DAILY PI Northeast Wind V()L.JXViitNa 51 i . FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. C, SAtUfebAX, JULY 29, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS SIX PAGES TODAY ASKEP TO'fifUNGiTp NO HELIEF FORvTHE KAISER IN PERSON STOCKS MATTER HAS FEDERAL C01T ORDERS AMH RESTOR'D tl ft OF .CONGREGATIONS NEEHS OF MIDDLE WEST. .SAYS APPROVED PUTTING BEEN ARRANGED, IS TO BRITISH OWNERS' IRG MOULD HAVE CAROLINA'S FLOOD SUFFERERS WFATIIER BUREAU CAPTAIN TO -BEATH NEWS FROM DUPLIN KEPT HER OUT OF NEUTRAL WATERS, LILLD WTON NORTH V yyvciiiur waig nas raurneajo nis ornce 'wgui jjj - wave to ewci weeks, and he brings a first-hand account of ,the terribly ter a Week YetIs Bad ..j- , .u.v- vm 6 f. vv,.v.( news rrom nicujfo me spienaia response aireaay given to tne cainor auv ne I emphasizes the need f orstill further assistance, -and urges the people of the State to continue to respond to the call. MORE THAN 100 DEATHS iviany mousanas oi aonars more win De neeaea Deiqre even the. first aid can be given. i England In Rage Over Exe- Ten Thousand Dollar Had cutionaf iTryatt, Merch- . Been Ordered Forfeited,' I . v It Is Reported . ant Skipper, Who Tried to Ram Submarine Likely to Retaliate, Said SOME MIX-UP, BELIEVED : fxThe contributions through the Ibcarcohimlttees show? Hundreds. ProstratedAll J - a ' "fa j la- j i j. J J . n vr mw i.il J- 1 1. I ea a aeciaea arop toaay, uniy $v.o nas Deen lurneu in w the committee since yesterday s report. ;lhe local commit , tee nas issued a statement expressing appreciation ror the mbneyralreadv dven: and emphasizing the need lor more. The pastors of the various churches are asked to call the attention of the congregations tomorrow to the need and ask that contributions be made. ; , ..;re statement of . Messrs.4 Rouse and Douglass of the local committee follows : . .. , - ...-5, J..-; i . ' We desire Mw to give expression of sincere appreciation ? for the liberal donations participated in by so many people of f the 'city knd community for the relief, of those who suffered (By th United Preas) .ILondooJuly 29. The Kaiser him- iho Wov fr-r.m AllofrV,ov la conavmm the death sentence of rf - , ICaDt Frvatt for ittptnntmw ,tn t.i o Mountains tO KOCKies the tubmarine. Alleged Lyncher Country Sizzles Under a High Temperature y - frbm the atorms that visited Western North Carolina. At the ' same time -we feel under the necessity of emphasizing the fact nat the Governor of the State, upon his return to Raleigh, calls Slftekiiion to the Vastness of the storm's destruction and of the beeessity of continuing and supplementing the relief already 'provided. We therefore ask permission through your paper 'to direct the attention of the public to the call for relief that VtHrcjMttnues, and to request that the ministers of the vari 'iHIb churches of the city bring to the attention of their res y pective congregations the conditions prevailing in the west Vrk part of the State and that they emphasize the necessity 'heeding the voice that appeals to the geperosity of those WW have escaped misfortune. Surrounded by our wra good fortune, let ua not forget those who are' surrounded by adver. sity. . , We also desire gratefully to acknowledge the .cordial and Valuable aid that the papers of the city have ren4ered. W. a DOUGLASS, , - , t Mayor Pro Tem. of Kinaton , -N.J.OUSE, , it is reported. The re port nas inflamed ' British feelintr. Newspapers say the "murder" sur- pnssea the. Cavel case in cruelty. Tried to Send IT-Rnat in Rnttnm Eteriin, July 28. Capt. Chaa. Fry- uy uie unuea grress; at of the Great Eastern RailwaV Chicago, July. ZSJ.