f?rr The Home Paper ThetPedl? Showers VOL XVttl.-NK6f SECOND EDITION KINSTON, N. V SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1916 SIX PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS PUREST DEMOCRACY iNlilLOSOM'ONFD MILLION AND THIRD DOUBT EXPRESSED OVER THE REFOM ABDICATION OF KING-CONSTAfjTINa YOU TO AGAIN LEAD HOSTS PEACE AND POUNDS 0F T0BACC0 PROSPERITY, JAMES TELLS THE PRES'D'T IN THE HALF WEEK k HH-MHYUaVRF iininif'n ATlfPri IHLL1L1J miHll 11111 UU IIULUI11U miiLii 11 HE DAILY J 2D " 3 'OF PRESIDENT WILSON ; ' " - Prptfulpnfc T. IT Marfm nt a Ta Never Before In American History Was a ManNomin- wo Board" of TrjLtoday eatimat: ated With Such Enthusiasm, Unanimity and Earnest- , , T i . J - was W her to the last half of the ness, Eloquent Kentuckian Declares to Wilson , and Friday's sale on the central inrong ai naaow lawn uiouay weauier uocs h junta today. Drfr iirt From Gaietv at New Jersev Mansion Prcsi-1 amount of tobacco, averaging f J 1 20 cents a Dound in value, wa'a wtuth dent Jjeliverirtg Acceptance Address uosts oi .uemo- more than a quarter of a minion ioi- Seat to Hear Schoolmaster-Executive Begin His Cam paigrt for Re-election CAN'T GET: FREIGHT OUT OF KINSTON AT I ALL THIS AFTERNOON The freight embargoes on the At (By he United Press) Loner Branch. N. J.; Sent. 2. America's record of 'peace, prosperity and happiness," while the Old World staggers beneath a load oi sorrow, insures the rresi dent's election in November, according to Senator Ollie tiaiHCJi Ul iVUHLUCJVV. All lUlIMdlly iiuwavmiS 1M.1. novn I Iantif r,oast T.in nd Norfolk Soirth '.. i i. . . . .. a' ... ii. . ' t ' ";rt I . : 7 t oi ms nomination dv me ieuiucraiic iuuveiiuuii, oena- ,Pn nmniia rete t hp. . Till " 11 1. . . . ! .1 . 11. ...1.1 I tor James stated tnai tne cnoice was inaue wim enuiu- 8pite the fact that the nouse had siasm. unanimity and earnestness never surpassed m the passed the Adamson ,biu ami the sen SjJitical lite of America. Kepresenatives oi the purest at wa expected to. No freight was emocracy in -the world summoned you to again lead the being taken by the Norfolk southern hosts of peace, prosperity and American righteousness, except to Gowsboro and pomts bo. Tfio ncptuntnrn sSnppri f fiifl Prpsfrlpnf. is hpino- Hftlivprfid. tween Kinston and Coldsboro. None having bein started shortly after the luncheon hour. 1 of ar,y kind wa8' J11 taken oW th fn-it CjiiinAd at KhoHnnr I own , , Aiianwc VKNisi labo. ax jociock ill President Wilson when he arose today prepared to take A land breeze from the southwest indicated that the day f!. ,.. T.no0,,M, would bd warm. A low mist nung over tne ocean, me rw. ..ti H.fc i,. ihm forecast was possible that shovlirs micrht' not mar the gala notification ceremony, scheduled for 4 o clock, party for past and future courtesies. Despite tne cloudy . weather, however, the resident The big speeches of the evening and Mrs. Wilson emerged from the mansion early for a were made by county chairman and stroll around the grounds. The place is in a beautiful state National Elector g. v. Cowper and and ablaze with Colofi Gay bunting and streaming ban- .-,w. d. Toiiock. Mr. cowper noro nro nvwtSteYir XxrinAnvsr : hnnt fVifl flxsrr rnirif1rpcf!5 I poTfe for forty minutes on "What the sues," prosperity, domestic ipoliciess of the administration and othor things lie declared that ttid i. U. r n afraid to treat the domestic policies of the Wilson administration ha ia sues. Touching on one "bono of oon- of American flags are streaming from long -poles. Secret service mon and special deputies are scattered about the grounds.. .More than two hundred are guarding'the Pres ident. , - ' . r - ';.,'' , . T Automobiles bf all descriptions began to arrive early, filled with iovful Dembcrats .amid the increasing din of horn's, cw bells and other devices which contributed their tctrticm, our international relations," raucus choiw to a general Long liranch, N. X, Sept. 2. Presl dent Wllsou received today b Shadow Lawn, the summer White House,, the formal notification of his renoinlnutloh by the Democratic party f rofu the noti fication committee headed by Senulor ,ollle James. - v " t In response Mr. Wilson . spoke fn partes follows: j ! h. .