e WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD EACH V"; INSERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS One cent a word eaek taeer tion, onleM order 1 aeco nip an ted with fash and baertlona are to be siren In consecutive tames of the paper, - - ' RATES Consecutive Insertions Only When Accompanied i 'By Caaa 1 Insertion..,, a word S Insertions...... ...2c a word 5 Insertion... Se a word 7 Insertion. i.fci word 12 Insertions....... 6c word 26 Insertions....... 12 word v .PoaltiTely No Booka Kept Where These Rate Apply WANTED Medium-size Iron ; Safe. Box 5C3, Kinstonj N. C. 7-14-3t CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT AND ' PASSENGER SERVICE. Southbound Northbound 332. . i i ii 833 A. M.' ., . P. M. 7:35 At.... Kinston ....Lv. 6:00 a 7:29.... Hines Junction ....a 6:05 f7:06... Pools f 6:20 s 7:00 Dawson .......a 6:27 a 6:47 Glenfleld a 6:41 f 6:40 Suggs Siding ...,.f 6:60 6:30 Lv.... Snow HilP...Ar. 6:00 AILtrains governed by the Norfolk Southern rules while using the track from Einston to Hines Junction, and subject to the orders of its aupsrin pendent The above schedule Is given as in formation only, and is supposed to b the time that trains will arrive and depart, but it is not guaranteed. WILLIAM HAYES, . 3eneral Superintendent G. A. JONES. Freight and Passenger Agent, SNOW HILL, N. C A DOCTOR'S REMEDY FOR COUGHS. As a cure for coughs and colds Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey combines these remedies in just- the right pro portion to do the most good for sum mer coughs or colds. A Hrial will prove the,; value of this - splendid cough medicine. Dr. Bell's ; Pine-Tar-Hony soothes the irritation, stops par cough, kills the cold germs and does you a ,world of good. A 25c bottle will more than convince you it will stop your cough. At druggists. adv.. RHEUMATISM? Ask the iman who uses it,,he knows. "To think I suffered all these yeaors when one 25 cent botfle of" Sloan's Liniment cured me," writes one grate ful user.' If you have Rheumatism or suffer from Neuralgia, Backache, Soerness and Stiffness, don't put off getting a bottle of Sloan's. ''It will i f give you- such welcome1 relief. It warms and soothes the sore, stiff painful places and yon feel so much better. Buy it at' any Drug Store; only 25 cents. y adv ANOTHER KINSTOJ CASE. ! It Proves That There's a Way Out for Many Suffering Kinston Folks. '. Just another report of a case in Kinston Another typical case. Kid ney ailments relieved in Kinston with' Doan's Kidney Pills. Walter" T. Hill, gfocef,; 500;NortM I street, Kinston, sdyii "I had pains M the small of Jny ibaek. and iiiu the morning I was so' sore and stiff thai I couldn't get out of bed. 4 My head ached, I had dizzy Spells and the kio ney leoretions passed irregularly. I used Doatf's Kidney Pills, after t had taken other' medickies ' witH no x& suit Tney soon cured m . of kid ney trouble. T hare had nd sign of th complaint since." : I - Price 50c, at all dealers. ' Don't simp!y ask for a kidney hremedy-ge Doani Kidney Pills-the same - tKai Mr. "Sim had. Foster-Milburri- Co., Props Eiffalo, N. Y. v advii special mmrwMsr bale &S.50-Waists 'V ; 4iOO 3.75 Waists flow; v i X 1 iTfS 2.50 'Waists r?dW -j ' v k li75 2.25 Waistii;oW V vi;5o 1.25 YJalttt ttm : - - , .83 No cqc:!3 cfijrged SOCIAL PERSONAL Mr. Paul Hemby spent Sunday at Morehcad City. , '-;V-v;.':it j Mrs. , G.VH-r Bunch of Norfolk - is visiting Mrs. K. M. Harris. yiasea Mary Gray and Clara Oet tinger have returned from a visit, in Mrs. TV. M. Dudlett loft this monring Tor Calypso, N,' C, to visit relatives, "t . V r Mr. Lem. Broome left, this morn ing for Cape Lookonfc-to join- a party of campers. '' ' v 'Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Williams have been spending short time with rela tives at New Born. Mrs. ,Hugh Moore of Momphis, Tenn., is a' guest of Mr. and Mrs, N B. Moore 'herei Miss Sybil Heath of Ayden return ed home this morning after a visit to Miss Pauline Joyner. " Miss Marguerite Conway will Idave Tuesday for an extended visit with .relatives in Richmond. , . Mrs. Frank Hartsfield and chil dren have returned to Raleigh after a visit to Mrs.