TITE KINSTON FREE PRESS aft. TOILET SOAPS that fit in nicely with whatsoever your good taite or judgment de mands. We have the fined per ' fumed and scented soaps. We also have an extra quality castile soap that fills the multitude of needs for everyday use. 5c to 35c a Cake. LENOIR DRUG COMPANY W. D. Hood, Prop. On The Square Phone 1 1 4 T Dr. Albert D.Parrott Physician and Surgeon l Kinthn, N. C. Office Sack tHooJ'M Drug Store DR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT, ' SPECIALIST In Disease of Women & Children J Office Houri: 10 to U Oflee: 107 Wert Caawell Stmt PHONE 118. DR. JAS. W. POWELL, , DENTIST, Specialist Pyorrhea. " ' Crown and Bridge Work FIrat Nat Bank Bids;. Phone 595. ZL V. MOSELEY, M. D. ;PHTSICIAa aU SUBGKOBT, Back of Lenoir Drug Company Phone Office 478; Residence 118 DR. C. C. HARPER DENTIST Office Over Postoffice. it IT Ladies9 New Arrivals in Ladies9 Skirts Corduroy, Palm Beach and Serge, All colors. Wash Skirts in Gabardine, Pique and Rep Waists. Sizes 24 to 40--Price $1 to $10. T. W. Newborn & Co, Make Living Easy With a Suit of our Light Weight Clothesthey ate comfort able and good looking. All new shades of - Palm Beach and Keep Kool Cloth Come and see is aU we ask, you have nothing to lose and all to gain. They are priced from $5 up. See the special new things in Straw Hats. $1 up. See the special new things in Shirts, 50,c 75c, $1, $1.50. See the special Underwear for comfort Youll find comfort, satisfaction, and save yourself time, worry and money. Won't you come and see? A big line of boys' Wash Suits. 50c, 75c, $ I , $ 1 .50. Boys Knickerbockers, made of Khaki Linen and Palm Beach. 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50. ADLER BROS. Spring Suits just half; , .'PRICE EMBROIDERY 1 FLOUNCING 45 inches wide regular price $1.00 Now 25c per yard O. N. T. COTTON 6 spools for 25c K A. WATERS The Telephone Store Telephone 35 Free From Worry Let your mind be free from worry while away on vacation by placing your valuable papers, jewelry, etc., in a place of safety in our fire and burglar proof de posit boxes. : : FARMERS & MERCHANTS BUNK N. J. Rouse Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C. Goldstar, N. C. ROUSE & LAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices: Kinston, N. C. ' Goldsboro, N. C 893-394 Borden Building Skirts of local Roalty TranufVr. Moore & Warren to J. E. Harris, lot on Rhodes Hill, ?100 and other considerations. Marriage Licrnttes. Charlie M. Melton and Rena Carr, white, both of Kinston; Julius C. Wggs, Philadelphia, and Willie C Green, Kinston, colored. Lecture Called Off. A locture on "China" that was to have been given in Caswell Street Methodist church tonight has been called off on account of the Chau tauqua. To Attend Rally of Woodmen. E. B. Lewis of this city, a Nation al officer of the Woodmen of the World, will make the principal speech at a rally of Woodmen at Laurinburg N. C, Thursday. A hundred new members will be received by the Laurinburg Camp. Infant Dead. Mr. and Mrs. L. Craft brought th remains of their infant son, L. F Jr., who died in Virginia Sunday, here Tuesday for interment. The burial was in Maplewood cemetery. Mrs Craft lived here before her marriage she was a Miss Hines. Mr. and Mrs Craft, returned to their home in City Point, Va., today. Turner Defeats Stevens. "Bumps" Turner of Kinston, using the toe hold, downed Jack Steven? of Richmond in 25 minutes for the one fall agreed upon before a wrestling match in Loftin's opera house Tues day night. The attendance was dis appointing, and it was decided to curtail the performance, giving the winner the entire receipts. Railroad Officials Pass Through. President J. II. Young, General Superintendent J. D. Stack, Traffic Manager E. D. Kyle and Road En-gi neer John Dwyer of the Norfolk Southern Railroad passed through the city on a private car Tuesday night, n