.:. THE KINSTON FREE PRESS ONE CENT A WORD EACH ' INSERTION MINIMUM 15 CENTS On cent word Mch baei liou, unless order la accompan ied with caah nd laaertiou are to bo (ivea In eonaecntiTO laines of tho paper.' .-"- - f-V.''' 'RATES : Consecutive Insertions Only Whea Accoapaalol 1 Inaertioa.... .T.-le a word S Initertioiis.'.f,.....2e a word S Insertions.....,,. 3e a word 7 Insertions 4c a word IX Insertions....... 6e a word 26 Insertion. ......i2e a word Positively JIo Books Kept ' Where These Rates Apply YOUNG MAN home from college for summer desires, position. Address 37, Frse Press omce. : v-au-u- EXPERIENCED SALESLADY want ed at once. Aply to New York Clothing Co. , 7-19-lt BRIGHT BOY, 14 yeara old. desires ' Dosition for the summer. Address Box 278, Kinston. ' 7-19-2t fvpeRIENCED CLERK , wanted. Those without experience need not apply- New. York Clothing Co. ' 7-19-lt ' . r t . LOST Bunch 'itight latch and ordi nary keys. Raider please, return Janitor Christian " church or Free Press. 7-20-dly-lt Realty Transfer. THE DUNN Sunday School will hold an Ice Cream Supper at the school house on Saturday night, July 22; for the benefit of the Sunday school. 7-19-lt-SW- .. ..., ' i COMMITTEE. KOTICE--We . hare purchased ' the grocery business"' of Mr. L. JDillahunt, in the Hudsoniuilding, and propose to run it as a Sanitary Grocery. The patronage of Mr. Dillahunt's custom era and the public generally, is cor dially invited. ' J. A. Mizell &. Co:' 7-19-St - 1 , CONFEDERATE , , VETERANS' REUNION Wilmington, July 26 and 27 This will be one of the most at tractive events to be held in the Sea shore City this year and , the Exceedingly Low Excursion Fares with a comparatively long limit of fered by. the f - ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South, Will put within the reach of all, in addition to meeting the Veterans and Sons of Veterans and their families, A TRIP TO Wrightsville Beach, u Carolina Beach, and Southport, At one of the most attractive periods. Tickets will be sold from Kinston on July 25th and 26th, and for trains scheduled to reach Washington at or before noon of July 27th, limited re turn to reach original starting point prior to midnight of Monday, July 31, 1916. $4.25 FOR THE ROUND TRIP, or $2.50 Via N. S. R. R Goldaboro and A. C..L. Childreh ' five and under twelve years of age half fare. Proportionate fares irom all points in North Carolina. 1 For tickets, schedules and inform ation apply, to , i D. J. WARD, Ticket Agent, ' : Kinston, N. C' First aid for all attacks of Bowel Complaints is Dr. SETH ARNOLD'S BALSAM, i Known for. sixty years. Keep a bottle in the house. Warrant ed by J. Ey Hood A Co. and E. B,. Marston drug stores. 1 -' ' adr SPECIAL SHIRT $5.50 Waists Now 3.7S Waists Now 2.50 Waists Now 2.25 Waists Now 1.25 Waists Mow goods charged 65 mm .'. And -V' PER SON A I ' Mr. Roscoe Cox of Greenville was here yesterday. Miss Alice Grimaley of Greensboro fa visiting friends here. . .Mr. Isaac Rochelle i3 the guest .of relatives in New Bern - Mr, and Mrs. Will Mewborn are i Beanfort for a few days' atay. .. Misa Lula Sutton of Richmond, is the guest of Mrs. B. W. Worley. , . Mr. Leslie Johnson is out after three days' illness. Mrs. T. W. Hart has returned to Ayden after a'Visit to relatives here. Mr. R. B. Parsons is recuperating nicely from a long illness of typhoid fever.: ''v' 'v-:"':. Mr. Bernard P.' Smith left this niorning for Goldsboro, where he will preach to the Christian congregation tonight.. He will return after the service. ; Mrs. W. G. Jones and Miss Ger trude Jones have returned from More- head City, where they went for a ashing trip, which was forestalled by bad weather. ; ..! !'f2&?l '. Mrs. Katie Tripp of Whichard and Mrs. Charlie Cobb and two sons, Ma rion and Dillon of Mildred, who have been visiting Mrs. A. F. Pitman on Heritage street, returned to their homes on Wednesday afternoon. . ' Clashes to Meet. The Dauntless Class, taught by Mr. B. P. Smith; the Friendship Class, taught by Mrs. D. P. Smith and the Climbers, taught by Mrs. E. G. Barrett, of Gordon Street Chris tian Bible school, will hold a joint business and social meeting in the church tonight. . ..: ' Musical Treat in Store. N Music lovers of Kinston will be delighted to learn that on Tuesday evening in thr ible school auditori um of the Gordon Street; Christian church, a violin and voice recital will be given for the benefit of the church by Miss Emile Rose Knox, violinist, and Mrs. Lloyd K. Wooten, soprano. Miss Knox is a concert violinist of interstate fame and rare ability, and Mrs. Wooten's voice, whichTias de veloped rapidly in the past few years, was recently compared by able crit ics to that of the.' favorite grand opera singer of today- Frieda Hem pel. The entertainment will be given under the auspices of the Homework ers of the Christian chnrch. Biltmore Wheat Hearts. AH grocers. .