PAGE TWO THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE ijRESS IL Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager lDbUsbd lery Day Exeent Sudy by tha' Kinston Tt rress Co. me. Kinston. N. u Snbocrintioa Ratea Payable In Advance: Om Waek ., 9 .10 Three Montha 1.00 Om Month ., JU Six Monthi S.00 Ona Year $4.00 Comnunicationi received and not published will not be returned unless stamps to cover postage accompany same, NEW YORK OFFICE 88 Park Row. Mr. Ralph R Mulligan, in aole charge of Eastern Department Files of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Prase can be seen. ' Entered at the postofflce at Kinaton. North Carolina, as scond-claaa matter under act of Congress, March 8, 1879, Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or inattention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 9, 1916 A market for dairy products would stimulate the pro duction of butter, cream, and other essentials, the larg. er portion of which, needed for Xinston's consumption, is now imported. 1 If there is anything in numbers, Kinston should be the beat policed city in the world, forv it has the distinction of being one of the few, if in reality, it is not the only one, to have two chiefs of police. The purchase of a ticket or so for the home talent entertainment to be staged Friday and Saturday, under the direction of the Mothers' Club of Kinston, will help a cause as worthy as any that Kinston has yet taken up the fight for. A playground where the boys and (rirls, young men and women growing up in Kinston can find amusement and recreation amid wholesome environment end proper supervision is absolutely essential to the de velopment of men and women of character, physically, mentally and morally prepared to meet life's responsibilities. The "thanks letter" from those who were Kinston's distinguished guests last week on the occasion of the Carolina Municipal Association which it is our privilege to prim, voice not only the appreciation of those who at tended the convention of the apirit of hispitality evi denced in their reception and entertainment but they aupport the prediction of The Free Press that the com ing of the mayors to Kinston did prove a most effective and wholesome means of calling to the attention of the people of the State the growing importance of Kinston and this section tells its story." that he did not believe the attitude of Mr1.' Kltchln had truly reflected this sentiment. Mr. Mitchell's address on Monday i.ight was free from any semblance of harsh or bitter criticism of his opponent and he announced that it was his intention to conduct a campaign entirely free from bitterness. His address was favorably received and commended even by friends of Mr. Kitchin a well as those who were outspokenly supporting Mr. Mitchell. NO BREAK AT PRESENT, AT LEAST. As has been predicted in unofficial circles in Washing ton since the receipt of the latest German note, Presi dent Wilson has accepted the assurances contained there in of the German Government of a modification of the can border territory of the bandits : u . . e i.u I..... ...I k ,..V,!..V. .,,V. n.o. liieimmiK mc iieaii- ui i-uuu American troops, or Mexican troopa. The .object of the American expedi tion into Mexico was to s'op the raids upon American border cities and towns, and in order to accomplish this the expedition has been pressed far south in conditions that have made for serious difficulties and some dan ger of a rupture of relations between the United States and Mexico. The conference at EI Paso was happily conceived to effect an adjustment to prevent such a break and to insure a successful clearance of the Mexi- -ii i i . i :.