FAGETW9 THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS (United Preet Telegraphic Report) H. Gait Braxton. Editor and Manager Published lrery Day'ExceDt Sunday by the Klniton Free Press Co- Inc.. Kinston. N. C. Subscription Rate Payable In Advance: UM Week $ .10 Three Month Um Month M Six Months . One Year 14.00 1.00 1.00 ment which are wholesome and uplifting and who are not afraid to take chance. The Chautauqua of 1914 and '15 were well pr.tronized. The good people of Kin gton supported the guarantors most loyally. The prom ise of the Chautauqua management thin year is for a better entertainment than ei her of the preceding years. Mr. Citizen, the quest. on the ticket sellers will ask you is '"How many?" no: whether you will take a ticket or not, so be ready! Communications received and not published will not be reiurnea unless stamps to cover postage accompany same. NEW YORK OFFICE 3H Park Row. Mr. Ralph R Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free r v. . Entered at the postofflee at Kinston. North Carolina, ar eecond-class matter under act or Congress, March 3, 1879 Subscribers! are requested to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free Press of any irregularity of delivery or insttcntion whatsoever on the part of the carrier. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A codv will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nint r. M without cost to subscriber. THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 18. 1916 Kins'on needs a co-operative market for every product which tan profitably be produced in this section. Kinston is situated in a most favored section, a region endowed with natural soil and climatic resources which Khould make diversified farming attractive, and with ar outlet for diversified products, there is every reason to believe (hat diversified farming will become a reality in these parts. Ever American newspaper publisher can sympathize with the 3,000 German publications which have suspend ed because of advanced prices in white paper and other obstacles arising from the war. Not only are the Ger man brethren inconvenienced, but publishers everywhere are being put to it to take care of the rise in white paper bills, and unless some relief is given soon the people may as well prepare themselves for a general in erase in subscription prices to meet the increase in raw materials. The Alalia ma officials are evidently in dead earnest about enforcing the recently enacted state-wide prohibi tion laws. It is reported that two companies of state militia have been called out and stationed in a horde) community to oust the "blind tigers." The law should lie enforced and when th"e local authorities demonstrate their inability to handle the outlaws, we believe that stale assistance should be forthcoming. The calling of troops to do police duty, as in the Alabama case, should not foe found necessary except in very remote instances, nev ertheless when outside assistance is needed to enforce the law it should be sought LET THE HEROES HAVE THEIR WAY. It was but to be expected that the obi soldiers in ses sion in Birmingham should declare their intention of continuing their annual gatherings so lun' as there are any of their number left to meet. That spirit of deter mination has ever characterized the Southern heroes. The Free Press has taken the position in times past that it would perhaps be better for the meetings of the old soldiers to be confined to the state gatherings. This view has been held, however, out of consideration for the old soldiers, many of whom have hastened incapacity and death because of over-exertion in their courageous at tempts to keep up the pace from year to year, and it has not been with any desire to detract one scintilla from the plejsure of their declining years. If they elect to continue their annual meetings and are willing to run the risk of exposure and exertion incident to the long trips a"id the attendance on the sessions, there should be no obstacles put in the way. There is an added responsibility as the years go by on the hosts of the reunions to provide greater conveni ences ai.d especially conveyances for the easy and safe moving of the old soldiers from place to place, and in the parades. Political Announcements FOR THE SENATE. I hereby announce my candidacy for State Senator, Seventh Senator ial District, subject to the Democratic primary, to be held June Mrd, l'.ilii. W. I). POLLOCK. (Paid political advertising D&SW) DR. GEO. E. KORNECAY, SPECIALIST In Disease of Women & Children Office Hours: 10 to 17 Office: 107 West Caswell Street PHONE 118. For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination for one of the senators from the Seventh Senator ial District, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the active sud- port of my friends throughout th district F. EROCK, Trenton, Jones Co., N. C. