TUB DAILY The Horn Papr (Tdy'i Ncwi Tody 1 1 VOL. XVIII. No. 63 SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1916 SIX PAGES TODAY PRICK TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS Crisis in Stride Situation ! Today; COWPER IN DENIAL START DESMTIC CAMPAIGN OFF NEXT SUVS RESUME THE ADVANCE WESTWARD AFTER WEEK'S LlIU- --FKI1 AIR FLEET DOMINATES THE ENTIRE BATTII FfM (by the United Press) Paris, 'Aug. 26. -A German attack in the Champagne OF JURY'S CHARGES Little Livelihood IN SUPERIOR CflURT FRIDAY WITH RALLY flifoidmu Breali ! MOTHERHOOD MEN AND PREPARE TO LEAVE THE CAPJT'L CUV LAST THREADS SEEM Railway Presidents Submit Substitute Proposal to Wil son and Union J I cads Demand Investigation of the I Eight:IIour Day and Verdict of Impartial Board Hold Out Obstinately fpr Arbitration Men Will Walk Out Before They Will Accede, Strongly Intimated Compa nies Have Prepared for Operation In That Event,- Re ported Washington's Aspect of the Controversy To day a Gloomy One. ...... ' (By the United Washington, Aug. 26. suddenness the crisis came .prevent the railroad strike, A break now seems certain. f, The executives ignored the President's peace proposal and submitted a substitute proposition which it is believ CfJ tihe brotherhoods will reject. It provides that the 8 iyiur day must be investigated before it is tried, and says tjhat wages and overtime are collateral issues manifestly a'rbjtratable, and that an impartial board should decide if the roairls should abide by the President's decision. The rpads request no increased rate. v. The brotherhoods today indicated strongly that they wli npt accept such a j)an, The general impression is that the last thread has been cut. The roads have pre pared plans for operation in the event of a strike. The brotherhood men paid their hotel bills today preparatory to, leaving town tonight. PGRESS;TOflT WEEK WHETH'R R NO, (By the United Pms) ' Washington Aug. 25. Congress is getting ready ,to adjourn next Fri day if possible, 'ignoring all threats ojf members to press special billa for consideration over protests of admin istration leaders. . U is expected that a joint resolu tion to provide for adjournment Fri day evening will be submitted to both houses next week, as soon as the gen eral deficiency appropriation bill has passed the House, probably on Tues day. - WING ON JS OTHER - V CAROLINA TOWNS i ' The second annual' communication of the Fifth Masonic district was held at Bethel Thursday, .with an attendance of eevernl hundred. The lodges in Pitt county comprise .the district. The lodge was opened by Jlcputy Grand Master, John II. Cheek and addresses were made by M. K. Blount of Bethel, E. T. Phillips ot Ayden, m Grand JUfturer J . A: Rowell.,' J. R.McMulIan of Hertford has Morton a TrytoP'orcQ ? Bayly Take Rich Wife 4 - (By the United Press.- Warrenton. Va.. Auij. 26.-If only the crround of de sertion is usqd, on which ground he says "they have every I reaspn ior a. divorce,' ' KQger myiv, me pxpminent vir- f inia horseman jvhose romantic elopement with JTelqii Iprton,' the Chicago heiress, in 1914, caused a sensation in, society circles, will not protest a divorce suit brought by the Morton family. Bayly today made this statement at the Warrenton horse show. - : p " : ; : . , Mrs.-Bavly, heiress of the Mark Morton millions and niece of the late Paul Morton, secretary of the navy in Rnnspvplt's cabinet was adiudered insane at her husband's request by a jury of physicians, shortly after their, mar-j riage in July, 19i4. Bayly declared the present suit is an , euort to nnng me iwo logtanei k"1 be" said Bayly. . .. .. . ;) PAY BILLS IN HOTELS TO HAVE BEEN CUT Press) With dramatic and sinister today in the negotiations to AUGUST TERM COURT ' CLOSED UP FRIDAY Fine Progress In Five Day-More. Than Five Years In Road Senten-' ccs and Two Years in Penitentiary I Awards "Tomato Wine CaBe" Was a Waterhaul for State After having cleared off nearly thrce-seore cases in five days, impos ing roads sentences totalling more than CO months and penitentiary sen tences totalling 24. months, Superior Court fqr the August criminal term adjourned Friday evening. T Friday afternoon Thad. Tyndall, a merchant charged with selling toma to wine, a beverage alleged to be diy faxicating, was discharged by Judge Devin, who, did not consider the, evi dence important enough to let . the case go to the jury. Judgments were parsed as follow: Augustus Washing top, larceny, 18 months. Howry Fields, iff ray with deadly weapon,; twelve months. ' Aaron Fields, a. with d. w., $25 and costs. William Dove, a. with d. ,w. six months George Cavanaugh, retailing, six months. Pete Lassiter, retailing, not guilty. William Sum roll, having liquor for sale, twelve months. 