THE KiygTON FREE PRESS D0CT0RTSA.YS, NUXATED IRON WILL INCREASE STRENGTH OF DELICATE PEOPLE 200 PER CENT. IN TEN DAYS Boy Choir at Chautauqua physician Say Ordinary Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of indicate Folk 200 Per Cent In Two Vovks' Time In Many Instances New York, N. Y. In a recent dis course, Dr. L Jjwr, said: "If you .., to make an actual blood test on all people who' are ill you "would probably be greatly astonished at the exceedingly large number who lack iron and who are ill for no oth er reason than the lack of iron. The moment iron is supplied all their multitude of dangerous symptoms disappear. Without iron the blood at once loses the power to change if nru into livincr tissue, and therefore nothing vou eat does you any good; you don't get the strength out of it Your food merely passes through your system like corn through a mill with the rollers so wide apart that the mill can't grind. As a result of this continuous blood and nerve star vation, people become generally , weakened, nervous and all run down, and frequently develop all sorts of conditions. One is too thin; another is burdened with unhealthy fat; some are so weak they can hardly walk; some think they have dyspepsia, kid ney or liver trouble; some can't sleep at night; others are,leepy and tired all day; some fussy and irritable; some skinny and bloodless, but all lack physical power and endurance. In such cases it is worse than fool ishness to take stimulating medicines or narcotic drugs; which only whip up your faggiifj vital powers for the moment, maybe atethe expense of your life later on. No matter what anyone tells you, if you are not strong and well you owe it to your self to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tir ed. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you" have gained. I have seen dozens of ner vous, run-down people who were ail ing all the time double, and even tri ple their strength and endurance ana entirely get rid of their symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form, and this, after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any ben efit. You can talk as you please about all the wonders wrought by new remedies, but when you come down to hard facts there is nothing like good old iron to put color in your cheeks, and good sound, healthy flesh on your bones. It is also a great nerve and stomach strengthener and the best blood builder in the world. The only trouble was that the old forms of inorganic iron, like tincture of iron, iron acetate, etc., often ruin ed people's teeth, upset their stom achs and were not assimilated, and for these reasons they frequently did more harm than good. But with the discovery of the newer forms of organic iron all this has been over come. JNuxated Iron, lor example, is pleasant to take, does not injure the teeth and is, almost immediately ben eficial. NOTE. The manufacturers of Nuxated Iron have such unbounded confidence in its potency that they authorize the announcement that they will forfeit $100.00 to any Charitable Institution if they cannot take any man or woman under sixty who lacks iron and increase their strength 200 per1 cent, or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no serious organ ic trouble. Also they will refund your money in any case in which Nuxated Iron does not at least dou ble your strength in ten days' time. It is dispensed in this city by J. E. Hood & Co., and all other druggists, adv. 1 2 nil to ' I M WANT AOS -' .i ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS One cent a word each inser tion, unless order is accompan ied with cash and insertions are to be given in consecutive issues of the paper. RATES Consecutive Insertions Only When Accompanied ' By Cash 1 Insertion lc a word 3 Insertions ...2c a word 5 Insertions 3c a word 7 Insertions 4c a word 12 Insertions 6c a word 26 Insertions 12c a word Positively No Books Kept Where These Rates Apply LOST A bunch of keys. Please re turn same to Free Press office and receive reward. 