FOR THE BATH , CASTILE SOAP AD Castile iod it not alike, and much that it (old contain, Ocoanot, Cotton teed, and other Oili. We guarantee our Caitile soap to be purely made with Olive oil only Try a cake and note how toft and clean k leave the tkin. Especially good for babies, It tests no more than cheap grade. 5 and 10 tent per cake. LENOIR DRUG CQMPANT WD. Hood, Prop. - Oa The Square' Phone 1 1 4 N. J. Boom BJward ML brad Kinston, N. a Gotib&on, N. & ItOUSE&MND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW " Office! , " Klnitwa, N. C. Goldstar, N. C. 93-894 Borden BnOdtnff ZV.M0SELEY,M.D. niTsicua bubcxox, , Buk of Lenoir Drag Oonrpanj Wiooee Office 471 1 Beaidme 118 1)R. DAN W. PARR0TT Craws ana BrWg Work a ( - ' 8edJty " - Office over Cot WS. office ; The Olympian Candy Kitchen formerly New York Candy Kitchen ! 108 N. Queen Street - Opposite ' Under New Hotel Tull Management All our Candy -made in Strictly ianitary Kitchen by a man of 1 0 yean , experience. Price Within reach of all. Highj gfidc Candle of aft flavors Jhd kimfc borne and see us flnkke it.' California and Florida Fruit NlOME ! 350 Prompt Delivery, r-ter m. 1 xlCMiback-breaklng At Planet Jr. J You can't afford to cultivate in the old glow back breakinj; way. The rianet Jr way takes the drudgery out of labor, and produces bigpc r, letter crops. Planet Jrs are the greatest time-savers ever invented for farm or garden; and tlie most economical cultivating1 tools you can use. Planet Jr tools are the product of a practical farmer's inventive genius and manufacturing experience of half a cntury. Last a lifetime. Fully guaranteed. No. 4 Planet Jr Combined Hill utd Drill Soader, WIimUHo, Cultivator mod Plow pays lor itscU in a oingle season in the family gnrden as well as in larger Bireac. Sows all garden seeds (in drills or hills), plows, otn-ns furrow 1 ami covers them, hoes and cultivates easily and thoroughly all thrmiKh the season. No. It Planet Jr Combined Double and Singlo Wh14IM, CultiTato, Plow and Rake. Straddles cr ips till 20 Inches high, thrn works Ww-n rows with one r two hefls. ' he plows open furrow s and cover tle m. The cultivator teeth work deep or shallow. The lioea are wonderful weed killers. The rakes do fine cultivation and feather up trash. I'nbrratablc steel frame. 14-incb steel wheels and specially hardened steels both new this year. The greatest hand-cultivating tool m the world. Thousands of Planet Jr hand toils (seed drills and wheel-hoes) are used in kitchen Rardens. We make 32 styles various price. ? You can't afford to work without a Planet Jr. Come in and let ' 01 prove it to yon. . ' t IL ; E. MOSELEY HARDWARE CO. t Footing 5c Yard Crepe de chartrei 25cEarfi Lace DIG LOT 5e Yartf MEN'S, BOYS' ANp LADIES' Street Hats ALL THE WANTED STYLES 39c Each CHAS. A. ITERS The Telephone Store TefepJkOM IS :.'.'..-? : )?f.r.vAi; ft- C.B.W00DLEY,M.D tfflct treatment of Rectal and Skin Dheaeea a Specialty. Temporary Office tn Hood 611114102 DR. C. a HARPER DENTIST ' Office Over Poetofflee. I Sell the Famous Darre Granitt. Also all efaef Monumental Granites and have a splendid collection of Polished, Ham mered and-'Rustic -designs. Give me an Opportunity to show foti. KINSTON MARBLE Hi ti. DAL1I. KIMSTON PI. C. ml .!.t,J,OtTt;iSl v m mm mkm OF LOCAL Funeral Sunday. The funeral of the late Mrs. Lucy Drown, a former resident of Kinsloh who died in Norfolk Saturday, was held from the home of Mr. Atwood Bizzell Sunday afternoon, with inter ment in Maplewood. Masons' Meeting. St. John's Lodge No. 4, Masons, will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in regular communication. Realty Transfer. ' E. R. Parker