THE KINSTON FREE PRESS n ft 2 H P Hi Ml! ! 1 THE DAILY FREE PRESS H. Gait Braxton, Editor r.nd Manager Published Every Day Exoont Sunday by the Kinston Free Press Co.. Inc.. kuision. N. C. Subscription Kalis l'mable (n Advance: 0:e Wei'k $ .10 Thre Months 1.00 O-e Hunlb 38 Six Months 1.00 One Year S-i.OO Communications rece ivcl .and n'it published will not be returned unless giahii-s l cover postayja accompany lame. NEW YORK O: ! Ii'K - ."S J'ark Row, Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, i . .-.'( c'n, !:'' of Ka.itcrn Department. Files of Free r i' - v i'. be s 1 'i. A PLAN THAT SHOULD BE EXECUTED. The Free Press is gratified that there is a growing sen timent in Washington among the legislators to make spe cial provision for the dependent families, whose bread winners have been called to the colors and whose inade quate and paltry compensation for their service to their country is not sufficient to pay the average house rent let alone to provide the larder. It is well enough for the financially strong corpora- . , , ge. out the AmeH tions and manufacturers to agree to make up the deficit can pCOpe- in the pay of their employes, who are called, whether ! jjr- Hughes would retain the joy they do so from purely patriotic or publicity motives, j ous support of the followers of the but few, comparatively speaking, employers can stand Kaiser." such a drain. The average small company and employer must have returns for its payroll expense in actual re- j WHEN YOU IJAYE A COLD suits. Then, it is an unequal tax to expect a few em- Give it attention, avoid exposure, be SPECIAL TRAIN'S FROM RALEIGH AND DURHAM . nlovers to nav salaries to those in the service of the regular anu careiul or your diet, also tvr.MiM;. ui rii i in rnargc or air. i,. j. Anaeraon, , " ' " Marouet'A H-iiUi!is ( 'hicayo. where files of The Free 1 country and the neoDle at larire. Press can be seen. I The movement started in Washington to provide for Dlsctvery Enured at the postoffice at Kinston. North Carolina, a, , the indents of the militiamen by more pay from the second-class matter un.ier act of Congress, March 8. 1879. public treasury is a good one, and should be pushed to the actual enactment of the necessary legislation. pie in furnishing naval supplies. "If this arrangement could be made, this country would witness an other 'era of good feeling' and every body would join in singing 'The Star Spangled Banner' and 'Onward, Christian Soldiers!" President Wilson can vindicate his Americanism in the twinkling of an ..Schedule and round-trip fares follows: Leave Raleigh 7:45 a. m. $1.00. Cary 8:05 a. m. $1.00. Morrisville 8:12 afl m. $1.00. Durham 8:45 a. m. $1.00. Lyons ! : 1 0 a. m. 50c. Stem 9:4S a. m. 50c commence taking Dr. King's New I Arrive It contains Pine-Tar, I Oxford 10:20 a. m. Antiseptic Oils and Balsams. I ST. JOHN'S DAY MASONIC ; EXCURSION TO OXFORD, N. C. SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1916 VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY )!(! Subscribers are renie?tfd to notify, by Telephone 75, The Free I'res of any irregularity of delivery or inattention whatsoever on the part of the carriers. SATURDAY EVEN I NO, JUNE 21. 1916 Over in Greensboro, prominently displayed on the principal street, near the depot, is a sign reading: "Free Typhoid Vaccine. Apply City Health Department and Protect Youmelf" or words to that effect. Those who gee that sign cannot help but be impressed that the au thorities of (Jrcensboro have a care for the responsibility of safeguarding the health of the people thereabouts. ' If the threatened federation of all Latin America is ac complished, Uncle Sam will probably despatch the Penn sylvania or one of his other dreadnaught.i to Central Am erican waters with instructions to cover each of the lit tle everlastingly squabbling countries with one of the shells from their mammoth guns and thus dispose of any heel-chewing or other inconvenience the "flee" might undertake. I It ki to bo hoped that the Post office Department will , "THIS IS KINSTON YOU ARE WELCOME!" When traveling about over the country it is not an un common sight, as the through train speeds by the enter prising towns or the local train stops, for the passen gers to see n a attractive sign telling them the name of . lt in tne nouse 83 a insurance slightly laxative. Dr. King's New Discovery eases your cough, soothes your throat and bronchial tubes, checks your cold, starts to clear your head. In a short time you know your cold is better. It's the standard family cough syrup in use over 40 years. Get a bottlo at once. Keep Sold at your druggist. adv. the place, its population, chief assets and points of in terest. In fact, most of the progressive towns and small cities have found such a sign an advantage. I Kinston has much to