JUT: 1SE;5S3 RiB ,,V 'i(tt. "mi,.. 11 I T THE WEATHER Fan s max VOL. XVII No. 294 SECONt) EDITION KINSTON, N. O, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916 6 PAGES TODAY ' PRICE TWO CENTS -FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS V EVERY iNDICATION THAT HIE PRESIDENT LEADING PAPERS OF NEW REPORTS FROM SOUTH AMERICA NOW KINSTON WOULD MAKE FINE STARTING POINT : FOR A STATE -WIDE ADVERTISING m mm as satisfactory oermam country say keplv taCO SAY VILLA 1 2 OT TO DEMANDS' OF MOVfllH NOT SATISFACTORY FAR SOUTH TROOPS STATES MEANS -WELL CAMPAIGN SIMILAR TO THE GElGlAMN 4 v - 10 mm 1i Official Text Being Considered By Wilson Is Mnch 'Like, Out of 132 Polled 74 Disap the mss TextPractically Certain That All Danger prove, 28 Favor, 30 of Break Has Passed and Peaceful Relations Will Be Maintained Unless Teutons Violate Their Pledges Germany May Have Sent Peace Jtfote Along With Sub marine Message Officials Would Not Be Surprised to See Overtures Started Through Medium of United Wilson's States Issue a Year Old Thing of Past Make No Comment DISAPPOINTED LONDON Probable Action In Accepting Messaged Concessions Caused Bit of Gloom' In Press Circles of British Capital (By the United Press) London, May 6. Washington press dispatches reporting that President Wilson probably will .accept in sub stance GermHny's reply brought dis appointment to the London press. All editorials unanimously agree that Germany failed to meet the de mands, that a diplomatic break is in evitable and thai the United States will shortly 1e aligned alongside th Allies. American Press Not Favorable. New York, May C Poll of 132 re- (By the United Press) Washington, May 6 The official text of the German note was found very much like the press text. Following study of it officials confidently believe that the submarine issue between Germany and the United State, now a year old, is closed. It is believed the President will not even answer, but Secretary Lansing may make a statement on it. It is believed everywhere that Germany will not dare to reopen the issue by any more illegal submarine attacks. President Making UpJVlind. Washington, May 6. With the official text of the re ply before him, President Wilson is formulating a deci sion as to whether Germany has fairly met America's submarine issue. Unless the official text is widely differ- V . t - . I A- JZ- A- J J - 1 1 .1 111 i i era irum uie press lexts, 'H IS praCUCaiiy Certain tnat all Presenlatlve American newspapers danger of an immediate break 'has nassed. by the Times from eilitoriu! com , 9" the Cabinet and President Wilson's other K s0n " TZ Z aavisers, ana tne country generally, judging from tele- so are mm-committai. grams received overnight, hold this view. Unless" Ger many fails to live up to the concessions she appears to have granted. Many officials believe there is a note of peace over tures contained in the official reply, and it would not be unexpected if President Wilson is urged by his advisory to make some ;move along that iline. Big Chahee for TPe&ce, Say Americans in Berlin. Berlin,' May ft In American circles today was point ed dut 'importarice'df the peace1 Mature in ; Germany's recent reply1. -Belief was escpressed that Wilson now n in In Durango 500 Miles From Pershing's Farthest Outpost, Said TAKEN AT FACE VALUE' Generals Scott and Obre- gon Expected to Sign the Terms This Afternoon Last Conference of Series on Border Held Today Headquarters Army in Mexico Americans of the Eleventh Cavalry; killed 42 Villistas yester clay at Ojo Azules, Major Howse today reported There were no American casualties. EDWARD Y. CLARKE Policy In Mexican Matter Convinces People of Fact, Says Fletcher WAS SUSPICION BEFORE Secretary of Georgia Chamber of Commerce Made Most Interesting and Instructive Illustrated Address Urg ed Diversification of Crops and Establishment of Mar kets for All Home Grown Products Favorably Im pressed With Kinston and Territory Senator Urges Ship Lines to Bring About Commer cial Co-operation Be tween Continents Now Wants Capital for Crops By the United Press.) Washington, May (!. "So confident has South America become of Amer ica's good faith toward Mexico th;tt any action this government might take "would not be questioned there," The illustrated address of Mr. Ed ward Young Clarke of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce before th Municipal Association and a number of Kinston people concluded I ho pro gram of the most interesting and profitable convention. Mr. Clarke's address was unfor tunately through a misunderstanding ut short and he did not have the op portunity to present many of the most important facts that he has in his large store of "boosting" ma terial. The printed program of the said Senator Fletcher, just back from the international High Commission's meetings scheduled Mr. Clarke's ad trip to the Southern continent. dress for eight o'clock rriday night "Formerly suspicion petyaded all nnd he came prepared for an even- South America, " said Senator J letch- "ig a entcriainmcnl. 