LI ill? : .3 i 1 it "i Ml PAGE TWO TIIE KINSTON FREE PRESS Wednesday Evening, Augustjpig' THE DAILY FREE PRESS ! , ' (United PreM Telegraphic Reports) H. Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager for their share of attention from those upon whom the responsibility for construction and maintenance of road devolve. For instance, we are informed, by those who have occasion to travel thaT way, that the snain highway leading by Edwards' bridge toward the Pitt county line, - jg sadly in need of repair, and that many of the automo- rnhllahed Every Day Exceot Sunday by the Kinston Free bmst trav(lin toward Greenville and other Pitt county w ; . hn Co.. Inc. h.inui, t. ,. ,; I, i " " platua have to take an entirely different route from what Subscription Rate sPaj able la Advance: they would if thli particular highway was cared for. It CttsVWsek $ .10 Three Um'.f.i 1.00 , himh to leason that the" revere is the case, and that t-' iiunu i & .1 u A-J , ,, ' One Year W)U tobac?o j.-ower, wno would perhaps come to Kinston, if " 1 ' ; the way was open, now are forced to sro to other markets, AilVrrU ml fcU7 py.nwun.g a. .Hi........ ........ .ui w. ' -, .... ,, acond-cass matter uiw.r act Communications received and not -,iuMihd will not .e returned unless stamp:; to over poatngo accompany same. f Cor.grfM, March Z. 18TI. . 1 ne muln ""urnwaya mose wnicn would afford the greatest numler of people opportunity to travel this way are the ones that should have first consideration, and i! Kinston comes into itj own as a tobacco market anil a.;- KEW yotlK OFFICE 32 Park Row. Mr. Ralph It. rends to the top of the ladder, where she rightfully be- Muttifrm;, in sole charge of Eastern Department, of Free Tress can be seen. Files ' longs, good roads must of necessity ibe provided. WESTERN OFFICE In charge of, C. J. Anderson, M.trquette "Building, Chicugo, whero liics of The Free Pr9s can be seen. WEDNESDAY EVENINC, Vl .'il ST .10, 1916 It is to ho ohervcl that !.: Rome all rejoice at the aeti!i f i I lov IVtnjrral and in casting her crmpnny. PRESIDENT WILSON RECOMMENDATIONS. Whether the recommendations of President Wilson, made to Congress in his special message Tuesday, regard ing the disputes between' the railroad managers and cer tain of their employes and pertaining to like disputes ir the future, are enacted into law will, of course, he a mat : ter to be determined by Congress within th? next few days. Whether the suggestions present a solution for lot with the Allies. Mm-ry aiu ... 1 - j the problem, of course, can only be determined by a try According to the news di patches the EVemcn i.i still out on tjio way to an Ame;i ,n port. This allege.! boat ha J The President's message is very comprehensive. P been dunk, captured several tw by the enemy, and ha R0M into erV I,nas9 of the lotion and apparently th-; been seen off every American port, from the Canadian Una to the Gulf of Mexico. v;i). It ir. I'lmoft as elusive ns issues have been viewed carefully from the standpoint both of employer and employee. If some of the recom mendations appear to lean to one side or the other, the full message is a manifest of President Wilson's sinrrre desire to accord to each and all parties to the controwr- FAMILIARITY UREEDS CONTEMPT. Wilmington Star: "Judge flughes needn't cultivate familiarity with the crowds. He told 'em out West to call him Charlie, tbut the whole country is Fable to 'call' Charlie on the 7th of November. Howheit.Mhe Judge has his reasons for a little familiarity at this time, hut if he is elected ho is liable to relanse into a state of dignity more awful than the unfath lmable reserve he assumed on the Supreme Court bench. 11' has al ready shown us that when he want to do it he can assume a ditrnity as mpcnetrable as that of our old friend the Sphinx." Mountain Excursion to ASHEVILLE, N. C, 'THE LAND OF THE SKY' Tuesday, Sept. 5th, 1916 V Via SOUTIIERNRAILWAY, TICKETS LIMITED SIX DAYS Through Pullman Cars and Coaches. LEAVE , Goldsboro 2:00 p. m. SC.75. Selma 3;00 p. m. ?fi..'