IRS A M Tie Weal'.fr TOP.: TUy'f Newi Tod.- Showers. VOL. XVTfL No.'6 SECOND EDITION 4jKpSTONN. C WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1916 t ' FOR PAGES TODAY ' rKICE T'0 CENTS ' " A v " five cents on trains ! mn BREAK NOT OTHER MEMBERS OE THJRTY MILES OF ALL IED ARTILLERY W MEXICAN COillSS'N POUNDING AT OERSlMDEFllSES IIJ THE ABOUT TO BE NAMED SOMME SECTOR; COMPLETE MAST'RY A!!! LARGE, BUT PRICES WAV llJ VIFF AT ffl'TMP PP ITnilQP TIIKMV VERY WELL IS 1 HU tl I OTIEREAMS 1 ' V!";'1 Local tientistWU Suicided After Killinir Ilelimieet at Adopted Bill Already Pass- JVillage Near Aiville Afraid joi TrcuJsH Said , ' By jSenate jy jOyer Had Declared He WVraM Not Succumb to theDisse ''Iw) 7 His Funeral and Interment Here TOujay3toriuff- fiy? PfiWy &tttf 15 Mrs. Harper's Keroains Gwng to Town Wfcerc Father's 7 ,-;0 Family KeBide Medical Man Ilad Told Dr. Harper jUse of Alcohol Would Make Dim Susceptible to Disease . Ufc yesterday adopted the building WW-uL 1 ' "-' . . Pwgrm of the naval' bill by a vote of 288 to SI. The' Senate had al ready passed the ifill. ' 1 AUthnriEivl in 10 hatt.lpahirw. riy Thefurtdral of! Dr. Henrv D.' Harper, the dentist of battle bruisers, ten scout cruisers. 60 thlS 'City Who SUicided at' WeaverVllle, N. C near Ashe- destroyers, nine fleet and 68 coast ville. Tuesday afternoon aftef killing1 4iis wife. Mrs.1 Dora ubmapine and one aubmersibie with Dawson Harper, will be hfeld here Thursday. The body lhe Neff ProPtai, ytem, three i . ' .v..i.-L , mi mA.- . i m 1. 1 -r . lone hosmtal am d. one reoair shio, 4 nf fnni iphi sir. Jti n.'m: i m iTJTPirmwir. win win marvip. ! . 00i?.C?inecei7' ' .V - - . J ine tender and two eunboats. a total w. -wn u t "li i ii ' ne wo viciims 01 me ooudic irageay win De Dunea 0f 157 new shhs 4aparr. ine remains 01 jars, mrper are to oe earned to Three North cahnna congressmen Cohefoe, whore her father's family reside, arid there bur- voted against the measure: Kitchin, ied 'Thursday. Relatives of Mrs.-Harper residinc: here pb nd web. The first Wo spoke have eroneto -Conetoei :-r-::-J -h .tfe. Tfarper. accordiwr to a member of the f amitaf ear- (ed! tuberculosis, and had remarked Jbef ore leaving here for west uaroima Bererai wrontns ago cnai ne woura not oie from that disease. A physician had warned him against cse use of alcohol, advising that tuberculosis might restm from that - t , -' - Dr. Harper was once a captain in the National Guard, &aiy$r--a -staff officer with a hher rank uHe once held a domvmission in the naval militia. He was an heir to the estatef his father, the late H: D. Harper, S., but was of ihcbrisiaerabJe means when -lie oied. His tmce fuerative against the bill. The appropriation y is the largest ever made by any conntry. It will pat the United States Navy in sec ond place. SEABOARD CONTRACTS OUT RECONSTRUCTION Hamlet, Aug. 15. The Seaboard Air Line has just awarded the con- .. . . I VI. V If W LiiO TAUCUll All9tlUVUlUll W .ii i. ' 4 . i - 1 1 1 . . -. 11. . W1 I i.i practice as a aeniisi nere naa Decome smaii w;nen ne leu f shawsviiie, Va.; for rebuilding the this 'city. Mrs.5 Harper, once considered Mbeautiful, SIX I line from Hamlet to Gibson. This is years VOrag of the main line ito Charles. sn oi swentua msuosiuuzi, bl1Cjv anu accuiupusiicu. iicr w imn. w u ino 'niUn-kilJmitinkKMl ha&h. in hnkifita!r-,aa Mr. not of standard construction. 'The eles.itThouiDae werB1 f,u 06 eD0 n TOUM i. in.:iH.Ait.M.w a ' long and the cost will be between qUaintanices. 11 , l 1 ' . i . - The'free Press in an extra earned the following ac? count t)f the affair.1 frm Asheviue1 Tuesday night; Mevflle,'1 Aug. l5.Dr.,H.' D.-karper, a prou dentist of 'Kinston. -N.