THE IONSTON FREE PBES3 s M '$ nr.; '.hi 1- 9 !" 1 v;ii f i If. ; 1 1 li v3 Hi - ft J 'i ' f ! VP f V -.; 1 ' t u 4 M -1 Li re if m The best of all first aids for tfieliome antiseptic and germicidal. ' PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN Fills a multitude of want and it one of the first necessities among toilet requisite. Keep a b ottle of it on hand for immediate use at all times. LENOIR DRUG COMPANY W.D. Hood, Prop. Ob Tnt Square " ; i Phone 1 1 4 Practical Hat Makers Specialist in Cleaning, Bleaching. Blocking Straw; and, Panama Hata for Ladle and Genta. JOSEPH DREAYERf Phone 593. Crll Hd.l BUr Take Notice! TO THE CITIZENS OF KINSTON The sewer connections have now been completed and are ready for 1 win be to the interest of those desiring plumbing done to see me promptly, or call Phone No. 498. Respectfully ' R. E. L. RHODES Z. V. M0SELEY, M. D. PHTSICIAa aid 8UXCK0S, Back of Lenoir Drag Company hones Office 478; Residence 118 DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST ! v- ... -- Crown and Bridge Work ' Specialty ' ; A Office over Cot- MilZ office C.RW00DLEY,M.D UBc treatment of Rectal and Skin Disease a Specialty, ' Temporary Office In Hood Building DR. C C HARPER DENTIST v Office Orer Postofflce." n - I . .; ,- I e The TVcrak,nK 0 V Planet 'M&Yk V Vway? I VA You can't afford to cultivate in the old slow back brcakirie way. The Planet Jr way takes the drudgery out of labor, and produces bicpcr, better crops. Planet Jrs are the grreatest time-savers ever invented for farm or garden; and the most economical cultivating tools you can use. Planet Jr toots are the product of a practical farmer's inventive gepius and. manufacturing experience of half a century. last :a lifetime. - Fully Haranteed. No. 4 PUnet Jr Combing Hill yaA Drill Seler. WKmI-Hov, Cultirator and Plow pays lor itself In a single season in the family . garden as well .as in larger acreage Stws all garden seeds (in I drills or hillit. itps, opens furrvn's and covvsrs Iheni, hoes and . cultivates easily and thoroughly all through the season. No. 11 Planet Jr Coskbini Doubt and Single Wheel-Hoe, Cultivator, Plow and Rake. StratMles crops till 20 inches IiirIi, then works between rows with rtne or two wheels. The plows open (urrows and cover thein. k The cultivator teeth work deep or shallow. VThe hoes are 'wonderftil weed killers. The rakes do 'fine Cultivation and gather up trash. I'tibrcakahle steel frame. ' 14-inch steel wheels-and specially hardened steels-tioth new this year. The greatest rind-culti'ating tool in the world. - Thousands of Planet Jr hand-tKls (seed drills and wheel-hoes) are used in kitchen gardens. We make 32 styles various prices. .You can't afford to work without a Planet Jr. Come in and let ' us prove it to you. y'r ' t. ifl. E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. i keepKooi ; arid Palm Beach Clothing REDUCED $7.50 Suit Now $5.00 $10.00 Suiu Now $7,50 Several Good Styles to Select from. J.C.Dail & Co. I Silk Drop Skirts $3.50 each Organdy Waist 98c Parasols at Half Price Spring Suits at i Half Price i CHASe A. WATERS The Telephone Store Telephone SS The Olympian Candy Kitchen Formerly New York Cftndy Kitchen 108 N. Queen Street Opposite Hotel Tul! Under New Management All our Candy made in strictly sanitary Kitchen by a man of 10 years experience. Prices within reach of all. High grade Candies of all flavors and kinds. Come and see us make it. California and Florida Fruit PHONE 353 Prompt Delivery." Subscribe in The Free Press. IK LOCAL Realty Transfer. !R. A. Creech to R. G. Creech, Moaeley Hall land, $2,000. Board of Euuilization. Meeting to comply with the law which requires an' annual session, the Board of County Commissioners today assembled at the Courthouse as the County Board of Equalization, to hear tax complaints, etc. No busi ness was anticipated. Marriage License. All marriage licenses issued Sat urday were to colored couples of Kinston and Lenoir county, as fol low: Mac Edwards and Bessie Perry, Joe Hill and Maud Davis, Harvey