THE OA mBm The Home Paper The IVeaiher TV Ne Today Showers VOL XVIII. No. 68 SECONft EDITION KINSTON, N, O, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 916 FOUR PAGES TODAY price two cents v vv FIVE CENTg oV TRAlxs DRQTIIEBIf OQDS ISSUE WARNING THAI OFiPRESIDENT ACGEPTS'AGENTS FOUR. FAIRS IRON EXPECTING ATHENS TO DECLARE WElitiOriTavAJD:TliE MgM IN PROTECTING THEIR BORDER miliipsm Tl EAST HOUR DAY THE STRIKE WILL BE ORDERED SCHOOLS IS PLANNED j AS JIFF JO NATION CAROLINA ,v'iV.V,V-V":V'' "V !.-..'" IF CONSOLIDATION , ; HAIF A DOZEN RURAL No Matter Whether Supreme Court Decides Adamson WjH Be pispijssed by, Pat- Law Unconstitutional or Noi UUor Has Upper If and rons at biP -fupsaay and Will Use Its Power to Enforce Jts. Will, Seems, to Bp Spirit oJ the fcn's Leaders President gigned Bill Ojn Sunday qnrj Yi Siiy Jt Again So Tere yjlj Be JSIo Question of Legality Strike Order Annulled Soon Af- Evening Dunn, Sharon, Bethel, Barwick's, Grain ger and Hugo and Nation Rests Easy for First Time in Long Time 2 . m m . . A meeting or Datrona of Jiair a ter Congress Had Complied With the Men's Demand, dozen school districtsWm be held at At 7:30 to discuss consolidation 'of J the districts, and, as a lessor -matter, Dlan a rnmmnnitv fnir fnr Cirtnhfr- np T.. V. TT..U.4 T I r-.r? - i . i j i. ....:. ami - .v u 'asnmgion, aepi. nneennjr air oi wanure suu the state ncnartmem of Eduction: clung to the railroad brotherhoods' headquarters here to- aid the county education authorities day.. Though reasonably confident that the eight-hour win be present at the meeting. Ev. hill, now a law, means an air of peace on the rail lines, Ury patron in the territory ds urged ine oroinernooa men iranKiy saia mere wm ue a siriKe u y i"e coumy auinonues w e pres- the transDortation chiefs ever attemnt to restore the ten- ' . . 1 r ? mi iLii. iL. ?i j f. j. i. il. i.; I T oour uay. i ney fmnK me raiiroajas may lest me cynsu tutionalityof the measure, but even if the Supreme Court aeems n nconsuiunonai ana me lines iry to -revert . iu the 10-hour system, there will be 'a strike, they say. The brotherhood men are more optimistic'. They say the wage commission created by ,tne bill will.nnd the men s cause mst. In this event, thev say. the railroads will scarcely be -likely to overturn the law even if it is unconstitu tional. " - President Will Sign Bill Twice. TO be SUre that no question OI legality Will arise trom f tation system. Although several ru his having signed the Adamson bill, passed by the benate r&i districts have been or wm be late Saturday, on .Sunday, the President will again affix done away with by state high schools ms siiFnai.ure io uie measure tomorrow. ' , Thfl AHamsnn hill . whirh was nassed hv t.rifl TTnusp nn H district would be the first consol- J-'riday, wiJl become effective on January 1. It provides ' 7 . iV,f .r.4- ; The education authorities , .ivt uie cigui-uju.i uajr, jjiu lata jlui wuin 111 CAtcafl Kentucky ; Gives Him One W. C. Knox of This City Is Cqntuqus Ovation; Is Greeted JJverywliere DEMOCRACY'S COMPULSE Sjccretary-; Treasurer Kinston, Goldsboro, Tar feqrpv Rqcky . Wount are the Members ; The districts affected are Dunn Sharon, Bethel, Barwick's, Grainget and Hugo, most of them of the most progressive" class of the county school districts. It is proposed to do away with al of these small schools for the erec tion of one modern central building, of brick if possible, with modem equipment and a, complete faculty. and, if necessary, a public transpor antici- nf olrt-hf Vimira tnA fhof tTio mDn'Q r-oto PrtmnflnMf;nnlPatt 8UCCess ln Me matter, rroies- UUkA Hur roguen win outline xne aavan- ..iimflwiui uie cni, cigut-iiuui ucty upun of the six district8. me ranroaas, me mvesiigacion to De conauctea Dy a com mission appointed by the President. , The Senate; voted 43 to 28 for the bill; Efforts to amend the measure were futile. - . ' - In a short time after the Senate passed the bill the men's leaders here flashed an order to every part