- . aL i -lies. tare w.u ue conuucieu wiui 'respeci 10 uie ngnis ami privileges of neutrals and non-combatants using the high DISTRICT No. 2. seas, as set forth in the international laws. "' district includes all territory . ouisiae oi uie tuy oi jvinsion. President Wilson s reply u short and to the pom'. He After the capital prizes, two Max makes It very clear that the United States Government wfKJ0U?nF ,. nave n 8Ward" ed. this district will receive one dia- accepts the unconditional assurances of the German Gov- mond ring, one gold watch, and one . .u .u- a -!. .un .j ank account of ?5. All others in ik ii ua .c,.v .... Uc this district, who remain in t he con and that if such assurances were given by the German test until the close, who do not win . .... . ,. , ,. , one oi me aoove prizes ana wno com- uovernintni, conamonea on me resuu oi aipiomauc ne- Di ytk tye rules wji he Daid a commission of 10 per cent. Mrs. Mabel Barwick, Seven Springs 120,700 Mrs. Emma Barwick, Seven Springs 112,250 Miss Gertrude Grady. Seven Springs, II. f. I). No. ..1 ll.r,,200 Mrs. Annie Stroud. Deep Run, K. r . I). No. 2 i'J.WO Miss liffany Hill, Deep Run, K. U. Z 1123,10(1 Mrs. Mildred Outlaw. Kenans- ville 28,600 Miss Jimmie Karneuay, Ken- ansville 81,750 Mrs. Mary P. Russell, Fort Barnwell 102,125 Mrs. R. W. Lamb. Fort Barnwell 108,200 Miss Sallie French, Fort Barnwell 28,100 Miss Amy Ruth Joyner, Fort -iiarnwell 68.7.r0 forW MshbyVg"1-Lexicon"1 ARROW COLLARspring Style, in two heights CUJETT PEABOPV &-CO NCMKtS Your succes.s will not depend upon the drifting assistance of circum stance, but upon a systematic cam paign built around your own steady and untiring efforts. gotiations now pending with Great Britain, that the re ply was unsatisfactory. The President declines, as h' has her3tofore done, to treat with Germany or to dis cuss in any way whatsoever, the relations of this Gov ernment with the British Government. That, of course, was to Le expected. Violation of in'ernational law by one belligerent is no reason for another to do likewise. Two wrongs never made a right. The President's note is plain and leaves no reason for ny further discussion of the points at issue. The Free Press believes that when President Wilson is assured that such orders have been issued and are being executed by the German naval authorities as to guarantee the proper safeguarding of American life, that he will insist pon a satisfactory reply from Great Britain and there s good reason to believe that the popular feeling of Am erica will be just as cordial in support of such insistence Political Announcements To the Voters of the Seventh Sena torial District: I announce myself a candidate to represent the Seventh Senatorial Dis trict in the next General Assembly of North Carolina, session of 1917. Subject to the Democratic primaries. LEVI J. H. MEWBORN. (Paid Political Advertising) Ice II Sittersons' Cream lOO per cent Pure Not a Compound or Substitute For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District. I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination for one of the senators from the Seventh Senator ial District, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the active sup port of my friends throughout th district. P. BROCK, Trenton, Jones Co., N. C. (Paid Political. Advertis'ing D&SW) We can furnish Individual Cakes, Bon Bons, Nuts, Etc. On a few days notice. Various Individual Moulds and Block Cream any Colors, our Specialty. THE RECEPTION COMPLETE will insure proper respect for American rights by Miss Sudie Cox, Richlands . . 89,725 Great Britain as there has been in the German contro versy. WHAT OTHERS SAY Great is Kinston and The Free Press MR. MITCHELL'S VISIT. The voters of Kinston had an opportunity for the first 4 ma m vnanw t 4ham lata at r uoa an A aiv a lm rn dingman W. Mitchell of Aulander, candidate for Demo era tic nomination for Congress from the Second Di.itrict, Monday night when Mr. Mitchell addressed representa tive audience at the Courthouse. Little publicity had been given to Mr. Mitchell's coming. His friends were not apprised of his plans until about noon, and the an nouncement in Monday's Free Press was the firm infor mation that most of those who heard Mi. Mitchell had had. That there is a great deal of interest in the contest in the Second District was manifest 'by the close attention given Mr. Mitchell. He is not a bombastic