THE DAILY FREE PRESS (United Preee Telegraphic Report) H. Gait "Braxton, Editor and Manager Published Every Day Execot Sunday by the Kin i ton Free rress Co. Inc.. Kinston, N. U Sabeciiptioa Ratca Parable In Advance: Om Wak $ .10 Three Months Om Month M Six Month Ona Year 14.00 1.00 too Communication received and not published will not be returned unless ilampi to cover pottage accompany tame. NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in aole charge of Eastern Department. Files of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. Entered at the postofflce at Kinston. North Carolina, as eecond-clais matter under act of Congress, March S, 1879. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or inattention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. section of the Solid South has given more spontaneous and whole-hearted support to Mr. Wilson Khan has the Old North State. It is useless to say that hundreds and thousands of people from every section of the State, and from every walk of life will Rather in Charlotte Saturday and visitors from neighboring states will be on hand. The Free Press is !ad that President Wilson has found it possible to accept Charlot'.e's invitation. There has been a feeling lown here for some time that he should pay us a visit, and his coming will no douot add many to his already overwhelming number of friend and supporters in this section of the country. 0 nm-- After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nine P. M.t without cost to subscriber. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MA V 17. 1916 Sir R gcr no doubt thinks that John McCarthy, who is alleged to have discovered his attempt in landing on the Irish coast and turned him up to the authorities, did him a "dirty Irish trick." The contemplated erection of five additional silos by the progressive farmers of Lenoir county is but further evidence of the growing tendency on the part of the agri culturists of this section to farm right. A Beaufort county deputy sheriff and a blind tiger are said to have exchanged a dozen shots at east other with in range of ten feet without scoring a single hit. The miraculous thing about the story is that there were not several bystanders reported to have suffered because of the lack of marksmanship of the gunners. It can probably be termed a happy accident for the revenue officer who is said .to have stumbled when hear ing dowr on an alleged moonshiner who was approach ing him with a drawn gun. The stumble caused the oc cidental discharge of the officer's gun with fatal results to the belligerent moonshiner. General Scott's report on the border conferences indi cate a very much more satisfactory condition of affairs than diJ the rumors coming from El Paso, when the Scott-Obregon conference adjourned without apparently having arrived at a satisfactory understanding. Ger eral Scott is of the opinion that the parleys have at least brought about a better feeling and convinced 'the Mexican de facto Government of the sincerity of the united 'States in entering Mexico for the sole purpose of pulling a stop to the bandits' depredations. Because Mr. Rublee, President Wilson's appointee from New Hampshire as a member of the Federal Trndo Com mission, was "personally obnoxious" to Republican Sen ator Gallingcr of New Hampshire, fourteen Democrats in the Senate voted against his confirmation while five Re publicans voted favorably. Senatorial courtesy may have some place, but certainly the rejection of capable and qualified men for needed public service because of personal differences with some senator is woiking the courtesy racket to a finish. THE WHOLE STATE WILL GIVE WELCOME. Not only is Charlotte to bo congratulated became of the coming visit of President Wilson, but the whole State U honored and will join with the Mecklenburg capital to give the Nation's chief executive a most cor dial welcome. President Wilson, himself a Southerner by birth and early education is held in high esteem in Dixie, ami no fight in the open. MARKET COMMITTEE NEEDED! , It is no particular credit to Kinston that cream for lo cal consumption has to be imported from Washington and other distant markets. The natural resources of this section properly employed for dairying would not only care for the local needs, but would make it possible to cstablisn here a creamery which could export dairy pro- lucts to the larger centers of the East and it should be a most profitable enterprise. The Free Press would like to see the Chamlier of Com merce appoint a committee on the establishment of mar kets for various products which are now raised to some extent, and others which could be produced profitably. This question is a most important one. The possibilities for developing diversified farming by providing profitable market facilities for the farmers was most strikingly emphasized, as has before been called attention Ho in these columns, by Mr. Edward Young Clark of the Geor gia Chamber of Commerce in his recent lecture here. The work that Mr. Clark told about is no longer in the ex perimental stage. He had the facts and figures gather ed fron the actual experience which bore eloquent tes timony to ithe wisdom of the plans that his organization advocated; and as he said what had been done in the Georg'a community through co-operative and intelligent effort could be done in other communities, certainly when the natural advantages lend themselves so splendidly as they d'J in this section. WHAT OTHERS SAY GOOD ADVICE FOR VOTERS. Statesville Landmark: "It might be just as well to remark, anent the primary, that it would be well to nret in mind that the primary election of June 3 is conducted nnder 'he same regulations and restrictions ah the regu lar election. Heretofore in our "soap-box" primaries the voting was not regulated by law; and sometimes it was thought smart to vote a handful of tickets instead of one ballot; to vote in more than one precinct; to vote at the same precinct more than once; to vote when not legally qualified being under age or a non-resident. Better not try any of these pranks at the coming primary. If you do the joke may be on you." A STROKE OF ADVERTISING. Charlotte Observer: "Three pages of display adver tising in The Saturday Evening Post, telling why Theo dore Roosevelt's friends believe he should be elected Pres ident, mark a distinctly new stride in the domain of ad vertising. Mr. Roosevelt has long been known as the world's most efficient space-getter. Even his Detroit ri val is compelled to admit that for consistent every-day-in-he-year front page publicity, Theodore has his num ber. But it is' a singular fact that whereas, on the face of the case, a 'straight article' would appear to appeal more powerfully to the public than display advertising. "Especially is this true if the free publicity is over worked. Then the public becomes suspicious and thinks that anything which requires such laborious effort to stir up interest must be lacking in merit, and it backs away, whereas a formal display advertisement would have riv- Vcd attention. This important psychological business fact is known to Mr. Roosevelt's friends, and they are making use of the knowledge in a spectacular manner. One reason the method is effective is liecause it is disin genuous. There is no firing from under cover, no at tempt to mask what is being done. It is a clear-cut Hence its telling power." TAKE IRON, SAYS DOCTOIVIMOU WANT PLENTY OF "STAY THERE" STRENGTH LIKE AN ATHLETE Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Make .Delicate, Nervous, Rundown People 200 Per Cent. Stronger In Two We"ks' Time. In Many Caws New York, N. Y. Most people foolishly seem to think they are go ing to get renewed health and strength from some stimulating me dicine, secret nostrum or narcotic Sauer, a well known specialist who has studied widely both in this coun try and Europe, when as a mat ter of fact, real and true strength can only come from the food you eat.. iBut people o ften fail to get the strength out o f 'heir food because they h.iven't erriugh won in their blood to or.vij to change food into living ma ter. From their weakened, nervous condi tion they know something is wren;:, but they can't tell what, so they gen erally commence doctoring for stom ach or kidney trouble or symptoms of some other ailment caused by the lack of iron in the blood. This thin;; may go on for years, while the pa tient suffers untold agony. If you are not strong or well, you owe it to .ourself to make the f'!ow;r.g test. See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tab lets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of ' ofTer to refund your money if it does nervous, rundown people who were not at least double your strength and liling all the while, dou of dyspepsia, liver and other trou tirr.e simply by taking iron in the prope.' form, and this after they had 'n some cases been doctoring for nonths without obtaining any bene fit. But don't take the old forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimilat ed like nuxated iron if you want it to do you any goml, otherwise it may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prize fighter has won the day simply because he knew the se cret of great strength and endurance and filled his blood with iron before he went into the affray, while manj another lias gone down to inglorious defeat simply for the lack of iron. Note. Nuxated Iron recommended iibove by Dr. Sauer, is one of the newer organic iron compounds. Un like the older inorganic iron prod ucts, it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth, make them black, nor upset the stomach; on the contrary, it is a most potent reme dy, in nearly all forms of indigestion, as well as for nervous, run-down conditions. The manufacturers have such great confidence in Nuxated Iron that they offer to forfeit $100.00 to any charitable institution if they cannot take any man or woman under (10 who lacks iron and increase their strength 200 per cent, or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no serious organic trouble. They also INSURANCE OF ALL IN IS C. OETHNGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 182 (Next to Postoffice) e and even triple their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of all symptems endurance in ten days' time, dispensed in this city by J. E. It is Hood of North Carolina, session of 1917. Subject to the Democratic primaries. LEVI J. H. MEW BORN. (Paid Political Advertising) For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Democratic nomination for Senator from the Seventh Sena torial District, subject to the action of the primary to be held the third df.y of June, 191(1. I will appreciate the support of the citizens throughout the district. J. FRANK WOOTEN, Jacksonville, Onslow County, (raid Political Advertising Ulv Edwin Clapp Shoes For Men Highest Quality and Exclusive Styles In all lengths and widths. c1 complete line of Men's White and Palm Beach Oxfords all grades. : : Mark Cummings FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON Capital and Surplus $160,000 STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted By Fatronizing the FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. J. ROUSE, President DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Prest D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier J. J. BIZZELL, Asst. Cashier T. W. HEATH, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy DIRECTORS S. H. Isler N. J. Rouse C. Felix Harvey David Oettingcr