route to Goldsboro from Norfolk. VOTED FOR MAN KIND TO HIM IN JAIL; AND BUCK BECAME D'CRAT Philip Skeene, colored, of South west township, will vote the full Democratic ticket in the fall. Skeene was converted to the Democratic faith in the Lenoir county jail. At the recent primary the darky appeared at his precinct polling place and expressed the desire to exercise his right of suffrage. It was dis covered that his name had leen on the registration book for several years. The constitutional amend ment had nothing on Philip; he was qualified in every particular. But everyone around was a white man. Philip did not demand to be allowed to vote he courteously ask ed for the privilege. "I jest wantter vote for one man; an' if I kin do that, I'll vote for the whole Democratic gang in the Fall," he stated. It developed that Skeene wanted to exhibit his gratitude for kindness shown him by Sheriff Tnylor up for renomination by adding his ballot to those of Taylor's white friends. Skeene had been in jail for moon- shining, and became a fast friend of the sheriff there. The sheriff wasn't in jail. Skeene voted. CARRIER PIGEON GETS FRIENDLY WITH ELKS A carrier pigeon, very tame, was an interesting visitor to the Elks' lodge at New Bern Tuesday after noon. The bird flew into a fifth story window. It refused to leave for an hour. It was banded on one leg; its number was 19. Finally the !ittls fellow resumed its trip without warn ing. v A HACKING COUGH WEAKENS THE SYSTEM. Don't suffer with a hacking1 cough that has weakened your system get a bottle of Ir. King's New Discovery, in use over 40 years, and benefiting all who use It The soothing pine balsam with tar heal the irritated air pssa?a soothes the raw " tpots. loosens the mucous and . prevents racking the body with coughing. Dr. King'a New Discovery induces natu ral sleep aid aids nature to cure yoa. adv. Interest EQUIPMENT ARRIVES FOR IMPROVING LOT LENOIR COTY ROADS Three carloads of equipment for road building is expected to arrive here this afternoon from Birming ham, Ala., to be used by contractors who are to modernize between thirty and forty miles of highway in Lenoir county during the coming ten or twelve months. The contractors are allowed more time than that, but ex pect to complete the work with sev eral months to spare. The roads are to' be sandelayed Between 30 and, 40 men will be em ployed. The county's convict labor will be kept at work on the present schedule; the contract Work is spec ial. The contractors will get busy in a day or two. DERAILMENT ON N. S. YARDS AT NEW BERN A line of the Norfolk Southern Railroad was blocked for several hours at New Bern Tuesday after noon by the derailment of three rock cars on the yards. One car remain ed off today. DEMOCRATS MAY GET RID TWO-THIRDS' RULE (Continued from Page One) ernates alone were permitted on the ground floor, permitting more com fortable seating space for the men who actually do the convention work. The Two-Thirds Rule. One topic which was eagerly dis cussed by the crowds in the streets and hotel lobbies was the so-called "unit rule" and "two-thirds" regu lation which from time immemorial has ruled at Democratic conclaves. There was general belief expressed that the regular quadriennial at tempt to overthrow these ancient rules would succeed this year. Delegates recalled that the attempt was made four years ago in Balti more and defeated mainly because there was such bitter strife betweeji the candidates. If the two-thirds rule had not been in effect at Baltimore, Champ Clark; Missouri's favorite son, would have been named. Time to Abolish the Rale. This year, it was conceded, will be an excellent opportunity for the Democratic party to abolish the pre cedent requiring a two-thirds major ity as necessary to a choice. There s only one candidate in the minds of the delegate's Wilson and this offers a free road to