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW') Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. PHYSICIAN a4 SUKGOS, Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 478; Residence 113 WHAT OTHERS SAY FOR SHERIFF, LENOIR COLNTV. I hereby announce myself a candi date for reromination for Shoriff of Lenoir county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, l'Wi. The vote and support of my friend.; throughout the county will be appre ciated. A. V. TAYLOR. (P.'iid Political Advertising D&SW) C. B. WOODLEY, M. D., vBce treatment of Rectal and Skin Disease a Specialty. Temporary Office in Hood Building DR. JAS. W. POWELL, DENTIST, Specialist -Pyorrhea. Crown 9 Bridge Work First Nat. Bank BIdg. Phone 593. FRIDAY & SATURDAY BARGAIN DAYS SOUR GRAPES, EH? Greensboro Record: "The regret is that Charlotte couldn't, some way or other, run that celebration over about .six days. There is so much for one day only that we fear the people will think it like a three-ringed cir cus. HOW MANY TICKETS, PLEASE? The Chautauqua committees have lieen appointed. The full list is being printed in another column in today's Free Press. The advertising committee has already got ten down to work and the ticket-selling committee will begin active operations, no doubt," in the next few days, making e canvass of the citizens of Kinston for the pur pose of selling season tickets, thoproeecds from which KO to rover the guarantee fund made good by the en dorsement of a number of Kinstonian ; who are lending their influence in bringing to Kinston those amuse NORTH CAROLINA AND VIRGINIA GOLD. Richmond News-Leader: "News 'that operations at the Gold Hill (N. C.) gold mines are to be resumed 'on a business basis' has put the Charlotte Observer in high pints. Also, it has led to that contemporary's giving some interesting facts about 'the gold-mining industry in that state, which was very prosperous in the past. The Gold II 11 mines, the Observer tells us, had a record on he books of the old assay office at Charlotte of a produc tion of more than $0,000,000. This record matches exact- y that made by the now abandoned Rudisell mine, in the southern limits of Charlotte. The Capps Hill mine, the St. Catherine and other famous gold producers of days nick were abandoned, the Observer states, when water was struck, and it is tradition that the richest ores are below the water line. Our contemporary expresses con viction that 'some day a practical miner will come along with the proper system and the rush to the Carolina gold fields will 'beat the celebrated rush of the -I'.lcrs to the California coast.' "That is going it rather long on gold-mining entlnisi ism, or shall we say gold fever? Still what with our latter-day improved methods of gold minin.'r and ndvnnc d scientific means of extracting the metal, there would ippear no reason why some of the abandoned workings n X ir h Carolina should not ngnin prove very profitable nil the same mav be said in regard to Virginia. For system and science there is reward in both states on moderate scale, at the least." FOR TREASURER, LENOIR COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-nomination for Treas urer of Ix-noir county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to U held the third day of June, 11)10. I will appreciate the vote and sup port of my friends throughout the county. JOHN II. DAWSON. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) Dr. Albert D. Parrot t Physician and Surgeon Kimlor, N. C. Office H)acl( Hood's Drug Stotc FOMREGISTER OF DEEDS, LBOIR COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomination for Register of Deeds of Lenoir County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary to. be held the third day of June, 1S1C. The vote and support of my friends throughout the county will tie appre ciated. CARL l'RIDGKX. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) DR. O. L. WILSON, DENTIST Office Over J. E. Hood & CVs Slore Mennen's Talcum Powder, 25c value 13c Box. Ladies' Large Size Gauze Vest, V neck, 15c value 10c each. One Lot of Boys' Straw Hats, 25c value 19c each. Infants' Gowns, made of good quality nainsook Special Bargain 25c. One Lot of Children's While Embroidered Dresses, good value, 2 to 6 years, 25c each. LUNSFORD ABBOTT, D. O., Osteopathic Physician, Upstairs, Next Door to Dixie, Phone 379-J. A new shipment of Children's White Dresses, very good value at the price 98c each. A new shipment of Corset Co vers, all fancy lace or em broidered, trimmed back and front Special price 25c each. Androscoggin Bleaching, 12'ic value, 10c yard. Sizes 11 to 2, Girls' Sandals, 75c value Special, 49c paid. A new shipment of Children's Dresses. 