l ' y -1 ik iii;p4iJL3 m SECOND EDITION VOL. XYIL-No. 44 KINSTON, N. G, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS go WW if floods took wfiisii DRENCHING THE STOCKS WILL GO ON EUROPE TO ATTACK BIG GOLD RESERVE AMERICA AFTER VAR Kt; NipilT MORE THAN SEVENTY f .. , . .. 5 ..-,. .... WEAKENING TEUTONS REPLY LISTLESSLY OF 'TWENTY-FOURTH THE TVEATIIE3 " Ceni'i . !y Fair METHODICALLY llbREil'D fcltV TEAM Spectacular Conclusion of Hose Yfayqn Race at the State tournament J. W. Kilpatrick, Hred U- The umJbe'r of Victims fo wl Three Tunes, Wants! , creases With Every Re- V V- TEAMS TO RACEU OVER Two Kinston;' Squads ' and Advice About Carrying a 4iig, (innAppeals to the Authorities port From Upstate it h - MISSING m. WMB0US; ... T7i, M;.An Pitn inspector in uie employ or me l, , i . .. I State and the Federal Bureau of An- D.n1r Kwn anH T.pnn trip ,v . imal Indu8try in DUpi,n countyf Field Thirteen v Teams I where night ridew have committed Rllled Out' Wednesday frequent outrages recently, Wednes day auernooa, appealed to Solicitor Henlry E. Shaw in this city for pro- J. w, Kilpatrick, an - animal qui Body of Bridge Construc tion Foreman Found His Companions Probably LostTwo Towns Were Wiped Out Kaisers Armies In West Seem to Be On Last, Legs The Case Will fome Up As irencn dv ouccessiui AiiacKs Dirauouen xneir jinvs "wwuiwi, jo muHU,u !to Conform With Those of Victorious Allies to the North Terrific High-Explosive Bombardment Being Directed by English Aircraft, Which Meet With .No Resistance From EnemyGerman Artillery men ices nond Only Occasionally to British New Assault In Preparation ' There Has Been Doubt- Alleged Lyncher's Not So Popular at Home ' at (By WILJSUR E. FORREST) Samuel Stocks , will be tried Kw.ansvilie next week. f Tiiat much was announced Wednes: day afterntwn.. gome persona : had doubted that the State could prepare by then fr trial of the man held Caswell Fire- Company, , Kinston.1 tection. 274 seconds. . fa st Kinston Cofrnpany, '' ditto. . - i I ; Morehead City Fire Company No. 1, ditto. Asheville, July 20-lAdditional bod ies found Wednesday to widely sep- WUli tfcn nrUicVi Armv.in Nnrt.hern France. JulV 20.! after an invcstigaUon here week be- ilverv foot or new uerman posmons uwuim nic niico rantaired bv the British north of the Somme ' is being -v ... I ' ' - w vuuvouaj Ul T 1UV1I BCLT L - m.l 1 l- l . ,w i xm one occawon, ne atateo:, be was arated . . . M . arafuiiv and slowlv drenched witn a aestrucuve mgu- iqiuston. ahot at at a point "three mHes soBth- brought th n,m f -fi,a ovniAivA fire in nrenaration for a new attack. ' The roar of J, b, Moreadith-s store." the recent floods ud to -73 with 9 Lf onina is continuous. The Germans are replying: only Twice on June 28th he was fired t oersons missino- kMmA hJ l?,"flioi. tliov'tirA sprinnslv OUt-ffUnned ; Or i. JaneiMoaJ I . , .i f . IiJ fPV, T3t.U5cV airohmfl " Wlt.hnilt savmir wieir amniuxnuun. jjivo ... i v . V. A1Hq1 firo "Jin front of Jim Jones' home. Jones I dead. I Kvc about etoht miles east of Chin-1 Several of th flnivl vm j: .4-::' tW"AHWT firo Beports from Raleigh Wednesday I, ,. 1 rnm moiesiauon, '6 r to death of Joseph . Black, the Greone, county negro lynched near herft for ii.cendiary remarks and threats following a criminal assault upon a white chjld by his son, Will Black, to be electrocuted in State's prison at KaieijVi Friday. Solicitor II. E. Shaw stated that nkbt told of a spectacular resultjn the "State hose wagon" raee at Ra Jeigh, wlre the -North Carolina Vol onteer Fiwpien'i Association is now ing its annual convention and "tour nament, late Wednesday afternoon . The hose wagon race was the first event of three-day aeries of races, which include hand Jreel, "grab'' reel, hook and ladder, pompier, 'ateam en gine and automobile engine contests. 