" ' 1 1 ' 1 1 .I i n 1 i . I, i i ! i ii i ii i VOL. XVIII. No, 68 FIRST EDITION KINSTONN. (MONDAY,4 SEPTEMBER J, 4916, v ; four pages today PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAJ BERLIN HPECTI.NG ATHENS TO PRESIDENT: ACCEPTS r-3 r :ir--- Ti3 ISSUE WARNING THAT IF VICE-PRESIDENT. MARSHALL - " FROM LATEST, PHOTOGRAPH, WAR AND SENDING TROOPS TO AID" THE LOG CABIN RAILROADS EVER ATTEfilPT RESTORE TEN iplgMiprotecMtheirborde AS GIFT TO NATION HflilYTHESTIliliEWtiE iciS innnTiirniinnnn unuiiiLiuiuuiii ORDERED i ii . h i-NT- - - - .A ..... . - .,.,i H" .ftllli - -- ' ' ' v No Matter -Whether Supreme Court Decides Adamson Kentucky Gives Him One Law Unconstitutional or Not Labor Has Upper Hand U Continuous Ovation; Is and Will Use Its Power to Enforce Its Will 'fW to Greeted Everywhere Be Spirit of the Men's Leaders President Sinned Bill On Sunday and Will Signlt Again So There Will Be No DEMOCRACY'S COMPULS N (Question of Legality Strike Order Annulled Soon Af ter Congress Had Complied With' theMen's Demand, UPn. Country. Today, De- and Nation Rests for First Time In Long Time ." J v : : clares Wilson at Hodgens- ville "Ready to' Give Our Very Livesfor; Freedom and Justice" ' . ' ' (By the United xPress) .Washington, Sept. 4. A lingering air of warfare still clung to the railroad brotherhoods' headquarters here to tlaw Though reasnnahlv nnfidPTiVt.rit trip. eiVKt-hnnr hill, now a W. mpana an' n? a no.. nn tWo . linni B the United Press) fKo WfKoV, 1,1,. t, ....Ml U 4-;i : Hodgensville, Ky., Sept 4Abra- fi, fc V t v ' ham Linen's birthplace added Tfni T il" m''T A I 1 xT 10 the treasures of: the government mi , ua v.xjicy . ,umi....Wm rauroaUJJ may: WJ5t Uie COnSLl- when resident Wilson today recm tutionanty 01 the measure, but even if the supreme Court ea ,, &nrl an enrlnwmfint. rvt - deems it unconstitutional arid the lines, try to revert to hundred thousand dollar (for fits the 10;hour system, there will be strike, they state. The maintenance, standing before the brotherhood men are more optimistic. They Say the Wage historic cabin, the President spoke of commission created by the bill will find the men's cause I Lincoln as the eimbodunent of the just. In this event,' they Say, the railroads Will Scarcely! validity and vitality of Democratic be JiKeiy to overturn the law even 11 it is not unconstitu- rule- 1 1 ' Prrsidont Will RlVn Rill TwirP Louisville, Sept 4.-After a day I ; To be sure that no question of legality will arise from 3nd n?ht of ,va"onsnd d!monstrt fiis having KimiMl. fhA AHamsnn Mil -naos'Ll 'kv tV.0 Snof0 P10"3 bv crowds ,bv bands' whlch !f Oof, rZ O, WT V -ii ST greeted the President on bis passage jate Saturday or Sunday, the President will again affix thrcugh 8very hJet , fn i ;his signature to the measure tomorrow. ' ...... .. w..l.!.;.a.. .. t. The Adamson bill, which was passed by the House on aented the climax 'f the greetings I Friday, will become efjective on' J anuary l: It provides hen- the Presidential train .teamed I T eignt-nqur aay, pro rata pay lor worc m excess Wr the bridge and entered the &ta I of eight hours, and that the men's rate of comnensation tion here. The cheerin at the fita. f f ehall not be changed for from six to nine months pending tion developed into a deafening roar. H an investigation of the effect of an eight-hour day Upon I Shrieking caliopes on' iriver steamer: j i J.-, j l - ii " ... . r ... . I ti.i.'... ,-' j nussiuxi appomiea Dy ine rresiaent.; The Senate voted 43. to .28 for the bill. Efforts to amend the measure were futile.dCu , In a short time after the Senate passed the 'bill the men's leaders here flashed an order to every part of the country calling off the strike set for 7 a. m today s . , v) 4 , J ; - wZxnt r l'iv - - Greece Has Accepted All Allied Demands, Paris Hears Allies In West Make Big Gains But Cannot Advance Farther, Because of Bad Weather Improving.Time by Strengthening Newly-Won Positions Peronne Defen ses! Stripped Terrific Fighting On Sunday Both Brit- , ish and French Make Headway Bulgars Shelling R MILLION POUNDS IS pLCLAIMS FOUR Ip'T HER SHUT UP NEARLY A WEEK Aberdeen, Sept. 3. Late last Sun. day afternoon Miss Cora ' Burkett was taken by force from her fath er's