1 lie program CAP'N JIM, MAYOR OF aYETTEVILLE, SPORT Held All Kind of Big Honors In His Life, Though He's Young Yet There Came a Crisis In Local Poli tics Down Home and He Saved the Day McNeill National Figure, too , (By the United Press) El Paso, May C. General Scott ex pects to sign the Mexican agreement with General Obregon Ibis afternoon at the final border conference. Reports from Mexican sources ac cepted at face value today placed Vil la near Santiago rupas yuiaro, in Durango State, five hundred miles south of the southernmost detach ment of American troops. er. "but now they think the patient course of the United States amole proof that this country does not seek to dominate nil the Americas." Senator Fletcher urged a line of shipping as the greatest asset to ward commercial co-operation. Fur nisning capital tor crop m'jvemen.s was also urged. Capt. J. I). McNeill, pifflsident of the State Firemen's Association for 2C years, once president of the Na has great opportunity to oring the war to an early end. tio,iai Firemen's Association, mayor Home GVPTI aiHWtagr.pti 'that. tfimo nnxv ;ie Vino f.1 of rayetteville several times, and House to revisit ;the European Capitals. SSS THE Verdun mm LARGE VOTE OFFER WILL CLOSE TONIGHT By What the Contestants Do To night May Depend Their Success of the 13th COLfOllffffi'A CANDIDATE :IN SAME foiSS WITH iMOV. ICoI. W. D, Pollock, . out. for State Senate, today became a farmer can didate, which is better, of course, than being a mere lawyer candidate. I was like this: Between the ce ment sidewalk and the asphalt road way on the north side of King street, just a little way from the Courthouse is a patch, about 8 or 10 by 15, or sr feet, growing up in corn, watermel ons and other things. The seed took root of their own accord. The crop is dping beautifully. A Jones coun ty planter asked Recorder Wooten whose it was. "Colonel Pollock's,"! said the Judge. The Recorder al ways did have a quick wit. "It's the prettiest corn I've seen," said the planter. Judge Woolen said he would make good the fabrication by formally pre senting to the Colonel the patch, which seems to belong to ho one in particular arid 'should have no kick coming o It "about -who owns it, be cause Street Commissioner Webb did not intend to have truck gardens, but pretty grass and flowers growing in such places, anyway. ' WAVY HAGUE STARTS HENRY about to begin another term, in his G7th year, and looking a lot young er, handsome, well-dressed and errer- getiv, was one of the best known and most interesting persons attending the Carolina Municipal Association's convention hprp. Pimhiin IWi.'Nnill NJKyJN THE D ST. has a famous chuckle and is notori ously fond of monosyllabic shocking little words. He described to a friend Friday how he got to be mayor again . He wasn't mayor last year, you know Tl , ... . iney nave a mignty good man, an excellent man,' sir, down there. Cap Lain McNeill succeeds him next Mon day. Honest to goodness, the fel low would stand right there in the Tull lobby and start a prayer meet ing without the least encouragement in the World. And a man of the oth er extreme was out to beat this good man. He might have done it. So Cap'n McNeill, who is not very bad, nor in anywise an angel, stepped in as a "middleman." He held the best hand of the three and won. French Forced to Evacuate Trenches on Slope of Hill 304 (By "United iPreasi Washington, May 5. The Navy league of the United States filed a suit in the district supreme court to day against Henry Ford for $100,000, alleging libel and defamation in pub lishing a recent series of anti-preparedness advertisements. WOULD MVE STREET $M(B MQUENTLY Once or TiersrWel4 Say-r-Propos- ed That the City Authorities Turn Over a Block for Purpose Every Few Nights and That Lovers of the Dance Pay for The Music DAVID LAtVSOft IfPTCR PRELE David! Iwroftv' lj th amall cA- red boy who shot and killed James Evans, alto colored and . younger, in Neuse township -Ust Sunday,, today' went to; trial -before Magistrate "Pee-f bles to determine If he sheuld be held tar court or not TWe ease was ex4 Tcted fo consume a 'large .part of today. Many witnesses -were pres ent. ; ., - . You win want an automobile to en joy the warm emnmer nights. This Tow "opportunity o jet on. Lenore, 'flying the Mexican flag, said So be owned by the German vice-consul at Guaymas, was reported to the Navy Department by Admiral Wins low today. . .