PAGE TWO THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager Fnbllshad Erery Day Exceot Sunday by the Kinston Free "j -f- . press Cc Inc.. KinBton, N. C Sabacrlptiorf Rat Parable In Advance: Om Week..., $ .10 Three Monthi 1.00 Una Month M Six Monthi 2.00 ; , Ons Year 4.00 Communications received and not published will not be re turned unlese atampa to cover postage accompany same. . . in NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in ole charge of Eastern Department. Files of Free Press can be seen. . t ' WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Fre Press can be seen. Entered at the postofflce at Kington. North Carolina, at econdlais matter under act of Congress, March 3, 1879 After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West rn Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will ba sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nim P. M without cost to subscriber. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press of any regularity of delivery or Inattention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 2. 1916 Britton warns "Don't get stung." Why, certainly nrt, if we behold the slinger first. It gives one renewed courage and creates a feeling thai the end is worth the means,, although there is no evi dence that it is going to come into view at any near date, to learn from Dr. Rankin, Secretary of the State Hoard of Health, that efforts to rid a community of the lly peal will result successfully if there is persistence and a "iitick-to-itiveness." Dr. Rankin cites Greensboro, which he attests is as nearly rid of flies as is possible for a place to be. This splendid result is due to the untiring efforts, in season and out, of Mr. E. P. Wharton, a prom inent and substantial citizen of Greensboro who volun teereS several years ago for the work. "Our Kingdom for a Wharton" (with apologies to our old friend, "Shake.") THE FEE SYSTEM MUST GO. In his annual report to the City Council, copy of which was carried in Saturday's. Free Press, Recorder Wooten, among othtr recommendations, suggests that the law gov erning the court be changed by the next legislature so that the prosecuting officer may be put on a salary basis. As Tho Free Press understands the law creating the court, it was the purpose of 'those framing the bill that. the soli citor or. prosecuting officer be put on a salary at tho expir ation of the present term of the solicitor and that the only object in putting this branch of the court on a foe basis at all was in justice to the incumbent, whoso income, it was estimated, would be reduced materially in the higher court because of the enlarged jurisdiction of the petty iourt established by the act, and if we understand the law correctly it so provides that at the end of the present term of tho solicitor the fee system is automatically done way with and a reasonable salary fixed by City Council is substituted therefor. If that is not the case, and there is any loop-hole or possibility of a continuance of the fesi system in remun erating the prosecuting officer a plan which has greatly- increased the cost in trivial and minor gases to those per nons u.ifortunate enough to be defendants in the Record er's Court The Free Press will join with Recorder Woot en or nny other interested parties in asking the Legisla ture to jjivo us relief. Be it said in justice to thosowho framed the bill creat ing the Recorder's Court, that although it was an clevcnth liour enactment, it did noi contemplate the services of a prosecuting officer except in contested cases. The Free Press has held to the opinion that the law is very plain in that jegard In spite of the fact that it has been con strued otherwise, and that a prosecuting officer has been employed in practically all of the cases, non-contested and otherwise, appearing before the Recorder. Unquestionably, every right-thinking citizen of this com munity believes that the fee system should bo done away with, not only in connection with this office, hut as a basis for rompensating every other public officer. uory assurance