- ' Senator James, Oonttemoh. of the Nrttlllcatlon Committee, Fellow ,Cltl SpAb! 1 cannot accept the., leadership n$, responsibility wtnttf tfte National Democrntlc ' convention' has" Again,' in such ueiierons fusfitbrt, nske'd .wtjr td j accent' without first expressing my profoupd gratitude W th party v lor Uie trust It reposes in me after four years Of fiery trial n th ttHdst of f Ifatra of unprecedented dlnlcultyc and ithe kfin sense of ndtted re(Hlblllty ; with , which this hope Jill l .lmd al i most said burdens) we as" t Ui(nk of ,'the great issues ol'naflouaT life .and ;poucy Involved In the present and I in tuedlat future con38rt of ml eovefU' ,nent 1 anil seek; as 1 Iiv4 lwys Sought, W Justify the itraonnnary IcotiHdeace thus reposed in tne by strl lng to purg my heart ind purpose ot every personal andnvf.efery iQMead- ing party mtlve and devoting every energy I hav o the service of the na tlon as a wluije, praying that I may contlnua to hue tlwt enel and p- port of mil forvwd-looklhg men at ev' ry turn of theUffttat tnttftWIs; For I do not loubt that the people of "the United atata wM-the emocratie party to continue in con trol of the rovernnient. They are not in the habit of rejecting those wh4 Have actually served them for theft who are making doubtful and conjec tural promises of service... ,Lenst,,of all are they likely Wr sufestt tutt those who promised to rdhdor theai particv- Jar services and proved false to that promise for those who have actually rendered those very services.. - (Continued on -Page .Five) pandemonium. CAP.1PW OPFNS f BIG STYLE MOSELEY HALL FRIBAY Ni III! I Democratic Candidates Ad-1 " dress Big Andie!tc6 In . LaGrange tesiKr itanrrnri Mi nut p ' ' HANY LEADERS UN - dILLI and bowed to the schoolmaster Amenea. Mr. Cowper said Mr.- Hughes asks: 'What does it avail to use some of the strongest words known lo diplomacy, if ambas sadors cart receive the impression that words are not to ibo taken seri ously t' 1 answer y another ques tion ( Did the. mailed knight of war, the ' Iran' Ka i ser, wh o represen ts the supreme lembodimeni: of force in this century, take the -words of Wilson and Lansine seriously? All the combined forces of the Allies have been impo tent to cause this prince of war to hesitate for one moment in . his course, and yet, when Woodrow Wil son said. 'Thus far and no farther.' this man who has amazed the world with his warlike power humbly yield- oi BILLPOSTERS MAT mW ' PAINT THE1 TOWN BED -" -- Chicago, Sept. 1-By formal decree of Federal Judg Landis : today the Associated bill posters and distributers-of the United States, aa4 CanaM, called the billposters' trust, was dis solved; and now every fmi with bucket of paste and some posters h at tberty'to splattef1 aft ftfl oTet tht landscape. Tbe men charged that th "trust" cuntro'led practically every billboard in the country. . National Elector, Senatori- ,' al Nominee and County bftlceholders and Aspir- Col. W. D. Pollock, who will go to the Stats Senate next year "from all indications, was last on the program. He gathered up the loose threads of Republican misgovcrnmcnt ; in North antS Speakers CoWper When thrDemoraU wrested power and Pollock Feature , , " f rom the G- -. p-and wisted lhem intd an iniquitous Knot, tie uflt up a card -house of Republican merit for The Democratic campaign in the I his auditors and blew Jt to pieces m coilffty' was atattcd off in fancy fasK- a fewishort breaths, .' He waxed elo- ion at LaGrange Friday night. There quent, seized the prey in his jaws and were tetween 200 and 300 porsdns would not . turn loosd, until he" had bWkleii eaYWldtes 'present at an old- kkkevl and cuffed Republicanism all fashioned rally; there "were "a few over the rostrum and ground It Into Reptiblteafts Mattered, "aroond ia the a pulp.' He dragged fact and figures b3iicV according to a man . whftjnito the inquest and proved a justifi elalims fo-'havi 'apoOed ewral'v' I able "homicide; Col. Potfoek reviewed Mr. Kirby Sutton, Moseley nail the progress of the State ih the past township chairman, presided over the sixteen years, called up every good meeting ;He explained the occasion, thing that has been' introduced 7 in to the audience in a few very perti- that time improved health, increas l ftf.i nk remarks. - Theft the an- 4 wealthV 'remftrkabie t advancement dieflce., called ; for- eptechea-- from j n education and thef nice ana .corn Chairman of Commissioners' R. P. j pawd these blessings with what had OtiMm,lUt.A. IT. Daw4d Mfi been befJre.i He declared ihii with D. W. Wood, Sheriff Taylor, Treae-I such a Democratic : aamimswation arer.John.Dawson, Register of Deeds the Commonwealth is bound to be Priia and Mr. Henry Brothersr come in 'time" the greatest Stat ia AH ramie -.nifty little talks, They the Union." 