of the country calling off the strike set for 7 a. m. today. A LOT OF FOLKS BO i NOT EVEN KNOW THAT THIS IS LABOR DAY GIRL CLAIMS FOUR HfN KEPT HER SHUT UP NEARLY A WEEK , Aberdeen Sept. 3. Late last Sun. day afternoon .Hiss Cora Burkett was taken by force from her fath e farm in Hoke county by four young men of the' neighborhood and carried in a car to Morrisville, where ehe was held captive for almost one week. '-"V--'r SMiss Burkett claims that while out , young men seized hor and forced her against her will into car, threaten t; infif to kill hWif she raised ah alarm . fh men were Clifton Vhd Frank BrOWn. neiphhnr- tha tfci turn vi. ltws by the name of Brown. Wheth. er an four made tbe trip is not known, but Clifton Brown took the girl through Raeford and Hope Mills to Linden, , From there he took Miss Burkett to Mojrrisville, where it ap pears he had an uncle. ' After near ly a week's time he left to'; prevent bfmg caught, if rvjng the young wom all TOoney enough to return wftoi her heme. She returned yesterday morn irtig. To ad to the charge- the young woman or girl undef. fourteen. She cluims that she was? not abuse. The atthoratjes, were notified warrants is ened, and possemea sent ojit to search te country. Feeling is pronounced bt not high, xlue partly to the my--y yet tf be explained. AWAY FR051WASHCOT Washington,-' Sepjfr 3. Jhe eon gfessionaj exodus, after nine event ful months of legislation, already has Wgun,1 WjUvxdjottrnment p radio I'y assured by Wednesday or Thurs day cta-es of members packed their fmpaign speeches last night imme ately' after the had saved the na from a railroad strike and rush- for unthreatCTed trains bound for Political batUefields. ' . BASEBALL BETTER WITH FEDS. GONE, OPINION OF This is Labor Day, with no more attention being paid to th occasion here than if it wereythe Fourth of July, which is statihg-a'plain truth. There may be a dozen or so persons A BIG LEAGUE MANAGER to the city celelr8t5n : The near- esi nonest-to-gooaness ODservance is at Beaufort, which small city is do ing the day up quite nicely. A-hand- ful of folks went from Kinston jo Beaufort and Norfolk for the day The Police Court is suspended for the day, but then, there wasn't much need (By the United Press) New York, Sept. 4. The class ; of basebal this year as compared to the game put up in 1915 and 1914, has. shown a vast improvement, hot only in the major leagues, but in the small organizations. ' A prominent manager of the big leagues, discussing this condition, to day declared it is due Ho the demise of the Federal League. .; ! "The-disorganizing effect of . the Federal League upon ballplayers of all classes was remarkable," he de clared. "A good baseball player, un less he waf most conscientious, would not give his best fforts a year ago. He figured that any time he got dis satisfied with his place on a certain club, ob, if the manager of the club threatened him, hXrCould go to the federal league. y This was to a cer tain extent, true. ' . V - ; '- ' ' ; "As a result of this condition we had loafing "players Who dragged their play until .the spectators "were thoroughly disgusted. They f ouW te after a hard, chance fox they fre afraid' they would make an er ror and spoil 'their Averages. V ; r "This yeajr Vytrything has changed. The ol4 competition has returned and baseball affaia has Ascended the pin nacle it slipjied from," or fronf where it was pushed 4 by the Fed: "" The players again are hustling and 'fans are" getting a ruijf for. their money"; Apparently this manager who would not allow the use of his "name, knew what $e was!alkmg about. Certain it is have been played in quicker time' this year . than in the two preceding: ones, and H is-' a cer-, tainty that 'baseball is enjoying pros perity ht the two iy.3 leagues it has not known for two seasons. i The defeat, of the JFederal League also hast removed competition from the two major, leagues, and this has helped swell attendance. Also many touted stars in the " Federal