(adv.) -. CHICHESTER S PILLS Clil-ckw-toPI I'll Is in boxes. Mled 6nnU. Askltr'lll t IIK.TEH UIAMOND IIKANU i"ILI,. (or HMSknowaU Btt,8tot, Always Ksllabh SCIO BY DRUGf-'STS PtRVWHERf CAKOLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE. . Southbound Northbound S32. t 33 A. M. -.v..., P.M. 7:85 Ar.... Kinston ,...Lv. 5:01 7:29.... Hines Junction B:0f 7:06. , ..... . Pool f 6:2 7:00 Dawaon 6:2 a 6:47....... Glenfleld s 6:4) f 6:40..... Snggs Siding t 5:5t 6:30 Lv.... Snow Hill ...Ar. 6:00 - All trains governed by the Norfoli Southern rules while nsing the tract from Kinston to Hines Junction, and subject to the orders of its supsrin- vendent. i : The above schedule is given aa in formation only, and is supposed to b the time that trains will arrive am depart, but it is not ruaranteed. i WM. HAYES, . . , Genl. Supt, Kinston, N. C G. A JONES, -t, Freight and Passgr. 'Agent, . Snow HilL N. C WAIST SALE $4.00 2.75 1.75 1.50 .85 at these prices. roir urns aiM tor a I IMiTBrdA soil Hmli meulllcW wil Blue Klbboa. W 'I J I J. 5c W HEN lunch or supper seems a long time off ' and you're hungry, eat Uneeda Biscuit v Just enough to atisfy--to keep you gouig till meal time but so light and crisp and flaky that ; they won't spoil your appetite. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY II ':m,i ji HOW THE GUARDSMEN ARE LOCATED " ALONG THE MEXICAN BORDER Washington, July 19 General dis tribution of regular t troops and Na tional Guardsmen along the border was announced today by the War De partment as follows: ' San Antonio " District: National Guard: Florida, Maryland, Illinois, Kansas, Indiana, Maine,, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, New York, New Hampshire, Texas, Virginia, Ver mont and Wisconsin. Douglas, Ariz., District: National Guard: Arizona, Connecticut, Cali fornia, Montana, District of Colum bia, iNew Jersey and Utah. El Paso District: National Guard: Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico,- Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and South Carolina. OLD-FASHIONED DOLLY VARDEN SKIRTS ON THE BOARDWALKS NOWADAYS Atlantic City, July 20. The board walk, most frivolous and- cosmopoli, tan of all thoroughf ares, today bears a distinctly colonial appearance ' as tha result of the Dolly Varden skirt tago which : has just hit it. These pretty, flowing, flowered skirts have been fashionably extinct ' f or . many years. The flowered fibres ., upon them often are five times the size of the original. LIQUOR BOARD TAKES OVER FOUP. BREWERIES IN ENGLAND; MAY RUN London, July 20. The British gov ernment's Liquor ControKBoard has seized the four big breweries at Car lisle and all saloons in the district, and will run them. This is believed to be the first actual move in Lloyd The Cool Flalces New Post Toastles are not only inexpensive butthey bear a new deliciousness, produced by a new process of cookery the first to produce' corn flakes with the self-developed true corn flavor. ' y -'i:----. . So fine is this flavor that New Post Toasties are .wondrous good eaten dry.. Unlike com mon corn flaker, they do not require cream and sugar to make them palatable, Try some that way you'll appreciate the point, though they're even , better when served with cream or good milk. , -t- , j' ' ese New Post .Toasties don't mush down in cream, and they are not "chaffy" in the package, like common flakes.' They're new- in 'fom,new in flavor, and new in appearand. Note the tiny bubbles on each flake an identifying' feature. Put ud in wax sealed packages'. New Post Toastles retain their oven-crispness and flavor , until served at your table. , a Have your grocer deliver pZJc:r3Q5 1CZJC George's reported plan for, the gov ernment to take advantage of war control to take over the , liquor trade as it has taken over and (is running the telephones and railroads in war time. ' George's ultimate object is believed to.be the death of the liquor traffic in England.' BRIDGEPORT IS GOING BUJLD A MILLION VoRTH OF WORKINjGMEN'S DWELLINGS idgfcgrort.!; Cbtra., July ' 20. The war boom'jhas run this town's popu lation up to the point of overflowing. There are 2,000 families here with out roofs, bo the Chamber of Com merce engineered a private corpora tion, organized with no idea of prof it, to build a million dollars' worth of model houses for them. r v It is estimated that nearly 50,000 persons have moved here to say in the last twelve months.' Most .? of them were broughtfto help make mu nitions.but a part of the increase was caused by the establishment ,of 400 big factories of all kinds in the last few years, here. r MAY HAVE TO: REOPEN SALOONS SO COLORADO CAN HAVE JAILBIRDS Denver, ' July 20. Colorado can't run her jails efficiently without ' sa loons. There are only sixty occu pants ii the jail here today. They're all so bad the warden can't make them trusties and keep the county property In good shape with their la bor. There used to be an average of 300 jail occupants when Colorado had saloons and