. Raleigh 4:05 p. m. ?."i.7". Henderson 2:15 p. m. $5.75. Oxford a:;h(lrl uautah Oxford 2:55 p. m. ?5.75. 'Durhrm 5:08 p. m. $5.75. Chapel Hill 4:00 p. m. $3.75. Burlington 6:25 p. m. ?5.75. Greensboro 7:20 p. m. $5.00. In .Europe the grasping monarch ue willing to sacri- sy fair and equitable consideration, fice the flower of their nunhoo l in order to acquire add!-' Tht Free Press believes that the principle of the eight- llnnal territory. In the eye.i of thosa greed monger. ha- hour working day i sound, and that it will eventually ' jhhyE . man Ufa H ImrnnsWerabls if its sneVitic? means the sc- prevail, whether it is possible or wise to require ti : quisitlon of Some de.jdrs-hla t'al of land upon which their immediate ehangj from a ten-hour to an eight-hour basb 1 joaloua eyes may feast. In America wry much the same " ieiatat.u 'o say tne least, ir President Wilson :n npirit 4 manifest in those localities, where liberal apprr-' tends that ngress should enact legislation, which will priations are made for protecting bogs from cholera, rr- require the railroads to immediately effect an eight-hour -moving ticks from cattle, and not a dollar is provide! working day as a basis, and that the wage of the men ins. me proper ano aaequaia protection oi tno naote. t - '" - " - ' i up t0 anj including all trains lcav- The spirit of avarice is enjfendored 1acue tha stock can ' Hve the action would work a hardship on the railroad,-, j .Jng Ashsvile Sumlay( September 10, beflgured in dollars and cents. Not so with the babie:i,: " P" ,s ,0 a'Pt an eignt-nour worKing day nr..! . W16 th value of which cannot so easily bs' computed. BRIEFS IN THE NEWS OF NEIGHBORING TOWNS I Asheville, Wednesday morning, j September 6, 1916. I Round trip tares on same basis from intermediate points. Returning tickets will be good to leave Ashevillo on all regular trains the pay is to be for eight hours, we believe the railroads j ought to yield and that public sentiment will endorse such ,$.-. '' :,i , j legislation. By reducing the working dny twenty p H jew piam ciomes motorcycle guarumns or ine peace, : nUtioned about on the new asphalt paved atrseU to over-' .take and Temind that'.there as a speed limit, would proli-j . abty be the means of averting casualties, which are cer- tain to come, if there continues to ho that same luck of Ttpct for iha aaftety of others as fa manifested by some ' of those, who drive gas wagons in t!is). parts. In othe ' words, the attention of the BUthoriticj is respectfully call-' ed (o the fact tliat there is flapront disregard of all gpocd arive automowtes, ana unjos tniy Blacken tnejr pneo they unould he haled Into tha court before their victims are Iinuled to the infirmaries or' morgues." called upen to increase their pay-rolls twenty per cent. President Wilson's suggestion to provide for full in vestigation of such- disputes hefore strikes or 'ocko'its are legal is from the viewpoint of permanent remedy, the strongest recommendation in his message. The suggestion thai Congress expressly approv-; th? consideration by the Interstate Commerce Commission r.f an increase of freight rates will no doubt provoke much The Interstate Commerce , Commission already has the power to authorize when 'n , Its judgment, -increases are in order. This is the best time of the season to visit the mountains. Asheville, Waynesvillc, Henderson ville, Brevard, Lake Toxaway and various other points. f Make your sleeping car reservrtions in advance. For sleeping car reservations and further information ask Southern Railway "Ticket Agents, or r'ddress, J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, '. vrfoik Southern ... MAKING THE KINSTON MARKET, . I There Is a spirit of co-operation find, "get-together-1 o- legislation, which will in future prohibit precipitate ae At any rate, if the present controversy and immient Operates Passenger Trains from danger of tying up traffic by the disagreement of the rail- j Nor(h Carolina into Terminal Sta roads and their