farm n Hoke county by four young men of the neighborhood and Carried in a car to Morrisville, where he was held captive for almost one week. ' ! ' Miss Burkett claims that while out from , her house soma-distance four young men seized her and forced her iifeainst her will into a car, threaten ing to kill, her if she raised an alarm. ne men wore Clifton - and' Frank BASEBALL BETTER WITH FEDS. GONE, OPINION OF A BIG LEAGUE MANAGER " , (By the United Press) .vNew York, Sept. 4. The class of baseball this year as compared to the game, put up in 1915 and 1914, has ahown a vast improvement, not only in the major leagues, but in the small organizations. : ' : - :..:' A prominent manager of the bg leagues, discussing this condition, to day declared it ds due to the demise of the Federal 'League. v"The disorganizing effect of the Federal League upon ballplayers of alt classes- was remarkable," he de clared. "A good baseball player, un less he was most conscientious, would not give his best efforts a year ago' MART Offerings and Prices Faif, to Come on Top of a Re-cord-Breaking Half of the Week More Heavy Breaks Looked For S . , I W K1VV 19 W! """ors, wie ouier two vis-, IIe figured that any time he got dis itors by the name of Brown. Wheth- j 8atisfied th his place on a certain tr ail fonr made , the trip is , not cluh( or if thsL manag6r of the club known, but '-Clifton- Brown Hook the . threatened . him, he could go to the g.rl through Eaeford and Hope Mills J Pedera, ,ea uo. This was to . cer. w wnuen. x rom xner ne took Mi Burkett to Morrisville," where it ap pears he had an '.mchih After near 'r weeK B .iime ne,iett to prevent wsing caught,'giving the young worn aa .money enough i to Tetupi.tohef tKm. She turned yesterday morn-iiK- To add to the charge f the young woman or girlundep ?ourteen She claims that he was not -abused . The authorities were hoEifled; warrants is sued, 'and postmen sent out tosearch "the country .C Feeling is pronounced ut not high, due partly to the mys tery yet to be mlsinil CONGRESSIlIENmJlNG' ; Washington, ept.. 3. -i-The con , rresskma! erodus, after nine-eventful monthrof legtslatJon, already ha gun. With adjournment practic Hy assured ty Wednesday or Thurs da' cores of members packed their arpaign speeches last night imme diately fte, they had saved the na "t'on from a railroad strike and msh. 'or unthreatened trains bound fori battlefields. - . ; tain extent, true." "' I r "As a result of this condition we had loafing, players, who dragged their play until .the" spectators were thoroughly disgusted, v' They ' would not go after a hard chance 'totjfrdy were afraid they would makalT er ror and. spoil: their averages j i ' "This yew everyJJilng has changed. Theold competition' has returned aad basbball -tgtlSm his aseended .the pin nacleiteHpped if com, or from where ityfas pushed by the Feds. The 1 layers again are hustling and, fans are getting a run" for their money . Apparently this manager,, who would not allow the use of his name, knew what-ha was talking about. - Certaini id is 4hat gameii have, been played in quicker tijne this year-than In the tw preceding ones, and it :is certainty-that baseball is enjoying pros perity, in the-two big leagues it has not .known for two -seasons. " J . ! The defeat of the Federal Leagae also has removed competition from the two major leagues, and this has helped swell attendance. Also many touted stars in the '-Federal . League have taken their places among " the American and National League play- It is estimated that between a quarter of a million and 300,000 lbs. of tobacco was sold here today. Ware housemen gave in estimates totalling 282,328 pounds at 2 o'clock. Offerings were fair, but the aver age price did not go to 20 cents, ac cording !to wiirchoustmcn. , Several reported around 19 cents, , one 18.21 and one between 20 and 21. The Jast mentioned insisted that pricesfor tho wetd at his house were a little bet ter than Friday's fine average. ' All in all, the sales were" very at isfactory to follow last week's ' tre mendous breaks and come on a Mon day. Tobacconit?pxpect more , big breaks -dnring'Vea Jm'ddle of this week.