IT 3EMaif HTM II ff& '?SJ FOR THE t OATH TOWELS Large, gene-rom, Tuki!i towels that add immensely to the com- fott and satisfaction o' the ba;h. If you want a nice, good towel here for face or hath use, you can get it here at a most reasonable j.rice. LENOIR DRUG COMPANY (J. W. D. Hood, Prop. On The Square Phone 114 The Olympian Candy Kitchen IH I lllllf-TTIT'rTTTinrrTTTnTl Formerlr New York Candy Kitchen J: 103 N. Queen Street Opposite Hotel Tutl, Under New Management All our Candy made in strictly sanitary Kitchen by a man of 10 years experience. Prices within reach of all. High grade Candies of all flavors and kinds. Come . and see us make it. California and Florida Fruit, PHONE 358 Prompt Delivery. I Sell the Famous Barre Granite. Also all other Monumental Granites and have a solenoid collection of Polished, Ham mered and Rustic designs. Give me an opportunity to show you. If II. It. DALK, KINSTON N. C. N J. Roum Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C. Goldabpro, N. C ROUSE & IJVND, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW Offieeat Kinstoa, N. C Goldsboro, N. C. 593-394 Borden Bulldlnf The old Vback breaking way? ioti can't atTonl ti cultlvnte in the oi l slow l.ack- treakii ar way. The Plaint Jr way takes the tlrtnluery cult of aii' I priuhicos Uiu':,vor, bctt-jr crops. Planet Jrs arc lite greatest time-s.ivcr over invcntcil for farm or ; trarden; a;ul the must ivonvmiical cultivating tools you cen tise. I'lanot Jr tools are the product of a practical fanner's hvtMttivc irt-nitu a:i! M:mu.?a-.rtu-iar experk-nce of half a century. a litVt!iu l uiiv u.-irantccd. No. 4 rfcet it Combine -1 IJIil .:! Xit'M Sc-edor, Whel-Ho, CulUvlr and How j!.,y tor i c f i:i .s "in-le .-.tsi.n in the family j'lrdvd as vc!l a in bf-or aaH'. S,w$ nil garden seeds fin :r;U or h;.ist. .bs. ofH-tti f-:nov. na, c,..vcr$ t!tem, hoes and culuvate cs illy u id i!!cr.a:-.;:i:'i;!i ;'-r..u; ;i ibc No. 11 PUnrt Jr C-li,J Di l '.o end S rgo WhreMIoe. CultiTton i-Mt-w en.l RaVo. S'r j.U.l.i cr- ;s till L'l) inehes lnj;li. tlitn wiwkt r ,m -vith.-nhc or two w liecU. Tlic plows open furrow j and cover O n. Tlic cr,ltiva:r teetli work dctp or shallow. Th; lines aie vMjderjail v.ecd lilieri. The rakes do fine cultivation and pat'.wr u:Tr.t h. tnbrcakntOe steel frame. 14-inch tecl wheel, a id 9r -';:"y liardciu-.l si.els-lw.tli new this year. The grctrtt lun-'-c n';'.v..''t": tm.1 H t!u- m .'! !, -, ThoHMiius f l Plant Jr hartd-r-wli (s ed .IruH a n! whi-el-luw-t) are useil in I'tchen gardens V e t-i-.!:e 52 ? , !e v iritms prices. You can't afrord to Work without Plan, t 'r, Coiv.e ia an-1 let us prove it ta you. IT. E. MOSELEY SUBSCRIBED THE FREE PRESS if Striped and plaid Voiles Just -Arrived 19 and 25c yd. J Silk and Organdy Shirt Waists 93c and 52.00 Traveling Bags chas. l mm The Telephone Store Telephone 33 Take Noice! TO THE CITIZENS OF KINSTON The aewer connections have now been completed and are ready for will be to the interest of those flesirinfr plumbing done to see ne promptly", or call Phone No. 498. Respectfully R. E. L.BHODES Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. rrtYSICUJPI bjU flUSCKOJI. Bse-k of Lenoir Drug Company Phones Office 478; Residence 111 The Planet J way? IV HARDWARE CO. Slip OF LOCAL' Dr. 1C A. WliiUhcr UnimiiMMed. TV- condition Dr. K. A. Whit :ikc; v.ho ButTt i til n alight stroke of p,,, lysis a fnv days ajre, wa today . i'j - ted to rie uninirrroveii. !? Has Slopptd Gronlnjr, However. (' :twsy lf jtchi.isor., who says he U tin! "runl" of !,ix brothers, is G fi;'. 