H. E. Moseley' BZSBSi&BnSB Fourth DayGrand Climax WIVES AM) MOTHERS. Have you ever stopped to realize -hnw much the health of your family depends upon you? ror instance, diet ia a great factor in health, and you are responsible for it, then train when any member of your family Rets into a run-down condi tion, when the children are delicate, cross and ailing, when somebody takes cold and develops a rough, they look to you for help. IM you know that our local druggists, J. E. Hood & Co. have a non-secret con stitutional remedy known as Vino! which they guarantee for 'just such conditions. Many families In this vi cinity have found it so reliable they arc never without it. adv. WATCH CHILD'S 'COUGH! Colds, running of nose, continued Irritation of the mucous membrane If neglected may mean Catarrh lat er. Don't take the chances do some thing for your child! Children will not take every medicine, but they will take Dr. King's New Discovery and without bribing or teasing. It's a sweet pleasant Tar Syrup and so ef fective. Just laxative enough to eliminate the waste poisons. Almost the first dote help. Always prepar ed, ae mixing or fussing. Just ask your druggie for Dr. King's New Discovery. It will eafeguard your child a gam st f eriona atlmenfj result ing; from cold.. , dv. Political Announcements FOR THE SENATE. 1 hereby announce my candidacy for State Senator, Seventh Senator ial District, subject to the Democratic primary, to be held June old, l!Ht. Wfl Dfl POLlAH'K. (Paid political advertising DiSW) urer of Iienoir county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to he held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the vote and sup port of my friends throughout the county!" JOHN H. DAWSON. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) For Slate Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination for one of the senators from the Seventh Senator ial District, subject to the action of the Demociatic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the active sup port of my friends throughout the district. F. BROCK. Trenton, Jones Co., N. C (Paid Political Advertising DASW) FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS. LENOIR COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomination for Register of Deeds of Lenoir County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary to be held the third day of June, 1916. , The vote and support of my friends throughout the county will bo appre ciated. CARL PKI-DCEX. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) I J , ''Hoosier Beauty" if Winner) j Panama-Pacific ml $14.75 to $45.00 $1 on Delivery, $1 Weekly, No Exlra Fees, Money Back Guarantee. Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN ami SURGEON, Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 478; Residence 113 C. B. WOODLEY, M. D., office treatment of Rectal and Skin Diseases a Specialty. Temporary Office in Hood Building FOR SHERIFF. LENOIR COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomination for Sheriff of Lemur eount. subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. The vote and support of my friends throughout the county will be appre ciated. A. W. TAYLOR, (raid Political Advertising D&SW) FOR TREASURER. LENOIR COUNTY. 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for re-nomination for Treas- FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER From Kinston Township, Lenoir Co. I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination for one of the county commissioners for Lenoir county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the support of the cititens of Lenoir. S. H ISLER. (Paid political advertising d&sw) To the Voters of the Seventh Sena torial District: -I nr ounce -myself a faniidaie to nprttMi the Seventh Senatorial Dis trict ia the next General Assembly Remember there ;ire Hoosiers for farms, camps, apartments, big and lit tle kitchens, for window spaces and the center of biff kitchens No further need for old-fashioned, built-in, uncle anable cupboards. Tomorrow will mark the most eventful demonstration of Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets since the beginning of this remarkable Gold Medal Sale on Mon day. Men and women have come miles to attend. Our sale of Hoosier Cabi nets has attracted so much attention that we may have to make arrange ments for another shipment from the Hoosier factory to meet the demand. Tomorrow's sale may take every cabinet we have on our floors. If you don't want to wait for yours be sure to come tomorrow and come early. HIOOSIER Gold Medal Sale enables you Mi see the wonderful workings of this modern kitchen machine, as thousands saw it last year at the Panama-Pacific Expo sition, San Francisco. Every housewife should see it. Every hus band should see it. Come tomorrow. Qmnii & . Miller DR. JAS. W. POWELL, DENTIST, Specialist Pyorrhea. Crown and Bridge Work First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone 595. Dr. Albert D.Parrott Physician and Surgeon Kinston, N. C. Office ack Hood's Drug Stoie LUNSFORD ABBOTT, D. O., Osteopathic Physician, Upstairs, Next Door to Dixie, Phone 579-J. loseph Dawson J. Frank Woo tea DAWSON & WOOTEN, Attorneys at Law, Practice Wherever Service Desired Accounts and Rents Collected. 1 jet T II I S 17 E E K N. J. Rouse Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N. C ROUSE & LAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C Goldsboro, N. C 393-394 Borden Building CfcT St 1 Take Notice! TO THE CITIZENS OF KINSTON The sewer connections have now been completed and are ready for se. . Bi. . - It wiQ be to the interest of those desiring plumbing done to eee promptly, or call Phone No. 49& .:. ..-.ft-'--- R.E. L. RHODES

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