League ; have taken their places among the American and National League play- for holding a session, anywflay. The police got about three drunks during the week-end and called it "quits." '., The most gratifying thing about this Labor Day the country over is that 7 a. m. found the railroads in operation. Congress . circumvented the National . strike late ? Saturday, and the tie-up order of "the railway brotherhoods was annulled. V ,- , , congresOecides to quit work six O'CLOCK WEDNESDAY I (By the United Frew) ' ' 'Washington Sept. 4 Adjourn ment of Congress at 6 o'clock on "Wednesday was a decision reach ed todax-y, , Upon Country Today, clares? Wils,on at Hodgens and Justice"- At the call .of Secretary Herman Canady, of the local Fair- Association, representatives of . several , fairs . in ; villo ' Ready to Give Our uia part of th stato met at Golds Vey Lives for FreedQm !oro, Saturday and organized th. eastern Carolina circuit of hairs. The ' Kinston, Coldaboro, Rocky Mountand Tarboro fairs were repre- sentedY " Officers were elected as f ol lows:. , , , " - , Pjesideptj C. A. qhnson of , Tar First Vice-President. G. R. Home of Rocky Mount, , ' - Sepond .Vice-President, M. R. Bea Creece Has Accepted All Allied Demands, Paris Hears AJHes, In West Make Big Gains But Caino Advance Farther Because of Bad Weather Improving Time by Strengthening Jfeyly-"Vbr Positionsr-perftnAp Defen ses Stripped--Terrific Fighting.On SundayBoth Brit ish and French Make Headwayr-Bulgars Shelling Roumanian Towns While Field forces ,of Roumanians Continue to Overrun Austrian Territory Hold Big Slice- " ' Allies' f (By the United Press)- . Iiodgensville, Ky.,' Sept. 4. Abra ham Linooln'a birthplace was added to" th& treasures; of the government When President Wilson today receiv- efl the deed and an endowment of 4 hundred . thousand dollars (for fits maintonitnce.' Standing before the, histoi-io cabip, the President spoke of I mftn o Gojjo, 0f Lincoln as' the embodiment of the validity - and vitality of Democratic rule. '- .:-v, P. .. . , The President said in part: i'No -wow significant memorial could have boen presented to the na tian than this, i It expresses so much of what is singular and noteworthy in the history of the country; it sug. gests so many of the things that woi V Secretary. Treasurer, W. of Kinsbon. ' ' v' Several other fairs are expected, to join the circuit. The principal ad vantages of the organizatjon will be avoidance, of conflicting dates, the securing of better' rijcjng . cars through ffring a circuit good for a v ' (By the United Praas) Paris, Sept. 4. Greece has accepted all the demands, it is said officially. k l ' ' '"i Weather Checks Allies. - . Paris, Sept. 4. Bad weather has halted the French offensive north of the Somme, it is officially said.' .The Allies are strengthening their positions. l ,. Frcpph Take Many Cannon. Pdris, Sept. 4. Fourteen guns were among the booty taken by the French yesterday. There was much activity Knox on the northeast front at Verdun last night. There was grenade hghtmg east and northwest of Fieury, " but" the French maintained their positions taken Sunday.1" Four Hundred prisoners were captured m this sector." East of these, positions the Germans attacked, but everywhere yere repulsed. . . ' , Big Gains By Franco-Britishj v ., 1 . . . . t . ' London, Sept. 4 German, positions on, a front of 3,0p0 prize most hisrhlv in our life and in nwnth.o? jwasibfy two months, with varps on& ana Uiree-niMS miies Were CaptUfea IOr, i.i.i' oxtnm nf irnvprnmptit. Hnw elo- J abort AMnru-A ktwMtn i(iiraeTOfint 1 UtJUU VI XiHll a UlUB III VKriLerUaVS .UKUUI1K HOrU Oi quent this little house within this a thing which th horsemen will p. pomme, 11 IS reportea Dy Uenerai Jtiaig. rtifi fitlSI &l shrine is of the vigor of democracy, preciata, and the promotion in gener, One time OCCUPied all OI the Villages Of binchy.