Tuesday Evening, August 1, 1916 THE KINSTON FREE PRESS pace Tin::: ( I ill w wwi , I I I I A ' i "COOT. AS A CUCUMBER!" 4 'T'VE been cooking too, but not on a hot, dirty coalrange. I use a .ievv Perfection Oil Cook Stove, the tU , s,tove with the Jong blue chimney. ' ' Gas stove comfort with kerosene oil. il5JTne lng blue chimney assures a clean, Morless heat and lasting content, be cause it gives a perfect draft. It turns on and off like gas. .ittSaves your time, strength and money. Fuel cost only 2 cents for a mol for ivd people. "New Perfections are made in manv Consult your dealer. He carries them - in stock or can get for you the size you want ) Look for The Long Blue Chimney Use Aladdin Security Oil to obtain the best results in Oil Stoves, Heaters and Lamps STANDARD OIIi? COMPANY Waihintfton, D. C. Norfolk, Vs. Richiuoad, V. (New Jersey) BALTIMORE MO. ITS THEXONG Charlotte, N. C. CharTeiton, W. Va.' Charleston, S. C. BLUE CHIMNEY WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD EACH , INSERTION ; MINIMUM 15 CENTS One cent a word each Inser tion, unless order Is accompan ied with cash and insertion are to be given in consecutive issues of the paper. ti RATES Consecutive Insertions Only When Accompanied "ByCank 1 Insertion.. .. ....le a word S Insertions..,, .....2c a word 8 Insertiona. ....... 3c a word 7tIntertiona........c a word 12 Insertions....... 6e a word 26 Insertions. ......12c a word Posltlrely No Books Kept Where These Rates Apply PARISIAN SAGE Pots Hair On Your Head and Helps to Keep It There. Mi tOR RENT Four rooms, with bath. . Apply to' Mrs. B..W. Spilman, 604 North Queen St , . 7-31-tf-P WANTED A nice, reliable boy l: to carry The Free Press-13 or over. Apply this office. . 7-25-tf 'i ' ' IflST -Saturday afternoon or night, 3 Jet, and Gold ; Breastpin. ; Finder phase return to Mrs. C. B. Woodlcy. 8-l, 2, 3-fiJy GROCERY STORES FOR SALE . 41 Desiring- to retire from business, I v m now offering to sell ceforo the j I . b?I season my three grocery stores, .iea in gooa ousiness parts of the yrTTirSyTIin. 7-21-D.tSW-tf What's the use of being bald? What sense is there in deliberately allowing your hair to turn gray? Do you want to look old before your time ? Give up the thought; old age will come all too soon. Look after your hair. Parisian Sage is s scientific " preparation that supplies hair needs is just what you want It aims to prevent grayness and baldness i.oy putting , life and nourishment into the hair roots. Man or woman, no matter how old you ere, Parisian Sage will help you to look younger and more attractive Why not go to J. E. Hood & Co.'s and get a large bottle today, it will not cost more than 50 cents,, and your money back if it does not cure dan druff, stop falling hair, or itching of the scalp. .It .will make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful. It is a most refreshing, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing and ab solutely harmless to the hair and scalp. ! - adv. If you want to laugh, see Charlie Chaplin in "Burlesque on Carmen," Saturday, Grand. adv. It is one hour of real 'laughter, "Burlesque on Carmen,' with. Charlie Chaplin, Grand, Saturday.: adv. Charlie Cnaplin will be at the Grand Saturday in his greatest laugh sretter. "Burlesque on Carmen, i four reels. ' , adv. Al & N. C RAILROAD 5- . STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic ft North Car olina Railroad Company will be held at Morehead City, on Thursday, Aug ust 10. 1916. - T.WH?tiOCUMB, Secretary.- SOCIAL And PERSONAL Mr. Thos. Harvey left this morning for Richmond. Mrs. P. D. Hall of New Bern ii visiting friends here. Mr. W. P. Haskins of New Bern was a business visitor here last night Mrs. W. J. Nicholson and children spent yesterday at Morehead City. : Miss Lola Pines has returned Morehead City after a visit here. V Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hewitt and son are visiting relatives in New Bern, Miss Maggie Lee has returned to her home in Goldsbcro after a visit here. ' Mr. R. H. Lewis, Jr., has gone to Detroit and Cleveland to spend a fortnight. Dr. W. C. Knox has been spending a few days