-C'-fihot his wife today, killir instantly, it is believed. ' and then fired a bullet mto his r i . ,i mi , . -Jit.: ?i'XX. LOCAL WOMAN KICKED BY HORSE MOCKSYILLE Mrs. H.l A. Birdsa,!!, wife of the manager of the local telephone ex- The traredv:to6k place in Weaverville, near. Ashevile, change, h suffering at the home of m Harper had been summer visitors for -aboufthree J"8 " Wa kick. Mrs. i ".. r ,' - I Birdsall went to take the animal, :Vt,;T.JL' ' : i .- vUj i W .thought to have been "family ivirs. narner was.iuuna ivim; in ueu ta u. oitt; uau uccn i ... ,,. . ..... -.. , - v -j 11 j Ji I irura ii Mine iur a urivt, asleeD. deadan a pool of blood. Dr. Harper, luny oxessea It whirled abnilt and kicked a hole Withti pistol in his hand, was lyirig' unconscious Jon an-; through r clothing and inflicted 'Ulier UUU. Alle youllg UcUUSt wua muugut iu hic imouiun i reariui wounu upon our oouy. ii ,is nospnai m mis city, wnertf ixt? uicu a icw ummiea oj-ici j i " n nuucrnau ujwy rVlnL- ' ' ' 1 I caused. Mrs. Birdsalrs conditi ' The ctftmle were apparently devoted to one another J 4esched as wrious. ana no cause nas oeen given ionne xrageuy xurwin ui vix4 hpn drinkirr. Dr. Haroer was About-38 years old. .He was a son of i the late Dr. 4i UlU Lil Ul Henry Harper of Kinston." His orotner, acic v.narjrer nni in ritrntllDI .V of Gast(mia.jmarjried a: daughter Mr, and Mrs.1 L. i.. UlLL IU TAV llillliLl Jenkins of Asheville. i '-ir. , ' i. Vf ! , Mrs. Harper is thought to have-been before marriage nrnnnTrn HflllPr a Miss Dora Dawson of Eastern Carolina, one was o-itvL4utJLi iu Aiuuui years old. The .couple had no children. Average If Or "Opening Sales TuestlayiBetter Than Es Umated $32,000 Paid Oii't Ho farmers Quality df Weed Very Good iBebween twenty and twenty-five thousand pounds of tobacco was sold on the Kinston market tolay. calm arter tne '"storm" or the .opening day's sales records, as was to be ex pected. '. The pricos today showed lit tle, if any tendency to drop from Tuesday's high marks. . Tho average will run between seventeen and eigh teen cents, according to the informs tion deducted from the figures'obtain- ed from the five warehouses. Big breaks are looked for the latter part of tiie week and unless something un foreseen happens to prevent it is felt safe to predict that Friday's , sales will approximate another record. ' As estimated in- The Free Press Tuesday the opening sales were the largest and best in the history of the local market The Free , Press' esti mate of the .pounds sold was 175,000 and the figures obtained from thp warehouses today aggregate 175,024 The average price as estimated Tues day was feelow what was' really ob tained. Hie eeneral averas-e based en the several individual averages furnished ly the; warehouses of yes terday's lcs is $18.30. The qual ity of the! tobacco sold here the first of the present season is two . days much better than was the case in the 1915-10 season. - Some tobacconists are of the opin ion thatihe best of tho crop is being marketed how ,and they give that as (reason -for the high prices. Ths prevailing opinion is, however, that good season will be had throughout the sales period of 1916-17. Calculating on the above' basis, $32,134.40 was actually paid ko the farmers for their tobacco in Kinston Tuesday. I0SQUIT0ES ALMOST, : KILLED BABY GIRL (By the United Press) 'Mount Olive, Aug. 16. Blanche, 2- year-old daughter of F. P. Quinn XBy ths United Pma) : V: Washington, 'Aug. IS. Presi- dent Wilson expccU to complete today and tomorrow the person nel of the American Commission . r i . - .. ... to confer with the alwilar om- muwion apnointed by Carrania. With