1 been nahied cashier of the Bank of Beaufprt to succeed Thomas Thomas, who resigned several weeks ago af ter discovery of a shortage of some thousands of dollars in his accounts. ' Crops in Hyde county are reported to be tne best ever. . This Can never GA. NATIONAL GUARD CAPTAIN KILLED AT HIS TENT BY WOMAN Murderess Declared He Had Broken Up Her Home; May Be Unbalanced SPKATUNG WAS POPULAR Fellow Officers of Captain Think Mrs.-Adams Crazy Victim Was Sanity Ex pert and Had Treated Her, Said (By the United Press) Macan, Ga., Aug. ,2Q. "God knows she was justified in killing Spratling," S. C. Adams, whose wife killed Capt. SpraUing, raid todajy but Mrs. 51aud JVJonk, a trained nurse, another woman in the case, charged that t,hc killing was an act of jealousy.. Admit ting friendly relations with Dr. Spratling for fopr years, Mrs. Monk says Spratling had shown her letters from Mrs. Adams say ing that if Dr. Spratling did not bring her to Atlanta and put her up in an apartment she would put out his light." Macon, Ga., Aug. 2C Whether ox not Mrs. II . C. Adams, wife of an Atlanta laundry worker who shot and KI"l Wc- gar J. Editing, com- wander ct a company of Georgia ml- litia- is 8am!. was the question most discussed at .the mobilization camp here today. - After shooting Spratling iwice with a small caliber revolver, in front of his tent, she cried: "You have ruined my home." It is said sh.e had con fessed improper relations with Sprat ling .to her husband, and declared that Spratling, who was a sanity expert, treated her for nervous breakdown. Then, she said, the improper relations began. Officers at the camp doubt her sto ry. They think she is mentally up set. Spratling was .married and one of the camp's most popular officers. The body was taken to Atlanta. Earlier Report of the Tragedy. . Macon, Ga., Aug, fes.Capt, Ed gar J. Spratling, of F Company, Fifth Regiment National Guards 'of Georgia, was shot and kiljed in his tent at the State mobilization camp near here today by Mrs. II. C. Ad ams, an Atlanta woman, who, accord ing to officers at the camp, accused Capt. Spratling of having wronged her. 1 At the E'ibb county jail tonight, Mrs. Adams asserted that Captain Spratling, who was a physician,' bad caused her - to shoot him by . atten tions, paid to tier while she was in his office in Atlanta for treatment be fore the Georgia troops were mobil ized. Tho woman, according to Lieuten ant Sqmuel A. Kysor of Company F, who seized her a moment later, cried out as she fired, "you have ruined my home." Mro. Adams' husband is em ployed at a laundry in Atlanta, ac cording to information received here. CETS SEVEN THOUSAND FOR "A RECORD FLIGHT ; Newport News, Va, Aur. 25. Vic tor Carlstrom, flying a Curtis J. N. twin motor combination land and waf er machine here today, set a world's record for ' distance ; in one day earring one passenger. II made C61 miles in eight hours and forty minute head of the a Captain Baldwin, Atlantic Coast Aeronau- tic' station, states that Carlstrom iil receivs $7,000 lor bta flight. v County Attorney Alleges Politics Was Brought n M Body's Work DEFe,?DS -COMMISSIONERS Administration Stands Will ing for Probe, But Does : No.t . Want "Farce," De clares to Court"Could Have Had the Facts" County Attorney G. V. Cowper late Friday made a statement in Superior Count defending the Board of Coun ty Commissioners against the charges made 'by the Grand Jury in its report earlier in the week. The attorney in timated the injection of politics into i!be Grand Jury's deliberations, a,nd declared that had the jury thought there was foundation for the charges t was its sworn duty to fcrmg indict ments, but of swh action there wa not even a hint in the report.- 4 Referring to the suggestion of the "improper expenditure of money," At torney Cowper sa'd that ns a matter of- faot, of the total amount of "about ?40,000," alleged by the jury to have been spent slice ; January, "which they treat ks Y expemle.l on the roads," $12 J)0ft, to -1.1,000 went into the Caswclf. street bridge, while $15,000 was use! to take up past in debtedness of ft I county. There is a record of every cent wed n the Reg ister of Deads' office,' hi stated, and the Register either actually exhibited to the jury or offered b show to it the records of -expenditures, As a matter of fact, the whole crit icism was exactly the same contcn tiwi as was made in the campaign be fore the primaries, in which ithe pres ent county administration was up held, the County Attorney charged. Startling Business, Says. 1 "Most startling and remarkable" he said, is the fact that the Grand Jury makes accusations and then proposes to name the whole commis sion for a probe-vwell-known, nearly all of them., to have expressed them selves as opposed to