at New Bern and More head City. m Mrs. F. M. Prevonga and child have returned to New Bern after a visit to rejatives here. Mr. Ted. Weyher will leave soon for an extended trip to California and other Western States. Miss Marguerite Archbell has re turned from a visit to Ocracoke, Swan Quarter and Washington. Mrs. J. W. Powell and son, James, left last night for Laurens, S. C, for few weeks' visit to Mrs. Powell's mother. Little Miss Francis Crisp, the in teresting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Crisp, is suffering from typhoid I fever. Mrs. A. J. Stocks has returned to Greenville after a visit here. She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Norma Sumrell. ' Dr. S. B. Turren tine, president of Greensboro College for Women, re turned to his home Monday night af ter a two-days' stay here. "M)3S Annie Leggett of Kinston, who has been spending some time at the Atlantic Hotel, Morehead City, passed through New Bjrn this morn ing en route to Baltimore," said the New Bern Sun-Journal Monday evening. Watermelon Feast The Epworth League of Queen Street Methodist church and a few invited guests enjoyed a watermelon feast at the church Monday night Musical selections were rendered. Capt. M. Vendeville'of the Salvation Army told the Leaguers of the work done by the Salvationists in the past fjrtnight. INFANTILE PARALYSIS MAY BE TROUBLE WITH LITTLE VISITOR HERE There is a case at the home of Mrs, Laaia Brogden, . 201 East Caswell street, suspected to be Infantile par a'yris. Tbs infant son of Mr. and Mrs.. Elliott Jones of darks, grand child of Mrs. Brosrden. is the suf ferer. The little boy is less than year old. He is afflicted with some trouble which deprives him of the use of his legs. Dr. Hargrove, who visited the little patient Monday nnd today, states that It will be several days before he can determine, what is the child's trouble, 4 ' '' .'jf JULY OF THIS YEAR WETTER ANO COOLER THAN SAME MONTH 1915 Biltmore Wheat Hearts. All grocers. (adv) SEND MAIL BY MULE FROM RIDGECREST NOW Rev. B. W. Spilman, Sunday school secretary for the Southern E'aptist Convention, Monday received "a bush el" of mail from Ridgecrest, the Bap tist summer stronghold in the moun tains. For the first time in ten days, he said, mail was gotten out of the colony. A mule carried it; the bags were strapped securely to the ani mal's back and a successful trip made through the flood country o a rail way station. The floods completely tore up the summer assembly at Ridgecrest On ly one speaker, it seems, reached there.' He has lectured for days to congregations not exceeding. 25 por- sens. ' . mssasi- GaH Stones. Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines,' Auto-In toxication. Yellow Jaundice, Appen dicitis nd other fatal ailmenU re sult from Stomach Trouble. Thous ands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete recovery to MayrV Won derful Remedy. Unlike any other for Stomach Ailments. For sale by J. E. Hood ft Co, druggists, Kins ton, N. C - - '.J Co-Operative Weather Observer H. C V. Peebles toddy issued a summa ry of the weather in the month of July. It shows: Mean maximum, 87; mean minimum, 72; maximum (20), 96; minimum (5), 63; greatest daily range, 28; total precipitation, 7.06 inches; greatest precipitation in 24 hours (Zd): 1.85 inches; number of days of rain, 12; clear days, 3; part- y cloudy days, 15; cloudy days, 13; thunderstorms, 14 and 29. ror comparison is printed tne summary for July of last year: Mean maximum, 88; mean minimum, 66; maximum (31), 102; minimum (10), 59; greatest daily range, 30; total precipitation, 4.96 inches; greatest precipitation in 24 hours (9 and 21), .15 inches; number of days of rain, 10; clear days, 20; partly cloudy days, 5; cloudy days, 6; thunder storms, 3, 4, 9, 18, 21 and 31. TAKE BIG STILL IN VICINITY ML OLIVE Federal and Wayne county officers, including. Deputy Collector I. M, Tull of this city, raided an unusually large moonshine ' stilt In .the Mount Olive section late Monday. The still was of about 175 gallons capacity. The operators were not apprehended. FIRST COMMUNITY SERVICE SCHOOL IS OPENED