3Je two Kinston companies repre- . j a; . j : lT- seneij by racing squaii uev - wiui tie o. t squad from Morehead City for first money. This was even bet- 4a. fton urns PYnwtH ibftck home. ! thourfi every year one or the other 'WCM?ei1 of the ,aw' now or hotk ampanies succeed in finish ing among the prize-winners. y yha record at the conclusion of Wednes- day's race showed that the, two Kin- eicti companies crews were unexcel led by any in the State, and . that neither Kinston squad had surpassed the other, jt is expected that the tie will be run off late today. .Also running in the hose wagon rsce were Morehead City No. 2, three teams from New Bern, one from 'Burlington, one from Winston oaiem, one irom Mooresvuie, , one from Henderson, one from Statesville and one from East Spencer. Thir teen other companies competing were ruled out, so exacting are the regn kypns governing-the tournament in this State. The Winston-Salem team succeed ed in making the slowest time, 35 seconds. The cwirse was over 200 yards on Blount street, in the Capital City 'H. ' Pinnix, a . Greenaboro real and the time recorded for each com-1 estate man, is here investigating pany -included, everything from -the farm lands with the intention, it is starting gong to the appearance f understood, of getting options on 25 water at the nozzle. A throng of or 30 places for West Carolina farm thousands witnessed the race.. lew who are leaving a section along Alderman H. P. Fort. Mr. J. the Catawba river being developed icnnouy and Mr. J. B. Meacham for hydro-electric purposes by a big were among those who went - from! power company, vus city to see the spectacular event; I The. company has purchased the "ey, declare the race a thrilling af-1 places- of the farmew in question, it Wr. No record -was hrnlr An. hnw. i is said, and the are looking .to this part of iNorth : Carolina, with its arge areas of practically virgin, un occupied soil, for pew homes. Foreign Trade Council Ad- biea the House Judiciary ., Committee URGES THE WEBB. BILL' Would Legalize Co-opera ive Effort as Weapon of Same Kind as the Coun : tries Over the Ocean Will Employ (By the United Press) - ' Washington, July 20 America's vast gold reserve will Jbe the chief point of attack by Europe, to be de pleted of gold and staggering under the weight of the inflated bank and government (-paper after " the war,1 ; according to Frank A. Vanderlip, head of the National City Bank. . The prophecy was made today in 'a statement of the foreign Trade Council to -the House Judiciary Com mittee in urging the passage of the ave beard that Jule Jones and I tne overflow of the Yadkin river. renen iViaKC lilg Vnains; -- ; . county authorities it had been deeid u . . . rn . . v-k t i r r mi. - iiua a w MAdtimnn i riu in i i.mim vr iiii s Enoch Staes both saw the man who were in two nouses cast ashore rHS, d Uiy ZU. 1 ne r rezicn cbuuicm f ed to go rhea.l . with the case. Ho shot at me on June 28," he said. , Honda, after having been washed both sides 01 the SOmme last mgni, anu nidue 0"Oi would not giva any particulaw of the Kilpatrick told the Solicitor that ia mues flm the P01nt whore ey fuJ drive against the liermanS nortnweht U1U suuiuwcon i prosecution's plans. Judge . Bond, ha hoJ .nnaoinj 4 44. t.t I originally stood. - I j t T?.n. hnnHrori (iprmnns were ulKeil vi w'" I nnwti th invMUmdnn .t the latter advised him to put 4he I ine other deaths occurred to the j Q a(JvanceS straightened the lines tO COniOrm Wui the week of July 24 for the time and Wobb bill legalising co-operative ef- matter op to Ool. Shaw. Do. yqul "-"'" mjnney -xvock raoniUuA nru?qU a(JvanceS Kenansvnie lor he place or the trial, fort by exporters. On tliP Vprdun front the French have Captured Strong- No very strong array of legal Ul- The Council warned that , Europe , iJnf?fi0I Flpnrv Works 'with 150 prisoners. An aa-1 cnt will represent Stotks at Jienans- , also will try to get the export .trade v. - ' , . - f ville. It is known that his neighbors vance aiSO wa? wuc - have not raiiied very enthusiastical Russians Halted. ,; - . , , ny to ne auegea lyncher. Thuj as Rprlin Tlllv 20 -The liUSSianS nave ueen uuauic ikch ny some xo indicate innocence advise me to carry a pistol when on soutneas': or. Ashevuie, where the duty In this county?" he inquired of toad river raged through a parrow the , State's attjomey. -i nave neard or a good many threats to kill me," the inspector said. The night riders, he declared, 'cut pasture fences most every night" Kilpatrick's connection with the en- in force in Duplin to the dissatisfaction of many cattle owners, has evidently! earned him thef enmity of the night! riders, supposed to be comprised of persons of the " dissatisfied element i: '(,v -til !.: w-r "a-;..-;. -J ' 1 E MAY BRING CATAWBjl RIVER PEOPLE lift TO ABIDE ON FARMS Greensboro ' Realty Man Is Said to Be After Options for 25 orO Families Who Sell Homes to a Power Company progress further against the Austrian right wing in the of th. mcWw garfathians, the Austrian ;War, oflice today reported. p,.. river, north of Charlotte, of William Brotherton, Jr., while trying to sal vage a bale of cotton floating down the stream. - .