:;.ir-'., PRESS Th' time fypet ;ii Ji lilQ The Weather Fair FIRST EDiyOfl.' Kp?STONf KC WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO. CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS h . LANE DOCTOR KOTT INSPECTION FOR THE KINSTON iQJUOGEfiKO iPffiMtHEU.'S. SCHO(pffllplilZM P!N;TIIEf IN GORITZ ARY nlT CARIlIER SOON SPECIALLY - TRAINS NURSE SOON LY 1111 EMPLOY FigMIflg ta Last, Howerer, Against Abandonment of Ar- uiLiatiuii, i iuai uauicr igauisi iauor Aggression age siirance Lots of Them Killed and T.imretnnA Tnwnshm in Tin, Wounded: Kinsr With rjlin Votes Bonds ; In Cadorna's Troops ; Operation Sopn ' V GERMANS BREAK FRONT ONE TOWNSHIP REFUSED Trying to "Save as Much as Possible From the Wrcck- -Exccutives of Systems Want to Know Vhat As- They Have Jrtiat There !VilJ IJe 'tfo Recur rence, and President Sets About to Tell' Them Na ioti Head, Conferring- With Commerce Committees1 Chairman and Looking Into I. Powersi I ' . . . .... , . , . (By the United Press) -,' V Washington, Aug.1, 23. Efforts to save "the principle of arbitration" featured developments today in the neg .ill. iL j il J 1 M '.J .i ! , T71S T-i- nations 10 seine ine inreaienea rauroaa Birme. r ienv r . tinitM pmv - mg wine ixsi agamsi aDanaonment 01 iney iermi Paris, Aw 23. Germans made thfi . "final barrier acrainat' labor' affcrression." the railroad U powerful attack last nieht on some 1 1 j t 1 1. r? 1 . 1 J!li:li .... 1 .v . . ; . . exeeuve nave asKea rresiaeni wnson iu inane utnnao irencnes soum 01 ustrees na west 1' 1 . 1 J? 1 1 T I J" o l a a; 11 r-c I - T 1 : T pcf irn 1 .. T flOme 'COnCrele proposition XOr a COIlCeSSlUn OI tllC UdSlK "l oayecoun, peneiraung lire rrencn ui owm jaaue iirr iu,uuu in umc- iinu i several poinis, ii is aumuuja I siono wwn;ip, uupun county, uies Oflftcially. The attack was preceded day. .Cypress Creek township, South by afl intense fir for several "houra. of Limestone, turned down tlio prop. North of Sonfnte the Clermans maljj-Jositlon.' It ds assured, according to tairiei a fierce r bortibardment against f unquestioned auMwrity, that the line the French first line and communcat- will be carried irtto the latter, how ing trenches, both north and south of ver, and that passenger and freight In Mexican Negotiations !AppointRients. Made Pub- Of the French In the Somme To Carry Issue-Promoters SectoPwrful Attack Undeterred. HoWeveh Results m Taking of More ami Bent On Carryinj? Trenches Activity Dur- steer Route On Into Pen ingtheNijjht der vand t.n Tnnsf. - The Duplun County Railroad will be" In operation within a very few months as the result of the carrying iffh-hour dav. the roads are trvincr to "save as much ;s posslbfe from the wreckage." They want protection fteraifist further strikes Smd assurance of increased rev- enne- to meet the added expense they -claim would attend aeeeutance1 of the -eiffht-hour day- r 't-' ii. tv ?a.j , j;i.T .! TT- 1 1 ,1 Mine Jrresiaenx, was lmineuiateiy responsive. ae caiieu lntft CttlUerence lnairmen IMeWianaS ana AaamSOn 01 tne Maurepai tut tfiere were -no anfan- service Will be had in a short time. 1 . rt : ill ' 1 1 I I .j WllgrSSlOnai commerce committees ..anu raaue niquu- Grenade parties repulsed a surprise IxkI - dissensions are believed to ja intO the jUliSdiCtiOn Of the Interstate Commerce try attacks. In the Voages Ftb f lieen faponibl for -the failure attack at Hartrtann-Sweilerkopf. of the issue t carry in Cypress French Aaeronaut Dorm downed Jlisl Creek." That part of Duplin coun fifth asroplah. : Northeast of P6r- fty, l spite- of denials of former state- onne, French flyers with machine I mnts or lactionalism, 4s in an unset- guns' attacked ' four German planes, Hed Condition politically owing' to the wh were forced t6 descend. stock law, favored by some and de Wlfh Italian Army at Gorita, Aug. I tested ,by others. A large amount 23. Several