THE KINSTON FREE PRESS ' I i'i IU1 n TOILET SOAPS that fit in nicely with whatsoever your good taste er judgment de mands. We have the finest per fumed and scented soaps. We also have an extra quality castile . toap that fills the multitude of needs for everyday use. 5c to 35c a Cake. LENOIR DRUG COMPANY W. D. Hood, Prop. On The Square Phone 1 1 4 DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT. SPECIALIST In Diseases) of Women & Chi&lren "- Office Hours: 10 to 13 Offlce: 107 West Caswell Street PHONE 118. Dh Albert D.Parrott Physician and Surgeon ,-, Kbuton, N. C Offict&uJffHood'i Dtug 5ore DR. 0. L. WILSON, DENTIST Office Over J. E. Hood & Co . v Store DR. F. FITT8, - Osteopath. Upstairs, Next Door Old Postoffice .. EXAMINATION FEES. PkMear Office 60. Res-421 DR. JAS. W. POWELL, ( , DENTIST, SpecUUsU-Pyorrhea. Crown and Bridge Work First Nat Bank Bid. Phone 595. GRAND THEATRE WEDNESDAY !,- i i " f H "THE FOURTH ESTATE Schlos? Baltimore Clothes The Most .Va(ue For Your Monev Take this tip from experienced clothing men: when you buy" Clothes buy GOOD ONES. Palm Beach and Coo! Cloth The Garments for Hoi Weather. N T. W. owborh Co, ouy 9 i cum Beach Pants $1 a Pair. Wliddy Shirts, 25 and 50c. Parasols Reduced. CHAS. A. WATERS The Telephone Store Telepaeae U , a: Zfancy Hosiery To Be Fashionably Dressed You Should Wear Fancy IJosiery. See Styles in Show Window. J. C. DAIL & CO. C. B. WOODLEY, M. D., Cffice treatment of Rectal and Skin Disease a. Specialty. Temporary Offlce in Hood Building f ' evil mm u,:',' ii.OTOT) t 1 AS SJ , f hi - rf , v .jaw" V "'"lA OF LOCAL Realty TranHfers. . J. Heoth to Jesse Smith, small tract of land ',$050. Jesse J. Smith .to I. J. Heath, Caswell street lot, $1,200. Marriage Liccnue. To one colored couple: Levi Pope and Lula Progg, both of Lenoir coun ty . Meeting of Chamber Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce will hold its regular meeting in Secretary F. I. Sutton's office this evening at 8 o'clock. Accepted Bridge. The County Commissioners Monday formally accepted .:he new Caswell $12,625. Individuals who will be ben efitted paid $5,000 of the expense. Richlands Station Burned. Fire of undetermined lorigLn de stroyed the Dover & Southbound Railroad staiiion at Richlands, says a report from Dover. Two empty cars and the contents of the building also were burned. The loss was be tween $5,000 and $6,000. To Give Play. The Neighborhood Betterment As sociation and Sunday school combin ed will present a play, "A Box of Monkeys," at Coahoma school, near Kennedy's Mill, Friday night, at 7:30. Accompanying will be a vocal and instrumental program well worth hearing. Fishermen's Good Luck. Mr. T. HMartin, back from More. head City, says a party he was with Friday caught 500 pounds of sheeps- head and trout at a wreck about 18 miles oc Cape Lookout shoal. Some of the sheephead weighed 15 pounds ho states. Wi.h Mr. Martin wore Courtney Mitchell of Kinston and Will Webb of Morchead. Wants to Put On Wrestling Match Here. "Bumps" Turner, former A. & M football player and native of Meck lenburg, who came to the Sitate re cently from Baltimore, was here on Monday evening with his manager, H. G. Moore of New Burn. They hope to stage a wrestling match here some night next week. Kin.ston is the. only town in the eastern pant of the State not to have had the wres tling fever so far. Turner and Moore say that the sport is accomplishing a lot of good. Youngsl'.ers go wild over it and flock to the professionals, neglecting everything immoral in their enthusiasm over the art wliieh promises to become as popular in this country as in ancient Greece. Turner is a brother of the world mid dleweight champioe. Joe Turner. POOLROOMS MUST BF. CLOSED BY LAST OF THIS MONTH (Continued from Page One) appointed to investigate a petition for the opening up of Chestnut street from TifTuny avenue to East street. The J. T. Deal franchise for a rail road track from Southwest Kinston to a connco'.ion with the A. C. L., was returned to the Council. The total of fll,711.!)l was ex pended in the city improvements in May, the engineer's estimates show ed. POLLOCK NOMINATED; SECOND SENATORIAL PRIMARY NECESSARY Col. W. D. Pollock has official re turns from all the counties in the Seventh Senatorial District, showing that he was nominated in Saturday's primary. He received a total vote of 3,167. A second primary will be necessa ry to choose the other Democratic candidate. The remaining four ran in this orderr Brock, Webb, Wooten and Mewborn. Brock receiv ed 1,900 rote end Webb 1,897. The race between the Jones and Carteret men in the next primary is expected to be a hummer. , Caiartb Cannot jt$;CunNl Mk LOCAL M-W.tCA.TtON- as Cf-T mi " w " i" .rrm 11 dim m com) tntvtBi Ow. 4 to ortor t our you tale - - v- " - mniq wn v ur w a qur.!R tttro. - m a wnw vj m of iojp arai parrufa ki sa K jrnir. aatf a a mmirr puint a Ihm htaoi panam. actww flarrtfy ea u auroum Th prftrrt nlMM ar Urn iw iJnwjr wn winoam rm M aw niwii. rvart imtmon. n. J- ,,'K,' re. tet 5 Subscribe in The Free Preaa. INTEREST SEVERAL MONTHS ERE COUNTY CAN GET AGENT Home Demonstration Worker Will Probably Be Located Here About September To Work With School