-1 THE KINSTON FREE PRESS I:. i f 'I J : 01 ill M I d THE DAILY FP PRESS" H. Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager Published Every Day Excent Sunday by the Kiniton Free . Pnm Co. Inc. Kiniton. N. C. Sabaaintioa Rates Arable in Advance: OM Week .10 Three Month! 1.00 Jtonta M Six Months x.w One Year $4.00 Communication! received and not published will not be returned nnleii stamps to cover postage accompany same. NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. Entered at the postofflce at Kinston. North Carolina, as second-class matter under act of Congress, March 8, 1879. Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 76, The Free Press of any hregularity of delivery or inattention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 30, 1916 Well, the Wrightsville publicity campaign is on in earnest. Cowan has opened up at last and makes it known that the "blue ribbon summer resort of the South Atlantic coast" will start its 1916 season next week. The Old North State is honored beyond measure this year by the visits of o many of 'the nation's foremost men. President Wilson, Vice-President Marshall, Secre taries Daniels, McAdoo, Lane and others have lent their presence to our various State and educational ceremon ies. . v The BlackstonoiVa.) Courier has just issued a twenty-four page ; Progress Edition. Mr. II. C. Scott, who assisted a getting out The Freeress's Opportunity edi tion last year, assisted Editor Land in compiling a very iutcresting paper. , The marketiacilities for handling tobacco and other, crops of the Nottoway section were splendidly exploited, 'and the edition gives credit to Blackstone and the Courier, What will Kinston do with reference to its city gov ernment? is the question which well may be In the minds of every citiren. Will the peopH'tf Kinston be content to continue year after year to pay out a thousand dol lars in a mayor's salary and permit the duties which ought to be performed by that official to be placed upon al dermen, who are not themselves compensated adequately for executive duties? - The dear peoplo who may be suffering from the exces sively hot weather, politicians and other seasonable an noyances may console themselves by the realization that the crop of political solicitors will be largely eliminated after this week. This being the final week of the first campaign in the State preceding a eta'ie-wide primary behooves every good citizen tojgi've some thought to the matter if they have not already made their choices for the various offices that are to be filled. If the wrong men are elected the people Have only themselves to blame. . The following very kind words are taken from the es teemed New Bern Sun: "Kinston is to have a new union passenger station soon and the residents of that town are mightily pleased over this matter. Kinston is fast forging to the front, faster than a number of towns in this section, and we would not be surprised to fee it one of thejltadcrs of the State before many, years have passed." We can very easily ' return the compliment ami con gratulate New Bern on the splendid progress that it is making. . , The spectacular contest for National Democratic Com mitteemen from ' Virginia, which has been waged for some weeks past between Representative Carter Class and Col. Rorer James, has suddenly been brought to an end by the withdrawal of Mr. James. It is understood that 'Ma James withdrew after having been promised the chairmanship of the State Democratic Committee. Mr. Glass denies any knowledge of such an agreement, so does Governor Stuart. All the leaders are visibly pleas ed, however, with the harmony stroke which Congress man Flood is said to have brought about by withdrawing himself from the race for, State Chairman. The conven tion at Roanoke will therefore be a tame affair, to what was promised a few days ago when the supporters of Messrs. Glass and James were in such a fever of excite ment. COMMISSIONERS DRAFT RESOLUTIONS. In criticising the convict system in Lenoir County in Superior Court last week, Judjre Bond said that it did not appear that the commissioners had ever formulated any rules or published uny in accordance with the 1913 public laws of North Carolina. The only action, it ap peared, that had been taken. Judge Bond said, was the passing of a resolution empowering the road superin tendent to adopt such rules and regulations as he saw fit and that it did not appear that any rules whatsoever had been posted for the information of the convicts. Monday afternoon the commissioners held a special meeting and drafted rules, which it appears from a cas ual reading, should materially improve the working con ditions for the convicts. The rules are specific and it is understood Hhat each and every convict is to be made acquainted with them before he is subjected to punish ment for violation. It is safe to predict that the service from the convicts will under 'Ihe revised order of things be much more satisfactory. The rules requine all pun lnhment to be administered cither hy the road superin tendent or in his presence and under his direction. That rhould insure not only a fair hearing but humane treat ment in the inflicting of punishment. The Free Press felt that Judge Bond's firm stand against the barbarous methods, alleged to have been permitted in the handling of the convicts, would result in good and the prompt action of the commissioners but bears out that prediction. ocratic party to nominate Mr. Bick ott at this time. He is a far better campaigner than Mr. Daughtridge, will be able to spare the time to e.ump the state and will hold his own against any opponent. Mr. Daught ridge could not meet the opposition on the stump and ability lo . Aalk seems to be the chief qualification in running for office in North Carolina. There is nd. a candidate in the field who has exceptional ability, but so far as we know they are all hon est That's the main consideration. Bickett would be the ablest man in the campaign next fall if he is nom inated, and that is why thoughtfol Democrats should give his candidacy consideration." Richard Mansfield's Greatest suc cess "A Parisian Romance." Granc Wednesday. 