Arthur and Maria Chestnut and Frank Howard and Virgdtvia King. Big Revival. Messrs. Joel E. Vause and J. A, Taylor, who have just closed an-8-day revival series at Eden Christian church, Greene county, near Snow Hill, report the biggest meeting in the history of the church. There were SI additions. This revival cel ebrated !he 50th anniversary of he congregation. .: - - rmwmz Likes Plattsburg. A letter from McDaniel Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Lewis, at the Plattsburg training camp eays he is enjoying himself. : He had a delightful trip up the Hudson and over the lakes to Plattsburg barracks. He is in Company L of the Fourth Regiment of the civilians. : There are two junior regiments alone the Fourth and Fifth which present an enrollment of 3.284 men, all collegi ans. Salvation Army Services. A meeting held by the Salvation Army in the county jail Sunday morning was Interesting. Every pris oner raised his hand for prayer. In the afternoons Rev. E. N. Harrison and Capt. Vendeville had a splendid meeting at the county home, report ing one conversion a young girl. The Salvation army will take special interest in this case. Next Sunday Cap.t Vendeville will have another meeting at the Caswell Training School, with some special music. Canoeing Popular. " Melly Lewis and Leo Ha' vey have returned from New Eteri, to which plrce they paddled in a 1 5 foot can vas boat from Kinston in 20 hours' time, including some hours spent on the river bank in sleep, fhey camp ed at "the gunboat" Sunday night a party of about 10 Raloh youths en route in four canoes from the Capital City to Morehead City. They left Raleigh Thursday. Tholr's will bt a tedious and rather dangerous voyage after they leave Neuse river for the sounds. The young voya geurs, however, will hug the shore all the way. GIVE LOVING CUP FOR BEST ORIGINAL MUSIC 'wmstonsaiem. July 10. To en courage original musical composition in North Carolina and properly rec- pgnire work of merit, Mr. H. A. Shirley, dean of music of Salem Academy and College, Winston-Salem, and president of the North Caro lina Music Teachers' Association for the year 1915, has announced the ot-f fer of a loving cup for the best musi cal composition by a North Carolina composer during tne year ending (Jc- tojber 1, 1916. The cup will be awarded at the next meeting of the North Carolina Music Teachers Association with the State Teachers' Assembly. Contestants shall send their man uscripts to the President of the North Carolina Music Teachers' As sociation, Miss Martha AJ Down, of Raleigh, on or before October 1, using an assumed name in order that the judges may decide on the merit of each composition before knowing who the composer is. The real name ' and assumed name shall be enclosed' m a sealed envelope with each man-1 r , .. .. . , . J OF INTEREST uscript, to be opened after a decision has been reached. The judges shall be three in num ber, to be named by the officers of the North Carolina Music Teachers' Association.' The loving cup shall belong to the successful contestant until the next meeting of the North Carolina Mu sic Teachers' Association, when it shall pass to the author of the best composition for that 'year. If at any time no composition of sufficient merit it submitted to the judges, the prize shall remain with the last successful contestant until an award is made. When any person shall have won the cup three times it shall become his personal property. London, July 10. -Whitehall, Great Britain's official governmental nerve center, is soon to be ruled by women, it was announced today. With conscription enacted, steps are being taken to clear all govern ment departments of young men eli gible for military service. Women are being trained to take their places. WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD Give it attention, avoid exposure, be regular and , careful of your diet, also commence taking Dr. King's New Discovery. It contains Pine-Tar, Antiseptic Oils and Balsams. Is slightly laxative. Dr. King's New