-Uawn found steamship Brussels, convicted yestcr. witKu im uw o.wwi aay oy a Uerman courtmartaal at Rockies and AUeghenles still swelter Bruges, Brussels, of attempting on ing. There iya no reduction In the March 28, 1915, to ram German temperature arid it was predicted submarine near the Maag liriitshin. that the hot spell .would last until I when 'he did not belong to an armed Monday at least, possibly aU of next force, has been executed by shooting. Week. Tk Rnumela wan mtiiftf kv I 1 , -j-ivu JJ VI llie total oi dead is loo,, with sev- man .trovon ,,nntH j I J Willi I cral hundred Tirostrnted. brought into Zee Brugge. o nope lor ftarqs M"UK, " -Capt , Fryatt and the first officer Washington, July 29. No relief is an the first etngineer of the BrUs- in sight from the hot wave, the wea- sela received from the British nH. Had Not Skipped. But Left for Ke- nansville Today Settle ment Made, Reported By a Lawyer (By the United Press) ' ' Norfolk, ;Va.. July 29. Federal Judire .Waddill 'today- decided that the captured British liner Appam should be restored to its British owners. The decision was against the Germani prize crew that captured the Appam and brought the : vessel here. The Court held that Germany lost her claim to " the ship when Lieut. Berg, the prize commander, brought the vessel into neutral waters. ther bureau today (reported. BULLETINS Member of State Belief Committee. ,The contributions to date are: Previously reported $31.13 Cash Oash .. as.h .. ...............'.. Mrs. C. W. Blanchaird ..... Rev. C. W. Blanchard . . .. ,.. D. T. Edwards .50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Turned in by Colored Committee: John Shepherd... ............ J. D. Slado.. Roaeoe Wiggins '.. Clark MiUor v... 50 Pride of Kinston Lodge 1.00 Grand total to date ..$638.88 (By the United Press) SENATE REQUESTS CLEMENCY FOR IRISH. Washington, July 9. The Sen ate today voted to ask Great Brit ain to exercise clemency in deal ing with Irish political prisoners. AEROPLANES KILL ITALIANS. Rome, July 29. Enemy aero planes today bombarded the towns of Bari, Molfeta and Ot ranto on the southern peninsula, killing several and. wounding over a score of persons, it is of dally said. miralty gold watches for "brave con duot," and were mentioned in the House of Commons. England May Retaliate. Washington, July 28. Germany's execution of Capt. Charles Fryatt, master of the British steamship Brussels, for an alleged attempt to ram a submarine, is regarded in Al lied quarters here as a brutal viola tion of international law likely to result in prompt retaliatory meas ures by Crest Britain: "' , THROWS BACK THE GERMANS Sly party just lflVE.WANDJS PWlMiATlflN V76Yernihetot's Decision Irre vocable, Ambassador Is Told Will Return With $50,000 for Irish Relief On Monday (By the United Press) Washington','" July 9. EnlandV decision hot to allow Thomas H. .Kel ly and wife and Joseph Smith1, carry ing 150,000 for he Irish rplief fund, to remain in England,' is irrevocable, Ambassador Page today cabled the State Department. Kelly and the ethers will eail for America Monday on the liner Philadelphia, from Liv erpool. BRITAIN NTS ABOUT EXPLAINS mm BLACKLIST!) U.S. Only the Firms Acting As Ao-pnfs f Germany or , r , . Sending Money to That Country to Be Boycotted, Is Assurance Given STIELOW IS AGAIN GIVEN RESPITE JN THE NICK OF TIME Man Convicted of Murde4Ga 'Co1er.Xt:t;acks In Believed by Pris'oh Offi- Mville Woo?l iiTsfid 'the :StS Attd; atria i$hfog Tdrtrreast cials to Be Innocent- New Evidence Had At Midnight (By the United Press) Ossining, iN. Y July 29. For the third time Charles Stielow ' was snatched from death when his execu tion, set for 6 o'clock this morning, mm AIR- TLEEt v i . v. - ; W w m UUKiUU ni COUNl U L1U1UU1J SIMM i :' i (By ia'e United Trees) '3 London, July 29-1A German air d ever tJncdlnshlre end Nor- folk today caused "no material danue,", it is . flicially Aid. "Three Wshfps Ht 4:30 this earning dropped 32 bombs over Lincolnshire and Norfolk without material damage. There were ne casualties," tft was eaid. ("By the United Press) Washingtoh, July 29. The British ambassador today delivered to ithe State iH-partnirart e lormai guarantee- , s0BtD0ed until ll V riu. by regarding the scope of the explication order f SupTeme Court The. of the British blacklist as it applies . winU to new evidence to Amenean firms. the guarantee. prisentld et midnight says it eppliea only to (inns actually , gtielow was convicted of murdering named, end that the only firms sub-. a .farnier. Prisoner and officials- at, , m i ii t1i.i...ii J . jeci w uie omcKiist are wuw .proveu, tKe -n believe he is ihno- to be agents of the German "govern merit pt eendirtg; money to CeAhany, .