3 V 'v glfffifted Democracy,- protested iReJ TI apeehmaklng lasted nearly 8 Jdibl if aft ecandal charges, urged ' 1 hours. Many ladies were, in ttie udi btggef'majority this fall and scoffed ence. Care was had fliat no word was it Republican hopes. Register Prid- uttered condemning a certain mnova- ?en delighted the audience by stat- i'wn that has become an issue in some , ing that Sheriff TayW had been parts of the country. fc ATtf?s 1tS 4-vv::-v ' 1 L-'-" 1111 iin'iii iiihimii n't "I 'tm nil- " imidiif. ' . British and French .Said to Have landed at CWek Port Short starch From Capital Thought to Be GdfTfcOftlng City Gerniany Sends Troops Into Transyrvania-J Roumanians Drive Austrians Out of Principal Towns Hermannstadt, Important Place and Former Capital, Evacuated in Face of Fast-Marching Invadew-w-Ger-mans Retake Trenches in West, But Weaken OfTenye at" Verdun, Withdrawing Forces for Aid to U&rd Pressed Austrians. . 1 PASSAGE OF ADAMSOW BILL BY SENATE EXPECTED BY NIGHT: STRIKE ORDER IS ALMOST CERTAIN TO BE A DEAD LETTER Brotherhoods Prepared to Flash News to. Leaders In Every Center Special Messenger Waiting to Take Bill lo Shadow Lawn for President's SignatUe-fSouthctTt,higaiflst the Important railways at Halitz; "the Russians Keassurcd, Modifies EmbargoDebating in Senate But dVV - ii'cr a-. ff -V " - : . ? By the United Press) London, Sept. 2. The revolution in Greece is spreading' rapidly in Thessaly and Eplr1ls?sWk , Rome wireless dispatch. Martial law W'uW f a ;a at Athens. King Constantme is ill. lllk 'mhW tion is reported serious. - , . , London, Se'pt. 2.-The Ando-French belieVYtf'fiaVe landed at Pireus after marching five miles toAffieW. are thought to be garrisoning the capital, 2bmf mattrjrf of Constantine's abdication is still lacking, and doWiS expressed. Ah Italian, offensive launched in Southern AJ- hanm will conhect with the Ames on other fr6ntst.CJ",IiA " Berlin, Sept; 2. 50,000,? Germans 1 have ' amWaT the Transylvaniart city" of KlausehbuTg td t?ytd fheck uiry Koumawan invasion. - uther troops naveoeen' withdrawn from the Verdun front and sent to ffMsypa vania. ihe Austrians have evacuated Maros vasameiy. with 25,000 inhabitants and a1 railroad town.' ' von,r ti J jicrninruisiaui uvavuaicu. - - Berlin. Sent. 2. Hermannstadt. with a DoWulatletf of forty thousand and a former capital of TransyiValiidaW Sepsi St. Gyorcrgy, have been evacuatetl before' the Ro1iT manian advance, it is officially stated from Vienna. ; German Gains Irt WCst: r Para- Sept' 2.-thc Germatts reocciipied tfieftcht3' south 'of Kstrets, lost 6ft August 3L in a atf aeR of the' Most violent nature; it is said officially. The" Russians in-' the Champaighe region on the western front disposed 6f a German reconnaissance. In the Vetduff sector heavy fighting took place last night. ' Germans were repulsed at Fleury. , ' v .; : .. An6thcf Report of RttttAtdhiait SacfccifseS. Bucharest. Sept: 2. The Roumanians have occiitJiccl - the Transylvahian cities of Kronstadt' Tohaflul-Czlcze sog and Mouta Pedegimva, it is said officially". Rouihan-1 ian artillery is dominating the Orsovo-Temesvar Railway; a supply route; JEighteen hundred prisoners and one huh dred cars of war material haVe been takeitv,-" ' Russians Near Halitz. - " ' - -- 7TV Berlin. Sept. 2. Advanciriff oh an 18-hiile frhtf No Great Opposition Measure Already Through the House No Amendment looked Fof Railroad Tresl- dents Leave the Cdpital, Expecting. Men , to Wiri Might as Well Abolish the I. C. C.,' Declares Sherman in a resumption of the Galidih offensite: in overwhelming vote hnVl passed the Adamson' eight-hour day law and the Senate had agreed to take a final Vote on the' measure not later than 0 o' jlock tomorrow evening. 'Although it is possible : that : Sen ate amendments may nrake confer- when the test comes the House hill as lit stands, will be accepted and rushed to Shadow Lawn, N. J., for President Wilson 'a signature. And, while1 no' formal statements ere forthcoming from the employes' bro therhood heads tonight it is authori tatively stated that this will result order for. Monday morning. , The Ad amson bill as passed 'in the House by ' Vote of, 239 to 6(5, with minor amendments, is tne same measure which the brotherhood leaders ofli- (By the United Prs-s) ' Wflshinortnn. Spnt. 2 Tfip TInitpd States Senate snent todav in debate nrenaratrV to voting on the'eiefhf- h11 necessary it m generally beiiev finnn rlar hill ra sgp1 lnr trio TTiK!P vottrAxxr P.qcmnnrp Ja N on both sides of the Capitol that I . 