TESTES .Mis ' TUB 1VEATQZ3 Partly Cloudy Tonight L. XVIIL-o. 49 SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY PR1CB TWO CENTS riVK CENTS ON TRAINS PROTEST TO LONDON ALFRED LYNCH SAID TQ HAVE BEEN TAKEN IS STILL BELIEVED SPY TRAMP W IN- AGAINST BLACKLIST NEUSE W STREAM ' LL BE BIG FOLLOW LISTS ARE OPEN IS IN NEW YORK CITY HIS POINT DOWN THE BAY, SAID DAILY SUFFERERS' FUND FROM KINSTON; IS NOW SUBMARINE Thp rnntributiona for LaGrange and the county drew dollars. nis is aciuaiiy in aim ueeu im tions have been reported by phdnfe' which have' not been " The jstate? Relief Committee- which'met in Raleih'bn; Wednesday afternoon " and canvassed the returns, was gratified at' the hearty response; has" expressed high appreciation for the work of the various sub-committees, and tne people generally, wno nave opener ineir nr1 riiifsea?' The monev in siffht however, is bv no sufficient to alleviate the and to qo, what is equally t . . r w , Station oj pne lerniory aevastaiea. ine suoscnpuon usis tfill be Kept open, ana while no further canvass will? be made, unless it becomes apparent that such is necessary; everybody, who can, is urged to contribute as liberally As nossible. ihe ree Press lass will continue to receive i5 need lor neip. ; ,( i JSince yesterday's; report publish the following list' of iE. A. Johnson, Grinon .. ...... 1.00 Lonnio Buck .. Mrs. OpteJia Gardner 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Miss $rma lapp &orge Cv iFaville The list of contributors, who subscribed through the young lady canvassers, the totals of which were published Wednesday, is as follows: ' " , J Leonard Oettingor J. T. Whitfiefld .. 6rover 'S. Jpx Mrs. Holderby .. E.i B. 'Marston . ft. Frank Hill ... 1. T. Hearne ... '. Mr. Taylor Mrs. Dinkins . . . Bewey Sutton .. ''if I., Jfoblai a . . ' '.25 .05 5 3.' B. Wbrley ' H. C CurMs ' Ralph Batdree .25 too .50 .05 1.00 .15 .05 1.00 .05 .50 It, 1.00 1.00 .50 .50 0 .10 ,1..... K C Johnson X K.!PnUMps .. ...... ltaiiey .Buxton. c . C. Baker; ......... C. E. Best . . ' Mrs, Brooks Mr. Dawson ........ Mr. Croom S. H. Loftin '. ... . . . . Mrs. H. O. Hyatt .... D. C Plunwner, colored A. M. McDonald . . .' . . W. L. Hinson . iSank Rountree '., ... Mrs, Johnson R. J). Noble Mrs. D. Noble .. 4 ooding ' . . ........ G. A. pawson "v. j .05 .05 .05 .10 .25 Dr., W. F, Hargrove 1.00 John H. Dawson C. C. , Moseley . . "f. B. Holloway, colored Isaac Simon .. Mrs. Joseph .. ......... Mm. Williams .. ...... it T . 1.00 .50 1.00 .10 .05 ,10 .30 .50 .10 .25 25 25 .10 W. Hl'-Coi ; P. Herring R. Williams . . K. Oettinger i. R. Lee H. Griffith W. M. Coble i 1.00 C Davk , .10 2.00 1.00 y . F..HaTvey. lfcnry French Robert Blatock .05 Si L7 Lynch '.. 100 Pi Fordbam .. ........... .1.00 Hr. Kiikman f 25 . ; 5 . -25 . 6.00 ms' ynch jf'.V.. Mr., TraW". dler Bro. iss Myrtle Heath i .25 100 . 1.00. . 2.5 1.00 wacamson . , 1 !. M. "XaRoue . ; . Prank Quinerly .. T. E. Stainback . . S. J.' Spencer'-. . B. Coleman . . G". ; Pawon '. r C M. Alien v. . . G. ci Whit Bi R. Taylor ...,.r G. T. Sullivan'' . 10 . 1.00 U LOO , .. 1.00. . . 1.00. . V 100, . : . 1.00 ' t.00 . ; 25 ;X0' . 1.00 ...2.00 H..AMallali . " P- C. Andrew Elliott Jones, Jr. E.1L TulP .;;.;;;..; m.t. 3. A. Pridgen ... "A.'S. Pmdrick V Caswell Cotton Mills .. . . 1.00 . . 5.00 the flood Sufferers from Kinston, at large have reached six hun means distress of the stricken district, . . . i . important, assist m the rehabil- and Messrs. Rouse and DoW- subscriptions sq long as there8 The Free Press is authorized to ' contributors: waitman Riley flinea 10.00 Dr. C. H. Bynum (colored) .... l.Od Cash (miscellaneous) . . .3lJ Total today $27.39 1.00 R. P. Taylor .. 1.00 5.00 George B. Greene 1.00 1.00 D. W. Reavis .. 1.00 .26 Annie Jones, colored 23 5.00 Vomans Club . '.. 5.O0 2.50 Mrs. Jennie Taylor .......... 1.0Q i5 Mr3. S. T. Pate . . .50 .10, Mrs. S. A. Aldridgie . . .50 10 Susie Perry 1.00 Eli Perry 1.00 Mrs. Xillian Perry f. 3.00 Mrs. B. (E. Seltairs i , . ... .23 Rsvf Mr.' Harrison . . '.t7 .tnC. "i.0o" Isaac Stroud 1.00 Mrs. J. E. Cumminge .. ...... 