political ha ranguer, but a man of parts which cannot but impress favorably those who meet and know him. Mr. Mitchell stated in his address Monday night which, he said, was the opening speech of his campaign, that he was not an office seeker and that his decision was only arrived at, at the last minute before the time for filing notices of candida cies ha:l expired and that he had only entered the race beca use he felt that the -administration of President Wil son should be supported by a man who reflected the sen timent tf the good people of the Second District, and IF BRITONS WERE PRUSSIANS. Columbia State: "Passionate denunciation of the exe cution of einrht leaders of the Dublin insurrectionists is heard coming from men who feel and"wtoo can't think. Were Great Britain German, how many leaders of the Dublin insurgents would have been executed? Woull Germany have been satisfied with executing the leaders? What would be the chances of unsuccessful insurgents in Dresden? What would be the mercy of Prussians to rebellious Mrs Elli jj y ' Maxwell', " Pink " Hill Hanoverians in the midst of this war: Hill 131.800 One answer to the question is that in Hanover there m;ss N;na May Suggs, Hook- -mo onn are no rebels. Miss Bettie Heath, Comfort. 131,72;) Mrs. Maud Basdin, Comfort 105,000 Mia Snllin Kinir (nmfnrt 191 1'.r, Mrs. Jno. R. Shaw, Richlands 12(3,750 Mrs. S. Lee Sadler, Richlands 103,250 Miss Josephine Whaley, Rich- lands, K. r . i). No. 2 49.900 Mrs. Tommie Koonce, Comfort, 11. r . I). No. 1 4y,yoo Misa Dorothy Bass, Kinston, R. F. D. 2 1 15,325 Miss Glenn Sugg, R. F. D. No. , Snow Hill 128,225 Miss Emma Grady, Albertson 110,300 Mrs. Verda B. Grady, Albert- son, 11. r , D I2,7.r0 Miss Conner Jones, Pink Hill 112,200 Miss Carrie Davis, Pink Hill 120,200 Miss Lula Tyndali, Pink Hill 96,400 Miss Gertrude Howard, Pink Hill .. 129,950 Mrs. Winnifred Howard, Pink Hill 19,800 For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Democratic nomination for Senator from the Seventh Sena torial District, subject to the action of the pftmary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the support of the citizens throughout the district; J. FRANK WOOTEN, Jacksonville, Onslow County. (Paid Political Advertising DbA S. C Sitterson PHONE 8 Prussia, at leas', is 'efficient.' AGREEMENT WITH MEXICO. Norfolk Led iter Dispatch: "Former critics of Presi ... . Miua Rnnhol Tmrlr. flrlftntn dent Wilson's policy toward the Mexican government ' p J) .... . . . ... 112 425 must ajrree that the recent understanding goes a long Mis8 Bettie Rouse R P D Lj, wav toward establishing a friendly basis of co-operation Grange 101,200 for the future Mar says: Mra vicll Hardison. R. F. D. President Wilson's approval of the tentative agree- LaGrange 115,500 ment reached between Gen. Scott and Gen. Obregon as Miss lna Harris, Winterville !to,l2.r) to the conduct of the military situation in Mexico in- ... . i r. . suits, so far as tnis country is concerneu, a paiuuc ic- lationship with the de facto government of Mexico. The agreement is subject to ratification by Carranaa, but there is no reason to doubt that that will be forthcom- . . ... . i . i . l . - t , 1 "f ; .. . Vf;nn;a : - r ; 1 1 .. 1 1 i . n i . i lllg. It IS niOSC grailiying 10 Iimi me iwo jfuvrrnnniiLa iuisa iTitiiuic uiooiivuiv . - , . i ... l i:.. i... Uin I.iHa WViiifloM T.onri 01 70rt in avivi tnr n romDiete ami corauti pu-oiwimmuii iw- --- v "Y ... , . i.... ; . u r ' i c.-n .ma, tiay, ...... ia,c,,w Miss Sallie Causley, Grifton K. f . 1) 28,700 Of the present situation the Washington Miss Jesse Kennedy, K. b. D M VJIttllft, . . . . .AmUjWV Miss Emily Bagley. Graingers 97,700 Miss Mattie McAuther, Grain gers 18.100 Miss Dora Miller, Hallsville.. 16,300 Mrs. J. C. Dawson, Hanra- han 49,350 Miss Agnes McLawhorn, Han- rahan 5,200 tween ihe military forces of both Mexico and the United States for the capture of Villa and the elimination of bandits in northern Mexico, Miss Mattie Kennedy, Hallsville. It. r . I). 