THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager Pabllihed Every Dy Except Sunday by the Kinston Trt presi Co- Inc.. Kinsion, N. C SnbacrtpUon Kate Pjbl In Advance: Om Wek I .10 Om Month .81 One Tear . Three Month! Six Moothi 94.00 1.00 LOO Communication received and not published will not be returned unless i tamps to cover postage accompany same. NEW YORK OFFICE Si Mrk' Row, Mr. Ralph R Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files of Free Press can be, teen. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Pre can be seen. Entered at the postofflce at Xlotton. North Carolina, as second-class matter under act of jpdngress, March 8, 1879. After Six P. M. subscribers rf requested to call West ern Union and report failure to fet the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nine P. M without cost to subscriber. TUESDAY, JUNE. 13, 1916 And tomorrow Chautauqua begins! That reminds us! Today is the last opportunity td get a season ticket. A contemporary proclaimed; "Don't let this bo our lust Chautauqua." As a guarantor we await this year's out come before venturing further. i INTERESTING AND IJlfiORTANTijr The negotiations now in progress between the Nor folk Southern Railroad and the Deal interests, whereby the Norfolk Southern would acquire the Deal Railroad from Pink Hill to Beulaville, are both interesting and im portant. Eighteen months ago President Young and other offi cials of the Norfolk Southern were taken by members of the Chamber of Commerce to Beulaville, und the splen did advantages of the territory to the south pointed out to them. At that time business conditions were not such as to warrant the hope that any action would be taken then, although the railroad officials were manifestly im pressed with the possibilities, which the opening of the territory would mean for their system and for Kinston. No s. ction of the state has greater possibilities for ag ricultural development than the territory which lies to the south. Adequate market facilities are naturally in dispensable in the proper development, and Kinston is the logical outlet for the products of this fertile section. The Free Press hopes that the negotiations now in pro gress mean that aggressive railroad development is to come. The facilities afforded by the Deal interests with their logging road brought perceptible returns last year, particularly so in attracting to the local market tobacco grown in the section south of Pink Hill. The people of the section feel kindly toward Kinston. They are out spokenly in favor of the railroad connection and the Chamber of Commerce will do well to follow up the ad vantage that now seems apparent in bringing to an early conclusion the accomplijshment of n lend Iwhieh Will mean much as a contributing factor in the future growth and prosperity of Kinston. The Colonel still maintains that he is out of politics. If he'd ay "race" a lot of us could agree with him whether his declination of the Progressive nomination stood or was withdrawn. . The Morning New Bernian asks the question: "Are the guarantors awake?" They are in Kinston as prob ably every citizen who has had several opportunities of buying a seasoin ticket during the past day or two will attest The Greensboro News in a rather dignified roast of the ball team, representing the Gate City in the Carolina League, points out the usefulness of the game to the cit- zejis. Among other things, it emphasizes the benefit from sunshine and vocal exercise as well as mental re laxation enjoyed by the patrons of the game. However, our esteemed contemporary thinks that such benefits are largely dependent upon whether the home team is win ning or not. The News presents a psychological aspect which is a little in contrast to the usual halloo that is made for "our money's worth." erlin continues to claim the sinking ,of the "War spite," Britain's greatest ea fighter, with all on board. The commander of the battleship, however, refutes the allegation and declines most emphatically to be classed with the dead heroes. While not questioning Justice Hughes' assurance in his letter of acceptance, that he would have preferred not to have had the Republican presidential nomination, he had evidently given some thought to the meat of his letter of acceptance, and was prepared when the "light ning hit" him. The esteemed New Bern Sun thinks that the Georgia i mart who committed suicide because of his inability to And a girl in hie native state whose beauty suited his taste hould have come to iNew Bern. So far as real beauty is concerned, the Georgian might have "saved hia life" most anywhere in North Carolina. But, of course, we don't know what his 'dea beMtfr was. General Trevino has notifiedeneral Pershing that General Gavira was not authorized to discuss military subjects with him. The information will probably have little real weight with General Pershing, who no doubt has already cumo to the conclusion that the statements of the Mexican generals, whether given in onference or informally, authorized or with official sanction, are all in the same class, not to be depended upon. Over in St. Louis it is reported that Chairman Mc Combs of the Democratic National Committee is endea voring to kidnap the four million Progressive voters who have ibeen set adrift "because of the desertion of their leader. Whether Mr. McCombs and the Progressive lead ers get together or not, it is safe to predict that a giodly numt)or of tho four million in the ranks will vote for Mr. Wilson in November. A good many of them are Demo crats at heart, anyway. We know, at least, we have it from the gentleman himself, that one of the delegates in the North Carolina delegation to Chicago votes the Democratic ticket in State matters and simply disagrees in National politics on the tariff question, or as he ex presses it, "being a manufacturer, naturally feels the need of a little protection." WHAT OTHERS SAY THE BLUE SKY LAW. Raleigh News and Observer: "News E'ulletin No. 73 of the North Carolina Insurance Department expresses satisfaction at the action of the Supreme Court in uphold ing the Blue Sky Law. It is a good law and serving a useful purpose. It should be rigidly enforced. Shrewd salesmen have fleeced enough of the people with their glittering allurements as to worthless stock. It is