Wednesday Evening, August 23, 1916 WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION ;-7vr , 5UNBIUM 15 CENTS One eent a word each tMer. tioot -nnlcM order Is aceompaa led with eash and laaertkaa arc to ba in conaeentlT Issues of the paper. RATES Consecutive Insertions , Only Waca Accompanied - : . ?..: By Caak THE KTNSTON FREE PRESS 1 laaertioa Ic a word t Insertions.,.. .... 2c a word I Insertions........ .Se a word 7 Insertions.'.'. .....4e a word 12 Insertion.......6 a 26 Insertions.. 12e a word Positively No Books Kept When These Bates Apply MISS SALLIE F. HAZELTQN, Reg istered Nurse, graduated in July, is now located at 119 East Gordon St. Teleohone 218. 8-15-tf 1 j BOARD AND ROOM Mrs. Chas. E. I KennedyV"Kkr and Independent. ( Formerly SB The Caswell ) 8-21-3t . M IT for Groceries call to see w. J. McCauley, the new Cash Store, N. HOUSE AND LOT for sale In La- ; .,...1 - s Kinabon. J. H. Mewborn, Kinston. 8-22,2t-Dly GOING ON IN OTHER TOWNS AND COUNTIES i OF EASFN CAROLINA - The Norfolk Southern is having sidetracks put down at Rhem and De Sruhl stations to take care of brick to be' used in construction of Craven county roads. , i Judge Lyon of Eliiabethtown. will preside over criminal court at New Bern beginning September 4. Ferdinand Fleming, colored, .; who struck a Syrian named Shacida on he head wtih a bottle at New Bern seme weeks ago, seriously , Injuring him, has been arrested at Washing ton. - ' ;' ' V : Samuel Griflln and Matthew Grif fin, colored boys, are In a New( Bern hospital receiving treatment for in juries received when a shed collapsed and fell on them. , Both are expected to recover. . Beaufort county has reserved booth at the State Fair for an ex- Ihibit of its products. , Biltmore Wheat Hearts. All grocers. (adv.) EXECUTORS' NOTICE. MR. yOBACCCi BUYER I have an 8-fiot Seamless Heavy Duck for wagon covers, if in need of any write Dempsey Bullock, Wilson, JN. t 8-16-7t-Dly'.', " '! FOR RENTi-The building on West Gordon street recently occupied by the Kinston. Garage. Apply R. B. Scott, or Floyd Wootea. 8-22-lt The undersigned having qualified is executors of the last will and tes tament of W. W. Lawrence, deceased, .his is to notify all persons having laims against the estate of said de ceased to exhibit them to C. P. An thony, Weldon, N. C, or Mrs. Sarah V". Riddick, Parmalee, N. C, on or before the 15th day of August, 1917, r this notice will be pleaded in bar f their recovery. All persons in- Icbted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 11th day of August, 1916. MRS. SARAH V. RIDDICK, C. P. ANTHONY, Executor of the .ast will and tes tament of W. W. Lawrence. 8-16-law-6wks. PAGE THREE points.' Train No. 139 Lut Goldsbors l$9 p. ss. for Raleigh, Dorhata and Makes connections at Greensboro foi n points north and east, and at Ashe rflla with Carolina Special for Cln A. 9 4WM emnau, tweago and all wasters points. Train No, 111 Leaves Goldsbors 10:35 P- - for Rstsifh, Durham and Greensboro HaniiUs Pullman aleei tnrough train for Atlanta and Ne Orleans, 'also makes connection f o isheville, Chattanooga, St Louis Memphis, Mlrminghsm and all wast irn points. irain No. 131 Leaves Goldsboro 5:00 p. m. for Rlleirh. Durham and Greensboro, making connection for Washington, BaJtiaore, Philadelphia, New York and points South and West J. 0. JONES, Traveling Passenger, i '',Tn" ' ' .TTft . GROCERY STORES FOB CALE Desiring to retire from business, I amnp'w offering to. sell Jiefore the busypSeason iny .two, . grocery stores,! of Deeds (of Lenoir county dn Book located in good business parts of the I at page 681, default having been SALE OF LAND BY MORTGAGER Under and by virtue of the power if sale contained in that certain mort gage made to the undersigned, W. H. McCotter by William Phillips and wife, Addie Phillips,' on October 23, 1912, which said mortgage appears of record In the office of the Register city. 4- Hardy SalL 7-21&SW-tf We have added to our line the we3v :ow . Carl Fisher ; Pianos GRAND UNO PLAYER PIW or line is complete ii every respect Before purcbasini , PIANO Call Phone 82W or a postal card will do. We now use a storage house Instead of a iforev FORREST - SMITH oiade in the payment of the indebted ness secured by said mortgage, now iue the undersigned, the undersign' d will on .