-DUt WeTG There is nowhere in the land any si of the interests, of all the members, partially ejected. ' Tiey have strongly OrtiQe4 Quilje- home so remote, s numbie, tnat i,t may not contain the power of mind I II and heart and copscience to which na-1 J wans yield and history submits its woces!!es.v..J4ature pay3 no tribute to aristocracy, subjcribes to no creed of caste, "renders, fealty to no mon arch or master of any name or kind, "I have come here today, not to ut ter an .eulogy ops Lincoln; he stands in need, of none, but to endeavor to MILLION POUiS IS SOLD TOBACCO MARTi mont, won yesterday. , In a sweeping adyance Sunday, terrific fighting fta-ve , the French a grip en the outskirts -pi , Conibls, which threatens the German hpld on, Peronne, Qne of. the pbjcr , tives of the Somme offensive. Guillemont and Glery For est villages ; were captured in a drive by the British' and French on a front of 6J.-2 miles. Combles is npw being, heavily attacked from, three sides. - . . i '-, On the eastern front the Russians after a fortnight of ctLvitv are smashinff hard the Teuton lines both in east- i-v. j it - - al; ' mi. - Vi . ' ' interpret th, meaning-of this gift to Offprinps nnd Vrce Fair i . , r . , , arpauuajig,, v 4m; wriiiaiw are the nation of the place of his birth uueilI,6 dllu 4 f sending all available men to the Roumanian frontep apd . . . j .... 4 Onmn Tnn nf- n T. T5n1 cord-Breaking Half of the Pf:f fife $ preparing to meet jne ney ,eneroy. w . Roumanian Hojd Big Part Transylvania.. . Bucharest, Sept. 4. The whole of Transylvania county , and around Harempzek and the inhabited reirion of Se- kile, are now occupied by the Roumanians, it is said offi cially. Heavy attacks are being made by. the Germans and Butgarp along the whole Dobruja frontier. Roumani an towns are being bombarded and the field fighting con and origin Is not this an altarupon which we may forever keep alive the vestal nre or democracy as upon ; a shrine "at which some of the' deepest and most sacreoV hopes of mankind may from age to age be rekindled ? For these hopes must constantly be rekindled, and only those who live can rekindle ; them. The only stuff that can Tetain the life-giving heat the stuff of living hearts. And the hopes of mankind cannot be kept alive by words merely, by constitu tions and doctrines of right and codes of liberty. The object of democracy to transmute these Into , the life and action of society, the self-denial and self-sacrifice of heroic men and women willing to make ' their lives WffK -?,re ... Heavy Breaks Looked For , It is estimated that between quarter of a million and. 300,000 lbs. of tobacco was sold here today. Ware- housemen gave in estimates totalling 282,328 pounds at 2 o'clock. Offerings were fair, but the aver oge price did not go to 20 cents, ac-J cording i to warehousemen. Several reported ; around 19 cents, one 18.21 and one betweea 20 and 21. The last- mentioned insisted that prices for the an, embodiment of right and service wed hif n0U9, weT0 a little beU , and enlightened purpose. The com- tha FridaT.g fine .Veraire. fHIRTEEM )Z1 COUNTY IS COTTON TO HAVE, A GRADER THIS FALL The Board of County pemrais sivnera toa appropriated $400 for a cottoij gradef far the coun-, . ty . The State will provide a part ; -of the money fpc the expense. ' ers and this has helped to revive in terest, j : - - ' Next year will probably see base ball again established at the height of the ; prosperity and popularity it enjoyed in 1912. ' mands of democracy are as imperat ive as its privileges and opportunities are -wide and generous. Its compul sion is upon us. It will be great and ift great light for the guidance of the nations .only if.w are great and carry that light ' high for the guidance . of our own feet. We are not Worthy to stand here unless we ourselves be in deed and In truth real Democrats" and servants of mankind, ready to give our very lives for the freedom and justice and spiritual ex altation of the -great .x.natjon - which shelters find nurtures us." . Deafening' Cheers at Louisville. f Louisville, Sept "4. After a day and night of ovations and demonstra tions by crowds led by bands, which greeted: the President on his passage through every town and hamlet en route ta Louisville, there was pre sented the climax of (he ' greetings when the Presidential train ateamed over the bridge and entered the sta tion Jiera." The cheering as the sta tion developed into deafening roar. Shrieking caliopea "on river 'ateamer: wailed "My Old Kentucky Home.' ' 5 ' ' - ;,5.'