Brandeia' withdrawal. Lane is bow the only member named. COURT ORDER ISSUED IN THE LATEST N. S. RIGHT-OF-WAY CASE ! French War Balloons Stretch as Far as the Guns Wire- less Equipped, They Direct the Gunners Fire Every Instant on Every Part of German Front a Shell Bursts. Stupendous Cannonade May Be Greatest Jn History- French Aeroplanes Fly at Will Over the Enemy lines, But Never a German Aircraft Js to Be Seen Jfot One Thing Ief t Standing in Bacquincourt Save a Charmed Figure of Christ Pathetic Scene , . ':-v-.v'- ' : 1 ( ' 'i . ' Petrograd, Aug. 1.6-General Brussilof has renewed 1 is offensive on the entire fialipmn front H is Rt.rikincr Hs hardest Wows at the extreme ends of the Austrian to New Bern Federal Court Bail-j lines ; alarmed by this new activity, the Kaiser is hurry road Trying to. Secure Valuable ing to the eastern theater o'JPwar tct confer with Von Hin-' . denburg; Russian successes in the Carpathians are men acing the Austrian flank end at JobJonitz Pass, one of the main gateways . to the Hungarian plains. . . ' (ByHiry.Wd) ; With the French Armies on the Somme, Aug. ?16. " A thirty-mile horseshoe of solid artillery fire, one -of the w Jones were summoned today to most terrific rains of shell in the history of the workt is appear in Federal Court at New Bern drawing, a line; of flame along the Somme battle 'front. Tne stupendousness of the great artillery struggle ks in describable. s Shells of all calibres burst at every instant at every point along the entire front with a rapidity that defies "counting. ' ' ' ' "s ' ' - Equally impressive as this thirty-mile semi-circle Jf. fire.' is a thirty-mile horseshoe of French observation' bal- Marshai w. t. Dortch was' here with loons, their wireless directing the French-fire. Inumef- , the order, , issued today. Th . order able French battleplanes dart in and out; amonjr the hal- ioons, crossing and reicfossing the German lines ' Very .... i. - -,'n : i i ..T.j:t e tu. 7 : minute, uespite uie ytkx acuvitv ui ine rraiamn ces. not a single German aeroplane or balloon is to be seen, testifying to France's undisputed mastery f the air. In a visit to the razed Village of Hacqmncourt, the Only thincr found standing was a slender wooden cross bear- uais.ut the persons involved and ing a miniature statue of 'Christ. A yard away -a shell tne w or to jsoutnern compfromised had mowed (lQwn giani trees, aiso carrying way an wu thoonattar, tho utter taking over the of the cross.' But the fiffurof Christ remains untouched, property and -compensating the indi- pathetically reviewing the "barren waste that formerly viduajs. The company is aeeUng to tooqinoenumCOUrt.' - ' ' l "K ' ' -J.1 German Officers '.Think 'Force f the; Russian - Advance Has Been Broken. ; ' 1 ' : s . Headquarters of Field 'jwarsnai von Hinaenoiirg, Aug. lfi. "The worst of the Russian offensive is over," js .the opinion of German commanders' on the eastern front -It nas been compieieiy naitea at ine cscocnou river, frear fnn n ii ;i.fc i whiph the Kiissians nave snuteti tnetr aitaeK souuiwaru. almost dead .from, exposure .and the always against the Austriaris. i Tlie' faster they aavance irects of mosquito bites. .The child's their lefUwwg in the sontneast," lierman rueers uecjare, Summons Nearly Dosen Individuals I Property Claimed By It : - Jos. Strickltn, J. ' Tf Skinner and Mrs. Beulah Skinner, (Clyde Tyndall, Robert C. Curtis, Mrft" B. E. Grady, Mrs. Kate M. Cobb. Carl W. Uarts- field, Mrs. Es telle K. Stroud and N, ok October 24 to answer to com plaint by the Norfolk Southern Rail road, demanding, as its rightful own, property lying along its righfc-of way in the .vicinity of Caswell and East