Discovery eases your cough, soothes your throat and. bronchial tubes, checks your cold, starts to clear your head. ' In a short time you know your cold is better. It's the standard family cough syrup in use over 40 years. Get a bottle at once. Keep it in the house as a cold insurance. Sold at your druggist. adv. RHEUMATISM T Ask the man who uses it, he knows. "To think I suffered all these years when one 25 cent bottle of Sloan's Liniment cured me," writes one grate ful user. If you have Rheumatism or euffer from Neuralgia, Backache, Soerness and Stiffness, don't put off getting a bottle of Sloan's. It will give you sucli welcome relief.. It warms and aootheS the sore, stiff painful places and you feel so much better. Buy it at any Drug Store, only 25 cents. . adv f A SAFE TEST. For those who are in need of a ache, it is a good plan to try Doan's Kidney Pills. They are strongly re commended by Kinston people. L. B. Higgins, baker, 115 S. Tryon St., Kinston, says: "I have used Doan's Kidney Pills, with very good results and consider them a splen did kidney medicine. Another of my family also suffered from weak kid neys and dull pains across the back and loins. This one had headaches and dizzy spells and the kidney se cretions were irregular in passage. Doan's Kidney Pills gave relief from the troubles." Price 50c, jat all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tihe same that Mr. Higgins had. FosternMilbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. Grand Theatre TODAY Francis x. Bushman and Beverly Bayne In a five , reel Metro feature "Pennington's Choice" "MYSTERIES OF MYRA" , TUESDAY Florence Rockwell In "He Fell In Love -With His Wife Paramount Teatnre by E. P. Roe. A Paramount Bray Cartoon Comedy. Wia)NESl)AYy : William Farnum "seen as Battling Clergyman In Drama fighting Blood" ar'f virile" story . of ; the Kentucky Mountains. i t f l I. 1 . Bfaby Goods Nainsook, Batiste, Lawns etc. Stork Sheeting Red Star Diapers. The One Price Carb St cre A.I. Sutton & Sons Telephone 34 If you like it pay us $1.00 Per week for a short time until the full amount is paid. If. you dont like it tell us to send for it. It will cost you nothing for this free trial. Oiettiiiger'is KITCHEN NEEDS Our id-Summer r Clearance Safie Goes on without abatement. Throngs have been , here every day. Have you? If not, you cannot afford not to. If you have been, come again. ; I Thousands of dollars worth of Big Bargains still left . f l. . Further Reductions oh clothing . $5.00 Suits - - v. -. 3.95 $7.50 Suits - - - - $4.95 $10.00 Suits - - - $6.45 $12.50 1 Suite. V " Sir ' . ' uur dis dusv 3 , j: many special values HATS, WASH SKIRTS, DRESSES. SHIRT WAISTS PETTICOATS, H O USE DRESSES and Ect ALL NEW. I Are correct ih style andiit. " Let us snow you Prices 50c. to $5.00 larrett S Use This Cabinet in your Kitchen for 10 Days v ; 58.95 peciais to - store oners foreotti r, i BBSBBBslBsBDSuBIBiiBHIBd u. 1:1; 1IH D!CSr- jss. P s be have added to oui line the , well-iiowii 11 Piano grind md puree mu .Our line is complete in every respect Befori pnrchtsinf t PIANO Call Phone or a postal card win do, We now use a storage. house instead of a Eton T "Patronize Hob Industry JOB PRINTING We are Equipped II Handle Yob . Orders (or HJgl Gr-rJe Job PriorJog., . Wa Make tL Bt Grade LETTER HEADS. ' WEDDING INVITATIONS, CARDS FOR ALL PURPOSES, CIRCULARS, LARGE AND SMALL. ENVELOPES, . POSTERS. . ., We Lava Connectlont with EnaTTen and Blank Book Maker whick aa able ua to Promptrjr Handle , 'Order for Engraving and -WVind.ofBIankBook , ' : MaVfng. v.i- Kinston Free Press Co. taceraaraiid Pnblithen and Job Printen "SerytkLtc I PrUttai USA capital' OF- noo.cca.M SURPLUS of $95,CC0.e J ' till bank ts xn riosition to extend aid to depon Tort for 'any legitimate , pcrpote. - ". v ' New Accounts large or amaare detireoVand a perfect sernce is aa . Hired. t ' '. Hare 70a a banking . borne? . : : . : ' ,L. 11- "v W "m'k Elarisfieltl Gar! nsncr FORRES S f.1 ITH II 1 f 1 7 iScts.oacfi'-' 0 dr 90efc T; -17. Newborn d Co. HI