the Board of Commissioners. The Hoard of Commissioners, the court was told, urgently invites an investigation, but wants it to be somothink more than a political farce." The commissioners aire per fectly willing for ithe presiding or resident judge to name the commis sion for the purpose, and "if this thing continues will demand it." . Mincher's Place to the Personnel. As to the statement of belief that E. W. Minchen, former convict guard several times under fira for alleged mistreatment i of- prisoners, Is still walking boss" at the convict camp, expressed by the jury, Attorney Cow per said: "That simply is not a fact." Mincher has had no actual connection wM.li or authority over convicts since convicted for whipping A prisoner at spring session of court, ho stated. Mincher has, however, been employed either regularly . or from time to time by the commissioners for the laying out of roads,, because of - his "special and expert knowledge in that Vine." Commenting on the alleged dis courteous . reception accorded the Grand Jury by the men in charge at the convict camp, Attorney Cowper said the commissioners do not know from the report what occurred and the report doesn't specify. Should, as would be proper, the facts be laid be fore the Board of ; Commissioners, they would be heard " and the board would be glad to act upon them. Vagne Insinuations." s "The truth is that the report con sists of vague and broadside insinua tions about matters 'every one of which was susceptible of definite and specific information,", the , attorney charged. "The report on its face showed that a real investigation had not been made,' because as to every matter of yhich there was criticism. Spellbinders to Hold Forth at LaGrange; to Be ' County Affair Wilt TALK OVER ISSUES Candidates and Executive Committee Meet Today- Regular Canvass of the Townships Won't Be Un til October, Decided The Democratic campaign in the county w;ill be sitarted off with a lively raHy in LaGiwgo ext Frkiiy night. The "county canvass" prop er, bowever. will not b eommonced until October. This was decided upon at h largely attended joint meeting of the county candidates and Executive Committee in the Coujrthouso Uii forenoon. At the LaGrang8 meeting Chairman , V. Cowper, as National Elector, G will speak on National issues; State Senatorial Nominee W. D. Pollock, on State issues and Assembly Nomi nee H, W. JBrothars and other candi dates on county politics. The ad dresses will be short, sharp and spicy, and Democrats from all parts of the county a-e urged - by the Executive Ccuunl&ce to attend. The canvass will bo featured by the usual township Tallies, with a barbe cue M each and every place &i)d the usual parading of the select who want to be the elect. , ' "Things are lovely," tho candidates said, but they will nevertheless not do anything by halves. ' $"he campstlgn is to be conducted just as if the "en emy" wasn't something like "800 or thousand" behind. Funds ar-e 'discussed. "Evory Democrat's conJriimt'mn ia wantl'd," said Chai'rmaa Cowper af Ur the moot ing. "It is not a .matter of need, but we want 1 hands to ishow their spirit. We-bopa tp get tho last man intererited to. the extent of just what he feels like giving," WOLK, WIlAf PTfE MEAN BY TREATING -US IN THIS II UNER Mr. T. W Mewborn will suggest to the Chamber at Commerce that that body call to the attenltion of tho Nor folk Southern Railroad officials that when ftxairw ere annuunced in the Norfolk itecminal station, there is nev er a word aul aoout MnsKn. it is on incongruity, Mr. Mewborn states, that when the announcer calls out, Train for Ednnton, New Bern, Golds- boro," bo doesn't say a word about the inost important town of tho lot." That thing "gets tie goat" of a pa triotic Kinstonian who happens to no tice it. ' . ...' Alsto Mr. Mewborn noted on a rccsnt visit to the Tidewater metropo- is, the hotels in -their train lists omit Kinston. That's another inconsis tency, for'Kinsiton is now in the pub lic eye. : It's getting to be a more important place every day, and practi cally every commercial traveller mak- ng Eait Carolina now considers this ono of the big places on his itiner ary. Mr. Mewoorn wm asx ine chnm?er to courteously renuest , a new leaf of the hotel men. the jury could have offered definite facts .upon whica the public could have formed ka opinion.' - Judge Devin, presiding, told the County Attorney that lie thought it was the part of wisdom to make the statement in open court, and said he would take no action upon the report, but bave It filed for reference by the succeeding grand jury, for sji inves tigation should & see fit. The'Irst request that tlis state ment be made," Attorney Cowper said today,' "was from disinterested per sons, among them "soma of the best citizens of the county.", was the climax last night to the Teutons' viplent lighting on that front for several weeks. Following- an intense bombardment, the Teutons attacked in force south of Ta hure, but were checked by French fire and grenade coun- region of Tb'aumont and Fleury were checked. " . , AMAivinftH flirt Mtfiirfc fAnf German planes were downed as well as three captive bal loons. v , - ' Russian Advance Resumed. Petiwrad. Aue. 26.