- . The body of H. B. Griflin of Char lotte, roadway superintendent and su pervisor of the Southern. Railway, was brought to Charlotte late . this afternoon, having been found today floating in an eddy of the Catawba river, a short distance helow where ever. EIGHT LITI1E BANITSy SOON TiPE'li EE NONE Chihuahua, - 4xico, July 10. iA hand fqf Jflla r banjos attacked ;. a Ft5 train on the Mexico Northwestern near 6ana Ysabel,1 about 150 miles west ot her yesterday, according to a report to General Trevmo today. . I HMIilpBiARKS TRAILED A BRITISH DELAWARE CAPES WM W - . i ; ,v J (E the United Press) . , - ' Philadelphia, July 2i4-Hundreds of sharks, some welye to fourteen feet long, were sighted Off.the .Virginia An ad valley Sunday, carrying everything before it, and near 'Belmont, on the Catawba river. , Nine of Bridge Crew r Unaccounted For, t; . Charlotte, N. C, July 19 News reached here today of the drowning near Beattie'a Ford on the Catawba I t : J-? t TT,,nn.nvr Vixr Cmnll PnfPP . . . invasiUH VX lluiiKaij -"" - 7 i , j ,i London, July ZU.-1 ne uussian iux ce u . Carpathians and invaaea nungary was "f,;rr; ment, .Fetrogfad dispatches.today said N ndicatior has been had that infantry has penetrated Hungary.- - 4 "o- Tti;ona With .Rocks." " ' !v ViVnna Julv 20 Hurling great piles of rocks down j at the trial that Stocks i not strong- I Vio .Italian Ii.. - ij -u a v unnn the enemv. tne Austrian? nave aww vv . lv '-i""0"1. wmk-uw upuu uic cue j, Tfjiliana had nrenar- h , Oltensive in me Dercuirt ocv-wi. ed with a heavy artiUery bombardment. v - the Belmont ibridze was washed awav I rJiiL Da1a' lifi-n mi nil. , Sunday afternoon, taking Griffin and London July 20. Some more ground taKen oy uie a number of other bridge workers sL-iu;.)- innnfpr-nffpnsive at Longueval and in Delville wood, has beer General Haig reported today Well-to-do having -had and had Stocks, ' of little j or . no oans, been amongst them, they would have spar ed no expense td "see him through," is & theory advanced. However, friends of the defense -who have not been informed on this score will pro vide necessary funds when it is shown MOVED BUILDING OYER WATER WELL AS LAND that America has built up during the great war. The statement explained Europe's efforts will he along co-operative lines, and therefore co-operation should be permitted here. . . with it. This leaves nine bridge vic tims still unaccounted for. Two Towns Wiped Out. - Asheville, July 19. It was stated tonight by persons returning from the 'Bat Cave section that nine lives had been lost in y villages of Bat TI lA,aiH in t.hfi OuffH-ArSOnOVlths region. Petrograd, July 20-Russian troops have occupied the Vlllace OI iVUffl, It IS unuaa.u.y ttiuwu"U . Cave and Chimney .lock, both which were said to have been almost destroyed in the flood Sunday. ' V EIGHT THOUSAND OF AMERICA'S BUSINES MEN ON BLACK LIST DEUTSCHLAND GETS Wfl 111 OPEN OCEAN 1UUAY Pie British steamship Copac reported today c . hungry inonstert followed. so close all the way HSvkfcWfW capes that the sailors hit many with clocks of wood.. .. ". ; ; - . : . 4 . . Jle creatures are believed to be of a species native to Je West Indian seas, similar to: those . which have killed several bathers off the North Atlantic coast recently. . ; Every Indication a inat Others Will Be Added If Submarine l?reignier win Public Will Stand For It, we In a Few Hours-Reported-Will Be Pub- Carefully Guarded-The i "m.T . ... licJiPfl Frnm Tim in liremen A Car Time, Said - - . (By CARL CROAT) . ir 1a : T.il t Of! Jtnwn inilaiT (By the United Press) aiumu.c . New York, July . 80. That the f onnd the Deutscnlana , SWH at aer British blacklist against American pier, flanked by obscuring barges and firms with fiermn connections is not the protecting tug Timmins. A run complete, hut jnclijdes in fact, 8,000 fot Uie papes before nightfall, how names which, will be published from ... u ii-iii i n a,t ver, seems logical and probable, time to tune, is a statement attrioot- ' ' . ' ed to a promuient banker by the Jour- -Qptaln . Hinsch, manager for . the nal of Commerce, v ' : new" Jreighter, whispered to friends , The .blatklistipg of other 'Ameri- that the Bremen will dock fcy Satur- cans, it is said, depends on hhw the y- Home of