-. . The open air dance on North Queen' street Friday night which was tli' concluding amusement feature for the city officials attending the muni cipal convention iiere, was largely attended. Scores of autmdbiles were parked -about and the street lined hundreds of spectators. : A fair num ber danced. The streamers of liht woi the roadway brightly illuminat ed 'the scene. The music', a la 'irasi b.w.d, Was of just the right volume and spirited. I' Is being seriously procoseii that the municipal authorities p-ovide the asphalted Mock' between Grainger ac 'Capitc4a -avenues for jusc such wm iiuimM 4li,iir)in!f fhn summer. say on one or two nights a week, ar.d Coipany B feocohd Infantry, -will that 'a temporary organization, com-j go to Charlotte with the National prised by dancers, be formed to pay Guard; on May 20, Captain J. I. for the jnosic 'by a seven or eight- Brown announced today The trip piece band. . The diversion would be was optional with. - the (Commands, a very welcome one en many a sul- The occasion to be celebrated will be, try evening, boosters of the project the anniversary of the Mecklenburg: declare. I Declaration of Independence. v It is not determined , if the Regimental Subferibe -to. The Free fzt. ' band will go. , r- The last period before the end closes tonight. Whatever you intend to do, do it now. There will be no more vote offers or any other in ducements. The struggle next week will be for the grand prizes. Now the votes are larger th-in during tho fiifal period, and with tonight closes the large extra vote offer of 150,00(1 on each set of $10 worlh of new bus iness turned in. Hy your report to day, pluee yourself on a footing from which you may be belter able to stand the struggle next week. The arge votes thai close tonight are for your benefit. It is for you In tuke advantage of them. If you happen to be among those contestants who were fortunate enough to get some of the large ex tra votes which close tonight, don't sit down and think that your work is done. You may have a consider able number of votes held in reserve. buU maybe some other contestant has just as many. If you have alrea seen all -of your prospects and prom ises, see them again. Do not over look a single subscription. This is tho week when all of the contestants are getting ready for the final strug gle which is bound to come next week. And you get a great many more votes now for your work than you will during that struggle. Many contestants are waiting for next week, but the busy ones are taking advantage of the last large votes. The race is going to be won by the strong-minded, never-say-die Desing'hftain what variety candidates and they are beginning to was changed and consequently Ins lime cut short. Mr. Clarke told a most interesting story of the work of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and showed many reels of views demonstrating the activity of tho Chamber. The work which has grown into a state wide campaign for better publicity and exploitation of the resources of the great state of Georgia started at Quitman, a place about half the sVa of Kinston. Through the work of ho Chamber hundreds of splendid homo owning farmers have been brought to tho State and through the emphasis of diversified crops the sec tion is rapidly taking rank with the most prolific farming sections of the world. Mr. Clarke laid emphasis on the necessity for creating a market for home grown products as essential to the development of diversification. He said that in the county of .Brooks, of which Quitman is the capital, a regular market lor meat was es tablished and conducted just as the cotton market was carried on and as the tobacco market is conducted in the tobacco sections. On one day recently ho said that 42,500 pounds of home Taised and cured meat, in cluding bacon, hams, aides, etc., were sold on the Quitman market. "When the cotton market is off the farm ers of Brooks county atore their cot ton and turn their attention to their other products which will yield .at the time belter returns," he said. Mr. Clarke was most favorably im pressed with Kinston and the sur rounding territory, which he viewed from the car windows. In an inter view given The Free Press he was loud in his praises and urged that a state-wide campaign similar to the Georgia plan be started in North "' Carolina. He wisely suggested that Kinston afforded a splendid starting point. He said: "I desire to express my very great appreciation of the privilege of hav- ng visited the city of Kinston. Am much surprised by its size and gen- jrally progressive atmosphere. The city should blow Us horn and attract more attention, for it certainly is an" attractive place. I am anxious for North Carolina to begin work along the same lines now in operation in Georgia namely, farm diversification, better paved cit ies and county roads, and a steady -advertising campaign, giving the. n . tion an idea as to what 'Georgia real ly stands for and has to offer. The State has a five-year campaign map ped out, and I wish very earnestly to see North Carolina do a similar work. ,'- "Why not start the ball rolling at ; Kinston? The little town of Ouifc. man, in Georgia, started the work there and it rapidly spread to the big cities." RAGING SINCE FRIDAY Fie-htiniir of Most Violent Nature About the Fort ress Attacks Hardest n ' "i itt since amnaitrn was Commenced NORTH CAROLINA TO AID IN WAR RELIEF BAZAAR AT NEW YORK (By the United Press) .fans, May (. 