TOE KINSTON FREE PRES3 ruHJHl: liATn m Win m OATH TOWELS Large, generous, Turkish towels that add immensely to the com" fort and satisfaction of the bath. If you want a nice, good towel .here for face or bath use, you caa get it here at a most reasonable price. LENOIR DRUG COMPANY W.D. flood, Prop. On The Square Phone 1 14 N. J. Bam ' Edward M. Land Kinston, N. C " -i Goldsbwo, N. C ROUSE & LAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW f OfficCS)! ' ' KlutW. i. C. . polAd N. C. : 893-894 Borden Building ". Z. V. MOSELEY, M. D. tKiawAn t jtuxcnw, , Back of Lonoir Drug Owapanj Phones Office 478) Bealdene IIS DR. DAN W. PARROT! . , DENTIST - ' Crown and Bridge Work ' Specialty , -k Office-over Cot MiU office The Olympian Candy " Kitchen Formerly New York Candy Kitchen r.lOSN Queon Street ' ' Opposite Hotel JTuJL Under New Management All our Candy made in strictly sanitary Kitchen? by a man , 10 yeara 'experience. Prices within reach of alt. High grade Candies of all flavors and kinds. Come . and see tus .make it California, - and Jvlowda -Wt, PHONE - T- 350 Prbmpt DeUvsry. cl Hnlil' jOtaA dmyj . '!." : ;.? . fj've Jvi Jitruphi'iryfj ntw kitchen calinet, and now ii' fun ioti a dtnntA Aady. neueA fcntw vhal -a convenience a iiieAen coil n(i wai uni of p mint, of 'yu( fiaen'i iujd on yfi,' ii mtani, do 4o onee. iave eneuyn fom Ihinpi you uoaier in yua a ew monin. o .ays or iand it-xuili, iavc you nundredi o aitfi etery day. wouclVi iafce onyAiny oA mine, : Gvay-s.youA rtend, : ' . " ' '. ' Xeu, (P,$.3hef have 4endid kitchtn caLineii whcAe J XoupA mine, of y a i Mom c g Furniture RAG RUGS :9x 12 Feet $8.50 no--'."ss Nothing more suit aWe for your bed room. CilAS.;A;;!OTS The Telephone Store ; Telephone 13 Piano Construction ?pi When buying a PIANO you tthould first Inform yourself a to the construction 'pf pjanos which give the best satisfaction In this section. You want your money to buy a durable instrument OUB PIANOS are constructed to stand the hurde&t kind of usage, and also hold up under the dump climate of this section. Each pi ano has from five to eight plies, or thicknesses, of wood in the pin block and a solid metal back. : tall and see our instruments. J. B. LEONARD win 104 South Queen Street, , KINSTON, N. C. . 13 Sioro i- & a:. - . 'i- 1' OF LOCAL Ice and Milk Fund. v About So for the Salvation Army'a ice and milk fund had been contrib- . uttd up to this morning. Falae Fire Alarm. A false fire alarm from Queen and Shino streets' called., the firemen out aburft 11:30 Friday nijht. Holding Revival s Mr. C. W. Howard, a Christian minister of this, city, is 'conducting a two-day meeting: at a church near Robersonville, in Pitt county. To Preach at Greenville. Rev. W. O. -Bodell, pastor of the Universalis Church of the Eternal Hope here, will preach to a Green ville congregation Sunday morning. Marriage License. . The only marriage license issued this week up till 10 a. m. today was to Arthur Sutton ' and Carrie - Ed wards, a Jones county colored couple, this morning. The Commoner His Dad-In-Law. ; iNaJiional , Sank Examiner -. . liar grcaves,who has been here the past Bovoral Hays, h a eon-in-law of William J. Bryan, former Secretary of State and thrice Presidential nomi- 1 nee. Solicitor to Duplin. Solicitor II. E. Ehaw left toddy for Knanville, where Duplin county superior courts sits Monday, Judtre ttavin presiding. Investigation of Bight ridars' activities against stock law adherents and the trial of Sam jjel Stocks, alleged lyncher, are two interesting possibilities with which chc toi m may be concerned . 'V""?:'.