- Mab LaRoque here. Mrs. G. P. Meacham and grand son, Charles T. Meacham, Jr., have gone to Fayetteville to visit rela tives. Mr. W. C. JKeele, wife and children of Marion are visiting Mr. J. F. Jackson in this city. They will leave Tuesday for Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Spencer, Miss Love Ireland and Master. William Ireland, the last two guests of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer from Greensboro left today for Cape Lookout, where they will camp out for some time. Carter Braxton, the little son of Mr. and Mrs, H. Gait Braxton, is suffering, from an attack of typhoi.l fever. He is in Birmingham with his mother and little sister. Reports Joday indicate a fnild attack, and it is thought by his attending physician that inasmuch as he had already had one dose of the,-.' anti-typhoid treat ment before the, attack developed that it will mitigate against a severe attack. - Biltmore Wheat Hearts. All grocers, (adv.) HOLIDAY PRECAUTIONS Simple Matter to Ellmlnlate Fire Loss by Disposing of Christmas Pack ing Materials. TIRE PREVENTION. Knowing the chief causes of fires It is a simple matter to eliminate them. As these causes multiply In the season of Christmas shopping, so should the activities of those, who seek to avoid them be multiplied. Disposal of waste paper arid care of packing materials should be watehed constantly. Elec trical work should be properly in spected. . General utility worlf should be carefully supervised. Decorations and displays- should be of minimum combustibility and should not serve to increase , the : congestion of ,. the store. Christmas greens, and- paper tinsel, cotton, or any inflnmmable ma terial foe decorations, should be ta booed. The effect that these things produce can be Imitated by materials thist .do- not burn. Do not fall , to watch for smokers. . Prominent warn ings against smoking should ba poet ed throughout stores. J- LOOK GOOD FEEL GOOD wo one can either leei good nor look good wriile 'suffering from con stipation. Get ! rid" of that ' tired, drfcggy, lifeWs feeling by a treat ment f Dr. King's New Life Pills. Bay a box today take ' one' or two frills- tonight W the- morning, that stuffed, dull feeling is gone and yon feel better at once. 25ft at your drug- at these prices. ' d Ho! Everybody!! KnowZuZu EatZxxZul Thecrispi est, spiciest ginger soap that ever tickled a palate. Make a bee line to the nearest grocer man, and get a whole packageful for a nickel.- : :v---v .;? 'p. N 3 NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Zu ZuZu Zd 2v TEACHERS FOR CITY ION SIXTEEN -SEVENHN Announced by Superintend ent Curtis Today B. B. Jones, Miss Shaw, Miss Watson and J. II. Samp son, Principals OFFICIAL LIST OF TEACHING FORCE OF KINSTQN 'PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOR 1916-1917: ; Supt. Kader R. Curtis of the City Schools today announced the follow ing teachers for the coming scholas tic year: ) Kader R. Curtis, superintendent, Kinston, N. C. High School. B. B. Jones, principal, Elizabeth City, N. .; W. B. Umstead, Baha ma, N. C; Miss Amy B. Muse, Dur ham, N. .; Miss Corinna Miat, Ra leigh, N. C.j Miss E'essie Williams, Arvonia, Va.;'Miss BettiaBrj-son, Guntown, Miss.! Miss Lula -Walker", Richmond.: Va. Grammar SchooL ? Miss Jennie Shaw, principal, Kin ston, N. C; Miss Lois Thompson, McDonald, N. C; Miss Isabel Mac Kenzie, Chadbourne, N. C; Miss Carlotta Mewborn, Kinston, N' C; Miss Rachel Oliver, Marietta, N. C; Miss Blanche Lancaster, Battleboro, N. C; Miss Sidy Weyher, Kinston, N. C; Miss Josie McNeil, Rowland, N. C.j Miss Scotia Hobgood, Kins ton, N. C; 'Miss Jennie Wilkinson, Danville, Va. Primary School. Miss Mary Watson, principal, Wa- gram, N. C.j Miss Mary O. Rice, Kinston, N. C; Miss Louise Turnley, Lexington, N. C.j Miss Orie Mose- ley, Kinston, N. C.; Miss