revision of the rules. Most important also, in the minds of the gossipers and hotel lobby de baters, was the platform upon which Democracy win make tnis ypar s race, the Democrats believe they have the "edge" on the Republicans simply because they will have an op portunity to see what sort of statement of principles the Chicago convention has enacted, and to meet those principles in the Democratic pledges. A new highway to connect Craven and New Hanover counties is plan ned. WHY ENDURE SUMMER COLDS? It isn't necessary to have a stuffed head, running nose. To cough your head off as it were. All you need do s to use Dr. EMI '9 Pine-Tar-Honey. The soothing and healing balsams open the clogged air passages and in short time you get relief and start on the road to recovery. Your nose, stops running, you cough less and ou, know you are getting better. Get bottle, use as directed. Keep what is left as a cough and cold insurance. adv. Grand Theatre TODAY TIIEDA BARA in "Serpent" . Also a Musty Suffer Comedy "Keep MoYing" THURSDAY ALICE BRADY ia "Tangled Fates" A World Film Featare - FRipAY . DUSTIN FARNUM la .The Call of the Cumberlands" LINGERIES, NIGHT GOWNS Batiste, Nicely trimmed Crepe, low neck, short sleeves embroidered. PETTICOATS Batiste Lace ruffles ov er net. CORSET COVERS BRASSIERES, PANTS AND TEDDIES Good qualities, well made, prices right. The One Price Cash Store A. ). Sutton & Sons Telephone 34 Have You Got 10 Cents? Then Bring It Here and We Will Send You a Sealy Mattress For It. Here's The Idea I w'k 2w'k 3w"k 4w'k 5 w'k 6w'k 7w'k 8 w'k 9w'k 10w' 10c. 20c. 30c. 40c. 50c. 60c. 70c. 80c. 90c. $1.00 II w'k I2w'k 13w'k I4w'k I5w'k I6w'k I7w k I8w'k 19w'k 20w'k $1.10 $1.20 $1.30 $1.40 $1.50 $1.60 $1.70 $1.80 $1:90 $2.00 Simple Enough Isn't It? Then Why Delay Any Longer to Own a Sealy Mattress Guaran teed 20 Years Get this cornfort. Don't put it off any, longer but buy it now and you'll never miss the change you pay for it. i. V ' : . ' ?- . Oettinger's Furniture Store Staanstrel Cypher lacuDalora WW ta Four Sum. Atmm lhcrCrpiM-BuiH Iftat. eators in 3 stjHW aadiaaw - .,. CYPHERS-Built $12 to $40 .These are the Standard Hatcher aad Broaden of lb Work)." They have bees ' responsible for more real poultry successes than all other catchers and brooders com- ' biaed. Tbeenrire Cyphers Line is guaranteed se tire aausiactfoo or jmot moec be-t a E. MOSELEY HDW. COMPANY Some Mew Smart Sty! We Shall Be Glad to Show You.' JUL BUY IT NOW You can do It In your own back yard! You can raise poultry there and sell both eggs and poultry at a substantial profit. There are greater money-mating possibilities in poultry and eggs than you realize. And these profits are mad surer the work of getting them is.made easier if you start right it you are equipped with , .. , ; . . .' CYPHZRS FT Portablo Hovers srtsfield We have added to our line the well-known Carl Fishfcr jr GRAND AND FLAYER PIANOi Our linens complete in every respect , , Before purchasing a PIANO Call Phone 329-J, or a postal card will do. We now: use a.Btorage house instead of a stort, "Patronize Home Industry" JOB PRINTING We are Equipped t Hudle Yow Orders (or Higl Grde Job Printing. Orders Carefully tmi Press ptlf Eiented We Make the Beat Grade LETTER HEADS. WEDDING INVITATIONS. CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES. CIRCULARS. LARGE AND SMALL, ENVELOPES, POSTERS ' ' We have Connections with Engrarers and Blank Book Maker which en able us to Promptly Handle Order for Engraving and "VindaofBIankBook Making. Kinston Free Press Co. Ierpratsl . , , PnLluoen and Job Printer. -Ererythlnf In Prtottag" mrAv CAPITAL $100,009.61, SURPLUS of. tj?5,ooaoi this bank it Mpoeibon to extend aid to depoti ton (oi any leginmata purpote,' t" v New AccoonU large . tor niuQ aredeisMdi aad a perfect enrice ii i- - - Bwei .V' -'; Hare jrott a bejiking boner1 " ' r Piano FORREST SMITH 3-