(EMNPMCY t fiErim.HIM1 CAMPAIGN, CERTAIN By ROBT. J. BENDER, , ; I that ravage northern Mexico and the Washington, July 29. The, Admin-1 border. .iNtHEt)HIOtI!LiTIA '"'.'.--' ., v' (IS? tlit United Press) Camp Willia. Columbus, O., July 29 The eeh of a Mexican bandit' chief is in fhe ranks of the Ohio Na- tionai Guardsmen here today. .He is Oscar. Jones, -private, Co. I, Second regiment of "Kenton. Oscar's rather was chief of one the lawless bands Utratkm's Mexican policy will be the football of the campaign. Hughes will make the kick-off Monday hv his ac ceptance speech. Senator James, the Democratic leader, will follow when he notifies President Wilson of his ; nomination. "His escapades brought rum to , and broke my mother's heart that's why I'm in the tanks, hating my father's 'people," said Jones. ; , "Jones is willing worker. HeTl make a good soldier," said Captain Edward Collins. A telegram from Kcnansville via another point today stated that the "Stocks matter has been arranged.. Court has adjourned.'1 The message came from.H. D. Williams, a lawyer, to a Stocks bondsman. An attempt to query Kenans- ville from here by telegraph this afternoon . was not successful. Telephone lines from there to other places are out of commis sion as the result of a storm. ' Stocks, it is learned from a re liable source, left Snow Hill this morning at 2 a. m. He prob ably has not arrived St Kenans- Ville yet Lawyer Williams said he would give details in a letter, which is not expected to reach here before Monday. Reports received here and t Snow Hill Friday night from Konansvillo said Samuel Stocks, vthe alleged lyncher who was ordered held in flCOOO bail at-ths, conclusion 'of an investigation dnto. the ehootinsr to death of Joe Black held here several weeks aro. had failed to show up when called f-trial in Duplin coun ty superior court and forfeited the heavy bond signod by more than 40 Kinston end Lenoir county men. It was impossible to Pt into communi cation with Kenansvillel which place has very limited communication fa cilities. Snow Hill lawyers tele phoned here and wanted to know something about the matter, but the only intelligence that had been had here was a telegram, similar to one received in the Greene county seat, savins? that Tlhen Stocks was -sllr,l ALiIVHT IN Tnt WEbT he was aSCTlt ahd tht the bond had been declared forfeited. The tele grams naa oeen despatched from a station some miles from Kenansville; that town has no office. Lawyers here today thought there must be some mistake, or at least that if Stocks could show any good reason for not heing present the bond money would not be confiscated. There have been two stories about the Greene county man being sent home by Solicitor Shaw on Monday; one account said he was told to stay at home "until sent for," another, and perhaps the most reliable, that he had been told to report back on Thurs day. It was thought this morning that the man might have started back to Kenansville and been delayed somewhere; means of travel in the section south of here are as uncertain now as the telephone service into Kenansville. In fhe lalter event, 1 gal men think, the state, would not BRANDEIS EXPECTED BE UNITED STATES' MEMBER COiSSION Carranza Probably Will Ac cept American Suggestion for Broader Investigation Into International Differ ences (By the United Press) Washington, July 29. Convinced that Carranza plans to accept the 'American suggestion to broaden the Mexican negotiations by a joint com mission, so as to got to the bottom of tho'whole question, the Administra tion today began the selection of the American momlber of the Commission. Justice Louis Bramlcis, it is believed, i will he the United States commission er. Acceptance Mexican Proposal. , Washington, July 28. -General OarrSnza was informed tonight in a note handed to; his ambassador here that the Washington Government is prepared to submit to a joint interna tional commission the task of seeking a solution of border problems. POPE HOPES AWFUL CARNAGE MAY CEASE FORuAKEINNOC'NTS "That Lord of Mercie? Will Be Moverl on This Anni versary to End Speedily Terrible Conflict" In Eu rope ' (By the United Press) k New York, July 29--The United ' Press today received the following from the Pope through Oardinal ,Gas-i parn: . . 