TI- LY FR Tht Home Paper Today Nw Teday DAI ,; X J- -. j ' 'Sf '" Fii. Tonight ud Silfcy VOL. XVIII.-No. 57 , NEW YORK 'SOTEET AND RIOTING BEGINS a. , r t Police Commissioner Says at this StaereGreatest OFYIOLENCE Tif Ptrnnfli Spvnn Th'mi:anfl Hf on Hut St a ton Island Lines Expected to Be Halted Public Overworks Sub- ' ways and Elevated Roads ty to Do Philadelphia Threatened With StrikeOwn ers Gi'en- Thirty Hours to" Comply -With -Men's De " ':S:-.'r "'., .V'- -.r,;,"ki. . : . mands Conference May New York, Aug. 5 incipient rioting and hundreds of cts oi pewy violence toaay marKea ine greatest street . ar strike in the history of the city. Seven thousand m tui ij.iv Mi4u vuimuvvvi o- ax. SrlwiT ' " j a .1 i . . . T1 ,' . With the spread of the strike to the Staten Island; lines expected hourly, it this afternoon seemed inevitable that every suriace line in lireater Police Commissioner Woods cessitv for calling for troops. cars are iammed. Automobiles are at a premium. PhSlilolntiig Farpa n TiA-TTn PMlortelnKia Alio- fi nffitnalfl nf t.hp Pliilnrlplnfiia T?a. pid Transit Company were by employes giving wnrcy nours co grant nigner pay ana recognition of the unionr if-a conference is granted the strike can be daleyad. THREATOVTRAINMEN GOVRI'T (By the United Press) Washington, Aug. Senator Norris today declared that the Impending? railroad tie-up ia the greatest argument in favor of govern ment ownership and operation ever offered, and will propose legislation for that end.' NOTICED,THAT LENOIR COLORED PEOPLE ARE GIVING TO THE FUND - "In somi Htections colored people are making contributions to the re lief fund," said the Raleigh- News, and Observer Friday, in speaking of the flood contributions' increase. "This is noticeably in Kinston nd in other parts of Lenoir county. Sir. N. J. Rousii of Kinston, a member of the State Relief Committee, who has raised i' largo amount' of 'moWy for the fund,, writes $.at tho colored peo ple of tys Beckon are showing much ally." " ,' BORAH AND HiRDWICK ON QIILD LABOR BILL Washington, Aug. 4. Constitution al arguments foiTimd 'ftgalnst thrad1 ministration child.labor bill. occupied the Senate today, Senator Borah, Re publican, maintainingHhat Congress has ample authority to exclude prod ucts of child labor from Interstate find foreign commerce, and Senator Hard wicW, DemocFatTinsistirig that Feder al legislation of such a character was clearly an infringement on the rights of the States. ' ; - AUTO umm GET . BIG HAUL DETROIT - 5 ' - .'Detroit, Mkh., Aug.; 4. Five un masked automobih -bandits early this afternoon held np an automobile in which $50,000 pay roH money ;' was ng taken to the plant of the Bur roughs Adding Machine Company, nd before astonishd guards could offer resistance snatched five bags of in the car said to have contained $33,000 or $40,000, and escaped. ( Although pollctmen on motorcycles nd in automobiles were quickly eent Pursuit of the bandiU, they had been rounded up tonight GOOD ARGUMENT FOR - CAR STRIKE SPREADS - HUNDREDS OFACTS Militia Isn't to Be Asked for Tie - uii of Traffic in History of and Automobiles Finds Plen- . "V V,: " :- Delay Walkout v iia win icviaio aj. v iNew xorK win oe aitectea. said there was no Dresentnej The subways and elevated today delivered an ultimatum TURKS START A NEW CAMPAIGN IN EFFORT TO TAKE THE CANAL (By the United Press) London, Aug. 5. Fourteen- thousand Turks attacked British positions at Romeni, 23 miles east of the Suez Canal, Thursday night, it is said officially. The battle, is continuing intensely. The Turks have been unable to gain yet " 11 (By the United Press) APPROPRIATION FOR WEST POINT. Washington, Aug. 5 Congress today appropriated $1,225,000 for the military academy. SUFFS. CLAIM VICTORY IN WEST VIRGINIA. - Washington, Aug. 5. The only .opposition in ""the West .Virginia i , convention is from the brewery , interests, says the American wo man suffrage association. A big . victory ia already' almost unani- . noua, it-is said, - ',.. ROANOKE STREETS ARE TURNED INTO