r J rOH THE DATH BATM T0WJEL5 Large, generous, Turkish towels - a a m ''" Ithat add immensely to the com fort and satisfaction of the bath. If you want a , nice, good towel here for face or bath use, you can get it here at a most reasonable price. SHIRTWAISTS Of . OfJcls and Ends Worth $1. to $125 V ' Clean u Pricey.;'' 50c for any one LENOIR DRUG -COMPANY , W.D.Hood, Prop.5 On The Square ? ; Phone I H . The Olympian Candy- Kitchen mi mi I fmmmmm Formerly NeW York Candy JQcnea Odds, and Ends of WhittVand Figured Materials worth 15 to 25 cents. To close 9c per yard He lelepion? Storf Telephone 85 108 N. Queen Street Opposite Hotel Ttill Under New Management AQ our Candy made iu strictly sanitary Kitchen by a man of 10 years expenence.' ocei within 'reach of all. High grade Candies of all flavors and kinds. Come and tee' us make it. California ; and Florida Fruit. PHONE 350 .,. Prompt Delivery, - WPS H 1 OP tOCAlrintajlESt Realty Transfer. , N. J. Rouse and J, commissioners, to C Oettlnger, two tracts of land, f 9,956.95. G? Dawson, Meeting- of Pythian. The Knights of Pythias will confer pages degree at a meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. ai If 1 Ml cuntcrpancs plenty to jio through these hot sum per days." he declares. "I believe we are going to work wonders in that j,art -of the city." Persons wishing to learn about the work of the Salva tion Amy here will gladly be given the information by the captain. , Snow Hill Wants New Church. Snow Hill Methodists have inau tru rated a movement to raise a fond of $10,000 for a new church build mg. lnere is every prospect or suc cess, it Is said. Xcfdham Radford Dead. Ncedham Radford, 40, a planter of the southern part of Greene coun ty, fell dead at the home of a kins man, Tony uraulord, according to a report had here1 today. Bradford supposedly succumbed to heartfaul- ure, tt-i lowing a nard days woric in tobacco barns. lie is survived by a widow and seven children. Unnsual Case. Without KttMdent In the , local courts was a case in the recorder's court today against Will Holmes, an ex-National guardsman, rejected in medical examinations at Camp Glenn it is alleged, for a preventable rea son. JKolmes was accused of an as sault on his wife. He was indictable under the common law, it was prov ed before the hearing. - r, I Sell the f amous Carre Granite. Also all other Monumental Granites and have a splendid collection of Polished, Ham mered and Rustic designs. Clve me an opportunity to how you. t 1NST0H - tMBLE-ORKS JU. E. DALE, KINSTON N. C. IV. J. Boom . Edward lC tend Hasten, N. C, Goldsbore, N, C, ROUSE & LAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW tS: Offlesat ' Klnston, N. C Goldsboro,. N. C 393-894 Bordea Building DR. O. L. WILSON, DENTIST ' 04k Over J. E. Hood Coil Store w PJK, f. FITTf, v , , Osteopath, ' Upetalra, Next Door Old PestofSee EXAMINATION. rXEJ Pheaea: Oace-i. ' ReeUl Z.V,10SELEY,M.D. . rPTS?cwai a4 PUSXEQH, Back of Lenodr Drug Company hones Office 478 j Residence 113 Novelty in Magistrate's Court. Randall Jones, Emma Henderson were charged before Magistrate H. C. V. Peebles at the court house to day with larceny of two 'pigs from Vance township persons. They gave the pigs to "Dr." Virginia Howard, a Harveytown negTess, in exchange for "medicine", it was alleged. The sheriff called for a warrant for "Dr," Virginia, declaring her to be a quack and having no license to practice. Two of the defendants swere dis charged but Jones pleaded guilty and was bound over. Salvationists in East Kinstom In addition to holding ; meetings frequently in East Kinston, Capt Vendeville, the local commandant, and the other members of the