4 ., 121,2,10 It is of no conseauence to Miss Gertrude Maxwell. Re- . , , .i i i t l l .. i ivuiiuiiuvu yjii x alio iiucci ne uniteu riatea wnvuivr nirou vtjja " SEVERE PUNISHMENT Of Mrs. ChappeD, of Five Tears' Standing, Relieved by CardoL Mt. Airy, N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Chap pell of this town, says: "I suffered for five years with womanly troubles, also stomach troubles, and my punisbmenl was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about CarJui, the wo man's tonic, and 1 decided to try it. I had not taken but about six bottles until 1 was almost cured. It did mn more pood than all the other medicines 1 had tried, put together My friends began asking me why 1 looked so well, and I told them about Cardui. Several are now taking it." Do you, lady reader, suffer from any of the ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backache, sideache, sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired feeling? If so, let us urge you to give Cardui a trial. We feel confident it will help you, just as it has a million other women in the past half century. Det;in taking Cardui to-day. You won't regret it. All druggists. Ifrttr tf: Chartanooca Medicine Co., Ladies' Advisory Tert Cliattanoorra, Term., lor .v ,jl iMifUi-tttmi on iu.r cae ana 04-page Book. Horm Traaunant W Womun." in olain wraDoer N.C. IS4 ATTENTION, PHYSICIANS. Account Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons the Atlan tic Coast Line have announced an excursion fare of $11.25 from Kins ton to Washington, D. C. Tickets will be sold for all trains on May 7 and 8, limited, returning to reach Kinston not later than midnight of May 15. Proportionately low fares will be made from all other points on the A. C. L. These rates are open to the public. For pullman reservations and fur ther information apply to D. J. Ward, ticket agent, Kinston. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, The Standard Railroad of the South Your Eyes Are Valuable Assets to You. Are They Defective? If so. Then They Are a Liability. An examination will reveal any defects. Examination Free. Classes Fitted at Reasonable Prices, by two Registered Optometrists at Mewborn Jewelry Co. NEAR CASWELL MONUMENT (Dont forget the location) Phone 417-J Kinston, North Carolina INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETT1NGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 182 (Next to Postoffice) Catarrh Cannot Be Currd Jfth tXH'AL AfW ICA1IONH. tw ttivy fnrut k m fettl of thf IfeUtrrti to a IiIimkI 01 nit (UMom! dtf-uw, iv J order to cure it you ti Ml k. Ot4rnU remisSM lull's "trrh tiir tkn to rfntliy. . trrrtly upiMi th tiH4 nd mmvu, urfacv. Ittl v atarrh Cur? to not a q-'k mnU to. I M p-crtbet by oim tf thr hoal phvrf-Htni hm t j"V tor yrr and to a hulrr prr. r:ipi It to nafiMKiSKt trf ifi bra juntoi kituwn. rtimbinM. WltA lM bciH bteKMl Klttfrrn. arti'itf rtlpfctly on tth ttunpi mrtmcm. Tht irfrrt rttmhiti .iton of ttk toVU k cur if t-vUrrrt. Mrmt htr rrolimooiA. t r. J "HKNEV K Proftm., 1- . 1HK LK1. UlVtS IMt, 1U1AL, AS TURNED IN UP TO LAST NIGHT A. C. L. SPECIIAL RATES. $28.55 SsratoRs Springs, N. Y. and return. tlLlO Asheville, N. i and return. Account Southern Baptist Conven tion, tickets on sale May 13th to 17th, inclusive, limited until May 31. Extension of final limit may be ob tained until June 15 by deposit of ticket with authorized agent and pay ment of fee of $1.00. $1115 Birmingham. Ala, and return. Account United Confederate Vet erans' Reunion. Tickets on sale May 13-17, inclusive, limited until May 25. $30.05 Orlando, Fla, and retura. Account of General Assembly, Presbyterian church, tickets on tale May 15-19, inclusive, good to return until Jun 8. '1 . ATLANTIC COAST LINE Tfca Stam4ard RIlrw4 f the Soata D. J. WARD, Tkkat ArntT Eoergy and effort fognher with yoa a trlnner on the 18th of May purport 'of your friends" wiQ make DISTRICT No. 1. After the Capital prizes, two Max well Tourinir Cars have been award ed, this district will receive one dia mond ring, one frold watch and one bank account of $'J5. All others in this district who remain in the con test until the close, who do not win one of the above prizes, and who com ply with the rules, will be paid a commission of 10 per cent. DISTRICT No. 1. Miss Mary Farmer.' Kinston. 