thousand Italian-Amefi-1 bt HUtek in this railroad is known td cans are in the army which entered! have been taken, and there ia practl- Goritz and is now stbrmingf the AuS-J cally nothing to hinder the cample Commission m'regafd to investigatibrtS: ' HQ FC.IHONERS5 TH mil ix INK i Swissrand. English: Citlzem Arrested at Piedras Neg rail-Cdnflned -on Bread J:. ,! .j.cKMcjc ju ..jet?. t f; i r na Water Had Tampi- co Passports ' (Of tbe United Frew) ; Eagl.Pass, Texas, Aug,.'"25 Charged with being American spies, Pi?. Waitw jBtaub,, a Swiss and Mat oitt. Muir, an Englisbman, were arr rested by Mexican' autnoiitiea at Ne- eras, ana nave oeen in jaii ior ure last twenty-fou hours on ,bread and wtter. , ; :';''i',' ' ' 1 Tb twx men are examining geolo gies of the Corona Oil Company at Tawp ico. Bot had passports from the Mexican commander at Tampico. slaughter hred out ;to toSaMer 4. i -s I r Ji Th fSsoi1 1elntf that 450 members unty in. session at , Wentworth,-Aor . , . ... , L. iFindh," a febaceo plants of K "f" Aw"af : Greensboro, August ' 22. C. W. fihiughter, ex-chief of police of Dra per, U. C, recently convicted of manslaughter on a charge of killing TfWfflW WHtr wM filaoghter was eiiff wscv afred ' out late " yesterday by the eomnrissiovrs- of Rockingham coi P Meadows, on h Dan. 'Slaughter was. senteihce4 ttf .two ' years imprison ment'. wiU) autihorlty jglvea , to bnn cfciif Out. . Us, left hnmediatoly with jhM iJew employer, who will pay to Rockingham bounty the aum of (435. Mrs J Slaughter put "Jf a bid for lier husband, but the commtettofien ' decided-(to pot the 'man an other Hands. POIUTSP! FOR W0:iEUT MTL 1 SANDERSON CASE TO " 'COME W THURSDAY Ufa A Charted With Killing Aged Far mer to Crf Ott Tfiil In Superior CsiiftM-Settrtl- Caarrictions Tues. . day RapM Progress on the Term's Second tJay Superior Cotfft ""Tuesday continued to get rid of the small cases. on the docket drf rapid-fire order. Many were cleared off. Aside from cases con tinued, etc these wer disposed of: Wm. Ferrel, larceny, .12 months. Joe Jenkins, retailing, . called. and failed capias." Arex Hobgood, car- He 1 -fuesiay v' Night All Have i Acte-ptcd Meeting Place Undecided trians Boutheast of the city. . Many have beiBfi kUled dthd wounded. King Victor Emarrttel W ' eoTrstantJy at the front em?ouri!Eing the" troops, regard less of ali petsonal risk. He was 1ft Goritz when the city was heavily Won of th road to. the edjfe of Cy press Creelt township. That' town ship' may rtoi .botrds later; it is re ported fihatfhl promoters of the line are bent on carrying it into Pender county, and ultimately to deep wat- borabarded ' from7 : the surrounding I r at Wilmington heights. Crorife" is 'under martial lawf The Duplin Railroad will tap the btt?he 7,000 tremaining inhabitant's Mchewt part of the ounty one of the ar 3 rWidaaily resinning their norm- ricnest sections of the Stale. It will al' life. " The Italians are fortifying open up a large area for settlement ryififf a Concealed 4ifeapon, 6 months. I tho city to preveritits recapture. Gfcn-ahd promote the development of an Bettie . RetlBgiiiey; ' not oilty. I era! Cadorna's h'ties have been rad-1 extraordinarily fertile agricultural Handv Flowers, false nretense. not I val.y advanced thoueh some places eotintry, with an ideal, daiiate and snitiiy. Arthuf Hardy, violating with the greatest dlfflfllfty. Tho Atts-1 Average rainfall. city bicycle ordinance, not guilty; the I Irian positiioiw surrounding Gritz ordinance "not beirt suflkient to holdjaw ctloatd by "rews ofelectrijally Ijwwnv niltv. tuddMcMit '-not ro- nounced. , John .. Matthews, kweny, HOUSE PASSES' ARMY. fiw guilty. - -v'';-" 7 w If fi - -J 2 aii. ' ( il i Bryant Sanderson, charged , with the murder of old Amos Bee ton, a wealthy iriairUfr, will go on thai Thursday. ' The -grand jury' ia ex pected to make its final report