-. Alleged Bawdy House la East Kinston. ' ' " : Ora Weldon and a daughter about (jrown, residents of East King street, cro defendants in a case pending in ;h! City Court today, charged With operating a bawdy house. Ben Grif fin and Maude Ray. the latter of East Kinston, were- accused of for nicatiun and adultery. Driver Hurt In Runaway, Stephen Speight, colored, driver of a delivery wagon, was skinned and bruised' up and u wheel was lorn from the wagon in a runaway fol lowing a collision with an automobile on North Queen street near Blount at noon today. The driver leaped out but clung to the reins and was draggt.4 a distance of about 20 feet m the pavem&nt' Affray In Falling Creek Section.1 . x Will is Pool, Clyde Thomasson and .0 olden Kornegay, negroes, were ar rested today, the first two-accused of assault and battery and Kornegay f assault with a deadly weapon, as the Result of an affray in Falling Creek townsaip. Pool and Thotnason are alleged to have mistreated a son of The Kinston Theater will be open tonijrbt and hereafter every night in the we?k except Sunday, v adv. (Sul Subscribe to THE FREE PRESS) n,'IJ (f-iv.-.Tl i m.l.ilJr in FOR 1 1 f-Mf. tm- tad tmr si The Following Used Car la order to make room we will Sacrifice ihe following - i Buick 37 , v 1 Ford Touring Car 1 r,1arion4S 1EMF30 1 Thomas Flyer 6-60 Wo can fcivo you a cood bargain in these Cars. Sec Kiiidtbh Garage Inc., C.'f 'if J- i ' ' ' ' INTEREST Kornrgay in a repulsive fashion, and Ko.iv:gy is charged with employing a razor in retaliation. - Mrs. Lucy Brown Dead. Mrs. Lucy Drown,a former resi dent of this city 'but 'lately of Nor folk, died in a hospital there today. A telegram ,to cousin heTe gave meager details.' Mr. Brown had bien in failing health for some time. She Was of middle age or a little past that btage in life. Ihe remains will c brought hero Sunday morning. Xegro Or urn Lives.,' The Atlantic Coast Line office here 'his rfternoon had teard nothing re yarding the condi tion of Webster 'Or am, one of four blacks shot on an cx-' eursion Tfiurday.. Orum is a Kinston negro,, and he wfts so seriously woiimled -that he was taken to a rail road hospital at Rocky Mount. In be event of ois death the local office would be notified Immediately. ';" "'-';. '- :;V.- . Habeas Corpus Case. - )' I H i ' An Interesting habeas corpus hear- inar was schcdulei, to be brought up before Judge." Oliver Allen of super- or court In chambers hero today. 't is contended that Gorge Haipil- ;on, crlored, convicctd of larceny of ?oods worth about $5, serving 12 monthi: on the county roads, is under 14 yea-s of aj?a, and accordinfrly vm nune from servltudo with adult crim- nals ly the delinquent act of J 915. Hamilton was sent up by the Recor- ler,'. ring the absence from town' of his mother, Lizzie Hamilton, who tarted action upon 'her return. EXCURSION OYER N. S. , ? JO THE COMf SUNDAY The Norfolk Southern Railroad ex pects io haul about ' 600 passengers from Kinston to Morehead City and Beaufc.'t Sunday morning. Abot 250 ore expected to come here from Snow Hill and on a special from Pink Hill. Traffic to the coast resort towns from Kinston has not been very heavy so far, and would hayo been bqlow the summer average bad it not been for the National Guard sncampment at Camp Glenn. BUILD A STORMPROOF CO.STCUARD STATION AT ROUGH OLD LOOKOUT Lumber is being v carried to Cape Lookout for the construction of a new Ijfe-saving station there. . The build- ng wiil be one of the best yet erect ed for the coast guard. It will be equipped With copper gutters' and heart cypress window and door frames and all glass ' in. the station will ha plate. The structure will be put up to withstandj the worse of the cape fales. .-.. 1 Subscribe to The Free Press. BETTER IBH SPAKXIKQ. Spanklngdoes not cure children of bad wetting. There is a constitutional causa lor this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box W Notre Dame,, lad., will sead free to any motner Her saccesstul home treatmont. wui full instructions. Send no money, but write her today if your children trouble you io this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are (t can't help it This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by day or night. ;; SALE s us at once. 3l - ;True Shape' g Half -lose For Men; In All Colors SSILk Hose