1... . . J . .... .1.' . )':, .i,,.5 i. Vi. W '. -'iu oeneveu certain. " Six o'clock is set for the vote. . A special messenger is Waiting to rush with the bill to Shadow Lawn for the President's signature today. The Senate was in session till 11 last night, adjourning without a vote. Southern Lifts Embargo. ;;- Wflshirtfrtnr. Spnt. 2. Thp Southern Railwav has lift ed its embargo on live stock and perishable ireight, it I in immediate dispatch f code me destined to noints on the Southern railroad, to take ef-lsaees caiiine off the general strike feet immediately. Advance arrangements , have been made necessary for shipment to necessary points on con necting lines. Other freight will be accented .without re striction.' f '-ft,w GfiTI TAl-wwiinAj4 . . Washington, Sept. 2. That the Adamson .. eight-hour r""' dec " CZ TH.A r. A t 1 ' T f i ' , il PI" L V JMt,Jklwt I nrl lUlVTCIlt M- sis ut-wsu inrlinnfiAnn I iff a ' AniAmf i a 1 fl 'rnrt Wanorn nriO rlfltyAIrtn- I " ed. It is not believed the bill will bef amended. L . fc. SMnto . 1ntJ,rA cm. The brotherhoods have made all arrangements for - .imiu the ef- Hashing word to their leaders the' country over,f calling off native date at January 1 instead of the strike- in the event of the passage of the eight-hour rwmwi. 1 91 c. nd exemnt ran bilL Otherwise the- strike will proceed. " Instead a mes- roads less than 100 miles long and saire WlJl liv ivilll ijuliuiu tne lic-uu lii.eiitcu. xu iuuu- eiecxric, sweei ana uueruroaii uurs. ers today believed; however,Hhat this will.be'-necessary. Fight iioura Day's work, Few railroad ; presidents ;are now ' left in town,; but ? Briefly,' it ' provides: those still here had no doubt of the, passage of the bilk That-eight hours shall '.be. deemed A8 f01 a fight On itS Constitutionally, that Will be decided U day's work and the sUndard for later. -j I reckoning compensaiwn oi rauroao Senator- Sherman attacked the bill with great bitter- pioy operating tram m inter- an oio-ht-riftiir tin tr fnr tt commerce after January 1, 1917, tsnrf omrlnvnc xra iriH hnw- it fnf rin fnf PVPrvj nth Ar 1 lRJ' iunmsn. ine-Aiiwi atatc wmui oi c veetigate the effects of the eighW,our aOinginiSUnuermre.il. ..... . standard for from aix to nine months Washinrton. Sept.. 1. Prevention 'through-an-act .of -Congress seemed I and then report to Congress, present of the threatened frailroad " strike assured tonight, after -the House by I wages not to be reduced during tne mvesiigation or f sr" fliifty dis; af terward, and over Urns' lo1 be 'pail ' oro rata. , . ' It wai after a day of hot debata thai the House passed the" hill andVt special rule brought in when Ke ftublicah Leader Mann objected to its consideration. Less than half of. the Republicaiis followed their floor leaX r in the opposition,: and when the' Inal vote came seventy of them lined ip with the majority, while only &4 ; rated against the measure. Just two . . Democrats, (Representatives fiteefs of Pennsylvania, and Black of Texas,? ttood out against the hill, and Reprq- tentative London of New .York,' the mly Socialist, voted for it' . - ' JV, Brotherhood. Men Pleased. ' ; '. , While' the House was at work t!.; Lhree brotherhood heads- at the invit-; . ition of Democratic Leader, Kitchln,. xx-upied the Ways and . Means com-' mittee room near the entrance to tl.a House floor, end were in constat. t consultation with the labor ' spokea- men in the House. They were insist-', " ent that the eight-hour day provisiwi go through without any of the wag -fixing - amendments put ' forward f . r debate. Representative ; Casey, t Pennsylvania,. was constantly on t . go between them and Representat; Kitchin and Representative of Colorado, who conducted their f, on the floor. When the vote was t -en they obviously were pleased. CONVICT ESCAPES. Will Sumrell, who e few ' began a year's eentence on V.-.t ty roads for a convi.-f n oi. a charge, escaped V, ' ' -. It knoTi if he has K- . :

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