can be given that American life and prop erty is safe from the depredations of the outlaws, infest ing the northern states of Mexico contiguous to the Unit ed States, arc most satisfactory and should have the ap proval of every American citizen. The policy of watchful waiting ir Mexico exhibited a patience on the part of President Wilson and his advisors unprecedented; Carran za was given every opportunity to make prood his various promises to protect the life and property of citizens of this country as well as of other foreign countries who had taken residence in Mexico and whose safety was vouchsafed by the United States through the unwritten law and mutual understanding growing out of the operation of the Mon oe Doctrine. It has Icon clearly demonstrated that Carranza is pow erless to fulfill any promises for safeguarding the inter ests at stake. It is becoming more and more evident that the de facto government, although recognized by the United States and other nations, has very little other de pendence than the support and prestige given it by virtue of these recognitions, and now that the step has been tak n and our leaders have realized the necessity for actually looking out for ourselves that policy must be continued un til some, semblance of order and government is wrought jut of the Mexican situation. The u'ly attitude of Carranza and his insistent demands that the American troops be withdrawn appear more and nore to lc a grandstand play on his part, in a vain en deavor to create favor, in the popular mind of his disinte grating supporters. We have never had any confidence in Carranza or any of the other "would be" Mexican leaders, hut we have felt that he had sense enough to know when he had a good thing, and certainly even that estimate of him will be discounted if he continues to press his demands for a severance of relations with this government, and such is about the only construction that ean be put upon his insistence that our troops be withdrawn. THIS LIST GIVES THE TOTAL VOTES. AS TURNED IN UP TO LAST NIGHT CARRANZ.VS WEAK HAND. The unofficial reports coming from Washington to the effect that President Wilson and Secretary Baker ...jitter a conference, have decided to make no change in the plan for keeping troops in Mexico until such time as satisfac- (ENTRAL HIGHWAY PLAN GOOD. The Free Press is glad to note thcYinal acceptance of the proposition for Federal assistance and inspection in the maintenance of the Central Highway by the Lenoir County Commissioners. As was published in the news columns some days ago, the Commissioners upon first consideration, decided to turn down the proposition made through the State Highway Commission, but it seems that upon further information and reflection the Com missioners have concluded that the proposition was a good one. If for no other reason than the assurance of a standard highway running entirely through the State, we believe the Commissioners did welj in accepting the proposition and not breaking the link as would have re sulted had their, first action been allowed to stand. We believe that it is better that Lenoir co-operate with the other counties through which the highway runs in main taining a uniform and standard system of upkeep, even if it entails a little more expense than the upkeep on an independent and individual county basis, and we believe that the action of the Commissioners in making it possi ble for Lenoir to participate in the plan for a state-wide highway will meet the approval of the majority of the citizens and taxpayers of the county. It should do so at any rate. DISTRICT No. 1. After the Capital prizes, two Max well Touring Cars have been award ed, this district will receive one dia mond ring, one gold watch and one hank account of ?25. All others in this district who remain in the con test until the close, who do not win one of the above prizes, and who com ply with the rules, will be paid a commission of ID per cent. DISTRICT No. I. Miss Barabara Emery, Kinsto.n 31,400 Miss Mary Farmer, Kinston. 