and wife to II . P. Fort, two lots in East Kinston, $G00. To Administer on Estate. Mrg. May Whitaker and R. A. Whitaker Saturday afternoon quali fied as administratrix and adminis trator of the estate of the late Dr. R. A. Whitaker. The will divides the bulk of the estate, which is in good shape, equally between the wid ow and children of the deceased. White Man Arrested for Assaulting Negro. Frank 'Taylor, white, was arrested by a Sheriff's Officer Sunday for n affray with Blaney Morgan, colored. The fracas is alleged to have occur red in the vicinity of the Dam itoad bridge. Keeping the Seventh Day Unholy. 4 'Kicking up" was extravagantly in- pTulged in Snday incTtyaa4country. "Among otliters" were John Walker, white, drunk,iccording to the police record; Charlie Wiggins and .Walter Evans, colored, Mid to have engaged ih an affray, and Tate Carrel, colored, charged with trespass. Miss Emilie Knox Got an Ovation fn Cincinnati Of Miss Emilie Rose Knox, the vio linist- who is to play in concert here tomorrow evening, the Cincinnati Times-Star has this to say: "A re cital of more than usual artistic and personal interest was that of Miss Emilie Rose Knox, violinist, Monday evening. Miss Knox is a Southern girl, nieve of Miss Emilie McVea, dean of women at the University of Cincinnati, and Miss Knox's recital last evening was the occasion of a positive ovation. The program for the concert to be given by Miss Knox and M?s. Lloyd K. Wooten, soprano, at Gordon Street " Christian church, will be in Tuesday afternoon's paper. BULLETINS (By the United Press) GUARDSMEN'S WIDOWS TO GET GRATUITY. Washington, July 24. Widows of the National Guardsmen kill ed in service on the border must be paid the same gratuity of six months' salary accorded to wid ows of regulars. Comptroller Warwick today ruled. WHY SUFFER SOT WTty suffer from a bad back, from sharp, shooting twinges, headaches, dfetiness and distressing urinary ids? KSnston people recommend Dotms ffJdney Pills. Could you ask for Stronger proof of merit? G. A. Wilkins, Caswell Hotel, Kin ston, says' "I had terrible pains in my back and hips and suffered from rbeumatic twinges in "my "shoulders. f had headaches and dirry spells and the kidney secretions were scanty; and contained sediment. I used Doan'a Kidney Pills, procured at Dunn's (Standard Drug Store, vtad they cured me of all sims of kidney trouble." Trice 50s at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same thai cured Mr. Wilkins. Foster-Milburo Co., Props, Buffalo, N. S. adv. Tho Strong Withstand, tlte Heat Of Summer Better Than the Weak Old people who are feeble, and vouneet people who are weak, will be strengthened and enabled to go through the depress ing beat of summer by taking regularly Grove 's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It parities 10a rnrjeoes mt Diooa ana ouiiaa up the whole system. SOc. INSURANCE OF C. OSTTINCn?, Manager lUnoton Insurance & Realty Co. Telsphcna tl6 103 110 E. GORDOil ST. INTEREST TO ORGANIZE GOU CLUB WEDNESDAY NIGHT A meeting for the organization of fhe Kinston Country Club that was to have been held . Tuesday evening has bfen postponed until Wednesday eve ning at 8:30. The prospective mem bers, limited to hO', will meet in the City Hall. A concert to be given in the Christian church Tuesday night occasioned the postponement. Nil BROKE MM ROLAND BIDW IIP AliD ALMOST KILLED HIM Roland Blow, the small son of Mr and Mrs. R. L. Blow of Gordon "street, suatalned frightful injuries in an accident at bid Kelly's Mill Sun day afternoon. Tie lad, according to ffiiB best 'account that Can "be secured, fell (through a Totten floor to another floor, a distance of about 20 feet, suf fering the breaking of both bones in a forearm, a broken hose, the split ting wide open of his upper lip and a skull fracture, the latter especially Serious. The little fellow's sca) wound was laid bpen for a width of six inches. He was badly bruised up about .the chest. He laid in a foot of waterj"the flbor being submerged, according to accounts, , untjl compan ions "rescued him from ' possible drowning.