be proud of, much in the way of information as to its resources, which would adorn at- I tractive signs along the railroads and public highways leading to it. Ifnothing else wag gained, the majority ' of those passing through would know that it was Kin- ' ston. The name would be impressed upon tham and would i probably stick in the minds of many whereas now no handles chair car to Waynesville. ' doubt, the majority of people who pass through and who GreenBboro. Handles free chair car are not already familiar with the territory, know not their whereabouts. The signs on the depots are certain ly not of sufficient proportions to attract the attention of any but those who imay be specifically searching to as certain their location. Train No. 21 Leaves Ooldsboro 6:45 . m for Jtatefgh, Durham, Greensboro, Asheville and Waynes ville. Through train to Asheville, The Chamber of Commerce would do well to give this matter some thought WHAT OTHERS SAY not take any snap judgment in the controversy existing with the Norfolk Southern Railroad and deprive that railroad unnecessarily of its rightful and legitimate hauls because of the wrong conception of the company's atti tude. We know nothing about the controversy except that it has been intimated from Government headquarters that the Norfolk Southern had threatened to throw up ALAS! NO DIP OR EXHILARATING the hauls over its line and the railroad officials deny MOUNTAIN BREEZES. that any such threat baa been made. Therefore, we be- J Koanoke-Chowan Times: "The executive committee hav lieve it the part of fairness to all concerned and parti- ' "g the matter in charge decided to hold the next session cularly so to the public, who would necessarily suffer of the North Carolina Press Association in Durham July from any interruption of mail service, that both sides 12th and 13th. Wa note that a number of the members from Raleigh to Atlanta, making con nection for New Orleans, Texas, Cal ifornia and all western points; also connects at Greensboro with through trains for all northern and eastern points. should go slow before taking any drastic steps. DEMOCRATIC SUCCESS ASSURED. A question very prominent in the minds of the people of this country now should be, ami is, whether Mr. Wil son and the Democratic aiminis&Cicm will be continued by the people for another four years. If the thinking people think and vote as they think, there can be but one answer to the question. Democratic success fa assured! There is very little difference in the platforms of the two 'parties when essentials are consid ered. The Democrats have achievements for the three years of their power, unprecedented in the history of the Nation, to support their party pledges and ' promises, whereas the Republicans only have promises to offer. V'e believe that the people of America have learned full well that the Republican promises have in the past been generally forgotten af'er election, and there is no reason now to believe that they will be fulfilled, if power is res tored to the plutorrntx, who so long bossed the affairs of the Nat inn. If the thinkiiur people of America take time to consider even a part ' she an inpli-hnicnts of the Wilson Admin istration and to wcii'li car; fully in the balance of com parison wi'b f rii'T a lni!Hi..t:'ations the unprecedented attainments tbev will be Tel ;i to themselves and their own ctmvv,!-' overwhelming Mr. Haghi-. tegrity -r a; far as :-re-i !e quantity. M 1o every cine; Yes! If :h laink. P--or.c are expressing surprise that the meeting should be held in Durham in the hot month of July. Let us hope that pleasant surprises are in store for us, and that the re sult of the meeting will prove that the committee acted wisely in deciding to hold the meeting in Durham." tliev ; mrrt! :. ve Woodrovv Wilson an oveuilicr. t m..n. No one question his in At the s:nn time, Mr. Hughes, .so e.u aeity i c incerned, is an unknown has in en tes'ed and found equal y confronting the high office. !'. c-f America thin!, and veto ns they e.eee , a--ar.l, WOULD UNIFY THE COUNTRY. Columbia State: "The re-election of President Wil son and the virtual withdrawal of the Republican party from the contest, together with the unification of the country in respect of 'Americanism' and 'Preparedness,' can be secured by two simple concessions by the Demo cratic party. "First, it would be necessary for Mr. Wilson and the responsible leaders of his party to bind themselves to assist in amending the Federal reserve banking law and .vo back the Federal Reserve Board so that financial dom ination of this Republic would be restored to Wall Street. "Second, Mr. Wilson and the responsible leaders of the Democratic party would be required to bind them selves to restore the office of tariff-making to the manu facturers of New England and Pennsylvania, to