THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS (United Pren Telegraphic Reports) H. Gait Braxton. Editor and Manager PobUihed Every Day Except Sunday by the Kin i ton Fro Press Co, Inc.. Kinaton, N. C SnbeertpUo Rates PaabU la Advance i OMWaak .10 Three Months ..... Oaa Month Jf Six Months Ona Year 14.00 1.00 1.00 Communication a received and not publiihed will not b turned unless atampa to cover postage accompany aamc NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row. Mr. Ralph R Mulligan, in aole charge of Eastern Department File' of Free Press can be seen. WESTERN OFFICE Incharge of Mr. C. J. Anderson Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Fro Press can be seen. Entered at the postofflee at KInston. North Carolina, at, Mond-class matter under act of Congress, March 8. 1879. Subacribera are requested to notify, by Telephone 76, The Free Presa of any irregularity of delivery or inattention whatroever on the part of the carriers. After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West ern Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if comolaint is made before Nin P. M without cost to subscriber. MONDAY EVENING, JULY 24, 1916 APPEAL FOR DESTITUTE. As anticipated in these columns Satur day, the call has come for aid for the strick en people of Western North Carolina, where flooded streams and broken dams behind which millions of gallons of water were stored, carried homes, -and all other earthly possessions of the unfortunate res idents of the devastated area before them. Thousands of our western neighbors are without the necessities of life, and must depend upon the bounty of their more for tunate brothers of this section of the State. .&1S.!.HEM Elsewhere in today's Free Press appears the proclamation of Governor Craig, call ing on the people of the State to aid the sufferers. A relief committee has been ap pointed. Editor E. E. Britton of the Ra leigh News and Observer is the chairman ; N. J. Rouse represents Kinston on the com mittee. Mayor Pro Tern Douglass received in urgent appeal from Chairman Brittor his morning asking for aid, and an appeal to the people of Kinston, signed Ty Mr. Rouse of the State Committee, and Mayor Douglass for the city, appears also on the front page today. Mr. Douglass solicited subscriptions this morning, and the list of those responding appears also in the news columns. The need is immediate. Contributions should be sent in at once. The Free Press will be glad to receive any donations and transmit them to the committee. Mr. Rouse will, of course, accept all contribu tions, and Mayor Douglass will likewise re ceive money for the sufferers. Kinston cannot turn.-a, deaf ear to this appeal from their fellow North Carolini- ms to the west. Let the response be hear ty and liberal. 7:38 'Ar. V.. Kinaton ,..,Lr. 6:00 ' Greeiuboro Handlea Pullman eleep- 7:29,... Bines Junction ....a 6:05 through train for Atlanta, and New f 7:06 Pools t 5:20 Orleans, also makea connection tor Low Round Trip Fares Via Southern Railway PREMIER CARRIER OF THE SOUTH $94.95 Goidsboro, N. C.rPortland, Oregon. $92.79 Goidsboro, N. C.-San Francisco, California. $111.12 Goidsboro, N. C.-San Francisco, California Account Knights of Pythias and Pythian Sisters Convention, Portland, Ore., and Grand Encamp ment Knights Templar, Los Angeles, Cal. Tickets . on sale July 22 to 29, inclusive. Final limit two months from date; of sale. Stopovers permitted. $20.25 Goidsboro, N. C.-Nashville, Tenn. Account Peabody College Summer School, i Final limit fifteen day! v frojn date of sale. Tickets on sale June 19 and 24jand July 20, 22 and 24. Final . .9.45 Goidsboro, N. C.-BlackIountain & Ridgecrest, N.C. ccount various conferences. Tickets on sale June 26, 27, 29 and 30, July 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 and 28, Aug. 1, 4, 14, 15 and 22. FlnaMimit 17 days from date sale. $10.75 Goidsboro, N.(Ej Waynesville, Lake Junaluska Account various conferences. Tickets on sale as CONFEDERATE VETERANS' . ., REUNION Wilmington, July 26 and 27 This will be one of the moat at tractive events to be held in the Sea shore City this year and the Exceedingly Low Excursion Fares with a comparatively long limit of fered by the ATLANTIC COAST LINE The Standard Railroad of the South, Will put within the reach of all, in addition to meeting the Veterans and Sons of Veterana and their families, A TRIP TO Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Southport, At one of the most attractive periods. Tickets will be aold from Kinston on July 25th and 26th, and for trains scheduled to reach Washington at or before noon of July 27th, limited re turn to reach original starting point prior to midnight of Monday, July 31,1916. $4.25 FOR THE ROUND TRIP. 7:00 Damon 6:27 a 6:47 Glenfield a 6:41 ( 6:40 Suggs Siding t 5:60 6:80 Lv.... Snow Hill ...Ar. 6:00 All traina governed