- The young victim is known to many persons. He is of likable disposition and a pleasant-faced little chap. His condition this morning was one of uncertainty. His physician, it was stated at the home, was inclined to think that he was getting along as well as could be expected. WASHOUT DELAYED A TRAIN FOUR HOURS A Norfolk Southern passenger train from Beaufort to .Goldsboro, bring ing many excursionists xetrning from the seashore, due here at 8:14 Sunday night, did not arrive until 12:45 this morning, because of a washout near Newport, the local N. S. offices learned. No particulars have been had here, but it is supposed the heavy rains were responsible for the trouble. A work train was rush pd from New Bern to the place. Traf fic was apparently normal today. , Grand Theatre TODAY Thfe Rosfe&ud Entertainers a -N quintette of the most Talented and Refined high class Slrtgers find Dancers Featuring Master Gftrge the Juvenlee Comedlarf. "THE COMINGS FAMILY" Madame Petrova tn a five reel Metro Feature "WHAT WILL PEOPLE SAT?" Robert Hughes great So ciety Drama. Sixth Chap ter of IE APERIES OF MYHA' TOMORROW "THE CUMMINGS FAMILY" Iff VAUDEVILLE A Paramount Feature v , Marie. Doro in "DIPlOMr Sardou's great Interna- tloital Drama. Matinee D0y3;30 5 & 10c Evening 7;45 Balcony 10c Main Floor 20 cents. ALL IS KIN O. N. T. Mercerized Crochet Thread. - AD Size. 3 to 100 . O N. TV Embroidery Floss. 4 and 6 Ply QTI IfATF.FN AJ-Shadtr . NEEDLES For Crochet and Embroidery O. N. T. Thread, 6 for 25c He One Price Cm J Slew A.I. Sottca ft Sons Telephona 34 remaining stock we offer $6.00 , Porch Swings $3,95 Extra heavy, extra large and extrd good. 1 0etiingerT5 REdUCtlOMS Previous Lowered K-.-rM .1 ;. i.;1t.l'SI ft On Alj Summer Goods As proud as we are 6f tuir stocc, we are exceedingly anxious to rid our selves of evpry grrhinV befofe ie selling season closes. All garments sold in the season Jpr which they were purchased. Palm jeiicK and Kod! Cloth Suits for men and boys. Ladies skirts in plain Blue and Black Serges and Poplins also in the Newest sport styles, Silk Waists, awning striped suiting. . ; " ' NEW ARRIVALS . VOILES'. - - - i Striped and Flowered rvmqQuosEwgs , Vv , ' : V r . , Plain and Figiired T. 17- pGiviiorn & Co. Summer Sale Is Now On EVERWWW Take o!f Barrett & Low Prices t . y -If r S&SSh it Clearance ID Advantage; liis Sale: nm a caWtaj. op SURPLUS of (93.CS9.C1 this bank is in pciltidn to dteod aid to dqposi. ton lot legitimate New Account! latga or amall are desired, aad m perfect acmee 'is -ta-sured. Hare you a tSankang . home? ' Ifa ' - DAWSON WOOTES 'AUarueju at Law fnictla Whenrrw Servtea Bnaali'asl AeoMuta anal Banta CMteOeL , , DENTISt, .. . 8pdaBt-lorrkesv cAmn aad Br&g Worl Flrai Nt Bank Bldf . Phone 595. DR. a L. WILSON, Office Over J. E. Hood ft Col VI - -' tfa. rntt; -; V " OrtoMth. ' . .Upatalrc, Next Door OM Poiteato . . txxinxktim tssSL" ;ptMrtf Offle-fta."' ''tttUxt ii.riiiiii n '-v V'"-nT V ;Tiii:rjtii1T, k have added to pur line the well-ii(rrVa : , Carl Pianos tsa t mm Cur line is complete la 'every resped " : Before purch&ilzi a flANOCallPhcnaOJ. or a postal card will da. Hartsfielil HI Fisher E ST SL nm Subscribe to The Free Press1