25c value Special, 15c each. 25 Fancy Ladies Parasols, $1.50 value Sale Price 98c. ine assortment of Children's Hats, 10c each. Ladies' White Wash Skirts, $1.25 to $1.50 value 98c each. Assortment of iMen's Shirts for the low price of 42c each Assortment of Men's Straw Hats, 75c to $1.00 values Special for Saturday only 44c. Joseph Dawson J. Frank Wootea DAWSON & WOOTEN, Attorney at Law, Practice Wherever Service Desired Accounts and Rents Collected. Operate Passenger Trains from North Carolina into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON? East Hound 11:21 P. . "Nig-ht Express." Pull man Sleeping Can New Bern to Norfolk -Daily, and nects for all North and West Par lor Car Service be- for Boaufort Norfolk. Oon- point 4:41 p. . Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound S:4S a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:0.1 a. in. Daily for Goldsboro. 8:14 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. For further information or reser vation of Pullman sleeping car p:ice, apply to W. J. Nicholson. Agent, Kinston, N. C. K. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager, Nor. folk. Va. H. S. Leard. Onerml Paaaanrat GOOD FOR COLDS. the Culnlne Tint Does Not Affect Tht Head ilaii-,- of it tame an, I LiAtivr rffrrt. I A X A iVOrtOlK. riiiKinii ill hcu'l Krmrmbrr the lull n.ntic and lK,k lor Itie iutiru i.l K v. c. kit vnc. Honey, Pine-Tar and Glycerine are recognized cold remedies. In Dr. Bell's Iine-Tar-IIoney these are com bined with other cough medicine in a pleasant syrup. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-IIoney quickly stops your cough, checks your cold, soothes irritation of the throat. Excellent for young, adult and aged. It's one of the best cough syrups, made. Formula on every bottle. You know just what you are taking and your doctor knows it's good for coughs and colds. Insist on Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Only 25c !t druggists. adv FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER From Kinston Township, Lenoir Co. I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination for one of ihe county commissioners for Lenoir county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 191fi. I will appreciate the. support of the citizens of Lenoir. S. H ISLER. (Paid political advertising d&sw) To the Voters of the Seventh Sena torial District: I announce myself a candidate to represent the Seventh Senatorial Dis trict in the next General Assembly jf North Carolina, session of 1917. Subject to the Democratic primaries. LEVI J. II. MEWBORN. (Paid Political Advertising) DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty Office over Cot- Mill office N. J. Rouse Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C. Goldsboro, N. C. ROUSE & LAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C. Goldsboro, N. C. :J9.1-,1!)4 Borden Building New Millinery Hats of all Kinds, Just Arrived, Flowers, Wings, Etc. Prices at least 50c on the dollar, will be sold now, come, now is your time as long as they last. ELI NACHAMSON 126-128 N. Queen St., Phone 410-J. ARE YOU GOING TO I? UIL For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District. I hereby announce myself a can lidate for the Democratic nomination for Senator from the Seventh Sena- orial District, subject to the action if the primary to be held the third Jr.y of June, 1910. I will appreciate the support of the itizens throughout the district J. FRANK WOOTEN, Jacksonville, Onslow County. (Paid Political Advertising D1W RHEUMATIC PAINS STOPPED. The drawing of n.uscles, the sore ness, stiffness and agonizing pain of Rheumatism quickly yield tj Sloan's Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the painful part. Just apply as di rected to the sore spots. In a short time 'ihe pain gives way to a tingling sensation of comfort and warmth. Here's proof "I have had wonder ful relief since I used your Liniment on my knee. To think one applica tion gave me relief. Sorry I haven't space to tell you the history. Thank ing you for what your remedy has lone for me." James S. Ferguson. Philadelphia, Pa. Sloan's Liniment kills pain. 25c at Drucirists. adv. If so, it will pay you to inspect our complete line of building materials be fore making your purchases. We car ry only the best grades, and sell them at reasonable prices. Alpha Portland Cement Washington Lime Acme Plaster De Voe's Paints Sash, Doors, and Blinds ' And all that is required to complete a building. B. W.Canady & Son i . 1 . -- ,,-,,. I " mmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmi&mm r i . - 1 i , , i . . t i . - -r rit: t-jwn in in' i ni miwv. nr-v ahut ua.tuin 1 i ITvpr -- I ycN 1 I I '-OY . wi'r. UNION totv I - , ? WOfVPER OP THE- v n- ,Z - - - .. . " " - -;;:0--AS:t - ' - - - -. ' . .. ziy, '