RIVERS Roanoke, Va., Aug. '4. A series of cloudbursts which "struck this city and section early this afternoon stop ped all traffic in -the city for .several hours, flooded streets and cellars, de layed trains and inflicted property damage to many thousand dollars. Several of the principal streets In the business section of the'eity resembled small jrivera. . DOESNT SAY IF HE WAS FROM' GOLDSBORQ Washington,. Aug, 5. A well-dress--d tourist stopped; Democratic' Lead er Kern in front of the Capitol. "What building is that?" he asked. - "The Capitol of the United States," replied Kern, with just the suggestion of a smile. ' . , 1 ' "Well, there ain't no sijn up," re ported Mr. Tourist. I ; ' "My dear sir, they take the sign down in hot weatherf? answered Mr. Kern. '' - . :" i , " '.'..''' - V- SOUTH CAROLINA TO . , SEND TROOPS SOUTH Columbia, S. Auj. 4. Adju- BUT NO NEED FOR GUARD YET FIBST EDITION TIDE OrBATTLE ; TURNING A LITTLE BERLIN HEAR Sa'd Austrians Have Upper Hand in East and Ger manS in the West STIFF COMBAT AT VERDUN Slight Gains By the Teutons In Number Places and Al lied Offensives Checked for the .Instant at Least In Others . . . . i jjy United Pre&S) Petrograd, Aug. 5.-Tho. Autrians today took the initiative on both the Gaiician and Bukowina frontiers and iiamchsi , heavy counters, it i din- c'aiiy said. The siavs withdrew I u.ttle in Bukowin. Nws Favorable for Germany 1 Berlin, Auej-,5. Confirmation .of e abandonment the offensive by the Russians except; at the Brody and oirocnou ironts nas oeen received. The British lost heivily in a suc- essful attempt to advance in the northern sector of Dviller and Four- eox forest, it is officially stated. A npw battle developed today near Pozieics, the British launching fresh attacks. A French attack south of Meurope ajid.jiorth of the Somme were repulsed,. Bitler fighting is oc curring in the Kgion of Thiaumont, at Verdun. Ths Russians were repulsed in an attempt to ovoss the Dvina near Dwe ten. They lose in the fighting north of Sclozza. Big Gain by B'.itfsh. (London, Aug. ' fi.-Gerroan second line trenches wcie taken on a front were two thousand yarda north of Pp zieres in a resumption of the Somme offensive, an official statement says. Hundreds of" prisoners were taken. Colonials Take Ground. .London, Aug. 5. Positions havu been won by the Anzacs, today "com pletely successful," and repeated Ger man counter attacks have been re pulsed with heavy losses. Paris, Aug. 5. The Germans today furiously attacked on the Verdun front, attempting to recapture Thiau mont and drive the French out of Fleury, it is officially reported. They failed with heavy losses. BETTER RATES FOR N. CSOME COMMODITIES Washington, Aug.- 4. The Inter state Commerce Commission today, under a fourth section order, instruct ed tho Atlantic Coast Lins to estab lish a rate of 19 cents per. 100 lbs.' on lard compounds or substitutes and oils,' cooking or edible, from Atlanta t6 Wilmington. ' " ' " ' "J The commission also authorized the establishment of rates on fertilizer and fertilizer material, carloads, from points in the Cincinnati-Louisville group and related points to Lumber- ton, Laurinburg, Rocky- Mount,' Rob ertsonville and Scotland .Neck on the basis of $2 per ton from Cincinnati to Virginia cities, plus the published rate beyond, not observing the long and short haul provision of the act to regulate commerce. - :;"v. . ."V:" '.':: EXISTING POTATO , URATES FOUND O.K. ; (By the United Preas) L. t Washington, Aug. 5. The L C C today found reasonable and non-preferential rates on potatoes from Ae- comac and Northampton counties, Va., to points in North and South Caro lina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Lou isiana and Tennessee. . tant General Moore this afternoon was notified by the Department of the East that the units of the South Car olina National Guard, mobilized at Styx, S. C, have been ordared to El Paso for border duty. They will move as soon as transportation facil ities can be provided. . KINSTON 'N. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 5, 1916 ROBINS GOES OVER TO HUGHES; THINKS MOOSE DEAD PARTY Roosevelt Realized as JVIuch Says People Have Pro tested, Declares SOUTHS BOSS'G NATION Domination of Democratic Party Means Narrof ncss, Partiality and Disrespect for Labor, Says Chicago Chairman (By the United Preae) New York, Aug. 5. Raymond Rob- n3. "chairman of the Chicago Pro gressive convention, today announced allegiance to Hughes. The Progres sive party is dead, he declared. Robins said the 1914 elections showod the party to be regarded in ight of protest. Roosevelt, in refus ing to run, correctly interpreted this, lie said. He declared that fixed South' rn control of the Democratic party is individualistic in its thinking, section al in its "sympathy, and inherits the tradition against common labor servile" "The Republican party represents the highest literacy of America," he raid. MAY STOP PERSONAL PRESSAGENTING BY WASHINGTON BUNCH (By the United rvt Washington, Aug. 5. That dearly loved institution, "the leavo to print," under which Congressmen annually send postage free, to their constitu ents tons f imaginary speeches they never mads liberally sprinkled with mythical "laughter'' and psychologic al "applause" is to be curtailed if a bill considered favorably today by both Houses, passes. A bi-partisan report from the joint printing committee urges these facts n favor of the bill. A million volumes a year, many printed on fino paper and bound in leather, have to bo sold as waste pa per because no one takes the trouble to frank them out. Janitors and building superintend ents complain that whole basements are literally filled with virtual waste paper, -so that the "government has to rent additional space to store qoal and wood. "-' Private manufacturing firms, acting in collusion with 'Senators arid mem bers, have had printed and frankad at public expense "pufts'V-virtual ads though, describedaa expositions" of their plants, factories and .industries. I ' ORGANIZATION NEW THERMOSTAT COMPTf To Manufacture Invention of Local Man Device for Registering In crease or Decrease of Heat' Will Come In Handy in Tobacco Bams and Other Places ' . . , There was a meeting last night of the incorporators of the Electrical Thermostat Company for tho purpose of effecting an organization of the company, it havingbeen, as lately noted in The Free Press, formed for the purpose of manufacturing ther mostats after improved .models pat ented by Mr. R. L. Jobson. The chapter of the company - as received from the Secretary of State was or dered enrolled in the office of the Clark of the court. The incorporators are: R. L. Jobson, H. E., Shaw. F. I. Sutton, O. D. Jobson, O. T. Boney, H. E. Moseley, J. TV Hill, A. W. Taylor, C. W. Pridgen, E. V. Webb, B. W. Spilman, Quinn & Miller, Geo. F. Suggs, F. C. Dunn and J. J. Stevenson. ' A temporary, organization was effected and permanent organiza tion wiH be made as quickly as pos sible. It is said ty those behind the c.vn- REPUBLICANS WERE TOMlE FOR ACTS OF MEXICANS, SAYS ; V." -,".' . ' ' Lewis Charges That When They Attacked President r Greasers Thought There Was Split and Commcnc cd Shooting , (By the United Ptm) Washington, Aug. 5. Republican leaders were responsible for the kill ing of Americans in Mexico, it was charged by Senator Lewis today in a sen3aiional speech. The Republicans by attacking tV President had given the Mexicans the impression that the country was not united, he said. "Not until the captains of the Re publican party shot at the President did the Mexican outlaws shoot at Americans," he said. . PENNSYLVANIA GETS READY QUARANTINE PARALYSIS (By the United Press) . 