- TO PREACH AT - GRAINGER. )Dr. E'. W. JBpilman wiJl preach in the uchoolhouse at Grainger Wednes day night at 8 o'clock. ,- '.. ', All in all, the sales were very sat isfactory to follow last week's tre mendous breaks and come on a Mon. uay. luuiuxomHis expect inure ui breaks during the, middle of this week. 1 FIVE MINUTES': CHANGE WOULD GIYECQNNECTIi AT, GREENVILLE IN A. M. Judge Oliver Allen started to Wil son this morning via Greenville, -to begin a term of Wilson 'County Supe rior Court, thinking to go to Green ville via A C- L. and there take a Norfolk Southern tram. The Judge, however, learned in the nick of time that the train he wanted to take at Greenville left tha town five1 min utes before the time for the Ai C. L.; train's arrival. This he Consid ers inconsistent and unfortunate for the' traveling-" publicV The : matter should be remedied, he stated. " As it was, he w compelled to remaixi here until 10 a. m. when he went by Goldsboro to MTUson, due to arrive for beg mn jj)g the term this after noon. Had he gone to Green vOle he would have had to lay over nearly all day .unless the morning train to Wil son had been late. ; EPPELLNS RPENfilMD; Wk TWO PtRSQNS, STATED London, Sepi. 3. Thirteen Zeppe lin, airships lopk part in the raid over the eastern counties lust night, and official statements issued this af ternoon say it was the moat formii able attack by air ever made on Eng land. Only ' three of the zeppelias were able to approach the outskirts of London Onl of these was shot down aJJ,4 ;th' other .two were drjveo off by air craft guns and aeroplanes. An .ofDcial statement issued early to night' said latest reports based upon careful inquires showed that the to tal casualties were two persons killed and 13 injured. ; ADDITIONAL; TERRITORY FREE FROM FEVER TICK (Special to The Free Press) ; Washington, D. Sept. 4. Ap proximately 9,tii square miles 'of territory in six States is ! released from quarantine on account - of - the Texas-fever Cattle tick by aa order signed by the Secretary of Agricul ture to become effective September 15. The order releases the last area under quarantioe irt California, add ing this State to" the tick-free list, Th other territory released, eousjsis of ten counties in Georgia, 3 In South NAVIGABLE CHANNEL . FWBUDSWBAYJP THE GULFlSFLAIu.'ED J f Remidji, Minn., Sept. 2 A nsyig able channel front Hudson Bay to the Gulf of Mexico that would put the water that covers 1,250,000 acres' of land naar hero io the Gulf, was plan ned by a committee meeting hero to day. - - t A committee of All Minnesota De velopment' Association and citirena of Beltrami country, most seriously effected, anet here." 'The proposed cost is $25,000,000. - The Mississippi river is navigable t$ ta Paul and it is planned to bring tho channel to that point - ---.- j Tba canal also' would pass through the region of Red Lake, the largest lake in the nation entirely within on State. This lake gradually slopes' in to vast expanses of swamp land wilh out a shore line and iti is primarily to, drain this huge territory that tba canal is proposed. River traffic from tha Gulf to Winnipeg also rs to be considered. . ..,, ., ..' . Carolina, 2 in Alabama, E whole coon ties and 2 fractional parts of coun ties in Oklahoma, and a portion of 1 county in Mississippi- ? Greater interest in tick eradication is being taken throughout the South than at anyHima einca the beginning af the work co-operatively by tho U S. Department of Agriculture anj the SUtes in 190C. .

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