1.00 Mrs. E. V. Webb . . .80 Mrs. Hugh Parham.. .50 Mrs. JKleber Denmairk -.50 Mrs. Harvey C. Hines 1.00 N, B. Evans ... ........ . . 100 Clarence Jeffries . . 1.00 J. W. Black .. 5d N. B. H01 .50 W. M. Herbert ............. 1.00 S. Pearson . . ..... J. 5d Moseley & Ballard . , . 1.00 A. P. Pittman l.OOi J. B, Leonard l.Ofll John Weyher . . ................ 1.00 M . Ms rtha Moseley Mitry K. F.oasley .. Mrs. jH. Scott . . .. Mothers Club v1. '. . . ', 1.00 .25 1.00 ...... 5.001 W. O. Moseley H. D. Spence I. B. E'rown '. . 0. G. Rucker . 1.00 .75 .10 l.Ofll 1.0ft t.od R. E. Mcwborn . . . Leslie Worthington J. C. O'Berry Frank R,ouse .... S. A. Moore , . .. James F. Parrott H. Britt .'. ....... W. K. Baker ... L. J Mcwbomo . . 1.00 V-25 2.00 i.od .id 1.00' .25 V25 1.50, .05 5.00 M hid i.25 25 M a.oo t& .Id !.5d L0d uod 2& . .50 .23 .73 E. Lw Johnson . . Raymond Pields Drv y. E. Weyher f , v Nathan'Moore & i.'... Harvey C. Hines 1 ... . Thomas Hartsneld... . . L.' Wiggins, colored T. Bonwsr .. ......... M. Bloom . v . . . ...... B. P. Jones ... ...... ,R '. .Pa:ons . . . . , Grover. .Worthington -W.iH. filler .. W. O. Paulknet : J '- F.r Dais , . . J George Simmons Jacob Naiman . ; New York Cafe .. ... R.' B. West1 G. M. MificholL colored F. P. Brooks .. ..... A. Haeldns ; V.. Mrs. HT. Davis . '. . 1.00 JO ad .23 .03 t ' A- Harvey 1 i . ........... . - B. Alezandec , ..-... .. $ T. A. Davis, colored . . , . ...... JE." Huggina " . .". . . . . .;.'. J.T.Cole .v..W L. C'A. PhiUips, colored . .05 .. X5 .. 25 V 1.00, ..M.001 Bingham Suttotf" . .' . 'Mrs, P, A.. Whitfield IAN BELIEVED - TO RE PLANNING BIG Will Try to Retake Pozieres, , Experts ThinkAre Be in? Reinforced . . 7 f SLAVS HAYING TROUBLE peavy Rains the Teutons' AUies In EastSlavs Pro gress Some, However- Several Rivers Swollen In Galicia (Dy the United Press) London, July 27. Within a few days the British advanced lines must withstand Germany's most powerful counter attacks since the start of the Allied offensive.' The new positions outside of Pozieres will bo the point of attacks, ssfy military exports. The Germans are getting reinforcements. Slavs Combatting Elements. Petrograd, July 27. 'Heavy rains are impeding the Russian drive in Northern Galicia. The Styr, Stochod and Lipe rivers are swollen. Despite the fact that they are battling against the elements as well as the Germans, the Russians are advancing. Germans Use Weeping Gas Bombs, j London, July 27 Hand-to-hand en- I counters wth thfr Germans and act-- ivo artillery pounding throughout the night, were reported today by Gen eral Haig, who said the Germans were using quantities of "tear" shells, making 'the soldiers weep. "There was no event of importance," toe said. UNIVERSITY'S SUMMER SCH(K)lli0SpS AFTER SUCCESSFUL SESSp (Special t The Pre PVess) - Chapel Hill, July 27. The session of the University' Summer School which came to a clostf "today, will be a landmark in summer schools in the State for many' reasons. "' 1 Not only has it enrolled far " more students than ever met together to " pursue studies in this State during th sum mer months 1,050 in all. with 52 law J. F. Edwards 1.00 Mrs. J. L. Murphy 1.00 Home Workers of Christian Church . . 5.00 Mrs. W. O. Moseley .50 C. M. Beasley 1.00 H. L. Fleming . 1.00 ,.1.00 . 1.00 . 2.00 . 1.00 1.00 1.00 G. P. Fleming W. 'F. Spottswood William Hays Miss Tiffany West . . . A. iMcD&niel Mrs! ii P. Tapp J. S. May ,. .50 K 1.00 Rev! G. B. Hanrahan Mrs. A" Mitchell 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 .500 1.00 2.00 1.00 Allen Knott . . Tom Knott ; ....... Mrs. E. P. Dixon Dr. James M. Parrott .. George E. Kornegay . . Mrs. S. H. Islet'.. ..... W. D. LaRoque .. ..... Mrs. W; F. Harper .. . Chamberlain A Braxton R. L. Wooten .... 1.00 Dr. C. C. "Harper ... ... Clay Brewer" .'. ,1.00 1.00 ' ... 1.00 1 ... 