KKEP KINSTON DOLLARS IN KINSTOTT-i. m "9 - 1 M si . . . . . - . . . . ' - .. - t 'A X. If' f ' " our Part Bv Kinston it The firms, whose names appear below, are interested in the upbuilding of Kinston and they are willing to cooperate by contribut ing their money to that end. They are wor thy of the patronage of Kinstonians and they are entitled to it. "Keep-Kinston Dol lars in Kinston" by patronizing them. The firms, whose names appear below, are interested in the upbuilding of Kinston and ' they are willing to cooperate by contribute ing their money to that end. They are wor T thy of . the patronage of Kinstonians and r' rViov ore on ti Ho1 f - if 1 uv t-:--. t-i. . 4 lorn fn TTircfft" J.1 ':r,' Do hJuy at Home :,1 ; , r i BJi EMERSON MOWERS and RAKES . Are 'the standard the world over for light . draft, simple mechanism fast cutting and long life. Let us demonstrate to you how we can sell more mower for less money. All who are Interested In buying farm machinery especially mowers and rakes, will save money by getting our prices. : ' : B.W. OANADY & SON Kinston, N. C -, - t , . Beginning to day we will REDUCE ALL SLIPPERS All over the store. We can save you from 1 v i , 0c up-to $ IJ50 on every pair. , John G. Cox Shoo Storo f. "TfieDtrDyTeit" Kinston, - - - - North Carolina. New Seeds for Fall Planting TURNIP, RUTABAGA, 'RAPl&lGLOVER, ' ; n (in ' ' E. BT'TtftHRSTON DRUG I. Prescription! Called For and Delivered Trr SNUFF CIGARS Kinston Peanut Company Wholesale Grocers Distributors (or Mountain City Mill Co. Tobacco Supplies. High Grade Coffees, Flour and Provisions. 129 S. Queen St Telephone No. 1 1 2, Buy In Bulk and Save the Middle Man's Profit. j ORION KNITTING MILLS Manufacturers of Host Our Iloa are a good aa any told la Kinston at tha same prices. We pay out $1,000 In wages to Kinston people every week. V You should buy our Hose, You can get them at any progressive store in town. EXTRK QUALITY FOOp! PRODUCTS PHONE 126. SPENCER OO. E solicit your job printing of every description.! Circulars, Letter heads. Envelopes, Bill heads, Booklets. Careful attention to every order. Every dollar that you spend with us goes into the Kinston Banks. , : ' ' : : . KINSTON FREE PRESS COMPANY ixirr jaiiCro Collars in kinston-- . DRIVEN FROM HOME OUR BOYS AND GIRLS are leaving the farms an d home towns by the thousand and swarming into the congested cities. There they work and struggle against frightful odds, the majority never get-' ting a chance. If we had always spent our money at home we could have built up industries at home to give employment to these boys and girls. How ( many children has our neglect of home interests driven away into the big cities? ' Just in so far as ' we failed to give our support to our home com. munity are we responsible for this condition. We are the ones who have blocked their chances. We have placed a handicap in their lives. They are not other people's children. 'They are oursV .But it Is not too late to do our duty by the nest genera tioo. They belong to us, too. Let us do everything in our power to keep these children at home. ' ' . . , .. ' i.-U'.tiUA' L.,,r.v-' f ' ;y..,,,, . . ,, ':..:r'"'.;.,.,:..v.:. 1 ilf-.l" 111 ' "GREAT IS KINSTON AND THE FREE PRESS . TELLS ITS STORY." ! J. This page is printed in the interest of kinston. It is sup ported and made possible by the cooperation of the progressive business men and firms, whose names appear hereon. The series 6f community building cartoons will be run, one each week for twelve months. This is a high'pr;ced copyrighted service, especial ly devised for the purpose for. which it is to be used on the "Com munity Builders" page. . The Free Press will be glad to have the assistance of all loyal Kinstonians in checking, if not stopping the r annual drain from the mail order houses of the North and build . ,, ; 'ing up the home community ; by' encouraging the "buy at home idea." ' " . it'- 'A I: t . ., i ..... : Fresh Lot Eiuta Baga and Turnip Seed J.E.HOOD&CO. DRUGGISTS & BOOKDEALERS PHONES 1I6 fi 254 OPEN .SUNDAY FIELD PEAS ARE CHEAP Western Hay Is High Now is 1 he Time to Prepare For Your Hay Crop' M u.. innrt R...I..1. P... off a... .. .' " " -- ivv.v uiKiui v v viM) ( Attractive r ricet. I. Harvey & Son Company! n OUR NEW AND UP-TO-DATE SPRING 1 I! GOODS ARE NOW ARRIVING. COME AND LOOK THEM OVER IP U lC ((( Hi Jacob Naiman i: tl? U - Kuril To C -- Us j& For Plumbing Our Work Will, Stand the Test;. W i Awnings, Tents; Gasoline and Kerosene. 4 Engines, Gas Lights and Water Systems '' . ...for Country Homes.- All Work Guaranteed " ! ' E. 0. MOORE & co v " . Phone 503. : ' Kinston, N.C.", W. B. DOUGLASS . REAL ESTATE Farm Lands a Specialty Office Hotel Tull Building KINSTON, g . N. C. Sumrell '& McCoy (Incorporated): J WHOLESALE GROCERS AND ' ' ! BOTTLERS OP ttPEIISI-COLA', ' ' . . - - ' ; Just received solid carload of CURTICE BROS.' F- moua Canned Goods Finest Packed in the World. Ask your grocer for BLUE LABEL Catsup, Corn. Peas, Beans and other goods they cost you no more and are bettor. . ; Keep Gool and Happy By having your , refrigerator well stocked at all times with PURE . ICE maHe; and delivered "by the Lenoil Oil & Ice Gompany feddmff luTitations. Encrravprl C.arAa Of every descriDtion. executed bv one of the largest and best houses in "America, with which we have trade connections. Place your order with us. Our guarantee is back of every delivery. '. v . KINSTON FREE PRESS C03IPANY -KEEPJUNSTON DOEJI4RS SLST0Nw- iff -rKEEF KINSTON ;DOIX.r.3 Im:STOT,