DA: i! .Life 7e IVcallicr TT ' , XeUf New. TUy ' " 'I- Showers. i .1 i jiSlfe' Bf ' ' ' FOURPAGES TODAY FIRST EDITION PBICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS ' Wmm LL ADDRESS SIX HUNDRED THfRTY MILES OF ALLIED ARTILLERY KOW W r W. M M Mi - ' I' ll? f HIED SEPARATELY; CI ASSURED Or RAILROAD EMPLOYES THURSDAY TO BE EOUlNG AT GERIIAN DEFENSES I TOE WYdif AKING SC ENEiN WHITE : HOUSE SQMME SECTOR; CO UftETE HAST'ilY AIH 11 MM liiS WFE AT CflhEl OE OF HOUSE Z?:lp3.T3 PRESS UUffllDBEffll MP Local Dentist I J! fr.T V ist.Whl Suicided After Kitting HelpmceV at Adopted Bill Already pass (ear, As&erille. Afraid of Tuberculosis, Said ? By Senate v by Over Village Jieajr AsheiHe Afraid otf 'Tuberculosis, atf Declared He Would Not knecumb 'to the DiseaseA is Funeral and. Interment Hcre Tharsday Morning .Mrs. Harper's Remains Going to Town Where Father' family BesoMeoal Man Had TeW pr. Harper Use I Alcohol Would Make Ihm Susceptible to Disease tr 7I L re' . !' as Former Officer in Militia whelming Majority Will wve United states la7 More Men-of-War i Washington, Aug. 16. rTho Housa lata yesterday adopted the"6uilding program of the- naval kill W a vote of 283 tol.; ohe Senate iad &l ready passed the bill. ' Authorized are 10 battleships, six 50 , The funeral of Dr. Henrv D. Haruer.' the deatist of , Una city who (suicided at Weavervink N C.: near Ashe- tttie bruisers, ten acout cruisers, viT9es4ay afternoon after Icffling his wife Mrs. Dora destroyers, nine fleet and 58 coast tiawson Harper, will be held here Thursday. The body auhmarinw and one eubmersibie with wili, arrive tonight or in the morning - The funeral WlU the NeflF propulsion yatem, : three be.Qoneat-lOrSabyMri.B. ft Smithy with Masonic twA aup8, two ammuniuon "ships, honprs. The interment will be in Maplewood cemetery. one hospitAl shiP( one 'wptir ?hiPi 4 ; f he tWO VICtimS Of the double tragedy Will be buried destroyer tenders, on fleet, submar- apt.! Ifalrmwm ' of ' Mrs. Harper are to be carried to in tender and two gunboats, a total Conetqe, wh,ere Eeriather!s family reside, and, there bur- f is? new hips. led Thursday. & Relatives of Mrs. Harper residing here Thre North CairoUna congressmen havf gone to Conetoe.' , Pr. Harpej, according to a member of. the faniily fear ed tuberculosis, arid had.remarked before leaving here for West Carolina several months aero that he would not die from that disease. A physician had warned him against pnt the united states Navy in excessive use or aiconoi, aavismg xnai tuDercuiosis migni fond Di resuw jiDip inat. i . , , , Dr. Hamper was once a captain in the National Guard, MnQftlUTflFC A I MACT and later a staff officer with a higher rank iHe once held mUH JIM AUWl conwission in the naval militiaf He' was an heir to the KILLED BABY GIRL estate ot ms iatnertne late tiu. Jdarper Dut.was 01 lUlu?riwe weiWis wmch uit? uicn, ; vntc.auaauy? (By tb United Prtis) practice., as .ensi Here aa Decome sraauwnen ne leiu, Momt olvtj Att 16feiHnch'e, 2. ims city.tl jars,f,j?iarpert onccconsiQerea oeaumui, siziyMMid daughter of p. p. ouinn years jpunger man ner xrasoana, wno was oo, wa,a worn?- and wife, a Dupim v eounty conpl an Pf .SPlendld 4lSP0Sltl0n, Stately anaaCCOmpIISned. Jtler wandered a mile from kervhame and family at Conetoe stand high in -business, and social cir- was . found after an n night search cJes. The coifiple were childless. Dr. Harper, was of ath- te,fll8t d1iad from p0 the letic-fiCTre.and considered handsome by many ot his at ftnmmtout The child's i quaintanees. -f'-: ( - ft rLT, " u - Bit'- T i y,JJ -eUTtrir, I - m iKvver. COUnv 01 ine airair, xrum Asncvuie mosuajr iugnw. 