1 he French troops have been forced to evacuate a part of their trenches on the northern slope of Hill 301 under a most violent German attack, it is officially admit ted. Attacks launched yesterday were the most determined since the Verdun drive began. The battle rag ed all day and last night, and was raging furiously when the last offi cial dispatches wero filed today?. BRITISH MEN-OF-WAR SIEZE VESSEL FLWNG THE MEXICAN COLORS By7tfcq United Prett) . by British cruisers of. the schooner of CT,tton wiH Produde the 'est realize that the race has reached the BRIEFS IN THE NEWS NEIGHBORING PLACES MILITARY WILL HO TO CHARLWIJI CELEBRATE suits in this section, the State Do- point where gameness and the abil partment of Agriculture is preparing ity to stand the pace are the twp to make tests in Craven county, says most desirable qualities. Nothing the New Bern Sun-Journal. worth while was ever done by acci- "Dynamite" Wilkins, of .Kinston I dent. Victory over cimcumstance is has bored a well to a depth of (!00 not luck, but the result of a fixed and feet at the New Bern waterworks, unwavering purpose nis ooject nas noi oeen attained, lie Kememner tnat no one has won will go to China before he will ive any prise on the list. The voting to up the job, he asserts. (day has been large, but has been di- Washington Is preparing to enter- Ivjded among a great number of can tain the biggest convention in East Ididates -who have faired to gain any Carolina ohis year. More than a great noticeable advantage. From thousand Elks .will be there on the now en It will be the struggle be 17th and 18th. jtween the old leaders and the new ones.; The margin in the difference of votes this week and next may toe the deciding factor. . Any one by good hard work and untiring efforts during the last week of the contest 'cvnld win any prize on the list. The JOHN M'BRIDE EXECUTED. Dublin, flay t-John MBride, Sinn Felner, the eighth rebel to be executed, was -shot today. (SpeciaMo The Free I'ress) Asheville, May (!. A war relief bazaar is to be held in the Grand Central palace at New York June .'! to M, to raise a fund of $1,000,000 if possible for Allied war sufferers' re lief. Dr. S. West ray Battle, chairman of the North Carolina Commission for Relief in Belgium, has made appli cation for space, and invites the va rious organizations in the State in terested in such work, manufactur ers, etc., to assist in making a cred itable display. Articles of fancy work, small manufactures and arts and crafts things will be accepted. JUNIORS FROM FIVE COUNTIES IN DISTRICT MEETING G0LDSB0R0 UNVEIL CONFEDERATE MONUMENT AT CLINTON (Special to The Free Press ' Goldsboro, May 6. The local coun cil of the Junior Order United Amer ican Mechanics presented a Bible and flag to the high school here yester day. Tho presentation was witness ed by many Juniors attending a 'dis trict meeting here. The delegates were from Sampson, Duplin, Lenoir, Wayne and Bladen counties, com prising the Sixth district. W. B. Ward of Kinston was elect ed district secretary. Captain Paul Jones of Tarboro was a State officer present. (Special to The Press Tress) Clinton, N. C, May G. A monu ment to Sampson county's Confeder ate soldiers will be unveiled here -in connection with "the Memorial day exercises. NORTH CAROLINA YOUTH DROWNED INDELAWARE (Special to The Free Press) Ocracoke, N. C, May C The body of Bradford O'Neill, a youth of this place drowned in the Delaware riv er at Philadelphia when jerked over board from a tug by an anchor rope, has been brought here for inter ment. . possibility of choosing a leader is ncertain, more uncertain that it was two weeks ago. GOLDSBORO CHAUTAUQUA COMES OFF THIS MOjfTH (Special to The Free Press) Goldsboro, May 6'. This city will hold its chautauqua in the week of May 17-24. Redpath attractions will be had. . NOTHING SAID ABOUT GOLF LINKS, THOUGH Jacksonville, Ni C, TMay 6.-Ona-low county's new jail is one of the most. sanitary in the Stat. ; Shower ' baths are among the- "conveniences." CALL FOR STATEMENTS FROM NATIONAL BANKS (By the United Prels) I . , Washington, May 6. The . Comp troller of the currency today issued a call for statements of national banks oo May 1. - . ;

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