IN UNION Monroe, July 31. With 250 pros ent the first community service school ever held in North Carolina opened at Indian Trail, near here, this mornjng at 10 o'clock. This novel idea of Mr. W. C. Crosby, the executive socretai ry of the community service bureau, has been received with the utmost en thusiasm here. .... The old folks of the community are attending this school, as it was de signed for them. TOMATOES AND PIE NO LONGER CAUSE TROUBLE fO NfMlN IN flTHFR f " E CAROLINA CITIES John Stanley, white,' living be tween Maysvilie and Swansboro, was fatally wounded by a revolver bullet Monday when a weapon in no of his trousers pockets was discharged. Tho missile lodged in Stanley's abdo men. Stanley died. i". W A 250-pound black bear that had !ecn engaged in pilfering the, farm of J. H. Whitford at Rock Landing. Craven .county, for some time, was hunted down and killed by a man nsmsd Haithcock. Bruin had t,o be shot four times. WARREN AT RALEIGH TO OPEN HEADQUARTERS , (Special to The Free Press) ; ', ' Raleigh, August J- Democratia State Chairman T.' D. Warren of New Bern today opened ; campaign . headquarters : here. , Chairman War ren says the party th rough ott the . State will be kept informed of every important event during the next few months, and that there is a lot of hard work to be done in North Care- lina to make the campaign as com plete a success as is desired. Subscribe to The Free Press, I To Paul Schnell, Who Lived On Oat Meal for Two Weeks Before Taking Tanlac "Tomatoes and pie no longer cause me trouble, and I bolieve that Tan lac has helped my stomach so that I ran digest cobble stones," said Paul Schnell, of 4 East Second street Charlotte. ' "For two weeks I lived on oatmeal before taking Tanlac. Gas formed n my stomach and pains gripped me n my stomach and sides. X couldn't walk in this condition. I had fre quent belching spells and lost right along. Finally I had to quit work. "People told me to get Tanlac. I did and because I have gained on It in weight and strength I am able to work again; haven't an ache or pain; can eat anything and feel bettor in every way. Tanlac Helped me wnere other medicines failed and I gladly re commend it" Tanlac is sold in Kinston by J. E. Hood & Co.; New Bem, Bradham Drug Co.; Weldon, W. M. Cohen; Warsaw, Brown Drug Co.; Trenton, Trenton Drug Co.; Edenton, Mi ten ner's Pharmacy; Ayden, J. R. Smith & Bro. adv. ).ji..Thft F.ree Press,,.. DR. F. FITTS Osteopath, Upstairs, Next Door Old Postoffice EXAMINATION FREE. Phones: Office 80. Res. 523 Baby can. havesoxiu 7HF CREAM OP AIL ICE CREAMS. n i Its perfectly safe and wholesome really one of the few sweets that are digestible and body-building. The ideal summer dessert so cooling, so pure, so (easy to serve'.' Get a quart today from the nearby VELVET KIND" dealer. Take Home AQitart Tbnifcht, EZ'J Sold byE. B. MarstonDrug Co. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance & Realty Co. Telephone No 102 110 E. GORDON ST. Kl TO fHEPEOiP'LEOFKBMSTOM On Account of the big rains we have had recently, Many Town People and more Country People were unable to come out and get the great: bargains we have been offering in our Store; So to give a fair Chance to all our friends we have decided to CONTINUE OUR ; , , Great Sacrifice 4 m9 mm Creditors Sale ' Our Clothes have Sold well, and fast; Still we have lots of Men's and Boy's Clothing left on hand. We are offering it at COST, and Some of it below cost, as we must raise money to Settle our bills. In our Drygoods department we have sold a remarkable Quantity of goods, as the prices are low and the goods are new, and of the best Patterns. There are many more bargains which we cannot mention here, We can only ask you to come and "Convince yourself: Remember we have a lot of Children' Slippersto close out at 39c, and Ladies' Slippers at 89"c. We have on hand a lot of Crepe dS Chine and Georgette Waists, In the, latest Styles, worth $3.50, $4.50, and $5.50, will close them out at $2.50, $2.75, and $3.00. Money Refunded If Goodsjaro not Satisfactory. - , D KINSTON n. c.

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