0tt,T00 Miss Sarah Faulkner, Kinvon 7:J.00 Mrs. Mamie Fitzgerald. Kins. !m;,200 Mrs. Coy Stroud, Kinston 8!),200 Miss Karb. Andrews, Kins.. 4'i,800 Miss Bettie Barfield. Kins... i!f,,100 Mrs. Clara Becton, Kinston 8.1,100 Miss Maggie Bissett, Kins.. .1,1,200 Miss Nannie Blackwell, Kins. Sll.sOO Miss Ada Bostic, Kinston.. 27,i!00 Mrs. Henry Bradshaw, Kins. 2C.200 Mrs. M. L. Braswell, Kinston 7),200 Miss Alma Broadhurst, Kin.;. 4i050 Miss A. L. Broadway, Kinston. 5,400 Miss G. V. Broadway, Kins.. 17,100 Mrs. Laura" Cummings, Kins. 98,100 Marianna Laltoque, Kinston 6,000 Miss Carrie B. Cox, Kinston (18. 200 Mrs. K. L. Hooker, Kinston' 81,100 J. Colby Abbott, Kinston (i0,100 Mrs. V. G. Morris, Kinston 101,100 Miss Katie Brown 38,800 Miss Susie Canady, Kinston 7,200 Miss Stella Buck, Kinston ..20,700 Elizabeth Cone-land, Kinston. .VV.'tiO Miss Dora Diamond, Kinston 11,725 Miss Katie Gaylor, Kinston.. 8,200 larguerite Goodson, Kinston 10,800 Miss Lena Grady. Kin. on '.11.400 Miss Lois Grubbs, Kinston.. 70,100 Miss Alice Hart, Kinston... 28,200 Mary Hartsfield, Kinston . . . 18,100 Miss Proosie Heath, Kinston 82,050 Miss Scotia Hobgood, Kins.. 17,100 Miss Delia Hyatt. Kinston 101,200 Miss Lula Isler, Kinston 28,100 Miss Terry Mitchell, Kinston 24,!)00 Miss Florence Moore. Kinston lio.HOO Miss Annie Nobles, Kinston.. 87,400 Miss Eoline Padrick, Kinston 101,200 Miss Roberta Pridgen, Kinston 28.800 Mrs. Winnifrtt. Howard, Pink Hill 19,800 Mrs. E. Maxwell. Pink Hill.. 00,100 Miss Nina May Suggs, Hook- erton 88.350 M;ss Bet ie Heath. Comfort. 9(5,425 Mrs. Maud Jiasdin, Comfort.. 60,900 Miss Sallie Kinir. Comfort.. 95,200 Miss Blanch Tucker, Grifton. 91,100 Miss Sallie Causley, Grifton R. F. 1) 28,700 Miss Rosabel Taylor, Grifton, R. F. I) : !5,050 Miss Bettie Rouse, R. F. D., La Oan-e 08,000 Miss Jesse Kennedy, R. F. D., LaG range . . .' 62.100 M's. Vich Hardison, R. F. D. LiGrange 90,225 Mrs. Bessie Joyner, R. F. D., La Grange 7,500 Mrs. Sallie White, R. F. IX. ' LaGrange .11,700 Miss Lena Harris, Winterville 95,125 Miss Emily Bagley, Graingers 42,200 Miss Mattie McAuther. Grain gers 18,100 Miss Dora Miller, Hallsville. . 16,300 Miss Nannie Rhodes, Hallsv'le 54,700 Mrs. J. C. Dawson, Hanra- han 49,150 Miss Agnes McLawhorn, Han- rahan 5,200 Miss Minnie Rives, Greenville 89.100 Mis3 Lottie Whi. field, Leon.. 91.700 Mis. Jay Smith, Leon ...... 101,250 Misj Mattie Kennedy, Hallsville, R. F. I). 4 86,550 Miss Gertrude Maxwell, Re- saca 101,100 Mm. Don. Maxwell. Resaca. 38,300 Mrs. Swannie Mewborne, La Mis. Rena Elmor;, LaGrange 88,050 Mrs. Leslie Creech, LaGrange 12,600 Mrs. Eva Carlisle, LaGrange, R. F. D. No. 1 , 26,300 Miss Ruth Dail, IiGrange, R. F. I) 98,200 Miss Mittie Harrison, La Grange, R. F. D. 5 72,400 Miss Roberta Aldridge, La Grange, II. F. D. 5 99,100 Miss Doll Waters, LaGrange K. r. U. No. it trict in the next General , Assembly of Nwrth Carolina, session of 1917. Subject to the Democratic primaries. LEVI J. II. MEWBORN. (Paid Political Advertising) For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District. I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination for one of the senators from the Seventh Senator ial District, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the active sup port of my friends throughout the district. ,F. BROCK, Trenton, Jones Co., N. C. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) Dr. Albert D.ParroH Physician and Surgton Ktmton. N. C. Offict $ack tHooJ', D,ug stt Joseph Dawson J. Frank Woefe, DAWSON ft WOOTEN, Attorneys at Law, Practice Wherever Service Desu-,4 Accounts and Rents Collect! 28.100 liss Mary 1'riilgen, Kinston ti4,iuu , Mrs. Ada Newsom, LaGrange, Miss Nannio Randolph, Kins. 48,200 R. F. I). No. 2 Miss Amanda Rhodes, Kins... 22,000 liss Lillian Rowe, Kinston ..15,500 21,700 Mrs. George Taylor, LaGrange, R. F. 1). 2 100.800 Miss Lida Lee Rhodes. Kins. 82,100 ; Miss Glennie Britt, LaGrange Miss Annie L. Scott, Kinston. 19,100 I R. F. 1. 2 89,100 -liss Ruth Simmons, Kinston 21.000 j Miss Fannie Mercer, Walston-' Miss Rosa Simpson,, Kinston 19.100 burg 91,200 Miss Nannie Stanley, Kinston 100,050 Miss Murtie Rouse, Walston- Miss Annie Stephenson, Kinston 6,000 burg 10,400 Miss Maria Sutton, Kinston 67,100 , Mrs. Mary Ramsey, Trenton. . 