'Jjj adv Political 'Announcements WHAT OTHERS SAY THE CONTEST ENDS. Richmond News Leader: "The withdrawal of Colonel Rorer A. James from the contest for national committee man is due to two reasons: Party leaders were anxious to avoid discord during the presidential year and, second ly, they were unwilling to appear before the people of Virginia as sponsoring a movement that would deprive the State of the services of a most capable man in a position for which he was peculiarly qualified solely be cause he was not in sympathy with the dominant fac tion in the state. "We shall noli, attempt to gauge the relative import ance of these two motives as they actuated party lead ers. Where harmony is not bought at the price of honor and efficient public service, it is always desirable, and never more so than during a year, when even a surely Democratic State wishes to present a united front. None welcomes harmony under such circumstances more than does this newspaper. "Time alone will tell whether the withdrawal of Col. James' name, for begrudging concession to propriety and public, opinion or, whether it indicates a new willingness on the part of Democratic leaders to avail themselves of true ability, it maltters not where it may be found. If Col. James was asked to forego his ambition because party leaders felt they could not afford to brook the growing sentiment in behalf of Mr. Glass, then the re result will ncC be any lasting lessening of factional feel ing in Virginia. But if one Democrat was urged to tep aside bucause a better-equipped man could be had, then a precedent has been set that may be of the greatest im portance in unifying Virginia Democrats. "This newspaper has never believed there was any peculiar virtue in the name 'machine' or 'anti-machine.' We never have and we never will recognize the vested right f any group of men to public office. We shall nlways concede the right of Col. James or any other hon est man to run for any office he desires. We only de mand that Uhe party support the best men who offer and that it make the test service to the people, not subser vience to a faction, ability to lead, not amenability to follow." FOR THE SENATE. I hereby announce my candidacy for State Senator, Seventh Senator ial District, subject to the Democratic primary, to be held June 3rd, 1916. W. D. POLLOCK. (Paid political advertising D&SW) For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District. I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination for one of the senators from the Seventh Senator ial District, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the active sup port of my friends throughout the district F. BROCK, Trenton, Jones Co., N. C. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) FOR SHERIFF, LENOIR COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomination for Sheriff of Lenoir county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. The vote and support of my friends throughout the county will be appre ciated. A. W. TAYLOR. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) To the Voters of the Seventh Sena torial District: I announce myself a candidate to represent the Seventh Senatorial Dis trict in the next General Assembly of North Carolina, session of 1917. Subject to the Democratic primaries. LEVI J. H. MEWBORN. (Paid Political Advertising) FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I hereby announce my candidacy for the House of Representatives from Lenoir county, subject to the wishes of the voters to be expressed in the Democratic primary of June 3. FRED. I. SUTTON. (Paid political advertising D&SW) FOR THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. After much solicitation from peo ple in various sections of the county, I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representa tives in the General Assembly of North Carolina, subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters expressed in the primaries June 3d. Respectfully, II. W. BROTHERS. (Paid political advertising D&SW) Service in Corsets Mean a Saving to You -In Henderson VCorsets 1 For Their V FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, LENOIR COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomination for Register of Deeds of Lenoir County, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary to be held the third day of June, 1916. The vote and support of my friends throughout the county will be appre ciated. CARL PRIDGEN. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) FOR TREASURER, LENOIR COUNTY. I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-nomination for Treas urer of Lenoir county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to he held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the vote and sup port of my friends throughout the county. JOHN H. DAWSON. (Paid Political Advertising D&SW) FOR CORONER. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Coroner of Lenoir county, subject to the wishes of the Democratic voters in the primary on June 3. EUGENE WOOD. (Paid political -advertising D&SW) BICKETT AND DAUGHTRIDGE. Hickory Record: The Winston-Salem Journal, which is supporting Attorney General Bickett for the nomination for Governor, endeavors to argue for its candidate by as cribing uKcrior motives to Lieutenant-Governor Daught ridge, who is every whit as honest and patriotic as the attorney general. As between the two men, we can find nothing to enthuse over. iNeither is specially brilliant, though Mr. Dickd.t is bright enough, and is one of the best spellbinders in the State. "We believe that it will be to the interest of the Dem- FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER From Institute Township, Lenoir Co. I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination tor one of the county commissioners for Lenoor county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the support of the citizens of Lenor. A. T. DAWSON. (Paid political advertising D&SW) FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary on June 3. G. G. MOORE. (Paid political advertising D&SW) Exquisite Style. ., . . Economy of Wear. Graceful figure lines. - Excellence of all materials: boning, supporters, trimming and fabrics. ; Because They Are comfortable and need no tedi ous "breaking in." Correct irregularities of the figure. Are guaranteed not to break or tear. Are made for all types, of figure and at the price you want to pay. Give a dollar's worth for every dollar spent . PRICES $100, $1.50, $2.00, $2.5o $3.50 and $5.00,, ELI NACHAMSON 126-128 N. Queen St KinitoivN. C. W. T. LEE. COMMISSIONER ' 1 For State Senate From Seventh Sen atorial District I hereby announce myself a can didate for the Democratic nomination for Senator from the Seventh Sena torial District, subject to the action of the primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the support of the citizens throughout the district J. FRANK WOOTEN, Jacksonville, Onslow County. (Paid Political Advertising Olv From Kinston Township, Lenoir Co. I hereby announce myself a can didate for nomination for one of uhe county commissioners for Lenoir county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held the third day of June, 1916. I will appreciate the support of the citizens of Lenoir. ; i?;S.'H ISLER. (Paid political advertising d&sw) KEEP YOUR SKIN CLEAR AND HEALTHY. There is only onet way to have a clear, healthy complexion and that is tj keep the bowels active and regu lar. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your complexion healthy and clear, move the bowels gently, stimu late the liver, cleanse Itho system and purify the blood. A splendid spring n.'tdicine. 25c at your druggist, adx SERVING HIS FIRST TERM And Candidate for Renomination for Member of the Corporation Commision An Unbroken Record of Success In Business and Public Affairs. ..It has been the unbroken custom of the party to renominate for at least a second term a faithful public official. Will appreciate your sup port in the primary. adv, CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 j FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE. Southbound Northbound 332. m i , i 333 A. M. " ' P. M.v 7:35 Ar. ... Kinston a.. Lv. 6:00 s 7:29.... Hines Junction ,...s 6:06 I 7:06'....-... Pools ........ f 6:20 s 7:00 Dawson s 6:27 s 6:47 Glenfleld ....... s 6:41 f 6:40 Suggs Siding f 5:60 6:30 Lv.. .. Snow Hill .. . Ar. 6:00 All trains governed by the Norfolk Southern rules while nsing the track from Kinston to Hines Junction, and subject to the orders of its aupsrin tendent The above schedule is given as In formation only, and is supposed to b the time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not jruarantecd. WILLIAM HAYES, general Superintendent (Norfolk SouiTiERtfi Operates Passenger Trains from North Carolina into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT. SPECIALIST In Diseases of Women & Children Office Hoars: 10 to 1 Office: 107 West Caswell Street. PHONE 111 N. B. The following schedule fig ares published as information only, and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON: East Bound 11:21 p.m. "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. 7:11 a. sb, Daily, for Beaufort and Norfolk. Con nects for all points North and West Par lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. av Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 1:49 a. m. Daily for Coldsboro. 10:03 a. sa. Daily for Goldsboro. 8:14 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. For further information or reser vation of Pullman sleeping car space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kinston, N. C. E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager, Nor folk, Va. j H. 8. Leard. General Passenger STATE OR NORTH CAROLINA Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom The Presents ,May Come Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satis faction,, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Farm ers' Union Warehouse Company, a corporation of this State, whose prin cipal office is situated in the City of Kinston, County of Lenoir, State of North Carolina (J. E. Cameron being the agent therein and in charge there of, upon whom process may be serv ed), has complied with the require ments of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," pre liminary to the issuing .of this Certi ficate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify - that the said corporation did, on the ; 2d day of May, 1916, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided hy law. In Testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my offi cial seal at Raleigh, this 2d day of May, A. D. 1916. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. 5-9-ltaw-4wks. : m MlrTF MFC CFMr-p HE MADE THE GENT DEPART .V " ' fe?M' -OA.C. I lEJ OEiWlLrv WITHOUT HIS BAGGAGE m : : Big MHE . jL lass b 0 Tr iSScWr) r s?i . , . , "i ii - , J ' - i"N t . , - ," vlt ' : , ' i - - a-