1.00 K. R. Tunstall. .. .... Dr. Fred. Whitakcr .. . V. H. llewbom 1.00 L00 550 R. H. Lewis, Jr. R. I. Sutton Mrs. Carrie E. Cox ... W. D. Pollock .. .... ; 6oo 2.50 liERK COUNTER ASSAULT? NOTE, Request i "ade that if names of any contributors . have been omitted that attention be called promptly.' so that ' proper credit jnay be made. The ntmoet care is being exer cised to avoid any omission. - - Will Be Published Monday; Note Is In Two Parts, -It Is Said 5 ' discusses ; everything Connected With Boycotting of American Firms The President Devotes Day to State Department Busi ness, Stated By ROBT. J. BENDER, (United Press Staff Correspondent) Washington, 'July 27. The Ameri can note protesting against the Brit ish blacklist Was forwarded to Lon don last night, Counsellor Polk today announced. At the same time it was stated the President is devoting tht day to working on State Department matters. The note will be published Monday morning. The President excluded all visitors after hours of a conference with the House naval leaders, including Pad gett of North Carolina, outlining the campaign to have the House pass the Semite naval amendments. The note is in two parts. It will de mand that England explain the black list's effect on American firms, and take up the, whole question of the principle of blacklisting. MEXICO CITY THINKS NOTHING OF SHOOTING ACROSS THE BORDER (By the United Press) Mexico City, July 27. The recent exchange of shots between Maasachu setts militiamen and Mexicans across the 'border is declared to be unimpor tant, principally because there were no casualties. A carload of hardtack received at Camp Glenn- is believed to indicate that the brigade there will move at an early date. Hardtack, put up in ancy' packages and really palatable as well a pure, id usually used for travel rations. students additional but &t has been a record for consistent work, pursued not ' merely no satisfy attendance credits, but with a desire to bring about 'elf -improvement and a more thorough knowledge of the subject taught in the various school of the State."':.''"' ' ''V': ' Y.J T. Ormond . . ............. Dr. F. Pitts Dr. C. B. Codrington, colored J. E. Banton, colored . , Walter Jones, colored--;". ' . . . . Charles Watson, colored .. ... Fordie Taylor, colored . . W. C. Redding, coiored . ..... Will Freeman, colored . ..... 1.00 l.Oo 1.00. 1.00 .05 .05 .05 .25 .05 Edward Blalock .03 Mr. Young .. . Mr. Bailey .. Fletcher Biazell 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 Mrs. Nannie Wooten Emmett Wooten, Jir. . .io 1.00 Mrs, R. W. Fowler .. Mrs. E. B. Lewis . . Rev. B. P. Smith J. S. White .. ...... C. M.; Ford .. .... ,1.00 2.00 1.00 i 1X0 Cash contributed without name.' ; being given or withheld by y y request ,.V., $44.47 T.,W. Mewborn .... ..1....., 10.00 Henry Canady . . : . ; . , 1.00 Mrs. H. L. Canady .. .. ......10.00 'Ladies Aid Society Presty- i '- terian churoh .. ........."1.00 Mrs. Henrietta Phillips ,... 1.00 Sing Le. IjOO Total htrough Young Ladies." t Committee ... ...i .120142 Previously reported other than . bov ... . . : .'. . . : . .;. .. 306.49 . Grand total to dato ..$595.30 Slayer of Manly Hatch Has Fallen Into Law's Hands At Last, Reported How lie Escaped After Crime Recalled If Alfred Lynch has been caught in New York it was since this morning, according to Sheriff Taylor, who has just returned from there. The Sheriff took with him a man who declared he had seen Lynch within a month and talked with him. He gave the address, etc Arriving in New York the two went to the detective bureau, where plain clothesmen "made a monkey" out of the Sheriff's companion. They said there was no such address. Sheriff Taylor spent two days with the man, who seemed never to be able to locate the place where he saw Lynch. The Sher iff left the man there, and this morning was in communication with the detective bureau, the latter. laconically stating that the Kinston detective was in need of funds. The Sheriff evidently was,, tempted to wire the New York headquarters to try to rake up some charge on which to jail his erstwhile sleuth, and keep him there. 