IV mm C.l..i,r0ll's NOVELTY. STRIPE mmm r'O'lTHE BATH fcr-T- -i i Ii EdQ4I INTEREST i 'I it f n4 i k I 1 1' 8i I , AST1ILES0AP Al Catula Iriao C8r alike, "kad tmfch thkt ih kdld tdmains, Cocoanm, Cotton seed, awT ether Oils. -We gUlrthrte our , Caltile anfcp to 'be purely made with Olive Inly 'Try ststeiUtilHtmhbW WtfLVid clean it leaves the kin. Especially godtl (or babies, h tbiti ho mere' than cheap grade. 5 aid 10 -teat per cake. 4,f-inH,i ' . i ift.iim,, i II,,. LtNOll DRUG, C0:!PANY Oft Tna Sahara "" Pbe M4 ii ff " ft i mi r r Famous &arr Granite. Also all. other, Monumental Granftes and have a splendid collection of Polished, Ham mered nd Rustic designs. Give ttte an opportunity to snow yon., m r i MNMMME IMS B. H. DALE. K1NSTON Pi. fc. 4Ui PLANT PECANS - Until my awn aursety itock Is large vnoegtrle -put tm the markrt I will twit from tins targrsi' and fmt Ttdn nurseries In Gcrgia, til the beat Pecan 'trfcft lr.- The stock is sold US the an gaarante I guarantee to par ehaatre.7 Am ready It all i tlmci to give expert advice to all who are in (crested la Peean'j whether they buy from me or not I Kinston, II. O. HYATT N. C C C BAtPt3t DENTIST Office Over FoatoAaa, Arcived Today. ; '" i . i. Neat, New and , Snappy Patterns 3 ta 14 Yeaij j SO and QOc: m TteTe!8 Store &Iarr)age JJcrnae. . r - 'Tom Kocftu rhl May Heath, Whit eouple of Kiriston. GstCWcasiirci Toia) . FBr Your Fair Suit aS'- ' it 6. J.CDAIL&C )?..oiim !2wardlLL Ktnaton, N. a GoUabori, N. C HOUSE & LAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Klaatoa, N. C Goldaboro, N. C. 19-894 Bordea BulUlag 't Arrested for -Ahandonment ' LtrtfceV DaujheQreotorW.Wa ar tested 1y Patfxilman John McDust- trelllaU Wednesday. r in f ..;, tVy Wdft(a rWay. " Atnmber bl Sdiifth Klntitott women charged with rafrancy will be Irted before " tho Recorder Friday. ' TheJr aei.lrereV postponed from -today. Sraday School Pienie. There will be a Sondsy school pie hie at Pleasant Itill Sunday school, in Jones county, on Saturday, September t. A speaker will be on hand. Cool rink wfll "b sortWd. ' Tho fnrblic invited. ' Basket to lolJcited. Aaroat Weather. The maxim am . tieinperature tiene Wednesday" afternoon -was 95. Km itonlftns fiad nothing to kkk about, however, for oh Monday tho heal gisfered 104 In aeveland, O.'Nirietyl seven ts the hottest this section ban eltpertenced. Candidateft Meet Saturday. V ' The Democratic County candidates md EJcnHte Committee, aftveral weeks ago called to Wert t the vourthouse here on the (morning of Saturday, August 26, are expected to turn out in Tull f ore for th oession Plans tor tte campaign to be form ally inaugurated next month will be discussed and probably passed upon, MIS SPACE IBSSSSSSar Gelongo To ttetnrnt' Frrfrh tdhr Trip. Mr. Ted 'Wsyher is back from visit in the West. Ho "took in" Loo Angeles, the Grand Canyon, the ItoosexWt deThv now gnrdea by ol- alBrs, tad practically an the other points of interest In a number of the States. Ho opent week wtth fcis brothKr-m-la1,' Rev. Jicfc Itoimtroe, ana trister, wnb before tier maMaee to Rev. Mr. Rbuntree, was Miss Ma rie WeyheK They oro now residing at Temps, Art., where Mr. Rourrtree hs k pastorate '1 W the OltHain church. Th towns liii the Irrlgktbd sectibns of the Southwest, Mr. Wey her ' wtates, ye try ell kept nd ttra"ctJv places. ' tie Saw many art atari eh 'route U the Iwrder. Tempe, Where the Rountrees livo, hits about 1,600 eWtantt tn vsanmerland iw , eral hundred mora in winter; it is the J fteat of large normal school, : Mr. Rountre,'-iho resided hero until a few years go, is known to thousands in Kins ton and the surrounding1 conn' try. He now weighs 175 pounds, Mr. Werner "states, against a scanty 120 or such " Inatetr when he left bere, fact; And fiction Falcon is llttlo place without railroad Station, short