1 Philadelphia, August 5. Health officials : throughout the State of Pennsylvania were mobilized to-" day for . an .infantiloyfaralysis ' quarantine. Eight ' Vcw,' .leases have been discovered and, one death has occurred in twenty-four hours. Every train from New, York into the city bears a, phy sician to examine children under sixteen years of age. MIIIIAMC CAT) i mi MORE FORESTRY. LAND Washington, Aug. 4. The House today voted to accept the Senate memlment to"- !T;n ..crr.'cultural bill providing $3,000,000 for tho purchase f land to enable the forestry service take the necessary steps to con serve forests at the heads of moun tain streams, which will to a great extent prevent a reoccurrence of the disastrous floods that have swept Western North Carolina and' several other neighboring states lately. pany that the thermostat has a wule scope of uses,' and that there is abun dant reason why its use will become universal.' The thermostat was ori ginally designed to denote only a rise of temperature, but has recently been perfected so that it will denote a fall in temperature, as well; and as it is easily adjustable, its backers predict that it will be gladly received by to bacco' farmers, an undesirable rise or fall of heat in curing barns being 'im mediately registered. It is said the device is even more responsive than a thermometer to changes of temper ature. It is also pointed out that a building may be equipped with the' thermostat and connected with a city fire alarm system, so ' that . a fire breaking out at any, "time, day or night, would automatically call the fire department. ' ' '' NOTICE OF PARTNERSHIP DISSOLUTION. . Notice is hereby given that the firm Of Davia & Jones, heretofore exist fng composed of the undersigned C. A. Davis and J. M. Jones, and dcing a general repair and garage business at Pink Hill, N. (X, has this day dis solved by mutual consent, the said C K. Davis withdrawing from the firm J. M. Jones will continue die busi ness at the same location, has assum ed all obligations of the said firm and any persons indebted to the said firm will please make payments to the said J. M. Jones, who has taken over the property of the said part nership. - This 2?th day of June, 1910. C A. PAVIS, J. II. JONES. . GAINST SIX PAGES TODAY CORONER'S JURY AT INQUEST ACCUS'D NO ONE KILLING ROUSE Liddcll Negrd victim of Per sons Own Race, Growing , Belief in Neighborhood- Authorities Want a Wit ness It could not be said after the cor oner's inquest Friday evening wheth er a white man or a colored man shot Labarua Rouse at his home in the Liddcll section last Tuesday morning, ! the injury resulting in his death on Friday. But whoever it was, a mem her of a party disguised as zebras or Fijii islanders decorated for a war dance or something of tho sort. That much camo out sufficiently strong iri the evidence, nearly ' all hearsay, to convince tha corencr's iurT that tJiere was something "crooked" about tho faces of the slayer and his eompan ions. Several witnesses were exam ined. The coroner and hie jury want into the matter to .thresh it out as full as possible. A ' pos-morter ex- r.minntion was mads to avoid having it to lo later on. ;The' load of gun- ehotwas' shown to have entered the sida of Rouscy.faec, scattering shots penetrating the brain. The jury stat ed that Rouse met death at tho hands pf a porson or persons unknown. . Nicey Rouse, known .to the authori ties hcretofors as CeJia Rouse, moth er of tho victim and a midwife, told of the appearance at her homo of tha murdarer, who had for a companion a Btrijiling. . It was dark, of courso, at tho hour, but Nic;y Rouse evident ly thought shja would have known Jho. Rouse, foster brother of Lazarus, had tne nssarian; oeen tnat person, as suspected in some quarters, in fact, accuacg by Lazarus Rouao aftir the shooting. The fact of the assailant was E'troaked, according to Nicey. Af ter shs had opened jthr door to the man, he declared that she was wanted at a white home in .which tJio stork had visitedj he inquired of Lazarus Rouse, who was lying on a bed,, the stata of his health, and then threw up the gunthuthe carried and put an end altogether to the hearth which he had been solicitous about. Then per sons on the outside, fired a fusillade. Sheriff, Taylor found 14 cartridge shells that afternoon. A FEW HINTS FOR BUSI- NESS HOUSES 1. Have yon taken due precaution for the handling of gasoline, naphtha. gunpowder, explosives and dangerous 2. Do not allow an open Camo for lighting in the basement, which may set fire to combustible material or may Ignite gas. .V4" V " 3. Have you provided a metal re ceptacle for rubbish and do you see that it is emptied each day. 4. Have you provided r' liable chemical extinguishers and wator pails T ." 