1 1 voted against the naaure: Kitchin, Page and Webb. The first two spoke against tha WH. - t The appropriation . is the largest ever made by any country. It will sec- ace. : ' Members of Four Brotherhoods WU1 Journey to Wash- I ington to near Speech by Chief Justice Jn East Room Both Sides Wary of Bringing -About National Calam and Brinffinff Down Upon Their Heads Condemna tion of the Nation's People Enginemen; Trainmen and Pth? Agree to Hear President Talk Bui HVve Arriv ed at No Other Conclusion in Conference, Says New ;Ydrk .Mert--Workers Cautious V French War Baloohs Stretch as Far as the Guns Wire less Equipped,, They Direct the Gunners' Fire Every . Instant on Every Part of German Front a Shell Bursts. Stupendous Cannonade May Be Greatest In History' French Aeroplanes Fly at Will Over the Enemy Lines, But Never a German Aircraft Is to Be Seen-Net' One Thing Left. Standing in Bacqaincburt Save a Charmed Figure of Christ Pathetic Scene K '' VVasninfftOn. AUP. Jfi PrPRirtPnf ,Wilnn tnmnrmw will address 600 representatives of the four great rail-1 Berlm, Report. (By Henry Wood) -m . . . 1 .'1 ' . ... .'.V. '4 furtu jjxuuiernooas in a aeterimned enort to prevent the ' uejrim, tug. 10. ine nussians ioaay maue oniy wea. nation-wide transportation tie-up,- which he believes attacks, north of the Dneister, following their recent hea would.be: "a nationaP calamity." - ,;;:; vy. losses. These attacks were repulsed, it is officially re- The East Room nf Ma; Whir Hoi ita I norted. alehdid social gatherings, will be the scene of this event. With the French 'Armies on' the Sommel tinparalldlled in the history of American labor. Men are A thirty-mile horseshoe of solid artillery fire, one of the coming t hear the appeal the President has made to their most terrific rains of shell in the history of the world, is sub-committee for co-operation to avoid the strike drawing a line of flame along the Somme battle front. Word from New York is that the delegates have aL The stupendousness of the great artillery struggle is in- ready" agreed to come to Washington to meet theJPresi- describable. Shells bf all calibres burst at every instant dent, but have come to no other decision. The employes at every point along the' entire front with a rapidity that are believed to have reached the position where, it is be- defies counting. , .' . Heved,' either side would be 'extrmely 1 wary of appealing Equally impressive as this thirty-mile semi-circle of in the light of turning down President Wilson complete- fire, is a thirty-mile horseshoe of French .observation bal- " ly. : ' ' loons, their .wireless directing the; French firfe hwumer- "13oth sides," said an employes' official, today, "will do able French battleplanes dart;m and out, among tne Bai- a whole lot-of thinking before they will be branded by loons, crossing and rercrbssin the German lines every one hundred million people as responsible for such" a na- minute. Despite the great activity of the French air for-, tiojnal calamity." - - ces, not a single German aeroplane or balloon is to - be " -j '' ' L 1-Li- seen, testifvinc to France's undisputed mastery of the air. COURT ORDER ISSUED IN THE LATEST N. S. RIGHT-OF-WAY SiSE Summons Nearly Dozen Individuals to New Hern Federal Court Rail road Trying , to Secure Valuable Property Claimed By It Jos. StrickUn, J. T. Skinner and Mrs. Beulah Skinner, Clyde Tyndall, Robert C. Curtis, Mrs. R. 