6-12-Dly-tf CHAUTAUQUA OPENS, SEVEN JOYOUS DAYS M ULTIGRAPHING Duplicating letters in large or small lots at reasonable prices. J. A. Herndon, Jr., Kinston, N. C. -Dly-lwk;eod-tf LOST MONDAY night 8:30 p. m. A small White Dog. Pleac return to G. Colella, 907 E. King street A reward will be given. 6-13-Dly WANTED Young man to work in carriage trimming shop. One who had some experience on tops. Jvi W. Evans Son, Raleigh, N. C. 6-&fcl3dly 1 NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stock holders of Orion Knitting Mills will be held in the company's office in Kinston, N. C., onf Monday, June 19, 1916. at 8:30 oblock. A; fall at tendance is desired.', . J. F. TAYLOR, Sec'y. 6-10 to 17-Dly DR. a fcjWILSON, 7 DENTIST , Office Over J. E. Hood ft Co Store ' (Continued from Page One) Today's and Thursday's Bill. The program for this (afternoon was: Greetings by an official of the local organization; address by Dr. Downing; concert by the Brookline Choir Boys. Tonight The Choir Boys will ren der another concert and Dr. Lin coin Wirt will lecture on "The Con quest of the Arctic." Chronophoto- graphs will be shown. ' Dr. Lincoln Wirt's lecture covers three years of life, adventure and ex ploration in the lands bordering the cireum-polar sea. The Choir Boys are youthful singers from leading Boston churches. Their performance is fascinating. Thursday Victor's band, a famous musical organization, will play both afternoon and evening Dr. Downey will lecture on "Eugenics," a subject that should be particularly interest ing to Kinstonians, in the afternoon. Rosani, a juggler of international fame, will be on the bill at night with the bandsmen. KINSTON MARKETS Prices prevailing nere for farm produce today, as quoted by the Kin ston Peanut Company, were: Eggs 20 Shoulders, lb. . . 15 Hams, lb 20 Pork 10 Lard U Hens, lb 10 Country butto- 30 Roosters, apiece 25 Corn, bushfa 80 Catarrh Cannot Be Cured Witt LOCAL APPLICATIONS. the? canna reach the spat of tbs ulaesse. Catarrh is a blx(J er constitutional disease, and la order to -ure it yon most take internal remedies. Hall's I'siarrb Lore la taken uternauj. ana acta directly uin tbe blood and mooooa surfaces. Hall'a Cit&rrt Cure Is not a quack uedlcioe. it wsa ire scribed b.T one of the best phjslctsns In ILls country for rears and a a regniir prescripts It t composed of the best tonics known, ccm ktned witL the best blood purincrs. acting dl recti on the mncooa aurfacea. The perfect co oi blast loo of tbe twe Ingredient Is arbat pre dneea sarb wonderful rraulu in carta csurru -nd lor testimonials. rrr. r. J. CHS EX a CO.. Props.. Toled?, O. Sold by Dragtisrs. price T9e. 9 lass Hall'a rurjlj riils for couUoatlon. 0 Aside from the delightful and re-1 into distinct features. "The Aw f resiling novelty of seeing on the ' gelus," presented with epecinl scea- platform the sweet, youthful faces! cry and the vestments, introduces 01 tnese boys, you may expect to hear a perfectly trained organiza tion of uncommon merit and mu sical worth. Their program will be divided I the American boy, secular and sacred songs. The oth er half will be given without the vestments and will feature more the interesting, cheery songs so dear to LITTLE ORPHAN LAD WALKED SIXTY MILES TO GET BACK 'HOME' (Special to The Free Press) Asheville, June 14. Dewey Willis, 12, is back at the Buncombe County Reform School the only home he ever knew after walking CO miles from a farm since Saturday night. Dewey was turned over to the county in his infancy. He has no kin. - He loves Supt. and Mrs. Penland. few days ago he was sent to a farmer's family to live with them. "They've got four children of their own down there," he declared. He was a woebegone little figure, almost staryed, wet and muddy. "I wanted to come home." "Home!" That was a magic word. And home he shall stay, declare Su perintendent and Mrs. Penland. KINSTON MAYBE D0ESNT EVEN KNOW IT'S FLAG DAY Today was Flag day. Kinston paid about as much attention