1. ' Information was had at New Born Wednesday, according to the Sun Journal of that city, that Alfred Lynch, colored, who murdered Manly Hatch, a white commissary clerk, at a lumber camp near Richlands a cou ple of years ago. had been captured in New York and would be returned to North Carolina. Lynch murdered the white man for money. He hired an automobile and drove to Kinston. He motored down Queen street and stopped a few min utes to talk with acquaintances. The police were notified of the' murder and that Lynch was. supposed to be here or on his waj to Kinston. Lync escaped in a. race with officers in an automobile. Later his brother was arrested by the New York police by aniatake. GOVERNMENT WARNS VS. FAKE INFANTILE PARALYSIS REMEDIES (By the United Press) Washington, July 27. The Depart mcnt of Agriculture today warned the mothers of the nation against flalue infanMe paralysis remedies. As a result jf the epidemic, it is said, many spurious cures are being sold. Most of these are not good, the de partment said. ALLEGED MURDERER TAKEIBLAME FROM ANOTHER; INTIMATED (By the United Proas) OJfiey, HLj July. 27-OJney's mur der mystery was further complicated today when the defense intimated tha Roy HinterLitw, accused of murdering 17-year-old Knthrrne Ratcliffe, is suf fering for another.; GUARDSMEN HAVE TO GO BACK HOME CAST BALLOTS AFTER ALL (By the United Press) Washington, , July 27. -Reversing yesterday's action, the Senate today killed the army bill amendment per mitting guardsmen on the border to vote in the November elections with out going heme. Senator Williams raised a ' point of order, and Vice President Marshall '- sustained ' him. Supporters - of. the; amendment ap pealed to the Senate but were de- Bulk of Flood Water From Upstate Has Not Come Down Ycf, It's Said MANY GOOD SIGNS NOW Brighter Skies : Railroad Traffic Better; Tobacco Crop Doesn't Seem to Be Damaged Very Much More Bridges Down Neuse river roso only four inches in the 12 hours lifter 6 p. m. Wed nesday. The .rains which filled to overflowing practically every stream in North Carolina East of Raleigh following tho floods upstate have i ceased, and (there is prospect of bright weather over the section. However, the flood danger has not abated, in the opinion of some. The slow rise hero now does not indicate that the trouble Is over, for the stream is spreading out in the low grounds. Most of the water in th river at this poinfc is termed as local, while the bulk of the flood waters from the Raleigh and Smitkfield sec tions is to arrive later in the week, according to Weather Observer H. C. V. Peebles. "We may not have as much of a flood as in 1908," Mr. Pee bites said this morning, "but we are gotyg to have a 'big river,' neverthe less." . -' iReports from all parts' of the Neuse valley tell of bridges washed out. In Greene county a bridge over the Moccasin riwr is said to have gone down Wednesday. Mayor , Fred. Sutton, back from a trip info Duplin county, reports that 1 three bridges over Northeast' river were , awash when his party crossed the stream several days ago. They got across on a fourth bridge, which afterward was closed. Coming home, the. party motored to a point on the Atlantic Coast Line, where they left their nva chine, making the rest of the trip by train. : ' Railroad traffic throughout East Carolina is nearer normal today than in a week. Trains are running about on echodulo everywhere. Damage to crops is placed a about 15 per cent, by a number of estim ates. Cotton suffered principally. STOCKS WAS ORDERED : ! BACK TO DUPLIN TODAY Samuel Stocks was to return to Kenansvillo today to stand trial for cbmplicity in the lynching of Joseph Black. It is now ' understood that when Solicitor Shaw told the Grecno county man to return home early in the week, he also told him to report again