today. ' (By the United Press) ' Washington,, Aug. 23. MeUng of tlie ' Mexican-American Peace Commiiwfon will begin a soort m alt tlie "Mexican tnembera rearlj America, it ' ht htdkated at the State Department 4 Washington, Aug. 22. Secretary Lansing announced tonight that the American members of the joint com mission to unaettflke settJerilent of differences between .tho United States m! Mftxico wouldv i'bo Franklin Jki Lane, Secfotary of tha interior; Judge George Gray of WilnMngton, DcU and Dr. John R. Mott rf New Yoi-k City. -r. . ,v' All of the eommiionera have ae- cept):d their appointments, the Mex ican members were named tome time ago, and arrangements! for' their meeting will be mads immodiaitoly by Secretary Lansing and Eliseo Arred ondo, Genoral . Carranea's Ambassa- dor designate. Virtually . the only question to be decided is, where the sessions shall be hold. The Mexicans' are understood to prefer some resort on the N.ew Jersey cosftt. " Scretary Hane wili heaxl th Am erican group. , ; '-- . ,'"Ci. Work yill Be Inaugurated at Opening of Scholastic Yea If Possible Defects of Children to Be Ferreted, Out, Parents Apprised and Individual Records Kept One Third of All Failures of Pupils Due to Physical Short comings Progressive Sten, Will Result in Many Bene fits,, Believed Meals for School Children to Be Served By Individuals If Plan Superintendent Is Authorized to Carry Out Is Put Into Effect , ' . BOWWOWS DESERTED THE GERMAN WORKS (6y the Urtited Press) ' Southampton, Eng., Aug.. 23 An officer arriving from the front' today wlated that just before' the Big Push began four dotrs came out of thtf German trenches and despite the whistling and shouting of their mas'' ters, proceeded sferiws No Man's Land and deserted to the English. The Tommies hacled It as i a , good emeri and charged singing. OUT PHASE OBJECTED TO Turkish iTodpe Enter, th& All Belligerents Engaged! 0 GO WILL CAT. - DKIk'K.NDStoTO Chicago, Aug. 23. Life here is ust one f ox jtrot after another. It got that way at an-early hour and wilt flt!nir8-o ;"ditfl -Scm 2hd. Washington, Aug. 22. Aftdr. the 'House today had massed the $314.- TRAf SHOOTERS' MEET I (By the iJnited Press) SU Louict,. Aug. 23. -Twelve nobby haita-will go to 'the twelve ' women making the twelve highest ecoreSi In the omen's tournament at Qie Grand AmcSrkan Trapshooting j Handicap, which began here Monday and ' will end the last of this, week. V, 1 These hats are made of Pontine,' a new' material in the world of woman's styles. '' The hats were designed and , . : " J (By the United Press). , London. Aucr, 3. A creat battle of the nations, with rtoo,ooo amy ropTiafldn bill with- lr6pps of nearly, every; European befliereiit involved, is out . wie rrv, c.3 w w"r- Hrracltially developing in the iialkans, as the hunting along feature of which caused President L IKO-mito front. inMSPS In filler. ThrtcPV U Seridifta MUSIC FOR A WffllEU - - VSSM . 1 i iU fc frfrred to We military committee. "v ""v M M y o- ? I I - l I A- X J J ....II E. . i ca-n. V y-v ccIS V- Tonight Chairman Chamberlain E, wmie.anoineF UlVlSlOD ,W1U W U piaceu w mu announced that the committee would! en Roumania, should that country decide to enter the war mset ttnorfw and restore the a-rti- on tne side oi the entente Allies. , eies f war Eliminating the Hay pro-T Never in modern history have so.majiy nations cUsh- podai w -exempt retired officers and I ed on one battle front. Forced to yield their advanced po-. men from the military code, the pro- aitions, the Allies have reinforced their lines and now are vision -objected to by the Presidenf. strongly on the offensive at; "Valdar Yalle,1 n6rtnwest c4 ' y cW iicia. i en cd m. . , - rt1 il, fTl. : T.'lMnMM Laita cp,i-Vij.i Nrt1cfirto1 fViiii. wings, owing to their numerical superiority, but the An- fflo-French artillery has checked the momentum oi tnv movement. ,..v';" ; ' s" . . r , of . Masters ' of Dancing including Loufei Fretlow, . 