to the fact as it doas to the Fourth of July. There was practically no effort at observance reported. New E'ern has begun another anti- vagrancy campaign. auiaiitpyi jsssaj if a , asisswsswssss i A-'j - 'if rlyVj 1 If IOR SALE-NotIob Tam' potatoes ?1 bosTiel, Plants, fl.00 per thou sand. Phone 3902... V 5-30; lit- eod LUNSFORD ABBOTT, D. Osteopathic Physician, Upstairs, Next Door to Dixie, Phone 579-J. DX. F. wits, . - ' . Osteoaath, ." Upetain, Next Door Old Postoffiee f f EXAMINATION rSJX Pkses: Office ' Bee. tU IF.AN SOTHERN IN "the mysteries ofmyra' FLA i'vFies afts X, OCIAL And PERSONAL Mr. Jack Skinner went to Weldon today. Mr. R. II. Ammons of New Bern was here yesterday. Mrs. A. T. Redditt has gone Richmond to spend some time. to Mr. William Milam of New Bern was a visitor in the city Tuesday night. Dr. J. M. Mumford has returned to New Bern after a business visit here. Miss Vrginia ;MeEwaT ,of New York State is visiting Mfss Virginia Oopeland. '1, First episode in three reels at GRAND THEATRE a at The Grand Theatre, Mon day, June 19,. We want everyone to see the first chapter of this se rial On account of the Chautauqua we begin our show on this day at eleven o'clock in the morning and run until six in the evening, and invite everybody to see the first of this picture free. It costs you nothing between1 these hours 11 to C. . Miss Myra Outlaw ia,ack from Aurora, where she taught school the past term. Miss Helen Drew of lorwa is a guest of the Misses Hood, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hood. ... I Miss Reade Pittman has returned from New Bern, where she attended the State Epworth League conference. ... Miss Rodman at New Bern. New Bern, June 14. Miss Cam- niie Rodman, daughter of Col. W. B. Rodman, .chief of the Norfolk South ern's legal department, is the guest of Judge and Mrs. Owen Guion here. She has been the recipient of many social favors in the past three days. Among those who have entertained for her are Miss Lucy Guion. Mrs. Sophia B. Duffy and Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hyman, and Judge and Mrs. Guion. Biltmore Wheat Hearts. All grocers, (adv.) SHOULD SLOAN'S LINIMENT GO ALONG? Of course it should! For after a strenuous day when your muscles have been exercised to the limit an application of Sloan's Liniment will take the soreness and stiffness away and get you in fine shape for the morrow. You should also' Use it for a sudden attack of toothache, stiff neck, backache, stings, 'bites and the many accidents that .are ,, incidental to a vacation. "We would as soon leave our baggage as go 'on a vaca tion or camp out without Sloan's Liniment." Writes one' vacationist: "We use it for everything from cramps to toothache." " Put a bottle in your bag, be prepared ' and have no regrets. , adv. Boy wouldn't to boyp Htho didn't ia, V "WHISTLE' Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System t ?tt GMlfciVjVtfl.l traorat Urracthnini toaio, ".ROVE-tf TASTELESS chill TONIC, dtmoat aHalariararirtm tbe UoosLaod builds op lh sy tea. A trot tonic Pot uluHa aod cbildito. Nc How America's largest cigarette manufac turer accomplished "the Impossible" by producing a MlLD cigarette .SATISFIES. It is the Chesterfield Cigarette : : A LMOST anj lxxly enn make a cup of codec. Ilut there arc said to be not over a hnlf-dosen restau rants in the United States where tbey know how to make it right. Similarly, almost anyone can make a cigarette. Just roll up some tobacco in a piece of pure paper and there you ure. There arc, perhaps, over 800 brands of cigarettes sold in this country today. But not one of them does what Chester fields do for Chesterfields are MILD ; and yet they SATISFY. Some cigarettes may be mild, but they don't satisfy. Only one cigarette does BOTH Chesterfield ! This truly unique cigarette lias all cf that refreshing taste -delicacy (or mildness) which any good cigarette must have. Yet, without sacrificing any of this delightful mildness, Chesterfields go one step further they