'E. Grady, Mrs. Kate M, Cobb, Carl W. Harts- field, Mrs. Estelle K. Stroud and N; summoned today to Ishevilie, ,An& 15-Dr. H. D. .Harper, a prominent otABOARD CONTRftCTS cjentist iof jstojti N C. shot his wife today, killing her QUJ RECONSTRUCTION msianuyi is.oeuevea, . ana ineu urea a uuiieu ; liau ma url, dying tWO nOTOTS later IB? toe mission nOiSUliai. , V Wanjlet, Aug. 15. The Seaboard The tragedy ' took place in Weaveryille, near Asheville, Aiir Line has uat awarded tha con- W.SJones were about I'o'clOCk p, m. in a boarding hOUSe Where Dr. and fnVw appear in Federal Court at New Bern ktt 1 ,1 ... , . .1 onawsviUe, Va., for rebuilding the on October 24 to answer to a com- -ulrs, Jiarper .had been summer visitors for about three Hamlet to Gibson. This i plaint by the Norfolk South Rail- "V6eks". ' . part fe main line Charlas road, demanding, as its. rightful own, V' Mrs. Harper Was found lying in bed as if She had been ton, ndhe only part of the lm property lying along its right-of- aIeep;'dead In'a IeoI Of tt00d.-i Br HMB full? dressed ' jtt'?!ap?f rtctln. . ; ..The -j way in the vicinity of Caswell and wiftt a nlof a1 Wn.I Ivi'tu. iinMneAuti r QTilnw work Will be about te: . it t.. 1 t m .... i 1 i. i 11. ' - the ordw, issued today. The order In a visit to the razed village of Bacquincourt, the only is to be at wiUn in Edge's chamb- thing found standing was a slender wooden cross bear ers on August ao i"K a miniature statue of Christ1 "A yard away a shell A afmilar-order was iasued some d mowed down giant trees, alsC CWWW : months ago in connection with other ,of the CrOSS. t But the toreof Christ rana J Uf . ; . A ., ' : pathetically reviewing the barren waste that formerly property, claimed by the railroad to 1 Vr '. . .... -t, . : . . . 1 was Bacqumcourt. . hav3 been granted ,t many years ao fierman facers Think Force of the Russian and since squktted upon by jndw Advance Has Been Broken.." : " ; y -; . . ;.' - uals, but the persons involved and W0oiiorrora nf FiVlrJ Marshal Von Hlndenbure.r AuC. Norfolk SoutJiern comdromiaed lt tfctt Pn'isJnn nfTensivft 1R over. .- IS the other bed. The young dentist was brought to the Mission V hospital in this city, where he died a few minutes after ? o'clock. " '-;' -;':":D-V?-: -?&.y. 4":.'. k?k'-'-;yi The couple were apparently devoted to one anotheri and'nd cause has been given for the tragedy further than a report that Dr. Harper had been drinking. - Dr. Harper ' was about 38 years old - He was a son of the late Dri Henry Harper of Kinston. His brother, Jack V. Harper of Gastonia. married a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Jenkins of Asheville. ; v i8; Mrs.. Harper is thought to have been before marriage a Miss Dora Dawson of . Eastern Carolina. She was 32 years old. The couple had no children. . . ' 1 .'-:v-':-:-'-'''s;V'-'"':,'.;V i Mrs. Henrv IX Harper was Miss Dora Dawson, mem ber of a prominent family at Conetoe. Her father is liv ing.; She was niece ot County Treasurer John Dawson. Dr. Harper was a brother of Dr. Carl Harper, Mrs. lJugh Ward and Miss Mildred Harper, all of this city, and Mr. Jack Harper of Gastonia. .. ten miles East streets' intersection: where most long and theVcoat will be- between of the persons named reside. U, Si $150,000 and s f 200,000. " v f I Marshal W. T. Do"rtch was hero with HEADQUARTERS CO. IS NEW UNIT SEC'D INF. (Special to The Free Press) . '' Camp Glenn, N. C, Aug. J5-For-aiatkm of the new headquarters com pany ol the Second infantry was completed here today. ''The company includ the non-commissioned 1 staff, sergeant-major, color-sergeants, quartermaster and commissary ser geants of the regiment and battalions, the band, mom toed scouts, stable de tail, tc. F. TV McDevett, trumpet er sergeant, was appointed first ser geant of the headquarters company a rum-major. ' Kirby Fittman, drum-major of the nd . under the old order, was here today 1 draw his discharge, an aounced authorized yesterday. Members o Company B rom Kin ston authorized to receive discharges under the "Dependents order" are t, T. Taylor, Harper O'Sullivan, . John Rivenbark, Richard Williams, James Kennedy. .t j " . ...... TALK ABOUT COST OFi : PAPER BUT DONT ACT ' v- " ' -: -" ; :v -, ' . Greensboro, I