- v'ij V,'-' - -ri -j . SATURDAY, SEPT. 2, 1916, ' at about 12:00 o'clock M offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash I the Courthouse door in Kinston, N, C, the following described tract of land, which is that land mentioned and described in said mortgage, to- wit: - - 'v. Beginning at Siddie Lane's corner nn the Kinston road, running south with her line to I. E. Jenkins' line, ind with his line to J. L. Tucker's line; then with his line ito the Kin jton road, and with said road to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less, and known as the Moses Spi vey home lot . This July 28, 1916. W. H. M'COTTER, J . Mortgagee. . 7n29-Sats till Aug 26-dly ( Operates 'Passenger Trains' from North Carolina into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. N. B. The following schedule fig. ures published as Information only and are not guaranteed. . TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON East Bount .J 11:21 p. m. "Niirht ExHress." Pull. man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West. Parlor Car Ser vice between New Bern and Nsr. folk. :50 a. m. Daily, for Beaufort, New Bern and Norfolk. 41 p. m. Daily for Beaufort and Oriental. West Bound 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 10:03 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 8:14 p. m. 'Daily for Goldsboro. t For further information or reserva tion of Pullman sleeping car space, oapply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kin ston, N. C E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manager, Norfolk. Va. H. S. LEARD, General Passenger Agt, Norfolk, Va. DOCTOR SAYS NUXATED IRON WILL ; INCREASE STRENGTH OF DELICATE PEOPLE 200 PER CENT IN TEN DAYS In many Instances Persons hsve suf; lered awiui Agony ror years doc toring for nervous weakness, atom ach, liver or kidney disease or some othqr ailmfrnt f hen their real trou ble was lack of iron in the blood How to telL ' ' ' DR. DANlW. PARROTT f DENTIST x - . Crowa and Bridge Wort a ; ' S pedatty - Ofl5ce over Cot- Mil! office CAROLINA RAILROAD TIME TABLE No. 1 FIRST-CLASS FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE. Southbound Northbound 332 - 833 A. M. , P. M. s 7:29..., Hines Junction .....a 6:05 7:06 Pools ... 5:20 s l:W. ..... JJawson . , a o:z s 6:47.. Glenfleld .......( 6:41 f 6:40..... Suggs Siding..... f 5:50 6:30 Lv.... Snow Hill... Ar. 6:00 EAST CAROLINA RWY. Imprsved Passenger Service of the East Carolina Railway, Effective Train 1, Motor Car. Leave Hook erton 7:10 a. m., Maury 7:20; Farm- October 20, 1912. ; villa 7:40 connecting with Norfolk Soisthern train1 No. 17, RaTeigh and train No. 12 to Washington. Leave Fountain 8:00 a. m., Macclesfield 8:20; Pinetops 8:30; arrive Tarboro 9:10; connecting with A. CJL train No. 90 for Norfolk. Train 4, Motor Car. Leave Tar boro after arrival of A. C. L. train 49 from Norfolk for Farmville. ar rive Farmville 2:00 p. m., connect ing with No. 50 for Maury and Hookerton. Train 3, Motor Car. Leave Farm ville 3:00 p. m., arrive Tarboro 4:20 connecting with A. C. L. train No. 64 for Plymouth and points in Eastern Carolina. Train 2, Motor Car. Leave Tar- We don't guarantee the operation of the motox cars, nor do we guarantee connecticas. t Train 61, Mixed. Leave Hooker ton 3:30 p. m., Maury 3:40, Farm ville 6:12, arrive Tarboro, 7:00 mak ing connection with A. C L. train 41 for points South. No baggage will be handled on mo tor cars except hand-bags. All bag gage will be checked and handled on trains 50 and 51. HOW OLD ARE YOU BY YOUR HAIR? You may be thirty in years, but If you are baldheaded or gray, people will surely take you to be many years older. Dandruff is the root of most hair AH trains governed by the Norfolk Jvfla. If tt were hot for the little de- K. 6EO. B. KOKNEGAY, f SPECIALIST la Diseases of Woven GhOiraa Office Hoars: 10 ta M ' ( baeai 117 Wast CaawaQ Btrsai I PHONE 111 I Southern rules while using the track from Kinston to Hines Junction and subject to the orders of its superin tendent ; ; - ,.