Authorities Asst. Supt Parrott Responsible for Employment It will be September before Lenoir county gets the home demonstration work agent for which the County Commissioners and Education Board appropriated Monday. The Assist ant Superiptendent of Schools, Miss Hattie Parrott, who was instrumen tal in securing . the adoption of the work here, was informed by Miss Jane S. McKinnon, State Agent, last week that it would be impossible to provide an appropriation before then. Miss Parrott it was who had Mrs. Estejle Smith of Wayne county come here and convince the official boards that Lenoir county should have a worker in this department. When the agent is installed here the expense will be divided between the government and the county. The former will provide $000, and the commissioners $400, and the Educa tion Board $200 for thexjirst year's work. Between 40 and 50 counties in the State have or will have home work demonstrators this year. The agent here wUl work with the county edu cation authorities, through and in every rural school in the county. WOMAN'S PARTY TODAY DECIDES WHO WILL BE GIVEN THEIR BALLOTS (By the United Press) Chicago, June 6. What political party will officially be handed the support "of 4,000,000 women's votes in the eleven "free" states at the No vember national election ? This question, the most important in the Woman's Party convention, meeting here this week, was to be decided today 'by suffrage delegates when they assemble this afternoon at the Blaekstone Theater. The Woman's party expects to place this vote where it will do the mos good in helping to bring about national equal suffrage. JULIA SANDERSON TO . BECOME BRIDE AGAIN (By the United Press) New York, June 6. Julia Sander son, musical comedy star, will be married to Lieutenant Bradford 15ar nette, head of the New York branch of the U. S. hyckographic bureau to day. Miss Sanderson's first husband was Tod Sloan, the jockey, frro- whom she was divorced four years ago. She met Lieutenant Barnette at a tea on board the U. S. -battleship Rhode Island in Boston harbor six years ago. KINSTON MAIIKETS Prices prevailing Here for farm produce today, as quoted by the Kin ston Peanut Company, were: Hams, lb 17 H Shoulders, lb 12 Eggs . .20 Pork 10 Lard 14 Hens, lb 10 Country butto- 30 Roosters, apiece 25 Corn, bush 80 Grand Theatre Today ED. STALLLNGS THE VIOLINIST IN , CONCERT A ' Paramount fire " reel feature "THE GOLDEN CHANCE With CleoRidgely and Wallace Reid. A Paramount Bray Car . toon Comedy. -, , . . . .. Balcony 10c Main Floor 20c Pictures Start 7:45 Tomorrow WILLIAM FOX FEATURE "THE FOURTH ESTATE" , Thursday Robert Warwick in "SUDDEN RICHES" SKIRTINGS THAT WASH Hea.vy Oyf ter Shell ' White Linen Wide Stripe Linene Blue, Black, and Green 36 inches wide Wide Stripe Silver Bloom Blue, Black, and Green 54 inches wide The One Price Casb Store ., - . A. J. Sutton & Sons TcIephpno34 WHEN A MAN GETS DRUNK He usually has six good reasons for it Himself and five drinks ! .WHEN A MAN BUYS FURNITURE Here there are also six good reasons One is that the price, suits him, and the other five are the, Furniture suits him. . HAMMOCKS AND SWINGS for this weather. (Dettinger's SATISFACTORY SERVICE New Skirts arid Dresses Just Arrived Inspection Invited. w it it j j. m. tepnenson "The Ladies' Store" hi fi tona Buih lam IL BMuamlalMal If .aaiMauai i mm il laioalM " II CYPIIERS-Duili $12 to $40 TTmm ere the "Standard Hair ban aad Broodrra of tha WorM." They hava beea rasToaaibla for mora raal poultry anccea than all other hatcher and brooder com bined. Tbeentire Cypher Lioeia marante4 to give aatittacboa or roue muoor'batav El MOSEEY HDW. . , . ..'..." COMPANY I For Al of. the New Shapes and Straws. Come in and Look Them Over. rmft-r? m U - l arrett i, . i I "i'it v - t mm You can do it In jovx own back yard! You can raise 'poultry there and sell both eggs and poultry at a substantial profits Tbete are greater money-making possibilities in poultry and eggs than you realize. And thes . profits are made surer the work' of getting them ,iscmade easier it you tait right If you are equipped .it-1 ft CYPilEilS H Portabla Hovers m IncuDatbrs Men IB , m-.t narcsrieid ISM We have added to our line the well-known Carl Fisher Piano GRAND ANt PLAYER km Our line i3 complete in every respect Before purchasing a PIANO Call Phone 329-J, or a postal card will do. We now use a storage house instead of a itort. F "Patronize Home Industry" JOB PRINTING We are Equipped If Handle Yov Orders for HLgk GrJe Job Printing. Order Carefatly aaj Tnmptij Eiectta We Make the Beat Grade LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS.?! CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS. LARGE AND SMALL, ENVELOPES. POSTERS. We have Connections with Engraver and Blaah Book Makers which en able ua to Promptly Handle , Orders for Engraving and Wdnds'of Blank Book Making. Kinston Free Press Co. , bcaraaratad. Pablisben aod Job Printer. -Ererythlns; la Pritif,' ith a CAPITAL $100,000.01 SURPLUS of $95,000.01 to, extend aid to deposi tors foi any leptiiMte purpose. . , . . ISew Accounts Urge or small are desired, and a perfect serrke is as- sured , . Hareaiyou a baulfflf : home) " , Til y ORREST