75 . years young re one-stsppirfg around 1 the Blackstorie Hotel, getting read fof HhelrtWrty- third annual convention. - ' : ' lAboet the only step these 450 deb onair gentlemen didnt invent is the lockstep. i But nobody" cares, because that's-going ut; . -I ;0 HAYE OLD-TIMEY ; TOURNAMENT AT THE FAB? IN OCTOBER ANOTHER STORlI IN-. ? " m THE WEST INDIES AVERAGE PRICE FOB 1 TOBACCO HGH TODAY About 21 CenU, or By a Fraction the Best of the .WeekMaitket' Draw ing Patronage From Wide Terrlto- ryToday's Salcw! Heavier . Than Tuesday's Today's sales ra the local tobaco Mr. P. S. B. Harper of the lac ing committee of the Fiur Associa tion, has. decided to have for a feat ure of the exhibit this fall an . old fashioned tournament, with Tplumed and besashed knights 1 racing! over a course with make-believe b pears to Washington,! Aug. 22 A weather capture elusive Tings suspended from bureau storm warning tonight said a a beam. This kind of an affair is ire tropical atorm with a maximum wind inembered bf many of the older chi- OA I . w.. . V - I . . v j over Porto Rico about 7 o'clock this man years.: In one or wa places in 2"' -: Jrj,.-r morning, annarentl movinir toward I th aUm nart of he" State thev heavkr? than - Tuesday's,; totaling (the northwest, but that later reports still hold such toarnamenU occasion-190,790. ' The-' quality was Jabout the had not fixed its location other than ally, but ft has been many a moon I same. , Prices were- ehads better, la short distance north of Haiti, this Since the like was seen hereabouts, (however, ond the average wa; about I afternoon at 5 o'clock. , The disturb- ' pkiH with the spear and a good eye 21 ecnta The tendency to increase a ance may be felt over the Florida and cool nerve, and good horseman- little", whs evident, aifl the prices .peninsula by Wednesday night unless sfcip are requisites for the partict- were by a fraction the best of the .it re-curves sooner to the northwest- pants in a tournament. '. . I week. ' - ' ,.f made by 'Ph-pps of New yort and jward. - AU shipping near Bahama J There would, of course, : be the J A' fair break is expected again to re'on exhibit in the Chicago, 'New land off the South Atlantic coast was (crowning of a queen and all that sort morrow. Sales of f rom . lOO.OOC to York and St Louis stores, " advised to use caution. " , of stuff. . " , 200,000 pounds are looked for next CW.NCE FOR LENOIR BOY GET COLLEGE EDUCATION I Notiace from the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh that this county is entitled to one scholar ship . amounting to free tuition for faur . years. , , This is an opportunity for some smart, ambitiou boy. Par ticulars can be had by writing to the college. '. : ' . 'v The Board of Trustees of the Citv Schools' Tuesdav niirht adonted medical insDection for the system and de cided to employ a competent nurse, trained in tha tline, for the purpose. ' Supt. K. R. Curtis today stated that no one is being considered for the position yet, but It 'vi hop- ' ed to secure the nurse by the 13th of September, when the schbols will open for the fall. There are fewV nurses in this region, especially trained in school work, and other farts of the country may be looked to. , : - -;. The plan calls for a systematic inspection : of every hild The nurse will examine the eyes, rm, throat find ears of every pupil, and in fact, make a general 'erfamlrla tioit to discover any physical defect that may exist When ' trouble is located the nurse will call upon the parents 'of the pupil arjd notify theVn, advising them of the steps that should be taken immediately to offset the defect. ; f The physicians of the city will, be invited to give tjhe medical inspection plan, which is permanent, their symaa thetie coionerationj . " J '"J -' fr-,' VMedical inspection is in force in the schools of many of the more advanced communities in the country.