1 have presented a telegram from k yon to the Holy Father, His Hblinesa is grateful 3r your sespect artd con fidence in the Holy See.'1 He prays ; that the Lord of Mercies, moved by the prayers of innocent children, im ploring peace on this second anni ersary of the terrible conflict, shall . deign to end "speedily this awful car nage. . , x : v . . . A. & M. COLLEGE HAS ATTBACT1VE BOOKLET. The Free Press has received an at tractive illustrated circular of sixteen The pages from the Agricultural and Me- Slavs Follow Up Capture of Brody' With Resumption of Advance proposal of the de facto government for a commission is accepted, how ever, with the suggestion that the powers of the commissioners be en larged beyond the limits proposed in the Mexican note of July 12. 5 UBSCRIDE TO THE FREE PRESS chanlcal College. It presents a clear conception of the .buildings, machines and laboratory equipment : of ,,the three engineering departments cftiie college. Parents and young: men wish ing copies should Write to the Regis- Subscribe to The Free Press. ' of Poiziere I (B y TttilUb Wis ) :, Petrograd, Jury 29r General iBrus iloff has resumed his offensive and thrown hack the German line on the whole Kovel front from the Roviech Railway te Brady The capture of iBmly is officially announced. British Hold Delvile Against (ivrAiu Attacks, ' London, July 29. Two desperate German counter attacks in the Del- J:ti . iir.Ti- . 5- . j V:", me- n uwn .wcra jruouisea loaayy General ilaig repotted. ' The Teutons buffered heavilyj t is ald, in hand-1 be apt to seize the bail. Stocks is the to-hand strggles,which north and I tenant of a reliable iGreene rounty ter, and the latter' would make every efforttoet t to trial, per- fttff. B. W. fJELTON mumaie wan una matter say; the landlord's'' actions ' in the past would indicate that much, w So far as kinston A V IT) Vs :1 V ' it. J : . "COLONEL HEE2A UAR- mnd 10 father, J. K BRAY m, MrTBrajf is the originator of the Animated Carteoa and lue ereatioeia are to frej , svim yrw?M e a we wnvihi m VMe mm :4 rforfheast cd jPoziertl are' contjtiuingj plan J-l ? ; j-- it'-'i-i uFWACE e dt tinimo film m TO AYE RICHMOND ' (By 'the United PressV - Aurora, - I1L, July' 29. The presses of the Menace, the aati Csthoiie aewspaper, were wreck ed by the explosion of three bombs placed Snder the floor last night. A watchman was the on fj person In the bunding, tie was linhijured. ' is concerned, I Kenansville might as well UsMn':in- otner country inswaa oi irf an sa ining county. .Once during the week on Tuesday Solicitor's Shaw's voice has'heen heard here ' from the Kenansville end of a telephone Kne, as long as from' here to the moun tains, nearly, the- connection being - i Prominent Minister Called to Balti- more One of Old Dominion Best Kftown Clergyman Fashionable Congregation Wants IIim Son-in- Law Lenoir Official r ' ; Rev. B. W. Melton, a minister of the -Christian church, and one'of the " I . built iip vis Wilmington - and other I teat known pastors of Richmond, Va. points in the southeast Not ten! has been called to the Twenty-fifth words of what the solicitor said Street Christian church in Baltimore, could be understood. What was (friends here of Dr. Melton and rela- heard was to the effect that no case I tives of his wife, who is a daughter woulJ be called until after Wednea- J of County Supt. cf Schools Kinser, porta that he whl probably accept. Richmond "paper's Friday devoted columns to the possibility that Dr Melton would leaVe the city. The call was one of the most important local happenings fct the day there. Drrt Melton is connected with ithe Rich- ihond Juvenile court, and'' dhe of Vuv ginia's leading mission workers, be sides being ie pastor of a promirw cnt church. The Twentyfifth Stree8 church, Baltimore, is located id thj wealthiest and, most fashionable paTtj of the Oriole City, The eif.ee is a magnificent one. ' tr. Melton went 'from Wilson Li Richmond. lie is weU known i 1 North Carolina. He personally svp- ports two missionaries in f ;rc ' !.iy in Duplin court. have been informed. It U ruiuLly re-f fit-Ms.