by the Norfolk Southern rulea wniia nsmg the track from Kinston to nines Junction, and subject to the orders of its superin tendent. The above schedule la given as In formation only, and is supposed to b the time that trains will arrive and tepiurt, but it la B" rvr- . WM. HAYES, Geni. Supt., Kinstou, N. C. G. A JONES, Freight and Passer. Agent, Snow Hill, N. C. isheville, ChafManooga, St Louis, Ifempnis, Birmingham and all west im points, f Train No. 131 Leaves Goidsboro 5:00 p. m. forTtalelgh, Durham and Greensboro, making connection for Washington Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and pointa South and West J. O. JONES, "Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP ) ' Notice is hereby given, that the firm ")f Davis & Jones, heretofore exist ing, composed of the undersigned C. J V. Davis and J. M. Jones, and doing . i general repair and garage business t Pink Hill, N. C, has this day dis solved by mutual consent, the said C. . Davis withdrawing from the firm. J. M. Jones will 'continue the busi ness at the same location, has Assum ed all obligations of the said firm and any persons indebted to the said 1rm will please make payments 't he said J. M. Jones, who has taken jver . the property of the said part nership. '' This 29th day of June, 1916. C. A. DAVIS, J. M. JONES. Take Notice! TO THE CITIZENS OF KINSTON The aewer connections have now been completed and ar ready for ' will be to the interee of those desiring plumbing done to aee me promptly, or call Phone No. 498. Respectfully R. E. L.RHODES Stvlct That Are' Clean-Cut, Crisp and Fciev , jjjfvij lino jo ca i;iuuu as ' a hound's tooth: The styles is distinctive and ab solutely supreme. . ; i 5 The J & K Pumps,' are in greater demand this season than ever, . ..'".;'- Look .in our window learn the reason why,- - Mark Cummings SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE PRFSS Subscribe to The Free Press. NORFOLKSOJlT7EIJ lOlIOWS: JUlV 9 tO 14. inc.. final limit July 2b, July Zl or $2.50 Via N. S. R. R.. Goidsboro to 24, inc., with final limit Aug. 17; July 28 to Aug. I and . li 1 1' ?J. t Ct . k A ft !iL 1, inc., WlcnnnailimilAUg. 10; AUg. Oioy, inc., Wim, children five and under twelve final limit Aug. za. $17.45 Goidsboro, N. C.-Chattanooga, Tenn. & Lytle, Ga., Account National Military Training Camp, Ft. Ogle thorpe. Tickets on sale as follows: July 2, limited Aug. 10; July 8, limited Aug. 11; July 4, limited Au gust 12; July 5, limited AugUst 13; July 9, limited , August 13; July 10, limited August 13; July ll,1 lim ited August 13. ' - Low round trip fares from other points on same basis. For detailed information call on J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.C. years of ago half fare. Proportionate fares from all points in North, Carolina. For tickets, schedules and inform ation apply to D. J. WARD, Ticket Agent, Kinston, N. C i , CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE. Southbound Northbound 832. . in 333 A. M. P. M.. Operates Passenger Trains from North Carolina into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only, ind ara not araaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTOMJ East Bound 11 M p.-Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk, and Norfolk. Con necta for all . pointa North and West, far- lor Car Service be tween New Bern and Norfolk. for Beaufort Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound i:4f a. m. Daily for Coldsboro. 10:03 a. nw Daily for Goidsboro. 8:14 p. an. Daily for Goidsboro. For further information or reser vation of Pullman sleeping ear space, apply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kinston, N. C E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager, Nor folk, Va. H. 8. Leard, General Passangn 1,, Jl a. au Daily, 1:41 f. i SOUTHERN RAILWAY Train No. 21 Lea res Goidsboro. 4:45 a. an, for RaTelgh, Durham, Greensboro, A she vi lie and Waynes ville. Through train to Asheville, handles chair car to Waynesville, Greensboro, Handles free chair car from Raleigh to Atlanta, making con nection for New Orleans, Texas, Cal ifornia and all western points; also I connects at Greensboro with through trains for all northern aud eastern I points. v Train No. 159 Leaves Goidsboro 2:00 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Slakes connections at Greensboro for ! all points north and east, and at Ashe ville with Carolina Special for Cin cinnati. Chicago and all western points. Train No. Ill Leaves Goidsboro ' 10:33 P. nu, for Raleigh. Durham and Job Printing LETTERHEADS NOTE HEADS . ' BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CIRCULARS RECEIPTS - r BOOKLETS ORDER BLANKS j. v;.. SHIPPIING TAGS BOOKS LABELS CARDS STATEMENTS In Fact Any Kind of Printing You Desire The Kinston Free Press Company II v i Km I . aT ,.i -WS I 1 . B ... , M nmL - ncJDt:ic.i everywhere;' N ggjs--. 3&