesterday, Miss Grange R. F. D. of Comfort, and on of Deep Run. ho were crowded t are Miss Fleta er, Miss Roberta nge R. F. D. 6, Taylor of La- contestants ana very little ways e target and will no doubt have thctr names there on Monday.. . t W The race for ftli special prizes is very close. One t r two yearly sub scriptions .is the ; -nly difference in the standing of r. ant on the target, be decklHl by the .t every cdntest The winners must rpor.ts turned in Hold Your Position This Week. After this weat there are only two more weeks of jhe contest. Natur ally at this stag! of the fight the in terest centers arsund those .'.hat have their names neat the top of he list. Much speculation is; rife as to who will win. Durinf the last few days there has been rtore changes in the positions of the Contestants than at any other time i the contest. Peo ple whom it seel&ed didn't have a chance, of winning have, by their un tiring efforts, plaqd their names near the top of the lisp, and have displac ed those who wele bound it win. Owing to the ace being so even, the end of this week is going to be more important pan was predicted. All of the leader!? are forced to take the defensive to mold their positions. See that you maintain your position, and if possible trj to get ahead. -The last two weeks li the time of the real struggle whflB every contestant is doing his or hejr' very best for the grand rush towards the goal. You must be prepared or that struggle if you expect to win Today and Mon day is the days to do at. Besides having the large4yote schedule you also have the special prizes. Win one of the golden prises and show your friends that you deserve their act ive support, thatou need it, and in tend to make th most of it. Do It Now! f Whatever you intend to do, do it now. This week you have the great est offers of the entire contest. First you have the special prizes, all ia ' (Continued en Page Three) SUPT, UIAWELL TO EMBARK 1IN PRIVAT WUI 1ST BUS Efficient Superintendent of Kinston Schools Does Not Accept Re-election for Another Term Splendid Progress Made Superintendent Barron P. Caldwell ft of the Kston schools has tendered si his resignation :o the Board of Trus-c-M to take effect May 31, when the present year's work is wound up. Mr. '':'d'.vr!' '.vil! engage in private busi ness in r.c western pnrt ot tne tate, the Free Press is informed. Superintendent ' Caldwell came to .tie ft.:nston scnoois two years ago is successor to Superintendent Un derwood. The schools have made marked progress under his admini stration; the teaching standards have been elevated anJ the growth in the school enrollment ias been most note worthy. At the'rtmnuul meeting of the trustees tenftlays ago he was unanimously chosen for the next year but asked to be-: given ten dayc in which to considciHhe matter, having under advisement a very flattering offer to enter private business. This was granted ancf the trustees have awaited his answer. His resigna tion was offered p the Board Thurs day. No action Jias been taken by the Board, but a fleeting will be held tonight to pass fpon the matter. According to Chairman Goodson the Board has no one under consider ation. No intimation had been given that Mr. Caklwe'jj was considering giving up the work and consequently no applications have been received. Mr. Goodson and ner members of the Board expresi themselves most regretfully at having to part with the services of Mr. Caldwell, whom they recognize as a nfost capable school official, .jphairman Goodson, in reply to an ilMuiry by The Free Press, said, in substance, we have taken no act' nd I don't know whom we shall I elect. We have a hard task to perform. Mr. Cald well's place will ipot be easily filled. The Board is loathe to give him up, but we can hardjy blame h;m 'for taking advantage of (the splendid op portunity before Jjim to embark in prWate business, ' ELECTION , W .BE HELD UNDE SIONAL ACT -4- m Corrupt Pra Senator dsven Being Considered PROGRAM Coniri'ess W3 Measure, Rill, Conse t;r;ition, Sh Order, It Is . rty ..ht- U ices,, Bill of S OUTLINED Pass Owen Child Labor vation, Immi- o Purchase in Thought Washington, Anlil 2. So that the coming electio der the strictest act in the country ate privileges audi tee today began co ator Owen's bill. Following a me ing committee it the following was probable: Pa nipt practices ac child labor bill; a. may be held un orrupt practice history, the Sen- elections commit sideration of Sen- ing of the steer- Iwas learned that le Jslative program bage of the cor passage of the tion on conserva tion; immigration. hip purchase and other administratis .measures, , in that order. 1 . ' ' ! Disposal of rur credits will pre cede all ,the otlfini. The corrupt practices act beina considered prob-' ably will forbid .Aiding - of money . from one State inJj another to influ--. ence congressional Blectlons, and pre- vent any public olcial acting on a committee solicitira funds, from in dustrial or comrneSial interests, and . require fullest puIScity of the col lection and expendyure of funds. WHEELER MARTIN IS : DEAD AT ulilAJISfON (By the Eas&a Press) Washington, N. DC;, April 29. 1 Wheeler Martin, oSlknown through out the State as a clWtime Republi can leader, died at Kb bo me in Wil liamston last night from paralysis. '" . 11 . , Subscribe to The 're Press. .