streets' Intersection, Where most of the persona named reside. U. S. is to be at Wikon in judge's chamb ers on August 30, A similarordcr ,waa issued some months ago in "connection with, other property, claimed by. the railroad to have been granted 'it many years ago and since squatted upon by Individ-. widen the 'right-of-way, in this, case for increased trackage for union sta tion and cottoiuplatform purposes, It cluims. and wife, a Duplin etmnty couple, wandered a mile from her home1 and race was so badiy swollen she could yie more they endanger their right wing along ,x&& bio hardly see. ; she will recover. - it is admitted that the Austrians were surprised at --r- - , ... i i the hotrinninff of the offensive. V It is not believed, .how- was condition is E '5.. 4 If '? ' i i Mrs. Henrv D. Harper was Miss Dora Dawson, mem W nf n-nrrtminerit familv at Conetoe. Her father is liv ing. She was a niece of County Treasurer John Dawson. Dr. Harper was a brother of Dr. Carl Harper, Mrs. l-ughWard and Miss Mildred Harper;' all of this city, and .Mr. Jack.Harper ot.trasconia. LONDON AND BERLIN WtMB UNTIL FRYATT TSAVENGED V(By tho United Fran) ' ; ; London, ' Aug. 16 England ' nay 'not resume diplomatic re- ; ' latlona with Germany after the . war, unless reparation is made . for the death of Capt r Fry att . ad other alleged outrages. Pre- . mier Asquith today intimated in . the Home "f 'Commons. . ' Two colored men and colored wo an were badly injured when a so da -fountain exploded ia t stpr at Washington. All three sustained broken. limbs or severe cuts and the men lost several fingers. OFFICERS OF SECOND DINED BY THE C. 0. Colonel Rodman Host ' to ' h!s Field and SUff Band Requisitioned to Help . Entertain Party of 75 1 and ' Made More Than ' Good Job Of It, Camp Glenn,' Aug. 16. A .smoker and dinner were given by .CoL W. C Rodman, commanding iha Second In fantry, 'last night -complimentary to the field and staff of his regiment. Plates were set .for 75. '.The affair was arranged by Lt-Col.; JVan B. Metts' and Lt W. Vt Monroe. It was very informal, and the party enjoy ed themselves immensely. ? Ths regi mental band was present The menu. follows: Broiled Spring chicken, boiled sliced ham, potato salad, sliced ' tomatoes, corn on th (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 1C The Webb expert trade bill of - Congressman Webb of North Carolina.' intended to "aid and encourage our .manufactur ers and producers to extend our-for- .eign trade," was favorably reported to the House by the Judiciary Com mittee yesterday. The bill would per mit the organization of co-operative selling agencies or associations among exporters.' , , , " . cob, mashed potatoes, . green peas, beaten biscuit, iced ' tea, ' coffee, ', ice cream, ponnd cake. W. - The toastmaster was Lt-CoL Metts. Speeches were made by Gapt John H. Manning of Kinston, Capt Freeman, the' adjutant; Capt. Giddins, Bain and Blaci, Lts. Barbery and Xumley. Enlisted men from the band cave a sort of a home talent show for the officers as well as furnished an ex cellent . musical ' program. Three of the Rhodes brothers and another linger comprised a creditable male quartet Th'r addition to the pro gram was very much enjoyed. ' Lu by Hollingswordi. very graceful young man, danced several fael ac tions," including "Parodies," on some of the Oriental classics.4 PRESIDENT WILL ADDRESS SIX HUNDRED RAILROAD EMPLOYES THURSDAY; TO BE SCENE.IN WHITE JIOUSE the hop-inniner pver: that the Russians' attacks will have such force now that the whole Austro-German front -has been reorgan- i7pH Tt is declared that the fail ot btamsiau aad ,uorrtZ was offset by the failure of the Slavs