Lighthousekeepcr Near Georgetown, S. C, Taken Intact. Chimneys and All, Over Bay to New Location Family Occupied It All the Time (By the. United rress) (Georgetown Light Station, S. C, July 20. The remarkable feat ; of moving, intact, ! a frame dwelling across land and water, to a mew loca tion, was accomplished here ; when the lighthouse keeper's cottage, with porch on four silos, and two brick chimneys, was moved across Winyah Bay fronv South Island to North Island. The house was 61 by 56 feet in dimensions and weighed 115 tons. The house was rolled on skids 500 j'i?i i'fij'i- ?, leeiwa westie over tne tay, wmcn If Republicans Suggest It, spanned two lighters. The lighters rr piacea in sucn a position at eou Democrats Will FlX Time tide, that at rising water the' house In December for Vote on was lifted dear of the trestle, it - i was towed across Aha bav bv tenders. the Child Labor Bill, It is to a similar trestle on North Island. TWO NEGROES SHOT BY A BUCK . ON EXCURSION TRMN Two persona were shot by -an, un identified negro, who made his escape through a car window, near Winter ville on an excursion train returning ' here from Richmond this morning. The victims, Webster Orum and Wy lie Joyner, both received - - thigh wounds. They were given medical attention and declared to be in no danger. . .'. . ..y v , ( r IP LETtOiRESSOUIT:. MUCH EARLIER DATE Stated receives Jhj jt JisJ. r BULLETINS .t.iV. (Efy the United Press) BRITISH SIEZE U. S. MAILS- , . Berlin. July". 10. The British hare .confiscated all first class ' mail matter ' from the United . States aboard the liner Nopr 4am, Amsterdam reports . today : said. , . "... , FOUR HLQ PJ MURDER " Fayetteville, July 19-Four per sons,' all negroes, arc being held in jail, or under bond' by Cumberland county authorities in connection with the killing of Cus McLean, colored, by Will Jackson Sunday night, and of Will Murphy, negro, by Will Mc Allister' Monday morning. - (By the United Press) Washington, July 20. Faced with a filibuster oa the child labor bill, pemocratic Senate Leade; Kern to day tpld President' Wilson that if a compromise is proposed by the Re publicans, the Democrats are to set date early in December, for a. vote, Proponents of the compromiso say this, would take the bill out of poli tics and "result in much earlier ad journment.", -- ! ., ... G0LDSB0R0 MAN GIVES UP LIFE IN THE NEUSE i : ;'. , ' roldsboro, July 19. Carl Swinson, 35 years old, conductor of a dairy and a fish merchant here, was drowned in N'euse river at 6 o'clock this , after noon. Late tonight his body had not been recovered, though a party had been searching for it since the tra gedy occurred. ;Swinson was bath inff. ''-. . . , From here the building was rolled 400 feet to its new site on ' the Georgetown reservation. The keeper's family occupied the dwelling during the-opeations No damage was done to the structure in transit. ; . JLAVE SHIP OF HALF . CeiTURV. AGO SCENE OF A MODERN DANCE ' Special to The Free Press) ' Ocracoke, N. C, July 20. A ship among many here with histories is the Matchless, a handsome survey schooner in Government service. She was built in 1850, every inch of her from mahogany, a cargo of which, was cast up on the Florida coast Sha was a -slaver and brought to Key West the last load of negroes landed in the States. At the close of the War Between the States she was 'a pirate vessel, cruising in the Carib bean. A man-of-war took her, and ' ever since the Matchless, now as sea worthy and a3 fine a sailer as ever, has been in possession of the Govern ment. 1 On the schooner's spotless decks the other night, under an awning spread from amidships to tho taffrail. a houseparty of local, Washington and 'Fayetteville folks danced ndl dined as guests of the ship's officers. J CRIME WAVE SWPS GERMAN CAPITAL; A SENSATIONAL MURDR OC'URS EVERY DAY OR TWO; INSANITY; POOR NDURISilMENT . (Ey the United Press) ? ' . The Hacrue. Julv 20.A irhast.1v ( ther crimes of horrible character is sweeping .Berlin. Mental depression and insanity, due in some instances f n loss of relatives in the war, and others to the lack of pro per food, are held by criminologists and alienists to bo responsible. -,','- :- i -'' : . During the past fev; weeks a sensational murder or suicide has occurred nearly every other day. Many have been hushed up, and others ret scant attention because of the space devoted by th? rvwrcpers to 'war r.cv-T,