do more than merely " please your taste" they let you know you 've been smoking. They satisfy ! And yet they're mild f A Step Forward in Cigarette Making A?F- ARE proud to be the firm that " brought about this important development in cigarette enjoyment for that is exactly what the Chesterfield blend is. This cigarette is on outgrowth of long, earnest effort on the part of this, the largest cigarette manufacturing con cern iu the United States. The mild, yet satisfying Chesterfieldl blend is not the result of happy chance. It is one of the results bf'fturitiany years of cigarette experience of the heavy volume of our purchases of cigarette to bacco of the prestige and advantage these enormous purchases give us in se curing the choicest leaf frotti the tobacco fields of the world. . Chesterfields are an achievement. A New Thing for a Cigarette to Do QlIESTERFIFXDS do the one thin, you have always wished a cigarette would do they satisfy !' Smoke them and we believe you will find that ordinary cigarettes seem by comparison almost flat. Give Chesterfields a trial. We) believe you will be glad to learn what they can teach you about) cigarette enjoyment. You have been reading here some' rather unusual, almost daring, state ments about a cigarette. If Chesterfields were an untried cigarette if we had not been observing their behavior ini other cities if we did not KNOW that they make good with smokers, we could not afford to make these statements to. you over our signature. But these statements, strong as they, are, can mean little or nothing to you until you have actually smoked your first Chesterfield. You will find that your own dealer has Chesterfields waiting for you. fff&yyfyM3&ooo 2)1 I .arrest 'cigarette manufacturer in tlie United States as shown Ij lutenui attveuw rsoorti. Mm MM H Uottt m ilyn TUosss C.. Wrap Tst C. B. WOODLEY, M. D., JBce treatment of Rectal and Skin Disease a Specialty. Temporary Office in Hood Building Joseph Dawsoa J. Frank Wootea DAWSON ft WOOTEN, Attorneys at Law fractice Wherever Service Desired Accounts and Rents Collected. CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE. Southbound Northbound S32. 1 . . 333 A. M. P. M. 7:35 Ar. ... Kinston . ...Lv. 6:00 I 7:Z9.... Hines Junction . ...s b:ub I 7:06 Pools f 5:20 s 7:00 Dawson s 6:27 s 6:47 Glenfleld 6:41 f 6:40 Suggs Siding f 6:50 6:3u l,v.... Know Hill ...Ar. e-.ou All trains governed by the Norfolk Southern rules while nsing the track from Kinston to Hines Junction, and subject to the orders of its auDsrin- tendent. The above schedule is given as in formation only, and is supposed to b the time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not guaranteed. WILLIAM HAYES, General Superintendent. G. A. JONES, Freight and Passenger Agent, SNOW HILL, N. C Take Notice! TO THE CITIZENS OF KINSTON The sewer connections have now been completed and are ready for . f will be to the interest of those desiring plamblng done to sec me promptly, or call Phone No. 498. Respectfully a R. E. L. RHODES SEASHORE ROUND TRIP FARES FROM KINSTON VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE Week-End Excursion Fares $4.75 to Norfolk. Tickets on sale for all trains on each Sat urday and for forenoon trains on each Sunday from May 27 to Sept, 10, inclusive, limited returning to reach original start ing point prior to midnight . of Tuesday next following date of sale. Schedules and further particulars cheer fully furnished upon application to D. J. WARD, Ticket Agent, Kinsto n, N. C. FIRST NATIONAL BflUKOF 1ST0I1 Capital and Surplus"$160,000 STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted . By Patronizing the FmST NATIONAL BANK N. J. ROUSE, President DR. HENRT TTJLL. Vke-PresV D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier v J. J. BIZZELL, Asst. Caahiar ' T. W. HEATH. Teller r . W. L. Keanesly Dr. Henry TuQ . J. H. Canady J. F. Taylor , H. H. MeCey BISECTORS 8.H.Isfar N. J. Souse . C. Felix Harvey v David Oettiaicr H. S Moselry - i MM' V it ,