Dwilla Heath, Kinston, N. C; Miss . Mar, paret Ross, Bonnerton, N. C; Miss Louise Wooten, Chadbourn, N. C.j Miss Helen Chapman, Grifton.Jif. C.; Miss Natalie Nunn, Kinston, N. C; Mrs. May H. Hines, Kinston, N.'C; Miss Evye Street, Mill Creek, N. C Miss Ruby Druton, Richmond, Va.; Miss Eugenia Scarborough, Kinston, N. C; Miss Mamie Kinsey, Kinston, N. C: Miss Belle Walters, Hertford, N. C. ' Colored Teachers: N J. i H. Sampson, principal; Mrs. J. H. Sampson, Miss Mai5 Cherry, Miss N. A. Rutherford, Miss Helen Bynum, W. T.' Grady, Mrs. Lillian Dove, Mra; Elizabeth Exuil," vjlisa Goldie Green. v PERSONAL RESPONSIBILI .1 TY FOB FIEES: "American ettles are being forced into the passage of laws to protect the careful citizen, by making the care less citizen pay for the loss he causes to hl neighbor. It someone, dies ia your, house you must satisfy , the cor oner that the death was doe to natur al causes,. The day is not far distant when, ft your neighbor's house i de stroyed by flr starting in your house, you wilt have to satisfy the fire .mar thai that the fire was caused, by. con ditions beyond your control, j or- else pay th price, Thia. method has' kept Ui fire loss of foreign cltitcns down to 84 oenU per-capita instead ot JJ per capita a in Oris counhrr - N 2 Zu Zu Zo Zu Zu Zu 'THINK FIRE" BEFORE :-. IT HAPPENS DON'T allow children to play with matches. PON'T block the fire escapes; you Lmay need them yourself tonight. DONT leavo everything to the landlord; Inspoct your own house from cellar to garret ana locato an exits. DON'T throw away lighted matches, dgars, or cigarettes. DON'T go into dark closets, bod rooms, or cellars, using matches or candles to light your way. DON'T uso insecticides in the vi cinity of open flame lights. Many such compounds coutaln volatile inflamma ble oils. DONT uso kerosene, benzine, or naphtha in lighting flres, of to quicken a- slow fire it may result In doath. DON'T use gasolln'o or benzine to clean clothing near an open flamo, light or fire. DON'T use alcohol lamps, especially If mado of glass; they often break and the fluid Is ignited at once. DON'T fill any lamp with gasoline, kerosene or other oils while the lamp is lighted. Keep the burners of all oil lamps thoroughly clean. DON'T fill keroseno lamps after dark r within 15 feet Of the lights or Are. ' "".."! . DON'T put ashes in woodon, boxes or barreln,, Keep anhes away from boards. 'T&oh't place thorn on dumli waiters or in closets. Ilotr ashes will takg ;flMta .tlMWiselyoa Sj thoy, fre quently have small bits of coal mixed In with tjicm . , DON'T use 'Oils with a low flash point-' :-' "".' DON'T acnmulate rubbish In, prem ises, cellars or , workshops, and don't deposit such nJaJerlal on dumb waiters unless it is, to bo removed at once; while awaiting,; removal, keep such material in .covered metal-linei recep tacles. 1 Thirty-entr:nTTfiaing at Voungstown, Ohio, were condemned recently by tho attaches or.the State Fire Marshal's office, co-operating with tho city offi cials and residents In tho annual spring clcah-np of the city. It is ex pected fifty more btuldings will bo or dered torn down in a few days. Subscribe to The Free Press. j (S . - ... k'h 'r V r"v- V 1 V V. " - - N J i TEN MILLIONS D.MAGE AND S "KNOWN DEAD W. CAROLINA , (Continued from Page One) Captain' J.'C- Lipend his two daugh ters, Miss Nellie Llpo amT-Mri. Lea Mulholland, as thoy tried to escape. Lcmnic Trexkr, master mechanic for tr ML MiU-hcll railroad and an un known negro, were drowned ' while trying to supply persons marooned in the second story of the . Gladstone Hot L in the depot section with pro visions. Miss Mabel Foster and of people saw it go. The Soaboard Air Line bridge at Mt. Holly, which fras swept away about 2. o'clock, was Mtw spuns and of steel, The river at Mu Molly is about 50 feet high.' The lowfr floors of the mills are flooded C E. Hutchison, owner of tho mills. ldst 150 bales of cotton. Cotton and live stock were caricd down the river from Mt.