- " ' WM. HAYES, Genl Supt, Kinston, N. C. a A JONES, - ' Freight & Passenger Agent, Snow Hill, N. C CLEAR SKIN COMES FROM WITHIN It is foolish to think you can gain a good dear complexion by the use of face powder." Get at the root of the trouble and thoroughly cleanse the ystem with a treatment of Dr. King's New Life Pills. Gentle and nold in action, do not gripe, yet they re 'ieve the, liver by their action on the bowels. .Good for young, adulte and ed. ' Go after a clear complexion today. i5taf your druggist. adv SOUTHERN RAILWAY Train Na. XI Lea res GoMsbora l:9Uara for BaMgh, Darhass, Greensboro, AsWviBa and Waynes riOa, Through ': train ' to Ashsvilla, handles chair ear "to WaynesviHa Greensboro. Handles free chair car from Raleigh to Atlanta, making eon osction for New Orleans, Texas, Cal ifornia and all western points; also connects at Greensboro with through trains for all vjrUwm and eastern struetive germs working with a per sistency worty of a better cause there would be but little happiness and less people prematurely gray. I Parisian Sage will help you to keep young looking and attractive. ' It is guaranteed by J. E. Hood and Co. to make hair grow and stop fail ing hair; to remove every bit of dan druff; to atop itching of the scalp air most instantly. ! ,.-' ' Parisian Sage is one of tha most invigorating, safeguarding, and pleas ant hair dressings made; it makes the hair - soft, luxuriant and hand-' some; it is especially praised by wo men .who have beautiful soft and lustrious hair. Parisian Sage is sold by druggists everywhere, and a large bottle never costs more than , 60 cents. Adv. , New York. N. Y. la a recent dis course Dr.f'E.' Sauer, a well known Specialist who has studied widely both in this country and Europe laid:. .."If you were to make an ac tual blood' test on air people who are ill yoo -'would, prpafctj Sesgreatlx,as- tonished at the exceedingly, targe num ber who lack iron and who are ill for no other reason than the lack or iron. The moment iron is supplied all their multitude ..ipangesous v symptoms daiappear. .Without iron the blood at once loses the power to change food into living tissue and therefore noth ing you at does you angod; you don't g.ettjth strength oiit-of It. Your food merely -passes through yiur sys tem like corn through a mill with the rollers o wide apart that the mill can't grind. As a result of this con tinuous blood and nerve starvation, people become generally weakened, nervous and all run down and fre- uently develop all sorts of conditions, One is too thin; another is burdened with unhealthy fat; some are so weak they can hairdly walk; some v think they have dyspepsia, kidney or liver trouble;' some can't sleep at - night, others are sleepy and tired all day, Some fussy and irritable; some skin ny and 'Woodless,' but all lack physi cal power and endurance. In such cases, it is worse than foolishness to take stimulating medicines or narcot ic drags, which only whip up your fagging vital powers for the mo ment, maybe at the expense of your life later on. No matter what any one tells you, if you are rot strong and well you owe it to yourself to make the following test See how long you can work or how far you can walk ' without becoming f tired. 1 ' Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three' times per day after meals for two weeks! Then te3t your strength again and see for yourself , how much you have gain ed. I have seen dozens of nervous run down people who were ailing all the time double, and even triple their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of their symptoms of dyspep sia, liver and other troubles in from 10"e14 days' time simply by tak Ing iron in the proper form, and this after they had In some cases been doc toring for months without obtaining any benefit. You can talk as you please about all the wonders wrought by new remedies, but when you come down to hard facts there is nothing like good pld iron to put color in your cheeks and good sound, healthy flesh on . your bones. It is also a great nerve and stomach strengthener and the best blood builder in the World, The only trouble was that the old forms of inorganic iron like tincture of iron, iron acetate, etc., often ruined people's