--' S . ' Roumanian Towns While Field. Forces of . Roumanians Continue to Overrun Austrian ' Territoryt-Hold Big Slice. . . . , '. n '.5, v.. , 1 0 CONSOLIDATION OF HALF A DOZEN RURAL SCHOOLS IS PLACED WiljBe Discussed by Pat rons at Sharon Tuesday Evening7-Dunn, Sharon, Bethel, Barwick's, Grain ger and Hugo Lrv lb C ALLAN GILBERT AT WORK ers and this has helped to revive in terest. - : .. ', - . - ' Next year wDl probably' see base ball -again established at the height of ' the prosperity and popularity it enjoyed in 1912. , : A meeting of patrons of half a dozen school districts will bo held at Sharon schoolhouse Tuesday evening at 7;80 to discuss '' at 7:30' to discuss consolidation of tho districts, and, as a'lcsscr. matter, plan a'community fair for October or November. Prof. L. C Brogden of the State Department, of Education, and the county education authorities will be present at the meeting. ' Ev ery patron in the territory is" urged by the county authorities to be pres ent The districts affected are Dunn, Sharon, Bethel, Barwick's, Grainger and Hugdmost of them of, the most progressive class of the counts, school districts. . . : , . , v , It is proposed to do away with al' of those- small schools .for .the erec tion -of -one .modern .central ..building. of brick: if possible,- .with -modern equipment, and a complete faculty, and, if necessary,, a public transpor tation system.. Although several ru ral districts have . been or will 4 be dorrq away with by State high schools in the county, the Sharon consolidat ed district would be the first consol idation of its kind in Lenoir. . The education authorities r antici pate success in the matter. . Profes sor Brogden will outline 'th advan tages of consolidation tothe patrons' of the six districts. ' ..'.i - (By the United Press) ' , "i" . Parjs, Sept. 4. Greece has 'accented all the Allies' demands, it is said officially;, ' Weather, Checks Allies: j ."; T ; : , ' Paris, Sept. 4.Bad Weather has halted tKe 'French offensive north of the Sommeft is, officially" said'1 The ' Awes re sLreiigmemng; uieir. positions. . t , ' '-tux - '' 1 ' ... ; ,t,.. Ji , ' t i 1 f. :'.-.. -y French Take Many Cannon. - Paris, Sept. 4.- Fourteen runs were amone the booty taken by the French yesterday. There was much activity on the northeast'front at Voraun last night." ' There was prenaae ngnung east ana nortnwesx' oi' Jf leury, mv tne' Frencji maintained' their positions" taken Sunday Fdur hundred prisoners were captured in this sector; : East of these positions the Germans attacked; but everywhere were repulsed. - . . -. Big Gains By Franco-British. , , London, Sept. 4. German positions on a front of 300 yards fone and three-fifths miles) were captured for' a aeputot: naif, a mile m yesterdays' lighting north of thet Somme, it is reported by; General i Haig; Thfr British' at one time occupied all of the villages-ot Ginchyv but were partially ejected.- They - have strongly fortified GiuJle- montj'won (yesterdays l - - ' In a sweepintr-advance Sundav. terrific fiehtinff-cave the Frencli a grip on the outskirts 'of Combles, which ' threatens the German hold on Poronne, onefof the objec Jtives of the Somme offensive. v Guillemont 'and Clery For-. est villages were captured in a drive by the ; British and - Tlir C i OT x encn on ia ironi oi o iz mnes. c-omDies is now oemg I H r I Ail II neavity attacked from three sides. - m . ' , - j pinpl JIT activity are smashing hard the Teuton lines bothuirr east- 1 uHlljlJ 1 1 ' eni Galieia and in the Carpathians. The Germans are sending al available men to the Roumanian frontier and Bulgaria to stiffen the Bulgarian -lines afiramst: anex- W. C. Knox! of This City- Is pected attack by the Greeks. Berlin dispatches report . i, . L.l.'.i 11 i. t Ml ii ll . -i n . 1 1 tr ' ' 1 Jr'"l ueiiei umLivrreece vm join xne Ames, ana xnat tne i-aiser Secretary - .1 reasurer is prenarini? to meet the new pnemv. ? - Kinston, Goldsboro, Tar- Roumanians Hold Big Part Transylvania. . : boro, Rocky Mount are Bucharest, Sept. 4. The whole of Transylvania coun the Members . . and around Harempzek and the inhabited, region of S- ' kile, are now occupied by the Roumanians, it issaid offi cially. Heavy attacks are beimr made bv the Germans 1 At the can of Secretary, , Herman an(j Bulears aloni? the whole Dobruia frontiers.. Roumani- Canady, of the local Fair Association, ar, fnwns flrp hpincr hnmrtarpH nnrl tha fioW fl rrli? in rr n- AGENTS FOUR FAIRS representatives ! of several lairs' in this part of the State met at Golda- boro Saturday and - organized ' the Eastern'-Carolina 'Circuit of Fairs, The Kinston, Goldsboro, Rocky Mount and Tarboro' fairs were repre sented. v Officers were elected -asfol-lows:-:. -President, C. A. Johnson of Tar boro.