- Its cast is insignificant compared with the beneficial, results. One- ' third of all the failures in schools are due to physical de fects, according to Supt.. Curtis. : t,-. : iWherf a trouble has been corrected in a child a careful record will be kept of his work," to ascertain? the increased eiHciency of the subject The parents will be kept inform-. , ed The work of the school nurse' will be in no small wisa pducationaL ' s ' ' T " The School Board, with their customary progreasive- less, put Kinston a step further ahead with, tma action. The community will be greatly indebted-to them after the benefits 'of the inspection system beeomr i apparent faal they will ere one school year hasi passed, say- f rienda of the project. Supt .Curtis favored the '."plain - Supt. Curtis, has been authorized t6 close a deal with . Densons Who haVe applied for the privilege of operating a lunch counter for school ctn'klren. The individuals, whose names will be announced later, have? agreed to su-, perVision by the school authorities and promised to sup-' ply meals during' the noon, recess period at nominal cost, tirobablv on the European plan, ' ' ' v v ' i'r LEAPING MEN OF THE STATE WILL ATTEND GREENSBORO DINNER Grttftvshttra. Auff. 23. Because of the splerkltd results following the diir- (rer served Jemtly by the State Normal .a'lfge and tHe Chamber of Com merce of Greinsboro last year,, lat which time 700 representative men" from all over the State were present to listen to a discussion jbf .quT?" ttofts .that vitally , affected the Wel fare5 of our people, the State Normal Coftefce and the Chamber of Com- iticfce have arranged to ' serve afloth-. er dinner bf the same character on the evening of September 7 and have de-,-ieia an annual event. ' The theme , of the approaching frnitely determined to make these din dinner is to be Conservation. Secre tary of War Baker is to be the prin cipal speaker. It is also expected that Governor Craig, Hon.- J. II. Small, Hon. Frank A. Linney, and Hon. T," W. Bickett will also be pres- erjt to Join in the discussion. week. - ; --'j-V." , !'. ' Planters , who have sold here dur irg the past three (days have been from" wide range of country, da a fact that number of tobacconists havq noted. ; This is taken to indicate that; although tho season has only fairly opened and the real big breaks won't occur for a fortnight or so yet, the market will draw from as. ' ex tended territory this falL1 A "Be Clad" Meeting at Christian Church Tonight, The topic for the prayermeeting in Gordon Street Christian church to night will be "Be Glad." The pastor wishes , every one who comes to .be glad while he is there and to keep glad.' He. hopes they will be so glad that they wifl remain; In A eocial way after the 'meeting. " '. ' HEAT RECORD IN CLEVELAND - Cleveland, O Aug. 21v The tem perature as recorded' by the govern ment kiosk in the public square reached ' 104 today, ; breaking ; the summer's heat record. Twelve heat victims died today. , (By the United Press) ; ' ALLIES USE WOMEN ? , ' IN DIPLOMATIC GAME. I- ," ' 1 iVrlin, Aug 21 The ' Russi ans lost 5.000 , (n killeol. Atone northeast of vSlani8laV''Dcteet "August 14 and 17, igalrtst' I Gtr- . man total of 0, say r the Ctrtogfce ' Gazette.' '' hettin 1 charges that bcautifol wemeii and great nihi ; of money afe being usee by the Alfierf at Bucharest lit the great .. dipkmatie battle' to hrirtg Rou- ; mania into the war to aM the Al lies.- ' 'r, ;t'? "i-,1 itai.iav r.i ...,. . . Rome, Ang." 21 Strong ene my positona in Tofan knd! Tra vananzes valleys have' been cap . tured by. the Italians in a esump ' tion of heavy fighting, it is said officially, - ' - - "; ' ''' A -'J .-re-'"' MTt-t -... .

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