12,800 Miss Vana hutton, Kinston. (u,zuu ' M ;ss L. Dougherty, Trenton.. 94,100 WHAT OTHERS SAY THE SCHOOL FUND. Greensboro Record: "Dr. Joyner, Superintendent of Public Instruction of this state is out in a long story de nying the charges of extravagance lodged against the democratic party in the matter of school funds. We have heard much of these charges every year. We have always concluded they were what are termed "cam paign stories" and never lost much sleep on account of them Doubtless there is extravagance from some view points. Doubtless what would be called a great waste of money, in many quarters, can be found. But the way we dope it out is this way: Education is simply light. If a man is in a cave there is absolute darkness. The more electric lights that are turned on the more light he has he sees further. Many North Carolina people arc yet in caves, figura tively . peaking. The school system is trying to illumi- ate the cavern. It costs money, and much money so we should nil rejoice that we have the coin und let it go at that. We take it that there has been no theft no r:nne.zlcmcnt'S simply a matter of spending money. Of course every man can see where a little could be faved but more mi;ht be spent in other ways. Let the -.rhoul question alone. It isin good hands." A. C L. SPECIIAL RATES. $28.35 Saratoga Springs, and return. N. Y. Account General Conference Meth odist Church, tickets on sale April 27, 28, May ! and 1C. good to return until June C. $16.05 Philadelphia, Pa, and return. Account General Conference A. M. E. Church, tickets on sale April 29, 80, May 1, limited to June 4, 1916. 611.16 Asherille, N. C and return. Account Southern Baptist Conven tion, tickets oa sals May 13th to 17th, iEclusfrt. limited until May 31. Extension of final limit may be ob tained until Jons 15 by deposit of ticket with authorised agent and pay ment of fes of 11.00. $1115 Birmingham. A Is-, and ret arm. Account .United Confederate Vet erans' Reunion. Tickets on sals May 13-17, inclusive, limited until May 25. $30.05 Orlando, FLa, and return. Account of General . Assembly, Presbyterian church, tickets on sale May 15-19, inclusive, good to return until June 3. ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South D. J. WARD. Ticket Agent. Ho you know that while you are idle some o'her contestant will get that subscription which was partly promised to you. Do not let some other contestant discourage you. The origin and commencement of all failures spring from the lack of faith in your own abili.y. If the name of your favorite can didate does not appear on the list, nominate him or her. The blank for that purpose is on another pa go VOTE COUPON GOOD FOR 23 VOTES For .... Address NOT GOOD AFTER MAY 9 , This coupon should be neatly clipped out, nlled op with name and address of the person for whom you wish to rote, and forwarded by mail or otherwise to the office of the FREE PRESS CONTEST, DE PARTMENT, in the WHITAKER BUILDING, KINSTON. X. Cv Mrs. Nora Taylor, Kinston 14,200 Bessie V. Thornton, Kinston. 41,100 Miss Jane Tilghman, Kins.. 101.150 Miss Myrtle Tucker, Kins.. 21,100 Miss Julia Tyndall, Kinston.. 90,100 Miss Bettie Underhill, Kinston 29,700 Miss Lona D. Weeks, Kins... 98,225 Miss Katie White-hurst, Kins. 70,100 Miss Camille Aldridge, Kins. 27,100 Miss Evelyn Waters, Kins... 96,725 Miss Ella Haskett, Kinston.. 31,000 Herman Lawson, Kinston . . . 81,600 Mrs. Eva Cummings, Kins... 47.700 Miss Kyle Hargett, Kinston.. 8,600 Mrs. J. D. Leonard, Kins 49,200 Miss Velma Hill, Kinston 01,200 Mr. Gordon Uonev, Kinston. 