-r-The Russians have resumed their advance in the reiriori of stanislau after a week's lull, cap turing the village of Guatare ahd reaching tho sources of Bistritsa and Nadorna rivers, it is said officially. In the Caucasus the advance continues, past the cap tured town of Mush. Remnants of the Fourth Turkish ajvision are being pursued. , - , ; Bulletins .-'. . m,- m (By the United press) . AVSTtUNS CONSERVE MEAT. . Vienna, A"Jf- 20. Citizens of Austria-Hungary have been for bidden in a royal .decree to eat meat on mpre than Ave days a : week. COUNCIL WOULD NOT ALP PAVING CG'Y RHA!P;S05iN The Weal -Construction - Company, doing the f 125,000 or $450,000 worth of pavjnaf icre, Friday night asked City Council at ft special session for its It) per cent, retainer on wok com pleted. .The city, indebted to the company in the sum around $."0,000, declined, on the ground that the'spee- fications say the retainer, which is deducted from every monthly ' pay-1 ment, shall not be pid until the entire wok has-been completed apd formal ly accepted. ' Tho city, the company was yifprmcd, is living up to the specifications to the letter. The coun il did, however, , very 'courteously agrc to, advance ipiu,uuu oi wo Au gust assessment, due on September' 1st. Council ordered a water main In stalled on East Vornon avenue for fire protection of property lying near the A. C. L, yard. DAJPLS DEVOTES TIME TO ANSWERING GARDNER Milliridg?, Me., Aug. 215. -Secretary of the Navy Daniels delivered here tonight the first of a serieg of speech es he will make in the State during the next iew days which mark his en try into itye campaign for tho re-election of President Wilson. While he touched on other topics to some extent Mr, Daniels' devoted himself partic ularly to answering charges made by A... P. Cardner, of Massachusotts, who has leen the Secretary's chief critic in Congress. . - Terrible Logo of bifQ in Battle For fJeiy Yorti ic ' r -r. of Stage-Acting Zincl (By the United Press) Washington, Aug. 26.-i-A great naval battle has been raging off New York harbor for six hours. The main ; battle fleet under Admiral Helm, defending the coast, en gaged the attacking fleet under Admiral Mayo, early to day at the entrance to New York harbor. ; ; Helmn's fleet opened fire with 12-inch guns. Eight war vessels already have been sunk. It is believed the enemy ships destroyed were sunk by torpedoes from destroyers of the defending fleet. The "sunken", ships, under tho rules of the game, put into port. Large bodies of theoretical wounded are being rushed to the marine hospitals. . The hospital wards of the ship3 are filling up. If the assumption that the ships were tcr pe doed is correct, officers here foresee a great loss of life, EPSTEIN CASE HOT WITH JURY 4EF0RE NIOHT,irSTI!0'GIIT vm x 1 ' ' 1 (Special to The Free Press) . Coldsboro, Aug. 26. With two ' ' addresses and a portion of anoth er to bt Ijeard in css of Hy mon Kpstein, charged with the murder of l1epna,rl Edwarda, there seemed, k, at 3 o'clock snb . ' cbnnce that the jury ftHl4 get the case before niaUt, j(obably not Until ailcr suppier. ' . - - Argument' was commenced yes terday af ternnon in the case, in , which young "Epstein, member r of a leading family, is accused of the kiljips of a youth equally promjnenf ai)d the brqthejr of EJp , stein's fiancee. , 1 cppn mm M SEVEN TO AT f H ORLEANS ON FRIDAY .L ' ' 1 II 'IV r. k " , i -1 I"!" ' New Orleans, Ia., Aug. .A iien sfttionul buying mayejpnt today jent the local cotton jnarket ,o .e high est prices in seven yearse, a of almost $3.50 a bale oyer yeoterdayVt closing 'prices, and esaitblished a new5 high record for October. " The levels reached today were the highest for ihe time of year since. the establish ment of the future market. , ' Early' in the afternoon 4iuri was period of the (heAvst jhuyuig ln yeaxs, which throw Ue ing irp. ,wii excitement and sent prices 2 i 63 ponits above yesterday's close. Octc tier sold at 15.52, which bi;oke all for mer records, and March reached J 3.90. Thij was the highest of tho day. Archbishop Spalding Succumbs To Shprt Illness. , v Peoria, Ills., Aug. 26. Archbishop John Lancaster Spalding, who has bn in failing health lot the ; last two weeks, died here Friday afternoon.

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