Salva tion army here are devoting much time to visiting the people of . that section, especially Bick person's. Th6 Salvationists have been asked by number of patients to visit them for prayer. Captain Vendeville has en countered, a handful of typhoid and malarial fever cases. "There is Entertained White I fiends. ' White friends i Za?bariah Taylor, ' Greene county epro, were un ashamed to dine wjth him recently when he asked them to attend a bar becue dinner at his home. Among the guest ' were his landlord and several white neighbors, who tleclar ed that iiever bad a succulent Greene county pig been more perfectly pre pared1 than by Zack for the present occasion., ; And among the diners, it is said; invited by Zack, was a man accused on hearsay evidence of hav ing bad a hand in the lynching of Joe Black, another neighbor of Taylor. Zachariah Taylor, say his white friends, is of the type of colored citizen that the counties of this sec tion brag about - . COTTON RUiUFACTUIlERS MEET NEXT TWO DAYS Wilmington, July 19. The annual convention of the Cotton Manufactur ers' Association of North Carolina will be held : Friday and Saturday of this week" at' 1 Wrightsville Beach. Hudson C, Miller of Charlotte, secre tary and 'treasureV has arrived and is making final preparations for the convention. He says he expects from 300 to 600 delegates to attend the, I convention, accompanied by 150 to 200 others. - .v ,4 12 j fid ai ' Pjatin r.m?9. II SOUTHERN RAILWAY HeBesMMswMSMsassMMasMMeMMMi.iH ijj TheoH 1 V I The I 3Hback-breaking ' A Planet Jr. 'jgfflJl Yojj can't afford to cultivate in the old slow back breaking way. The Planet Jr way takes the drudgery out of labor, and produces bipsrer, better crops. Planet : Jrs are the greatest timc-savcrs ever invented for farm, or garden; and tb.e most economical cultivating tools you can use. Planet Jr tools are the prcxluct of a practical farmer's inventiye genius anl 'manufacturing eKperience of half a century. Last a lifetime. Fully guaranteed. No. 4 PJaoel it Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Wheel-Ho. Cultivator nd Plow pays for ifsvll in a ingie season in the family garden as well as in larger acreage.'. Sows all garden seeds (in drills of hills), plows, opens furrows and covers them, hoes and cultivates eaily and thoroughly nil through ihe season. No. 11 Plunet Jr Coabimd Doubt end Singl. Wheel-Ho Cultivator, Plow and Rakm. StraMles crops till 20 inches high, then workf between rows with one or two wheels. The plows open furrow and cover 1h?m. The cultivator teeth work deep or shallow. The hoes are wonderful weed-killer. The rakes do fine cultivation and gather tip trail. Unbreakable steel frame. 14-inch steel wheel a:id specially hardened steel both new this year. The greatest band-cuttivaiin; tool iu the Vofld. Thousands of I'lanct Jr hand-tools (seed drill and wheel-hoes) are used in kitchen Kardrn. We make 33 tv)e various prices. You can't afford to work without a Planet Jr. Cdmc in and let us prove it to you. II E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. JT catmn'S f AKKUW GOLLAR '""'i-M'lT VET 8TAKCHBD AND MU1ITLY ' lcicb .forUc ctuirTT, yyKHiT ri.,Tyr,,Mwt catu Train No, tl Le.fe Goldsboro (OS s. bm far ' Raleigh, Durban, iSreensboro, AsiteriUe and Waynes rille. Through train to - Asheville, aandles chair eat o Waynesvilla. Greensboro.'' Handles free chair car from Raleigh to Atlanta, making con nection for New Orleans, Texas, Cal ifornia and all western points; also connects at Greensboro with through trains for all northern aud eastern points. Train No. 139 Leaves Goldsboro l.