- - First Vice-PreBident, G. K. Home of Rocky Mount. Second Vice-President, M. R..Bea man of Goldsboro. . -J Secretary-Treasurer, W. C Knox of Kinston THIRTEEN ZEPfELp RAID ENGLAND; KILL TWO PERSONS, STATED Does morning find you wilh'a lame, tiff and aching back? ' Are you tir ed all the time find work a burden ? Kinston - people endorse Doan's Kid ney' Pills. 5fou can rely on their statements. ' ."'. '. Mrs. Sarah J. Dupree 301 Gordon street, Kinston, says: "My kidneys London, Sept. 3- -Thirteen eppo hn airships took part in the raid over the eastern counties last flight, and official statements issued this af ternoon say ft was the most forimu- able attack by air ever made on Eng. land. Only three of the zsppelias Several other fairs are.expected to wt:blo, to approach the outskirts! loin th -circnit. The nrincinal aA. : 01 aan vri ot tnese was Shot vantages of the organization will be down and the other tw were driven avoidance of conflictinff ; dates, ' the off by air craft guns and aeroplane; securing of -better ' . rac'ing . cards An onTcial statementlssued early to through offering a circuit good for a P111' aid 3stJst MPrW based upon month or possibly two. months. With r1"1 inJuirs Showed that the to- short distances between eneaxements. rer V persons kiilerf a thing which the horsemen will apt preciate, and the promotion in gener al of the interests of all the members. and 13 injured. NAVIGABLE .CHANNEL' ' " Woli'HuMdEBAyo BRACE UP1" were weak and gave me lots of trou ble. I ' also suffered a great - deal from - Inflammation of. the bladder. The kidney secretions were -nnnatur- al and. caused me much annoyance I I Do you feel old before your time? Is your back bent and stiff ? ' Do you suffer uin'nary disorders T Don't des-t pair, profit by Kinston -experiences! Kinston peopler recommend DoanV have used Doan'a -Kidney, Pills,. pro- Kidney Pills. Here'a a Kinston res- cured from J. E. Hood '& Co.'s" drag ident's statement: ' : i " storeand ttey have never yet failed James Wi mechanic. .408 Queen to relieve me. I keep them on, hand street; Kinston, $ays:1 "My; kidneys all the time and cannot praise them gave-roe a great deal of trouble; - 1 too highly , .. ' . ; v . I had severe pains" m my back and . Price 50c, , at all dealers. Don't I acress my loins and was eo sore and simply ask for a kidney remedy -"get stiff' that I could Scarcely bend.' 1 Doan's Kidney Pills the same that also had headaches and dizzy spells Mrs. Dupree had. . Foster-Milburn The kidney secretions were : scanty Co., EufTalo, N. Y. adv. I ar.d painful in passage and contain- Remidji, Minn., Sept. 2--A iiavig alle channel front ludsjn Bay to the Gulf of Mexico that would put the water that covers 1,250,000 acre of land near here in the Gulf, was plan ned by a committee meeting hera to dy, . ' ' -"' A eommfttee of All Minnesota De- veiopment Association' and citizen of Beltrami oountry, Imost Beriously effected, met here. .'The - . proposed cost ia $2500,000. . The Mississippi river is navigable t St. Paul and it is planned to bring the channel to that poiat-".;'fV "J; 'vy:' ' ; ; The canal also would past through the region-of Red Lake, the largest take in the nation entirely within one State." This lake gradually slopes in a vast expo rvses of swamp IsmA wikh out shore line and it ia primarily to drain" this huge territory that tlM canal -' is proposed. ) River traffia from the Gulf to Winnipeg alsa m ta be considered..,.' . '. . id sediment I usedthree boxes of Doan'a Kidney Pills and ws cured of all symptoms of kidney and blad der trouble." . 'Price, 60c, at all dealers. Don ft simplywk'for a kidney remedy get Doaa's Kidney rills the same that cured Mr We s t To ter-U ii b'or n Co., Piops.,"Uuffilo, N". Y. . a It