be ex ercised by them exactly as it was in the good old times when the late Nelson W. Aldrich was their agent clothed with plenary powers. "If these two concessions were made, the Republican party could be depended upon to rally enthusiastically to the support of the Wilson policies in respect of Ger many and Mexico, whatever they may, in future, be. "Of course, the first of the concessions would include such details as the throwing overboard of John Skelton Williams and Josephus Daniels, the one having been per niciously active in preventing banks from exacting usur ious rates and the other having interfered with the prof its of contractors hitherto permitted to prey on the peo- Train No. 139 Leaves Goldsboro 2:00 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Makes connections at Greensboro for all points north and east, and at Ashe ville with Carolina Special for Cin cinnati, Chicago and all western points. Train No. Ill Leaves Goldsboro 10:35 p. m., for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro Handles Pullman sleep through train for Atlanta and New Orleans, also makes connection for Asheville, Chattanooga, St. Louis. Memphis, Birmingham and all west 9rn points. Train No. 131 Leaves Goldsboro 5:00 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro, making connection for Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and points South and West. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent Raleigh, N. C. Returning leave Oxford 5:00 p. m. Schedule from Goldsboro, Greens boro and intermediate points con necting with additional special train from Durham: Leave Goldsboro (5:45 a. m. $1.50. Selma 7:40 a. m. $1.25. Clayton 8:10 a. m. $1.25. Rahigh 8:52 a. m. $1.00. Greensboro 7:.'i0 a. m. $1.75. Turlington 8:12 a. m $1.35. Chapel Hill 8:20 a. m. $1.00. Durham 10:05 a. m. $1.00. Arrive Oxford 11:30 a. m. Returning leave Oxford 4:45 p. m. Rates on same basis from all in termediate points. Take your family and attend this annual Masonic Celebration. For further information address. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh, N. C. THE man who we, fiak Non bkids knows he cannot buy greater tire value.more mileage oi the same eervice. Present Low Prices On Fik Grey Non-Skid Cuinga 3 se30. 10.40 41x3S.31.2a 3x30.13.40 4 x33.22.00 S x37.37jo less than the plain tread styles of several other standard makes. 1 25 Fisk Branches insure prompt attention to dealer and user. Fist Tire For Sale Bu All Deala, The Fisk Rubber Company oIN.Y. General Offices: Chicopee Falls, Mat. raij uranencs in mart I nan Ulla DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work Specialty Office over Cot Mil' office LUNSFORD ABBOTT, D. O., Osteopathic Physician, Upstairs, Next Door to Dixie, Phone 579-J. FIRST NATIONAL BUI OF KINSTON Capital and Surplus $160,000 STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted By Patronizing the FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. J. ROUSE, President DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Prest D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier J. J. BIZZELL, Asst Cashier T. W. HEATH, Teller W. L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tnll J. II. Canady J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy DIRECTORS S. H. Isler N. J. Rouse C. Felix Harvey David Oettinger H. E. Moseley Joseph Dawson J. Frank Wootea DAWSON & WOOTEN, Attorneys at Law Practice Wherever Service ftesired Accounts and Rents Collected. Oreat! i eVeIvetyCmd THE CREAM OF ALL ICE CREAMS ! Let them have this refreshing dessert several days a weekits so delicious, so cooling, so pure Ask for the "VELVET KIND" at the nearest yYou'll find your ideal ice cream OrdefVdvetKmd- A? TODAY Haying Tools - ------- - jyy Sold by E. IJ. Marston Drug; Co. Deering Ideal mower) The way to get full value for your hay crop is to use Deering hay tools. Thousands of farmers can testify to the excellent results obtained from using Deering mowers, xakes, stackers and tedders. They are reliable machines, and will do the same work for you that they have done for other farmers we have sold in your community. Come in and see us about a Deering machine next time you are in town. You don't have to buy, but you may learn some thing of value to you about raising hay. You can make our store your headquarters when you are in town if you de sire. Ask for a Deering catalogue which explains details better than we can. H. H. GRAINGER I I MME THE MESSENGER HE DEMONSTRATES HIS SALESMANSHIP WALT my I r nn! Dis i Tc Best JoP I've OTiuck Itf Gome -just TriNK I PusT CeOEO PAT CoMTAiH KJ h)) m f IF EVER 1 6.T YM . . HoVT . ) I WAS OUT MlKE ? ) WA V niVcS V'rrCL: Z71 APMd I'll OWN -A WA S4-r solo 6.x M mYo0 &oT W JEWELERY PALftCE' )LL RlGHT RftlN GOLD f ) THE ffeGOLfjfZ) Tqc -Autru t . I I 1 I