employes, brings about the enactment of ' yon Norfolk, without Transfer. N. B. The following schedule fig- ttiveni'tx on the part of this taba'cconlata imyors nrl tion by either party to such controversies and from whih , urcs published as information only Warehousemen -to make of the Kin-aton market what it such actions the general public suffers most, the present ' should U, .the lender vt the EaRtem Carolina tobacco belt. ' controversy will have been a blessing in disguise. Logically this should not he difficult of attainment. Kin- j cdon is (supported by tho Imst "back coimtry," not only of . any of its sister towis of thihEast, but perhaps of any ', place in the entire State; territory that has not been de- WHAT OTHERS SAY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON East Bount 11:21 p. m. "Night Express." Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West. Parlor Car Ser. vice between New Bern and Ner. folk. velopcd; fertile aero 'n vast number- that have not yet HELPING OUR NEIGHBOR. fcttcn failed, upon to glva rtin a mm:) Ir of what they are : Hickory Record: "Judge Garland S. Ferguson, who . - .. It.- i rrr rapn-ns ni producing, me tievMnpnu'm, oi emirse. mti- spent Sunday in Hickory spoke of matters that he had j 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Beaufort, New npi !c expected at once, mere num. he a gra.lual pro- hecn cmph.isi.ine in charges to the crnnd inrv repentlv. I Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. m. Daily for Beaufort and i cpss but the development pl.-m must be set in motion, fie said ho had observed a lack of moral courage on the 1e initial steps mut(He taken. Co-operation is nmlml part of the average man, compared to the courage dis- Not only must the tobacconists wo-k to make Kinston jdayed year ago, and had referred to this. If wc know of hat it should, b as ft tfthaccn nmket, but every other a young fellow's carrying a concealed weapon, wc don't iitcrest tcpresentfd in this section hoti!d have encour- go to him, as a rule, and reason with him, but wait for agement for healthy and Icj-ritiniHlo development to bnVjj him to got caught, and then insist that pistol toters be if into Its own. punished. 0ne fthftpwntial is jroo.1 roa is, with which the mat- it is the same way about blind tigers and blockaders, ter or a few miles extrn bun! vvi l n i!;i U rr to the' producers and without whh ! ly bo diverted to those cmteu, hi,-' es. The Free Press inorracl ihi: thoroughfares leading ti Ki'i' n IKC .-ilMo (l'ttt rtr.i'C ho hns olisprvtwl tnnf anontf 4 rAflMl.r wa.J l.t.f n- will m UmhI ,0 insist that the tiger go to the roads. We ought 1, he c.i. .1 n nie of tlie prin .ivo ! 'l come i : be more concerned about our neighbor but how many f us really take the trouble to reason with him in tim save him and his family from disgrace?" Oriental. West Bound 5:10 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro 10:03 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 8:14 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro For further information or reserva tion of Pullman sleeping; ear space, oapply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kin ston, N. C E. D. KYLE, Traffic Manager, Norfolk. Va. II. S. LEARD, General Passenger Agt., Norfolk, Va, A teachers' institute for Pamlico county is being held at Bayboro. Prof. H. E. Austin of the Training sch.iol at Greenville and Miss Mary yuinn "of Raleigh are conducting it. Beaufort will entertain a Methodist district Sunday school conference on September 14 and 14. Work on the new tobacco rcdrying plant at New L'.'rn ;s progressing satisfactory, and it is believed tha building will be ready for occupancy within two or three weeks. ALL WORN OUT. Does morning find you with a lame, atiff and aching back? Are you. tir ed all the time find work a burden? Kinston people endorse Doan's Kid ney Pills. Vou can rely on their statements. Mrs. Sarah J. Dupree, 301 Gordon street, Kinston, says: "My kidneys were weak and gave me lots of trou ble. I also suffered a great deal from inflammation of the bladdar. The kidney secretions were unnatur al and caused me much annoyance. I have used Doan's Kidney Pills, pro cured from J. E. Hood & Co.'s drug store, and they have nover yet failed to relieve me. I keep them on hand all tho time and cannot praise them too highly." . Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Dupree had. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. Dr.. :N W. PARKOTT DENTIST Crown and Bridge Work Specialty Office over Cot- MilJ office C. B. WOODLEY, M. D, viGce treatment of Rectal and Bkla Disease a Specialty. Temporary Office in Hood Buildlngr ' DR. P. FITT3 , Oateopath, ; ' v " -r UpaUirs, Next Door Old Pctm. ' EXAMINATION FEEeT Phonest Offlce80. Ees5a" Z. V. BIOSELEY, RL D. Back cCLenoir Brag Compasj hones Office 478; Residence H Dr. Albert D.Pairott 'Physian andSurgcon Kinslan, N. C. Office &ack of Hood 'i Drug Slort BR. GEO. E. KORNEGAT. SPECIAUST la Diseases of Women i ChlUrea Office Hours: Vt to 12 PHONE 111 DR. O. L. WILSON, DENTIST ..." Office Orer J. E. Hood 4 Co Store Jii DR. C C HARPER DENTIST Office Over Poetoffiee. 00 'j jjL'ii' n roppcz!gMiiiiu'LinciPu'Ti.L.xijnnnci:JL'aT.'rg ; ifri.j"..,n -irrr nnif" -t-Tr-p-rmii-i mrrr-n-7rrrr.ri."-vr,n7.i.inrrx-'.--"rTr.'r-r: This Extra Power This 76 Horsepower What It Means to You in OD OGIDSIBQIti 1 aa oa 00 oa BO BS oa Patented ny Hudson Uecenmer 2, 1915 Patcut No 1165)161 TTTT Si I- The Smoothest-Running Motor in the World THE question asked us oftcnest is this: ' "Why do I want the 7fi horse power which the Super-Gix delivers?" Other motors seem powerful enough. You con't care for reckless speed. BUT CONSIDER THIS The Super-Six is small and same size as most Light Sixes. We add no cylinders, no size to get thi3 80 more power. ' We have simply ended the vibration which caused friction. The power we save in this way becomes reserve power. As a result, the Supe.--Six out -performs any other stock car. The steepest hills are mounted on high gear. The car can creep, and instantl'y dash to speed Every situation is met without effort'. No other car you meet can match the Super-Six performance. IT IS NEVER TAXED Then the Super-Six is never taxed. It is rarely run at even half-load. An engine run in that way far outlasts an engine that is strained. All Other Cars Outrivaled At Sheepsheaci Bay, unJer A. A. A. Buparvhion, a 7-pas-senger Super-Six stoelt car excelled ail former stockcur in these teats). 100 mile in 80 mm., 21.4 tec, averaging 74. 7 miles j per hoar, wtih driver md passenger 75,69 mtlas in one hour with driver and passcngr. Standing start to SO miles an Aoiir in 26.2 tee. During these test tfie ear j was clnven 1350 milen at top capacity, at speed exceed j tng 70 milef per hour, u.(f A- j out discoverable wear on I any part. j Then this extra power this 80 cornea through utter smoothness Motor wear is almost nil. ' No other stock car ever showed such endurance. The Super-Six invention, probably, . doubles the motor's life. A HUDSON PATENT Rivals, of course, will seek to mini mize the Super-Six importance. This is a Hudson invention, controlled by Hudson patents. Others cannot get it. But take a ride in the Super-Six. Watch - its performance. Note ' the luxury of motion. Learn what it means to have 80 more efficiency.' , Other cars the. best of them will seem crude after that. Six new -style bodies, each a masterpiece, have been built for this Super Six. Their luxuries will delight you. i Orders placed how can be delivered in time for the motoring season. 7-Passenger Phaeton, at Detroit. Five Other Body Styles HUDSON MOTOR CAR COMPANY , DETROIT, MICHIGAN Kinston Garage Incorporated aa oo aa uu ca BB oa oaiesoraorr: d ci n a cTsasnsrasa 'jLjosnpfflnnaa 23 13 fai Q ffl B23 Q B 4' if T t a 4 . ir i, J S f - 4 4 THE MESSENGER HE SPOILED IT ALL BY TALKING TOO MUCH ' ' S V.y U AW U 0A. I COULDN'T HAVE & T ht H feWV?E H Z, Xrxr.X " ' rT p -iW.-. )y !'. MM-- r Ak 4 S"

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