7 inches tall. Mr. Hutchinson, w ho is new makinjr Kinston his home. comes from Mecklenburg county, Va. Marriujfe Licenses. Norman Crane and Ella McOuffie, Kinston, white; ' Griffin Bynum and G.orjrianna ririjrht, .I-enoir county. colored; William Henry Parker and Emma Koonce, Lenoir county, color ed. Autos Advertise New Bern. Nearly nil automobiles tnnt corns here f-om New Hern have New Bern paintid on their fronts, it occurred to . I ft 1 . 1 hinstnnians Minaay. it mis iwvn suKfT' :itcl that local owners follow th.' example. Dimd Convicts. Moi-e than half a hundred persons, including many colored convicts, were fed ut an eluborate country r,i. inniBit tiv Siiiulv liottnm far- mers to ctlebrate the completion of I a new road from this city. Mectin-f Boy Scouts Th? Boy Scouts will meet! n ths Courthouse Tuesday at 8 p. m. This 3 the last chance to register in the first tiO!p. according to Acting Scout Master A. Cheney, who re quests that tho boys take to tho meet- iT; nm&y for their dues. Rede Cop's Bicycle Before Ilia Ecs. Th 'bicycle of Patrolman Jf imil- of the police force win stolsn r .in In front of the City Hall early Sunday. Tho thief is believed to have iwsed I lu mi! ton on his wiy down Queen street after taking tho wheel. The officer yelled at a cyclist whj carried no light; tho latter was prob ablv -.he nurioincr of the bicycle He put on speed and escaped. tapy. Grand Theatre NOTICE THE STARS AND PLAYS THAT ARE ON OUR PROGRAM THIS WEEK ? TODAY "MYSTERIES OF TO' With Jsan Sonthe.-n nnd Howard Esiabroolts. Ltonel Bfrnmore ml i Irene H'JwKy in "THE YELLOW STREHK" Metro Feature. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Narco O'Neal in Fox Film Feature. ; Mishaps of Musty Suffrr Conedy. THURSDAY World Film, Brady Made Kittle Gordon "IS IN A LOOXIiMS GLASS" FRIDAY : Mary Plekfordln "POOR LITTLE FEPFINV A seven reel Paramount Hearst IaternatlonalNews v SATURDAY "IHEBIHLIRDIHEBM" j I r THAT MOUSING LAMENESS. If you are lame every tnornlng. and suffer orlnery iTli, there must bo a ; cause, urten Hi weakened kidneys. To rengthen 'the weakened kidneys and avert more serious troubles, me j Doan's Kidney Pills. You Can rely ; on Kinston testimony. Walter It. Moore, carpenter, 112 j 8. Kt it Street, Kinston, says: "I had ! pains in my back tnd loins and in j tho morning I was sore and stiff. I j had i.eadachea and dizziness and thj kidney secretions wore to frequent in passage. I knew of others who had licen benefited by Doan'a Kidney Pills and I got a bolt from J. E. Hood & Co.'s Drug Store, They soon cured me of the backacha and all other symptoms. , ' . Price 50c, at;- all dealers. Don't simp.'y aslc for a kidney remedy fret Doan'a Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Mdore bad. Foster-Milburn Co,, Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. WOMEN GIVE OUT. I V T i nouseworK is nard enoug-h wnen I healthy. Every Kinston woman who H having backache, blue and nerv ous shells, dizzy headaches nnd kid ney pr bladder troubles, should be glad to - heed this Kinston woman'i experiunce: Mra. H. M. Bradahaw, 401 East Wash'ngton street, Kinstan, says: "I " in the morning1 I was sore and stiff and tixd so easily that I could hard ly do my housework. I had head aches and dizzy spells and the kid- ! ney s cretions caused me annoyance. i Eot Doan's Kidney Pills at J. E. n00j & c0s Druer Store. Thev relicv d mo of the pains in my back and nil other symptoms of kidney Uroubl i." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy Ket Doan'a Kidney Pills tho same that Mrs. Bradshaw had. Foster Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. , ( BACK BAD TODAY? If you suffer backache, sleepless nightr, tired, dull days and distress ing u inary disorder3Xdon't experi- ment. Read this -ttee-told testimo ny, its riinstoajiXWcnce ctouwy proven. and n.akes you dull,- nervous and tir ed. Use Doan'a v. Kidney Pills for wesk kidneys-the .. Tcmedy recom mend d by your friends and neigh bora. " ' Mr;-. L. McCullon, 305 Peyton ave. Kins' m, says: "My kidneys were weak. My back-was so sore ami stiff that I had to be carcfulwhen I moved about. I hail headaches and dizzy spells and mysight was Jblur red. The kidney secretions were un and I had other symptoms of kidney trouble.- I got Doan's Kidney Pills at-tho E. B. Marston Drug Co., and they relieved the pains and soreness in my back and put my kid neys in good condition." Prire 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Donn's Kidney Pills the same thai Mrs. McCullen had. Foster- Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. ?5l".f A f 3 i rf J VI tit LOU-TFXLECEN ' Th Lukv-Va amount Stab jt K3TBE DiKE UDY'S Itmi To all kiKyrtn ntJcrtr rt itannUsrau wbMh- j er nnsrular or of tbu)iln;'. aciaitc. lumbavMt I bttfkch, rios ia U wnera or ww'irt ; txiiiis. to vrtta la her for s homo tmuneat ' which bms wpc6rd!y rami svllolUiese torture j INTEREST ' l i ft yl'Yl-i -.iJ .y. V r rQV ItTU II BUT U7 0 PPM II IO V BUMOTW FKEE. Yoo cnr jxnr-' at brv M thouunil tUeMlfr TOchanm Cf c limit brlne(-rr- Tb impl dioTerr rlsb orto acid trom tb blood loom th tUIned huiu. pur lOea tb bkxxL mnd brlbtrn U rres rtnof rlasUeltf mmI tone to tbewbel rrstcsk It th a how. inteMU vtaa. 9nr nMot atMrfiSM - ! STfilP?SUITIKGS, Silver Bloom Cloth Black, Blue jj and Green Linen Finish Black, Green, arid Pink I i mill ill, I ii Silk Pongee Rose Stripe, Tan Grounds. Solid to Match Tbe One Price Casli Stof t AJ. Sutton & Sons Telephone 34 t er s A white enameled medicine cabinet of good size with mirror door and two glass shelves. Just the thing to over the Lavatory or in the Bath Room. SPECIAL -Oettinger" KITCHEN EED5 of, satisfied Customers have taken advantc ge of our 15 Day Clearance Sale which closes Saturday. Fifteen days of selling have greatly reduced our Summer stock but in order to make a final Clean up. The same low prices will prevail all of this week. r Middy Swits ' l - - . ;i i r prin n m peats m H $1. Some are all White; Some are trimmed in Blue. This well Selected Shipment has just arrived and ; been placed on sale. Ssmmer EVERYTHING REfJUClD Take Advantage of This Sale Barret! I laftsfiea SomefEiiiig $1.75 S S2&XZSSS HONDRE OUR f',u.-. Clearance Is Now On , I We have added to our line the well- iowb an hsncr Pianos GRID iO FLAYER PliNOi $ur line ia complete in every respect. Before purehtsini a PIANO Call Phone 3294, cr a postal card will do. .We now use a storage hounr instead of si atora. EST - CAPITAL ; 'Oft SURPLUS of $95,000.m this bituk is in politico ' to extend aid to tfpoi tort for asy legrtrmate purpoe."0 New Accounts large or small are desired, and a perfect eniee w cured. Have you a banking home? National Bank of Kbitca Joeeph tlswsmi J. frank tfootea DAWSON A WOOTEN, AttorncT at Law ; rVartice Hliererer Service esired Acconnta and Rents Collected. DR. JA& W. POWELV . DENTIST, " 8pedalit Pyorrhea, i . ' Crowm and Bridge Wori, j' , First Nat Bank Bid. Phone 595. DR. DAN W. PARROTT DENTIST t. - -, Crown and Bridge Work a y - Specialty - Office over Cot Mil' office C.B.W00DLEY,M.Dv CCc treatment f Rectal and Skta JHaeaaea Specialty. Temporary Otfloe in Hood Boildinff DB. C. C HARPEB DENTIST, - Office Orer PeatoCca. j FO SMITH - 4 Mrs, u. Irusutwrst Doi &, Hwn DaaA

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