61.700 Miss Sarah Faulkner, Kins. 10.!,400 Mrs. Mamie Fitzgerald, Kins. 127,6:25 Miss Barbara Emory, Kinston 9i),100 Mrs. Coy Stroud. Kinston .. 111,450 Mrs. Clara Beoton. Kinston . 118,850 Miss Maggie Bissett, Kins.. 89,200 Misa Nannie Blackwell, Kins. 80,800 Mrs. Henry Rradshaw, Kins. 20,200 Mrij. M. L. Braswell, Kinston 110.200 Miss Alma Rroadhurst, Kins. 49050 Miss G. V. Broadway, Kins.. 17,100 Mrs, Laura Cummings, Kins. 107,(500 Miss Carrie B. Cox, Kinston 96,100 Mr. F. L. Hooker. Kinston.. 99,300 J. Colhy Abbott, Kinston 60.100 Mrs. W. G. Morris, Kinston.. 131,050 Miss" Katie Brown ...."38,800 Miss Susie Canady, Kinston 7tf,200 Miss Stella Buck. Kinston.. 97.125 Elisabeth Copeland. Kinaton. 55,700 Mis Dora Diamond, Kinston 127,650 Miss Lena Grady,' Kinaton.. 109,725 Misa Lois Grubba, Kinston., 79,300 Misa Alice Hart. Kinston... 28200 Mary Hartafield, Kinston ... 38,100 Miss Proosie Heath, Kinston 114,200 Miss Delia Hyatt, Kinston 130,750 Miss Lula Isler, Kinston 28,100 Miss Terry Mitchell, Kinston 24.900 Miss Florence Moore. Kinston 05,600 Miss Annie Nobles, Kinston 123.200 Miss Eoline Padrick, Kinston 131,800 Miss Nannie Randolph, Kins. 48,200 Miss Amanda Rhodes, Kins... 22.000 Miss Lida Lec Rhodes 92.300 liss Lillian Rowe, Kinston ..15,500 Miss Maria Sutton, Kinston 07,100 Misa Annie Stephenson, Kinston 6,000 Miss Vana Sutton, Kinston. 00.200 Bessie V. Thornton, Kinston 97,600 Miss Jane Tilghman, Kinston 130,125 Miss Julia Tyndali. Kinston. . 122,700 Miss Lona D. Weeks, Kinston 120,800 Miss Katie Whitehurst. Kins. 70,100 Miss Evelyn Waters, Kinston 104,450 Miss Ella Haskett, Kinston.. 33.000 Mr. WHm Hunter 40,125 Herman Lawaon, Kinston . . . 81.600 Mrs. Eva Cummings, Kinston 88,650 Miss Mary Oettinger 28,100 Miss Allie Delle Gaynor 128,200 Mra. E. A. Best 130350 Mrs. J. B. Leonard. Kina. ,...49,200 Miss Velma Hill, Kinston 91,200 Mr. Gordon Boney, Kinston 120.200 Mrs. M. L. McCuUen. Kins. 39,100 Miss Victoria Bursell, Kins. 128,100 Mrs. 'Claude Smith .. ......131,050 Misa Jane 'Hardy . . . . .. . . . .125,650 Mr. ThiUipa Brooks ...., 63.200 Miss Nannie Stanley, Kinston 123,850 Miss Lucy Freeman .. ',..,..117,225 r r r" en c !rrN do not require breaking-in, but are easy and comfortable the first day you wear them. You never have the desire to "let it out" while wearing W. B. NUFORM CORSETS. V. H. NUFORM, STYLE 440. (See large illustration). For average full figures. Medium bust. Double hip construction gives more than good value. Smooth fit. Long wearing. CoutiL embroidery trimmed, $2.00. W. B. NUFORM. STYLE 419 (See small illustration). Medium low bust; elastic inserts. Splendid wearing Coutil; embroidery trimmed. $130. Other W. B. Models. $1.00 up. W. B. BRASSIERES, wen. with W. B. Corsets give fashionable figure-lines and add to gown fit, 50c up. - - AT YOUR DEALERS SwlfarF, VsinesHsatW.lachewY I I ' W. B. NUFORM Na, 440. $2,00 . . FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KIHSTOH Capital and Surplus $160,000 STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted By Patronizing the FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. J. ROUSE, President DR. HENRY TULL, Vke-Pregt. D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier J. J. BIZZELL, Asst Caahier T. W. HEATH, TeUer W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy DIRECTORS S. H. Isler N. J. Rouse C. Felix Hanrey David Oettinger H. E. Moseley JUST THE TIME FOR THE HOT WEATHER THINGS AND WE HAVE THEM. seasonable assortment tf all goods suitable to the tVtmr fnr man. voman OT ig4 nwiuwi ? 13 child., We have yet a iuii nnc, um advise those that have not bought their's, to do so now. M:n's Palm Beach Cloth ing and Oxfords, also Under- werr, Etc See our display ff Shirts in window. New York Clothing Co. J X. IK, A iff

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