to reach jKovel Lemberg. The Germans arrived at the critical moment, stiffening the Austrian lines, Ttrrl n Rpnnrt. ' TWlin. Auer. 16. The Russians today made' only weak attacks north of the Dneister, following thetr recent jbea4 w nssea. Triese attacKs were repmseo, u is ouiciauyre- Members of Four Brotherhoods Will Journey to Wash- ported. ( ington to near iSpeech by Chief Justice In East Room- Both Sidcsf Wary of Bringing About National Calam ity and Bringing, Down Upon Their Ileads Condemna tion of the Nation's People Enginemen, Trainmen and ' . -.. - . - - . .. ; . Others Agree to Hear President Talk But Have Arriv ed at 'No Other Conclusion in Conference, Says New 'York Report Workers Cautious POLICE INAUGURATE j HEW PATROL SYSTEM Half of Men on Duty Will Be Locat- ed North of City Hall and v Half South Patrolmen Required to Re port by Telephone Every Other Hour .. Kinston's.cops will slay put from today on. Chief Skinner today ; in- t , .. - - (By the United Press) Wash in gton, Aug.: 16. President Wilson tomorrow will address 600 representatives of the four great rail- augurated a new order of things road brotherhoods m a determined effort to prevent the whereby the officers wui report by nation-wide transportation tie-up, which he believes telephone only except when bringing would be "a'national calamity." ? . 4 ; : ""Jj; rni, t7o- T tiruji.- ;tr l ' off." Of th men in each squad half . aiic uosi.5uum wx me niiae iiuuse, iaweu AU ' j jje on juty in the territory north plendid social gatherings, will be the scene of this event, of CitT Hall and haf in tht UrTiu. unparalJeired m the history-of American labor. Men are llfH ot the municinai buUdhw. coming to hear the appeal the President has made to their They .win not cross the imaginary SUb-COmmittee for CO-OperatlOn tO aVOld the Strike.- : line running east and west from the Word from rewAYork is that the delegates have al ready agreed to come to Washington to meet the Presi dent, but have come to no other decision. The employes are believed to have reached the position whererit is be lieved, either side would be extremely wary of appearing in the light of turning down President Wilson complete ly. 1 . ' . : . .-, "Both sides." said ah employes' official, today, "will do the latter in charge at night win a whole lot of thinking before they will be branded: by make the desk'sergeant or some one one hundred million people as responsible for such a na-1 at the 'station acquainted with their tinml rnlimitv" v ' ... I whereabouts at specified times. City Halt unless ordered to do so or an emergency presents. ' Reporting will be done from a telephone in the neighborhood where each man hap pens to be every other hour, v Each patrolman, will ring op headquarters about six times during his "trick." Even the Chief and Assistant Chier TALK AB0DT(X)ST CF - -Greensboro, Aug. 15. Cost;;.of white paper was the principal topicv of discussion at a meeting of news paper men here today.; Representa tives of the afternoon papers in Ses sion entered Into a contract with" ' northern' agency to place U foreign advertising. The discussion showtid that papers were paying from, 2 1-2 to 4 cents for paper,; but no action was taken. ' .: KING WAS AT FRONT A WEEK AND FEW KNEW m " ' v . x . . V With the British Army In France, Via London, Aug. 15. King Georga has been at the front for a week. Ha left today for England and his de parture "was the - first ' Information! that the majority of the troops had of his presence. As a matter oj precaution the visit was kept 9e- cret and there was no, display or reviews as on the occasion of his vis it last fall. " - ; Subscribe to The Free Press.