most of them were booz ers, harmless and hard-working pris oners. The only answer seems to be to reopen the saloons so the jails can run. , Subscribe to The Free Press. ti ' 'A a package for tomorrow's breakfast, fjr -so BRIEFS IN THE NEWS ' OTHER EAST CAROLINA CITIES AND COUNTIES Kinston, Aydcn, Norfolk, Golds boro, Greensboro and other places will send horses to the racing meet at New Bern on July 28. Kinston fans are exhibiting much interest in the event'' t Carl Armstrong of New Bern, well known here, has taken Miss Sonja Garvonova for a bride. Armstrong is an actor. The bride is also a fol lower of the footlights, of some abil Private Line of the First N. C. infantry haa been honorably dis charged at Camp Glenn, to go to his stricken family in West Carolina. Lipe lost his father in the floods and the other members - of the family needed his assistancs. A power Vhaler,' Mined by the Na vy Department to the Greenville Boy Scouts, ia avow on the, way, from Brooklyn to Tar river. The boat is 28 feet long. l: TO HOLD COMMUNITY FAIRS. Washington. N. C, July 20.Ar- rahgements are being made at Old Ford, Belhaven and several ether Beaufort -county points id hold com munity fairs in the early fall. The best specimens from the coming har vest will be exhibited iw agricultur al displays. Operatea Passenger Trains from North Carolina Into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. N. B The following schedule fig ores published as information only and are not ruaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTOHs . ' East Bound 11:11 p. a, "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Can New Bern to Norfolk ; and Norfolk.' Con necta for all points ; 1 North and West. Par. lor Car Service be tween New Bern and . Norfolk. :! a. a. Dally, for Beaufort 4:41 ,au Daily for Beanfort and OrientaL . West Bound -1:4 a.a. Daily for Goldsbora. 10:03 a. m Daily for Goldsboro, : 8:14 p. an. Daily for Goldsboro. For , further information or reser vation of Pullman sleeping ear pace, apply to W. J. Nicholson. Agent, Kinston, N. C. . E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager, Nor folk, Va. i. H. B. Leard, Genera) Passenger A NOTRE DAME UDY'S APPEAL To all hnowlnsr aulTeiers of rheamaUsm. wheth er muscular or of the Joints, solatlosv lumbagoi, backache, pains In the kidney or neuralgia rains, to write to her for a borne treatment which ha repeatedly eared all of these tortures. Bhefeela It her duty to aend It to all iufferera I'REE. You eure rourself at home as thousands will testify do chamre ot elimato being neees tary. This simple dlsoovery banishes urlo acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, pur ines the blood, and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. U the above Interests yon, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Bos B. Notre Pama, Ind. BS I . . . . . , Mum i ."- i if i;i a , -vPk j si a : , "Summer? I Don't Dread It!" "apOOKING will be a rel pleasure Athis summer on my New Perfec-' tion Oil Cook Stove for the kitchen will be cool!" ; Why cook over a hot range in a hot kitchen when you can be cool and comfortable. The New Perfection Oil Cook Stove, the stove with the long blue chimney, works like a gas stove. The long blue chimney gives a perfect -draft, assures a clean, odorless heat and lasting satisfaction. The fuel cost is only two cents for a meal for six. . , New Perfection Oil Cook Stoves are made in many styles and sizes. They are sold by most good dealers who will gladly show them. Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the ; best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps , , - , STANDARD OIL COMPANY , ' ' , (Nw Jersey) u .. Wsihinjton, D. C ; BALTIMORE Chsrlotte, N. C. ' Norfolk, Va. . MD. Cbarlattoa, W. Va. Richmond, Va. jfmfm, Chsrieston, S. C fFfi m THETLONCr FIRST InTIOH BAHK OF RlliSTOH Capital and Surplus $160,000 STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Tour Interest as Well as Ours "VVill' Be Promoted By Patronizing the. . , FIRST NATIONAL BANK N. J. BOUSE, President DR. HENRT TULL, TIeaPrat. D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier J. J. BIZZELL, Aast CaaU T. W. HEATH, Teller ' W. L. KeaBea Dr, Henrr Toll J. H, Caaad J. F. Taylor H. H. McCoy SEASHORE ROUND TRIP. FARES FROM KINSTON VIA ATLANTIC COAST LINE , .Week-End Excursion Fares M t $4.75 to Norfolk. f Tickets on sale for all trains on each Sat urday and for forenoon trains on each : Sunday from May 27 to Sept 10, inclusive, limited returning to reach original start ing point prior to midnight of ; Tuesday next following date of saJtVf - - ' . Schedules and further particulars cheer fully furnished upon application to ' D. J. WARD, HHcet Agent,' Kinston, N. C. 1 UOj- lo BLUE CHIMNEY n DIRECTORS S. H. Iahr N. J. Boom C. Felix Harrcy Darid Oettinftr L S. Hoaelef . I rtui CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON Sold by Grocers-'Everywhere :.".rrtr"