For Ladies ? Black White, Blue, Good Qualities; (le 0g8 Price Cash Slsrs A. I. Sattsn S Sons The kindof Bottse $200 will buy depends enlitdu on the place -where the $200 is spent i . .... ' - w I rr" '7,; 1- 1 Jl. We will admit that we have been making a feature of Blouses at this price. ThiVmuit be very apparent', to the frequenters of our Blouse De partmentwho ere familiar with the unusual values Ihst are always being offered, The new models thar go on sale tomorrow evidence this superiority if a most conpicuoui mannei and to those who wish to be sure of get ting one or more of this limited jot we strongly counsel an early call-' Welworth Blouses are sold here exclusively. Aft.-:'1- v. "v " t( ' J. M. Stephenson DURANCE OF ALL KINDS Kinston Insurance ih Realty Co TnlephonoNo 102 ; 110 E. GORDON ST. i kThe old 1 lli You can't afford to cultivate in the old stowJlacle-". breaking way. The Planet Jr xvay takes th drudgery out of labor, and produces Upffcc, better crops. "Ilanet Jr3 arc the greatest timc-savcrs ever invented for farm or garden; and the most '.economical cultivating' tools you can use. .. . Planet Jf tools are the product fit a pcacjrcal farmer's inventive genius and mamjfaetttririj experience pf half a century. : Last a lifeHme. " Fully guaranteed. ' ' i- No. 4 Planet Jr Combined I:TJ 4 Da3 S tier, WMoe, Cultivator and Plow pays (or itacfl in a inf?!e season in the family garden as well as i larger screasti. Sows all garden seeds (in drills or hill) . plows, opoas furrvuvs and covers thcm bocs and . cultivates eaiily and thorodtfhly airtftfoutli tlic season, ..''-J . .- . Nolll Pbnet Jr CoWa potsblo wi SinSlo Wheel-Ho Cultivator, Plow and Rsice. StrailiUes cri ps till JO-lnch high, then works between rows with cr.cor tvto' whocja.. ne plows : open furrows and cover them. : Tlic cultivator teeth work deep or shallow. . Thejiixs are woflJcrful weed-kilicrs. The rakes do fine cultivation and gather un trash. ... Unbreakable steel frame. 14-inch steel wheels and special'y hardened steels both new this year. . The greatest hand-cidtivatmg tool in the world. - - Thousand of Tlanct Jr haad-tnoU (sacd drills and wheel-hoes) are used in kitchen frarderis.. Vc make 32 styles various prices. You can't a (lord ta work without a Planet Jr, Come in and kt us prove it to you. ' . . . , --...-''';; -j - . .!.". ;'.. v' '.. . ; JI. E. 3I0SELEY HARDWARE m j r l 'II - ! summer Is Now On mi mm mm Tafee of This Sale Barren lyBansweifl " i iniiu mill SSaaESCsssSsSSav 3ZSHBSS3sEaBssssaisaBssa3aB jsaslBDQallHiBsVOIBIQkR Illuslr Aing one of ihe New IVeluiorlh Models that just arrived. These are conceded to he the best 2ouse5 that can be sold for $2. 00 a tywhere. "Chese are sold here only. -:- I The fit9, Planet Jivm earaiiee aie: ;: at tni CAPITAL SUKPLTJS of fi5,000il this bajnk is in positioa to extend aid to dep-wir ton for an? Irg&rotle purpoacS ' 4 New Accounts largf or smal are desired, and perfect enrice is as sured, ' Hare, you a banking home? ' Us lit National Bank of Kbt mmm skwiwj. ikii w iwb Joseph Dawsosi J. Frank Wootes DAWSON "WOOTEN. ' Attonieya at lstw v , ratlce Wherever Service les1red AccomtU and Bents Collected. v DR. JAS. W. POWELL j ' ., DENTIST, ' BnectalMPysm-lisa, Cpbb and Brldgv Wort First Nat,-Bask BUg. Phone 695. DR. O. L. WILSON, DENTIST -Office Over J. Hood ft Cos Stow ' , DB. P. ITO. , " OstoMth, f,fc " (Opsiair,' Next Door Old Postefflce n.VMTNATION VBX Fbum: OfBco . Bsw421 ... . - 1 " C.RWOODLEY,M.D, Office treatment of Rectal and BUs ; DLmues) a SpecUlty., t TtWaTjr Of5 f -te"wd -Bnadlng DR. C C IIAKPEB i DENTIST y?s. Office Oter PoUacv P. JEO. . KOKNEGAT, " ' SPECIALIST " fa Diseases of Wfmem ft U14k OSoe Doorf s Uf tt. U) ' i Oaee: 17 West Caaren 8tr; Practical Jlrt Makars : Specialist la Cleaning, Bleaching, Clocking Straw, and Panama Hats for Ladles and Cents. ...... ..... ... ., 1 - 1 1 - - . i . i A f i I G U n 1 C I PHONE 414 . r r r ' w " k I k. . riiono 395 If J