on Thursday. However, this does not moan that Stocks will be tried during the term, which expires Saturday, in the opinion of local law yors. One attorney here is interest ed in the case and would be called foe fore it was commenced, in all prob ability. ; BULLETINS (By the United Press) BERLIN WAR STATEMENT. ; Berlin. July 27. Failure of hev French assaults around Berkur. and Flcury and the repulse of a British reconnoitering attack southwest . of Warneton, near Richbenrr, are officially report ed. A grenade attack west of Pe . sieres also was repulsed. . TURK SUPPLIES FALL V TO SLAVS. A ":. " ' TT:1 V Petrograd, July 27. The cap , tore of war material by Grand , Duke Nicholas in hi occupancy , ef Ertingen is announced. The Russians are pursuing the re treating Turks, Ardgryfe Ready to Take! Trail; Deutscjiland Will Sail Today SUBMERSIBLE CLEARED British Embassy Requests, Possibly at !r stance of U. S., Information of the Strange Man-of-War Vis itor to Bay (By the United Press) Baltimore, July 27. Either alarming or good new of the submarine Bremen la keeping the Dcutachland at her dock. Mana ' gem of the venture refuse to say which. Orders for sailing were issued to the Deutschland during the night and countermanded to day. ' It is accepted as 4 'truth that the Bremen, the Deutach land's sister ship, has been heard , from. It is suggested that eith- er the Bremen has met with mis- -hap or the managers of the line have determined to hold the ves acl until har arrival. ' t '- -,..v- "'V' Baltimore, July ; 27 When . the) Deutschland sails sho will be follow ed by the British tramp steamer Ardr gryfe as a spy.' The tramp is wait ing, prepared to follow "iJie submar ine. The Ardgryfe carries a crew of Japanese. . The Deutschland will 'sari , today, it is, declared She) has clear ed. ! .V:?'?Ae.j5i"i i;''?.:tf;,;:r Want to Know About Mystery Ship. Washington, July 27. The British embassy today cabled lxndon aeking for information ' of the mysteriouiBi British cruiser sighted yesterday in Chesapeake Bay.' '; Whether the State ' Department asked . for an inquiry ia unknown. The navy is . considering the theory that the cruiser possibly was trying to communicate with , a small wireless station ashore. : American Shins Watchinff Foreign Mcn-ofrWar. xvdrioiK, jujy zy. 1'uve u. e war ships and several aeroplanes arefnow guarding American neutrality off the Virginia capes against possible viol ations by British and French war ships awaiting the Deutschland. The cruiser North Carolina and destroy ers Beals, Plusher, Stereet and Reid are guarding the coast from Beaufort, N. C, almost to the Delaware Break' water. ' The' North Carolina in tent : miles off the capes watching the for eigners. ; The North Carolina today maneuvered, .with aeroplanes, ptrae ticing the aviators. ' ... Men-of-War to Enforce Neutrality. 'Norfolk, July 27. Almost - simul taneously with (he clearance of tha submarine Deutschland at 'Bal timore today, (the United Stater ar mored cruiser North Carolina and , . . J - 1 X A I - .4 1 . orders from Washington 4to "enforce neutrality" steamed eut beyond Cape Henry and took up positions near the English cruiser which paid an uhan- " nounced visit to Lower" Chesapeake ' Bay on Monday night. Tonight' the ; United States ships were keeping near the foreign warship, 'appareotljj ' about fifteeji miles from shore. j Cruiser Off Beaufort. ? 1 Beaufort, July 26. At least on , cruiser of the Allied powers waa be heved to be etanding ' off Beaufort Inlet tonight m an attempt ko pre- vent the entrance of 'the German sub marine 'merchantman Bremen now due at en American port after toy age similar to that made by hei aiste? ship, the DeutschlanL TRAFFIC OVER A. CL v ; ;iIAINIJNERESlQD Rocky Mount, July 2C-With tlia steel draw bridge ever Santea river in South Carolina still hoUing aoi (the drift wood and wreckage pushed away the Atlantic Coast ' Line this morning resumed the use of it I Ba'- line trackage for south, '