distance from1 Godwfn, Wd comparatively few peo ple in -the Stat know of it or the an nual 'camp-meeting hold there- which is making the hamlet famous in the North and West. Falcon is the, seat of an institute or embryo college 'of the Pentecostal Holiness church. Da ring the past two weeks it has been the scene of the biggest religious gathering bold in Eastern Carolina in many year. .One estimate placed the number of people in attendance at 12,000. It Was interdenomination al in spirit nd we of the preacher was a member 6f another denomina tion, but tho Holiness people were greatly in the majority and furnished most of the pulpiteers. The denom ination is comparatively in its infan cy, the present organization having been perfected only about sixteen fears ago, but now has Trnssionavies in practically evtry foreign flold and growing membership in the South and on the Pacific Coast " , "Rev." A. . Butler df Kintrton has Just returned frott) Falcon and tells of the great campmectlng. Many States and Canada were represented hy he eonjrregations camping around the institute buildings. While testi- fcwnials wens being given he m6m- Ing Mr. Butler was impressed with the number of nationalities among those testifying. ? A Chinesea Ger fhan,. a Rtnaian and n American iptfke in that order. The Pentecostal people Jiarpdsely selected a place away from a railroad for their insti tute and camp-meeting place, be cause the j?rt "crowds that tfcrotig to it bhee fevery year can Ijl kept un er better cdhtrol In a quiet, secSud ed spot, and the atudents can be bet ter disciplined during the scholastic year. ' - SILKS h (Rose, BIiie, ind Green. PLAID" S, Black and. White. FOR "CHIG bV Hi i' The 0i8 Pries CErri All Butfiliier Goods v-siiiifn - arsei m 0 And LSw Slioe AT 'vw.-5 i ji)i . s . ,MP.. ... ' .... '. . , , - ? OaiTGit & i r'TiTrt'irtitr ruati mmr afaal n rrlGERATORS" WILL BE .10. PER CENT HIGHER IN Met WEXT SEASON. All that we have left now will be Sold ' at ' v ,'. Substantial Reductions From this 5ea$oiVs.Prices. It will pay you.to buy how if you are going to J need a new refrigerator next season. SubscHbo 4 the r Vres. t i. i ... HOW ENGLAND SAVED THE .AMERICM COTTON CROP FROILOKASTER: UNITED SKIB..C0VIRM1ENT, ON to the plan; British aid not necessary, believt) J. STEPIBJSOlJl "TIi6 Ladies' Store" i Secure Snbwing A New Shipment of ICMONM ' Some Very Striking Styles SffiOURWlNTJOWS - - 7. 17- oivodrh Co. .London, Aug. S.ty Mall) That fhe British jrovemment decided 'not to let American eofcton "td 1:6 below' 8 1-8 nts a i6trnd io plantsrtj.thut ft prepared to1 pbhd 250 mflHon to prevent a possible cotton panic hi Anroriea' and that it sent agntJ to fhe United States to buy cotton- in Wllmltcd ifjuantWes tb keep the pVice normal; and also that tbese agents are atiH in th United Statoff are facts given to the United Press to day. - . ;...'. W The British government, when it, decidl in 1915 to "make cotton con-j traband, reatbtwi that It might cause i arrii In tM' United Stat. Fell Rose, who directed the British plan to prevent this, told today how he did tt ' "We had to declare cotton contra band, said he, "but we wanted to protect tho cotton planters. We knew tJie speculators would make' ca pital tjf the order In council 'and dive cotton prices to ruinous depths.: "So the British -government docid ed to go Into the market as a 'buyer. rboked over tha market and ddcid- ed we eWuld be ready to buy 5 tell hon fcaless and we had to have 250 million dollars at eufdtsposal con J "We' thought the planter ahould'not get less thin 81-2 cents, so wo kentl agents to the United States withtm- hmited authority to tuy. That was m Jaly W15. We told the Airrert tan government 6f our plan. ' On "Au gust ft th klha; signed the order m council, doclarint; cotton contra- band. " s 