teeth,' upset their stomachs and were not assimilated and for these reasons they frequently did more harm than good. But with the discovery of the newer forms of or ganic iron all this has been overcome. Nuxated iron for example, is pleasant to take, does not injure the teeth and s almost immediately beneficial. NOTE The manufacturers of Nux; tted Iron have such unbounded confi dence in its potency that they arize th announcement that they will forfeit $100.00 to any Charitable In. ititutlon if they cannot taka any man sr woman under sixty who lacks iron ind increase their strath 200 per ;ent. or over in fojr weekj' time, -rc vided they have no seriu organ c trouble. Alsd they will refund our money in any case in which Nux ited Iron does not at least double our strength in ten days' time. It s dispensed in this city by J. E Hood & Co. and all other druggists. adv.-. '" f k- ,We are offering all our r 7 m at nn ori mif nften .toia. CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON Excellent Assortment We handle the J. C. C. Brand of Cor sets, one of the best known lines on the market. The assortment includes all the latest midels. One of the Prettiest lines of Corsets made Fine material and wieh excellent fitting Guaranteed;- , : ; r ... I-.fH4W'v f 0 Only 31.00 f mM Included in this line are several modelsj smilar to high priced ones, the materials and workman.hip are fine. Only $1.50 NEW YORK CLOTHING CO; R8 Men Women and Children low shoes ; To go at Cost' and less than Cost, to make Room for Fall goods now Coming In. YOURS TO PLEASE . Mark Cummings MBBBBOBHDnHHBBBB if dm AN Idol Christian Home School, meparatonr and CMlegiate couims. Ait. Expression. Physical Culture, PedaDooy, Domestic Science Business, etc Con- j servatory of Music High standard mainuined by large staff of experienced. colleM ' trained instructors. Takes only boarders and teaches the Individual Unsur passed hearth record. Brick buildings. Steam heat. Electric lights. Excellent u . sjcoo viyroaasnrm. ranc-iiKe campus, concerts, lectures, tennis, basket. baiL Writ tot our catalog before selecting the college for your daughter. MISS MARY OWEN GRAHAM, President. RaleigrvN, C ! ras Cabins TM Data Ret Aftset His Hsse eraue of Ha tonic and laxatnw eSecf, LAX. TIVB 3RCMO OUININHis better than ordinary Qainine and does aot caase nerwosneaa met ringinf la head. Kemember the full name and look tut law aiacauars- 4 & W. CaO& Vfi- INSURANCE M ALL KINDS I - v C. OETTINGER. Manaser : nihston Insurance & Realty Co. Tc!c phono No 102 no EeConDoricT. Haying Tools V 1 " ' - .---i-af :.;' .,; 'If.w The wayte get fall valne for" your hay crop is to we Deering hay tools. Thousands of farmers can testify to the excellent results obtained from using Deering mowers, rakes, stackers and tedders. They are reliable machines, , and will do the same work for yon that they have done for -other farmers we have sold in your community. Come in and see us about a Deering machine next time you are la . town. You don't have to buy, but yon may learn some thing of value td you about raising hay. You can make our v store your headquarters when you are in town if yon de- ( . sire. Ask for a Deering catalogue which explains details , better than we can. ... . .v-v II. H. GRAINGER i : .. . . i ...... ...... Next Time Buy ol ffohte WHEN YOU BUY AT HOME: YOU SEE WHAT YOU BUY "BEFORE" YOU PAY OUT YOUR MONEY. YOU ARE SURE OF GETTING KNOWN 'RELIABLE BRANDS OF GOODS. . , YON HAVE NO "FREIGHT" TO PAY. AND WE ARE HERE 365 DAYS OUT OF THE YEAR TO "MAKE GOOD" ON WHAT WE SAY AND SELL BUY AT HOME BUY ONLY BECAUSEiYOU CAN BUY FOR LESS. D. V. DIXON SON FIRST NATIONAL BAIIK OF RIIISTOII Capital and Surplus $160,000 Congratulates it's farmer friends on the prevailing prices of Tobacco N. J. ROUSE. PrealdeBt DR. EENRT TULU Tlea-Praat , D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier 't J. 3. BIZZELU Aast CaaUaf fti.V-s T. W. EEATH, Teller W. L. Kaaaaly Dr. Henry Tall J. H. Caaatty J. F. TayloaT n. U. UeCey S SECTORS . 8. H. Islar ; N. J.Roasa ;-' . ' C. Felix Earrcy DstuI Oettiaxar : IL E. Ilaseley J-VMI dim ... 1-0 V ..'1 tiling 11! M-ISV

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