- Holly. ... ' Statiisville, July W. A report late tonight states that the Southern Pow- cr Company's dam at Lookout, is safe and tho river is falling. dcTbilt. were swept away and drowned, aceorj'.ng 'to reports, (al though this statement, has not been verified, and tho. two. toogtljer with Miss Mamie Ws'kort who waa visit ing her sister, are placed among the missing. The Southern Railway bridge j wa"shed away and train service from al! points is suspended indefinite!, Flood damage along the Catawba river in Iredell and adjoining counties win run into the millions of dollars, At nightfall' the river was running 10 fot't above norro&l, nearly 20 feet aliovc all previous high water marks, and was still, rising.,. The. Alspough and Liledoun cotton mills, in Alex ander county, are reported to have been washed away about noon. Situation Bad Around Twin-City. Winston-Salem, July 16 The flood of Friday night and Saturday played several particular kinds of havoc in this section of the State. The rail road schedules of the Southern are all shot to pieces between North Wdl kesboro and this city, while there are no telegraphic connections with points beyond Donnaha. a few miles from this city. ALL WORN OUT. Does morning find ydn With a lame, stiff and aching back? Are you tir ed all the time--find work a burden T Kinston people endorse Doan's Kid ney Pills. You can . rely .on heir statements. r:'-"' ' Mrs. Sarah J. Dupree, 5J01 Gordon street, Kinston, says: "My kidneys were weak and gaVe, lhfl lots of trou ble. I also suffered' a great deal from inflammation of the bladder. The kidney secretions were unnatur' al and caused me much annoyance. I have used Doan's Kidney Pills, pro cured from J". E Hood & Co.'s drug store, and they have never yet failed to relieve me. I keep them on hand all "the time and cannot praise them too highly." Price COc, at all dealers. , Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Dupree had. t Foster-'Milburn Co., Buffalo,. N. Y. , adv. ON WEDNESDAY JULV: lOtfe AT 9 A. II ; -We Will Commence the Greatest v Sacrifice Sale in the; History of : Kinston. t .' J THE HIRSHFIELD CO. Oat Harness is strong BUY YOUR FAITHFUL (ANIMALS SOME NEW -HARNESS: ( y. gj : f . : , . t OUR STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUY IT; WE MAKE TH PRICE LOW AND -SELL LOTS OF HARNESS. THIS KEEPS A FRESH SUPPLY COMING IN OFTEN AND THE LEATHER DOES NOT HAVE TIME TO DRY OUT AND ROT. ' ' ' ' - j: D. V. DIXON & SOW THE BEST-FITTINGSHOE of ALL Madam, if you -have never' worn a part of J &iIC !hotst;; yfeu vbav never had a perfect fitting! That's a strong statement one we wouldn't make unless we were positive it was true,, , " K - 'Th J & K Shoe is made to "fit th arch'-' that.s the secret.' Keep this in mind it fits ifie arch and you certainly know Wat when the arch it fitted,, the ' foot is Ma rli Cummmgs FIRST NATIONAL BANK DF Mil Capital and Stirfelus $160,000 ; STRONG, SAFE DEPENDABLE " ; Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted . J. ByfPatrpnizing the ; , ,,';' . FIRSTr NATIONAL BANK N. J. ROUSE, President . - DR. HERT TULL, TIce-Preit ft P. WOOTEN, CaaHier VU '? J. J. J6IZZELL, Aaat Cuhie ; ' T. W; HEATH, Teller ' ' DIRECTORS . .. S. H. Ialer N. J. Rouse C Felix Harrey . DaWd Oettinrer H,B.Moaele7 W. L. Keaneiy Dr. Henry Tall J. H. Canady J. P. Taylor H. H. McCoy L SEASHORE ROUND TRIP FARES . FROM KINSTON ', VIA ATLANTIC COAST, . LINE ; Week-End Excursion Fares $1.75 to Norfolk. t .Tickets on sale for all trains on' each Sat- urday and for forenoon trains on ' each' Sunday from May 27 to Sept 10, inclusive,: ' limited returning to reach original start- ing point prior to midnight of. Tuesdayj next following date of sale. 1 V - v r Schedules and further particulars cheer-; : fully furnished upon application to . j 1 D. J. WARD; Ticket Agent, ;". ; . Kinston; N. C. i :d fitted. GH AMBERLAIN &1 BRAXTON v - - ... ( "fiubsenbe to The Free Prer, UAr.arr.rn: cLAiur.rA.,.:ous.ruAVJEs.PARAMouNT.sTAa' f