1 . - No tnwfe foHdwed. What wt done was not generally known Wi the atrength of cotton in the open market must nave been a mystery 1) the speculators. In the first week cot ton went p a cent Within a month it was up S 1-2 cent. So the plant ers received $00,000,000 mora for the erop that year than they would hare rtrtlved in normal time." . ls th TrtLh government ready to follow witn i3ie same action for tJie im trap T" was asked.. "ft foois as ff th4 lSlfi crop would J oe aWo to sell Itself without British' aid," eaid Rose. Rose, an ErngEah maft, has been in fhe totton basiness all kis life. He added in conclusion that every bale cotton that nas been seised by ttia British' ihas been paid for and ft fcrrrpDet Itas lost mon-; ey except possibly on cotton for which ne would hve IfeceivcA an ex orbitant profit If ne had gotten it to Germany "instead f its" being seized by the Brittsh. Every bale Keiied, "he said, had been otd to plnm in tenland and hot single bale re mains in storage. i ,, K.K n wi, mi i i .t, (V 1.1 ... j. r i. HANDICAP TO BE SIIOT AT ST- LOUIS TODAY St. Louis, Aug. Tlia Grand Am erican Handicap, the feature event of the Ihternattonai trwp-snoetmg con tests being neld on the publk trap shooting grounds here, will be, shot off today. State champions from vir tually every Sbata re tenterednfor the Iveht, whicb 'will bjVUtj aix teentlj in the fcistory'of e associa tion. Tomorrow the consolation han- dicap will be ahot. No contestant vr bss won the 'Grand. American handicap twice in succession. QETTINGE AUTOMATIC RCFlllClERATORS ir nun nr. iir ipia, un t in HRST NAT H OLYMPIAN a lzr N. Queen Street tilcfe cnaies ttmde ntour tjwb Sanitary cahay utch ett. M tSBhtTall navon to order. tttttu rnuits k COLD DRINKS We Make our' ice cream. Pure and - delicious, ' 35 cents40Rirt delivered. PHtlNE 350 Kinstoa's Only Candy Store was- ; lOflAL ISIOII Capital ftnd Sorplas $160,000 if Congratulatea its ;fartiier ff tends on the jtteWrilinfc prices of Tebattb 0. t. WOOTEN, Caihlw DR. HENRT TULI , Tka-Preat. J. 1 BCSZELL, Asst. Cashier T. W. HSAtH, teDat W.t.Kea7 Dr. HenryiTaB i. H. thitay j r-' rr,i itixm Vi is iasi iiia DIRECTORS a 'klRoiBW C FeBx Harvay DafMOetfiakar , 1 ITM tA. CAHfAL. "ft $100,000.00 .rf.and-rl;. SURPLUS of $95000.00 to extend aid to deposi tors tor any legitimate Hew aceoonto, large m vmtll are desired, and a perfect service is as- sifred. " '. - 1 1 . HAV YOU A BANKING IT A iMMviml ia-Tiiiiinr fit nui a7Br W ' 1 I if. -I- A W Mttfl ChrWtal Www School Praptratwy anil Colteofate eomses." Ait StwatorVof Mle. High rtlndard maintained h. ar itaff f ..nSv 640. Wrile fot our citaloi before selecting the coHege (or your daugh ter! MM MARY OWEfi GRAHAM, Pretident RalJh,W. C JOHNSTON MOWER Some ot its good Points tiE::a aW i a Irtifafcf t. DR. AS. W. OWEI , - oentisi;. , .. SawMMonrtsav V ' Crowa and Bridg Wf& First Natlairikindg. Pbbtta 595. a ARRnW 13 i ? IT Y rv ..... f . ........ .. . ' . ... 'Steel- dust-proof roller bearings are used in the axle and bevel gear shaft These insure easy running ; .The large gear and a small pinion are set back of the SS2d?2 SZ$- ?hi-elde4 SSa "Ihe crank shaft of sneoial Rtpoi t' -i puoitiuji lumci me main axie flnn yotiT,. :i at. i ine cutter bar is stprf anri mrtrti, . j " r? pe et.ard3.ape fitted with ienJ SS iSush bar n . one piece and is adjustable. SoW ! . tu. jiubCLEY HARDWARE COMPNY Dr. Albert D. Parrot 'Phytian and Surgeon . Ktniston, N. Xl . , Office Saci ofHooft 'Drug Store OR. O.C. WH50N, DEWttST-f Uaea Over J. Hood ft Crt Stan" Z. V. MCSELEY, BL D. PTtTSTCijUr aal gTJZfSOlf Back of Lenoir Drug Oompaay Aanea Oac 478; Saatdeaea JU i m i . dr. f. Frrrs f - flareoDath. ' i Upstairs; Kext Door Old Postafflee EXAMINATION FRER Phones: OSce-0. Rae-2J

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