89,125 Mrs. M. L. McCullcn. Kins. 39,100 Miss Victoria Bursell, Kins. 91,900 Mrs. Claude Smith 100.700 Miss Jane Hardy 100,300 Mr. Phillips Brooks 6.1,200 Miss Lucy Freeman 68,200 Miss Allie Delle Gaynor 99,725 Mrs. E. A. Best '.19,650 Miss Mary Oettingcr 28,100 Miss Susan Phillips 20,100 Miss Susan A. Martin 18,200 Mr. Wm. Hunter 25,250 DISTRICT No. 2. This district includes all territory outside of the City of Kinston. After the capital prizes, two Max well Touring Cars have been award ed, this district will receive one dia mond ring, one gold watch, and one Bank account of $25. " All others in this district, who remain in t he con test until the close, who do not,,vin one of the above prizes and who com ply with the rules, will be paid a commission of 10 per cent. Mrs. Mabel Barwick, Seven Springs . . . . 98,125 Mrs. Emma Barwick, Seven Springs 91,100 Miss Mabel Grady, Seven Springs 62,800 Miss Effle Shroud, Seven Springs 10,900 Miss Gertrude Grady, Seven Springs, R. F. 1). No. 1 . . 89,100 Mrs. Annie Stroud, Deep Run, j R. F. D. No. 2 49,100 - Miss Sue Davis, Ioep Run, I R. F. D. No. 2 68,150 Alias iittany mil. Deep Kun. R. F. D. 2 91,700 Mrs. Mildred Outlaw, Kenans- vilte 28,600 Misa Jimmie Kornegay, Ken- ansville 81,750 Mrs. Nancy Smith, Kenans- ville 28,100 Mrs. Mary P. Russell, Fort Barnwell '.Ml. 150 Mrs. R. W. Lamb, Fort Barnwell 90,150 Miss Sallie French, Fort Barnwell 28,100 Miss Amy Ruth Joyner, Fort Barnwell 68.750 Miss Sudie Vox, Richlands ... 79,100 j Mrs. Jno. R. Shaw, Richlands 91,200 i Mrs. S. Lee Sadler, Richlands 98,750 j Mrs. D. E. Pi. kford, Richlands, R. F. 1). No. 2 28.100 Miss Josephine Whale v, Rich- I lands. K. F. 1). No. 2 49,900 Mrs. R. W. Hill, Comfort, R. I F. D. No. 1 25,300 Mrs. Tommie Koonce, Comfort, R. F. D. No. 1 49,900 Miss Eu!a Eulianks, Comfort. j R. F. D. No. 1 44.300 1 Mrs. L. Pridgen, Snow Hill, R. j F. D 28,100 Miss Dorothy Bass, Kinston, j R. F. D. 2 96.325 i Mrs. J. F. Jones, R. F. D., I i No. 3, Snow Hill 6.600 I Mrs. W. II. Hill, R. F. D., No. 3. snow Hill 41,700 Miss Glenn Suggs, R. F. D. No. 2, Snow Hill .. ..... 100.700 Miss Lottchen Hill, R. F. D. No. 3, Snow Hill 112200 . Mrs. Clayton Johnson, Ayden I R. F. D. 3 ... 81,050; Miss Lula May Southerland, I Albertson ...... 91,350' Miss Emma Grady, Albertson 81,700 Mrs. J. K. Sutherland, Al- ! bertson ........ 41,000 Mrs. Verda B. Graay, Albert-. . ! son. R. F. D 94,100 Miss Conner Jones, Pink. Hill 93,250, Miss Carrie Davis, Pink Hill 97,100 wiss laua rynuail, Pink Hill 96,400 aims oeriruae uowara, nu Miss Lillian Haywood, Tren ton 49,800 Miss Nannie Scarborough, Graingers, R. F. D., Kin ston 62,400 Mrs. Lillian Worthington, Graingers, R. F. I) 98,100 Miss Theresa Kilpatrick, Kin It. F. 1). No. 6 97,100 Mrs. Annie Daugherty, Kin ston, R. F. I). No. 6 19,400 Miss Elvis Sutton, Kinston, ston, R. F. D. 6 89,100 Miss May Stroud, Kinston, R. F. D. No. 5 61,500 Miss Sadie Waller, Kinston. (Continued on Tage Four) DR. F. FITTS, Osteopath, Upstairs, Next Door Old Postoffice ' EXAMINATION FREE. Phones: Office 80. Resv 523 1 For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Democratic nomination for Senator from the Seventh Sena torial District, subject to the action of the primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the support of the citizens throughout the district. J. FRANK WOOTEN, Jacksonville, Onslow County. (Paid Political Advertising rl"v DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work Specialty Office over Cot Mill offict N. J. louse, Edward M . Lssd Kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N. C ROUSE & LAND ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Offices: Kims tea, N. C Goldsboro, H. t MS-H4 Borden Building. DR. O. L. WILSON DENTIST Ofise Over J. E. Hood Co'a Btore. Political Announcements I ce ittersons Cream lOO per cent Pure Not a Compound or Substitute We can furnish Individual Cakes, Bon Eons, Nuts, Etc. Various Individual Moulds and Block Cream any Colors, our Specialty. On a few days notice. THE RECEPTION COMPLETE S. C . Sitters on PHONE 8 III J To the Voters of the Seventh Sena torial District: I announce myself a candidate to represent the Seventh Senatorial Dis- KINDS INSURANCE OF ALL C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 182 (Next to Postoffice) r There Are Other Tobacco Transplanters But Jone so Good Let Us Sell You a TIGER and You Will be Always Satisfied Price and Terms to Suit 0,W.S T. W. MEWBORN .& GO. M JUl .........i W