-OO p. m. for Baleigh, Durham and slakes connections at Greensboro for all points north and east, and at Ashe ville with Carolina SpeciaJ for -Cin cinnati, Chicago and all western points. "' Train No. Ill Leaves Goldsbore 10:35 p. far Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro Handles Pullman sleep- through train for Atlanta and New Orleans, alee makes connection for isheville, Chattanooga, St Louis, Uempjiis, Birmingham and all west- ira pointa, . , . . Train No. 131 Leave Goldsboro 3:00 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham sad Greensboro, making connection for Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and points South and West. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger agent, Raleigh, N. C. Subscribe to The Free Press. Tfie?ri&ty0Jouse $2.OO buy dcpcndr enUrelif on the place where the $2.00 is spent flr3TTrrf'S'Tt r 'aV w a . - i- ,s iBHiitil mm " " rt m', J J 9U c y OSCniBE TO THE FREE PRFSS Ilustnting one oj (he New Wtlmrlh Models that just 1 arrive These are conceded to be the best fBlouses that can, be sold for $2. QQ a iy where. 'Chesc are sold here only. -:- W, .1.1. a t l t. . , -vl t . we will admit that we have been making a feature ot tsiousee at wis price. This must be very apparent to the frequenter ot our Blouse De partment who are familiar with the unusual values that are always being offered, The new models that go oa sale tomorrow evidence this superiprity in a most conspicuous manner and to those who wish to be sure of get ting one or more of this ' limited lot we strongly counsel . an ' early call Welworth Blouses are sold here exclusively. J. VI; Stephensioh "The Ladies' Store" . mar . n inin and Extra a: I. Sizes Qualities K Priced iRight The One Price (ash Stcr A. I. SuitOD& Soli Telephone 34 Summer OUR nt . i Is Now On i mum m . . CED TaUe Advantage of This Sale Oarrrjtt ft! ill BCD IS you'ii! to. Merchandise AT Low Prices Here. When we get a bargain .from a Factory we pass it along o ipfir cus- tomers -end there are always good values herer FOR INSTANCE Porch Rockers .for Porch Swings for Wool-fibre Druggets' 1 v $1.23 $2.95 $6.50 m B MiiiSMWM Sttf T 0 GOOD VALUES tt;:.' 'r, ;-:.-VIM - sliimss&sstmi Ve we added to our line the well-owa ' Fisher lariris en w parEB too iDnrj8ae ic complete In every respect . Before purehasliif i PIANQ Call Phone 82J. or: postal card will d. i JV"e now ubs a ttorage house instead of a fcWl i t TORREST Si The Following Used Cars In order to make room we will -Sacrifice the following 1 Buick 37 ( 1 Ford Tou""S Car 1 Marion 48 1 Thomas Flyer 660 We can give you a ood bargain in these Cars. See us at once. :''A'y- ' ' : : v . -. :'''.' f-v'''Vv - .... -. .;, - . ;. , , . . ..... ... . ;. ,.,... t. . .. Kinstoh Garage Inc., PHOJp 414 . II rra a CAPITAL $ioo,?C3.ei SURPLUS of $33,C00 CI fhifJ)anlF U in pQjjtjprj to extend aid to depoaj- . tori lot j$nj legitimate purpose x New Accopjili Urge or traall axe deaircvi and perfect leryice i a- . suied... V V..S.-j . Have yoa banking . borne? NztiondEcfEbitca 6 J m : 1 Joseph Pavamt J, Frank; ootea PAWSON A WOOTEN, Attorneya at Law -. fraetlce Whererer Serrle4 AeatreJ Aeeounte aa4 Beate oHeetesl, DB. JAS. W. POWELL "V. ". vV C- DENTIST. ':'v" J;---.: 8peda?lWPyorraee, ; v. Crown' and Bridge Work Firat Nat BaiA BIdr. Phwe 595. v . Some are all White; Some are trimmed in Blue,. This well Selected Shipment has just arrived and been placed on gale. . T. VI. r.loi'brh' Co. Dtt. DANW. PARROTT DENTIST C' , CrewH and Bridre Work SDedaltarf t ' 'v Office over Cot- I'M office C B. y700DLEYt it P USe treatment ef BeeUl and Ska s Disease Fpectalt. Temporary OSce ta Coed BmldiBt F I! . DR. C C IIARPE3 DENTIST , t ,Orieo Orer roetoSee. i