6. , Do not allow . waste paper, ex celsior, packing boxes, etcetera, in your basemont. . MACLYN ARBUCKLE y A "Tk Reforni CaaduUU" ia th Pal"C Paramount Picture baMd ' a bis. pwn playlet. i- ; . " ";v rRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS KINSTON AND ORION EMPLOYES ENJOY A TRIP TO MOREHEADr Annual Outing Given by the Management on Friday About Four Hundred Parj ticipated in Good Time No Untoward Incident About four hundred men, women and children, three hundred an.1 sev enty-five of whom were operatives of , the Kinston Cotton Mills and qrion Knitting Mills and twenty-five were nfficinls. -members of the' office forces I and invited guests, were the particf- pants in a most enjoyable outing to Morehead City Friday. The occasion was thJ annual "treat" of the man agement of the mills for their em ployes. Managers J. F. Taylor ', and T,. V. MWlcy, assisted by Messrs. . J. B. Meacham and D. F. Fort, the mM superintendents, evervinu, ; conducive to the comfort and pleasure of the excursionists arranged, and in "apple-pie order," and the day. ' was ideal for the trip. ' In fact, n'othfngf was lacking, 1 and no untoward inci dent occurred to mar tho enjoyment of Ihe trip to the surf.. The operat ives of the I'jaufort mills of the same control were also ort hand. A refresh- meivt car was a part of the train and the "hawkers" of . cool drrnks,. ice cream, fruits, peanuts, etc., were busy en -route caring for the demands. Picnic lunches were spread at the Scnch, and a dip in ths briny or at least several of them rounded Out k most pleasant day. ' ' '': 'r V A most enjoyablo feature of the oc4 ftaaion was tVrO visit of the boys of the Second Infantry Band, who were giv en camp kave for the better part of , the day. j An anxious set 'of fellqw, they were, too. Friday afternoon when the "boat, which had been engaged to onvty them back to camp, in order. that they report on "time, was about' 35 minutes late In coming for' them. . By quick jun tho boy3 were landed a few minutes after! th appointed time and double-quicked to their : tents in preparation ( for the parade, which was a spectacle enjoyed by great many of the excursionists. . 3 CANDIDATE HUGHES IS OFF ON INITIAL TOUR TO THE WEST By PERRY ARNOLD, (United Press Staff Correspondent) Bridgehampton, L. I., Aug. 5 Candidate Hughes and ' Mrs.' :. Hughes left today on the nomin- " ' ee's 10,000-mile stumping tour to the Pacific coast. Mr. Hughes expects to make 2-score speech- es and be back by Sept. 10. , For the first time in the history of politics a nominee ia accompanied on a speaking tour by his wife." : New ( York, , Aug. 5. -Republican Nominee Hughes started his stumping tour today. It will carry him across the country to the Pacific coast and .. back again, with a few days' vacation. ': sandwiched in between times, Tit some spot in Glacier National Park, Montana. Governor and Mrs. Hughes, two secretaries, ; a messenger, - the -Governor's personal press agent, Carl D. Sheppard, formerly a Washington I newspaperman, and a messenger will occupy one private car on the trip. - " Hitched on to this will be another -private car for politicians, local com- - m it tees, and newspapermen. ' 'Governor Hughes will make the first set campaign speech of the season at Detroit Monday. Tuesday he will speak in Chicago, and then he goes to St Paul. " ' PRESIDENT ON WEEK- END YACHTING TRIP Washington, Aug.rv 4Rresddent Wilson left Washington tonighlj on the naval yacht . Mayflower for a week-end cruise dpwn the rpUmac river andXaPk . Bay. It was expected that the Mayflower wpnl j gcj as far as Old Point, returning ta Washington 4Monday tnoming. ( r