strange that people have to be protected from their own avidity for easy money, but it is a fact nevertheless. The advice of the Insurance Department is 'Citizens who are ap proached with propositions to sell these stocks and in vestments to them should by all means call the agent to show his license from the State and, if it is not forth coming, have nothing to do with the proposition, no mat ter how attractive it may seem." DESERTED AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR. Wilmington Dispatch: "Under the head of self-preservation, moved by the demands of a bluff, Theodore Roosevelt may not have betrayed the clamor ous hosts that assembled in Chicago under the Progres sive banner, yet he did make monkeys of those who trusted him so blindly and swore by him and at those ugainst him in frenzied joy and rage. "If Roosevelt did not intend to head a third party, if he did not intend to accept the nomination at the hands of the Progressive party, why did he not so inform his blind-followers? It was unjust, cruel and ungrateful to lead them to the door and then desert them. He knew, if he knew anything at all, that they would nominate him; that they were clamoring to name him; that the one, man he had posed as being strongest against was Charles Evans Hughes, and that the nomination of Mr. Hughes, with the exception of Roosevelt, was a cer tainty. Yet he allowed his followers, not alone to bellow for him, but to dream that he would be their champion and would turn his spear upon -those who had jeered and belittled them. He left them no chance to save their own hides; not even opportunity to avoid the slush of mortification." i Editor Tells How D.D.D. Cured His Eczema Clergyman apd Banker Also Write IT. Ci. TTotrhklM, Editor Echo, Prrphittft tmvn, til. : Kemf mhr mini wax eczema of fifteen ear' landing. Now I am com nl. !.! healed, after 4 bottle of 1. I. I. 1 have Keen a rune of 25 year' utenillnij rnrel. I have aeen my own lnetir cured jf harlier'a Itch, which he could not euro blmwelf. K. R. Tear, Hanker. ITopklnton, Is. : I treated with three dm tora for hIx month. 1 hejr did me no Kuod ; my fare und arnlp were full of the dlaraiie. I applied I. 1. D. Itciult ray face la a motu an a bly'. Iter. I I. Ixiwnlnir, I'aatnr 5th Ay. l'rea Ivrlerlan Church, Itoanoke. Va. ; For three years I differed. Intensely go. I have at lnt found relief In I. It. I. I am no longer tortured completely cured. I bar no hesitancy In acknowledging th great virtue of thla apeelflc IriiKKlHta are glad to recommend this soothlUK, cooling liquid. 2!c 60c and $1.00. Come to ua and we will tell you more aoout 1 liia remarkable remedy. Your money back unleaa the drnt Dottle rellevea you. I. 11. I. fcuup keeps jour akin healthy. Aak about it. J. E. HOOD & CO. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION FOR RHEUMATISM. Business and professional men of large means who have taken expen sive baths at (famous resorts and have spent money , lavishly to rid themselves of the tormenting agony (rf rheumatism have turned to Rheu ma and got well. When Rheuma goes in, poisonous secretions go out. No opiates or narcotics are used. Rheuma drives out the cause of rheumatism and speedily brings comfort and health, and most druggists will admit it. Two bottles of Rheuma will cost you a dollar of J. E. Hood & Co., or any druggist, and if this purchase does not bring you the freedom from pain and misery you expected, your money is waiting for you. adv. NORTH CAROLINA GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION For the above important occasion to be held at Wrightsville Beach on June 21, 22 and 23, tickets will be sold to Wilmington by and via the Atlantic Coast Lino from all sta tions in North Carolina at reduced round trip fares on June 19, 20 and 21. and for trains scheduled to ar rive Wilmington prior to 1 p. m., of Juno 22, limited returning to reach original starting point until midnight of June 2Gth, 1916. For schedules, fares, tickets, etc., apply to D. J. WARD, Ticket Agent, Kinston, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. The Standard Railroad of the South. till June 21 adv KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS TO WAYNESVILLH; N. C. IN SPECIAL PULLMAN SLEEPING CAR For accommodation delegates at tending Knigh s of Pythias Conven tion, Waynesville, N. C, the South ern Railway has arranged to operate special pullman sleeping car, Golds be ro, N. C, to Waynesvi'Ie, N. C. This car will leave Goldsboro at 10:35 p. m., Monday, June 12, and arrive Waynesville 4:51 p. m., Tues day, June 13th, making the day trip through the beaiiiiful mountains of Western North Carolina For reservations in this car or fur ther detailed information, address J. L. Royal, U. T. A., Goldsboro, N. C. or the undersigned. "The Southern Serves the South." J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. adv Dodge Brothers ROADSTER Competent performances, un usual gasoline and tire mile age, and marked freedom from repair- four effects flaw out of one and the same cause. The cue ia atrength added to lightness, and balance added to both. Efficiency and econ omy are not lucky re wit 9 attained in an occa sional car. They are common characteristics of all Dodge Die triers Motor Cars. mill pay you to visit us and examine (his car The motor is 30-35 horsepower The price of the Touring Car or Roadster complete ia $765 (f. o. I). Detroit) CALL FOR Sitterson Pure Ice Cream State Analysis Proves it to .be the Best Made in Kinston S. C. SITTERSON Phone 8 Work Shirts-Dress Shirts 50c--$l These Shirts are full length and width, have extra large armholes, are madeoT the best grade of cloth. First class shirts in every respect. We will replace with another shirt if they rip or fade. Double stitched in every seam faced sleeves and extra large in the body. 50c--$l ELI NACHAMSON 126-128 N. Queen St Kinston, N. C, 111 W.Blount A. N. TAYLOR Kimton, N. C. Phone 399. Grand Opening Ball Saturday Night, June 17th. ATLANTIC HOTEL Morehead City, N. C. All Our Friends Are Invited. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 182 (Next to Postofflce) W MllfFTHE MFFrWiFR the joke is on WALT" 7 ??: IIIHL I iLJOtHMUiirV mike THIS TIME B1SMME) . 0 I' aVef -ft.. y ' ( AN' music S ' A-JW0. 1 (PerT i ?) Th' emits OjunteK if. MT- NTI(ML HT?wf Fynp rJP, M-V.