Aug. " 15. Cost of white paper was the principal topic of discussion at a meeting of news paper men here today. v Representa tives of the afternoon papers in. ses sion entered into a contract with a northern, agency to place all foreign advertising. The discussion showed that papers were paying from 2 1-2 to 4 cents for paper, but no action was taken". - x the the matter, tho latter taking over the opinion of German commanders on the eastern front It property and compensating Ore indi- jias been completely halted at the Stochod ;riveav . near vkiuais. The company is seeking to which the Russians have shifted their attack sou-thwardj widen the right-of-way, in this case always against the Austrian's... The faster-they advance for inrrMMxl irvslc fnk ninn I their JP..tt WinS in me BOtlUIfiiafc, VlCJTIUaW, uvv. v, " I " .. " . ... . 1 i ... - 4UA C?-A tioo and cotton platf claims, i rho heo-inmnfr ever, that the Russian's' attacks will have such force, now that the whole Austro-German front nas oeen reorgan ized It is declared that the fall of ,Stanislau and Conta was offset by the failure of the Slavs to reach Kovel and Lemberg. The Germans arrived at the critical moment, stiffening, the Austrian lines. 7 Petrograd, Aug. 1.6 General Brussilol has renevyed 1 is offensive on the entire Galkian front,, He is tnkmg r is hardest bjows at the extreme ends-of the Austrian ing to the eastern theater of war to confer with Yon iiinTi denburg. Russian, successes ki the Carpathians are men acing the Austrian flank end at Joblonitz Pass, one of the main gateways to the Hungarian plains. v . , - Two colored men and a colored wo man jyrtn badly injured when a so da fountain exploded in a store at Washington. All three sustained broken limbs or severe cuts and the men lost several fingers. ' WEBB EXPDRTTRADE BILL IS REPORTED TO HOUSE ; (By United Press) Washington, Aug. 16. The Webb export trade bill of Congressman Webb of North Carolina, intended to I'aid and encourage our manufactur ers and producers to extend our for eign trade," was favorably reported ta the House by the Judiciary, Com. mittee yesterday. The bill would per mit the organization of co-operative selling agencies or associations among exporters. PRESIDENT IS TO . ' DEDICATE BIG DM The "Elephant Butte- to "Bring In" 2,000 Acres of Fertile Lands .When Waters of Rio Grande Start Flow ing Through It . . (Special to The Free Press) FJ Paso, Texas, Aug.; 16. When President Wilson touches the golden key which will start the waters of the Rio Grande flowing through . tha tpill ways of .the , great, Elephank Butte dam on October , 14, h will "bring in"; 200,000 acres of , fertile -lands in the chain of valleys' (n New Mexico, Texas and Old Mexico. Tho', first meeting of the 23rd Internation al Irrigation Congress will be held at the dam dedication and followed , by sessions in El Paso, Oct. 16, IT, 18. ' ' The Elephant Butte dam is a mas of concrete and steel thrown across the Rio Grande on the desert of New Mexico at the point where a. great rock, formed like the head and body of a mastadonic' elephant, seems H( drink from the Rio Grande. ' Thw giant -impounding dam has formed the largest irrigation reservoir in, the world. More than 45 miles , ., in length and S miles across,' the 'lake l stores the melted snows of th eCol. orado mountains. . The dedication of the , Elephant Butte dam by President Wilson on October 14 will be an event of world wide .. importance - in. the 'Irrigation, field. , ' Give Fireman Long Vacation. .. : The ' Aldermen Monday m'ght al lowed IWver Bert Sellars two weeks leave from the downtown fire station. for "faithful service." Mr. Sellars will leave next week for 'New York and other places.

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