Hfnmlav Evening, September 4, 1916 rAGETiim::: WANT ADS ONK CENT A WORD EACH LNSERTIOS' . MINIMUM 15 CENTS 1 Ona cent a word , mm Inser tion, qdIcm order U accompan ied wltk cash and Insertions arc to be gWen In enuecntlr iMvca the paper. , ' , -r : . I, RATES ' Consecutive Insertions ' Oaly Whea Aceosnpaalet , f ..-." By Cash ,1 Insertloa... ...! a word 8 Insertions..... ,...2e a word S Insertions........ 3c a word 'til Insertiona.. I a word It Insertions....... a word 26 Insertions.. .,..12c a word Poaltirely No Book Kept '' , Where These Bates Apply LOST-Cameo Brooch. .Finder please return to The Free Press office and get 'rwS 8-28to9-4-Dly IWOMS FOR RENT for Tight house- keeping or otherwise. Mrs. W. 0. Davis, Phonev 4G4T-J. v ,8-31-5t-Dly THREE JftoOMS with light and wa ter io slight' housekeeping, foi rent, N!i08 E. Vernon Ave., Phone 485. 8-29;5t-Dly ; . ; MISS SALLIE P. HAZELTON, Reg. istere4 I)Iurse, graduated in July, is now located at 119 East Gordon SI Telephone. 218. ' f 8-15-tf GROCER STORES FOR CALE Desiring! to retire from business, I mn nvd) offering to sell before the busy sek'spn my two grocery stores, located jnjgood business parts of the I SOCIAL And 'iV' PERSONAL ' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin B. Rosa and Miss Ola Ross, -who have been here on a few days' via it to Mrs." T W, dleath, let t eiht WV Heath, left, this morning,' Mr and Mrs.' Ross for their home at Bon nerton, and Miss Ross for Greenville, where she is located as a member of Biltmore Wheat Hearts. AH grocers ,' (adv.) ' .',-"' city. iCwdy EiO."' FIVE POUNDS OF SLUG SHOT, for 49!) cents' for killing ; Bugs, Worms,'! (Caterpillars, on Collards, Cabbages (and other plants; at Mars ton's. - i 9"-l-lwk-Dly&SW Sf AP THE jlBST COLD A cold does not get well of itself. The process of wearing., out a coli wears yojj out, and your cough be comes serious if neglected. . Hacking coughs drain the energy and Sap the vitality ;J For 47 years the happy combination of soothing antiseptic balsams in Dr. 'King's New Discov ery for coughs and colds. Buy a bot tle today at your druggist, 50c. adv. X , - W. ' ' I ' ' I i , ' CHICHESTER S'PMS I-dlf.I Ahlt year Drwcfai tog . DMiH-wn uiamona Urand. u H.d and Uoid nM.uff' fcalnl with Itlua Ribboa, A U 5i. MMr. Jf T I'lAMONIt llltANU PILULfcrSS rmraknownu I!t.Salcst.Alwvs Relll,U. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE CRANKS CONVENTION IS OPENED IN CITY BY PACIFIC TOMY Sunla'nd., Cal, Sept. 4---The queer est people in the world gathered here today to indulge in the first Cranks Convention ever held.., ' Delegates were called to order by Dr. LeRoy H. Fry of Los Angeles, who organized the ,conclave. ; Every crank will be tnven a chance to ad dress the assemblage of "queer" del egates on that particular tneory or subject that has made a crank of him. : :' .. -v ;'. Scores of automobile parties mo tored out from Los Angeles and Pa sadena to sit back as spectators, and hear the funny people talk. , The convention will last several days.' No limit has .been set. Accom modations were furnished , by good people of Sunland and Little Land ers, two communities founded . oa idealistic principles. '. . Beneath the deep blue heavens and stars on a generous shock of yellow hay the delegates will pass the night. The hay has been arranged in spac ed intervals, The delegates will, fur nish their own fare, and for those who failed to bring along provender, inhabitants' of this narrow mountain valley will furnish nuts harvested from the wild iron nut ree which abounds in the valley. The floor of the valley is studded with millions of round boulders washed down from rocky ravines which, viewed from a distance gives the fantastic impres sion of a hugt basket of nuts having been spilled over the whole region, Some of the more blase of the spec tators even went so far as to refer to this place as "Sunny Ntuland.". One, of the surprises of the gather ings was that cranks when they get together find they are not cranks at all. Idealists, fatalists, religionists and infidels attended in goodly number. Several models and blue prints of perpetual motion mechanisms were exhibited. Many physical culturisteA and sociologists were here to say nothing of "unappreciated authors.' "professors," and prelates of peace and preparedness. .There were no women cranks al though feminine delegates were in vited. - .- ; .'vi ADDITIONAL TERRITORY FREE FROM FEYER TICK ;; (Special to The Free Press) Washington, D. C, Sept. 4. Ap proximately 9,493 square miles of territory in six States - "is released from quarantine on account of the Texas-fever cattle tick by en, order signed by the Secretary of Agricul ture to become , effective September 5. The order releases the last area ander quarantine in California, add ing this State to the tick-free list. The other territory released consists of ten counties in Georgia, 3 in South Carolina, 2 dn Alabama, 2 whole coun ties and 2 fractional parts of coun ties in Oklahoma, and a portion of 1 county in Mississippi. Greater interest in tick eradication is being taken throughout the South than at any time since the beginning of the work co-operatively by the U. S. Department of Agriculture and the States in 1906. ' ' SHIRT "WAISTS : We have just received a shipment ? of new Shirt waists in Voile and Georg ; ette crepe we wisa you to see. CHAMBERLAIN & BRAXTON Lome Celebrate Goldsboro Wayne County Fair October 10, 11, 12, 13, ACUTE APPREHENSION IN THE COTTONTRADE (Special to The' Free Press) New York, Sept. 4. A great deal has happened since our last letter of two weeks ago." The drouth in the western belt has remained practical ly unbroicen, thus bringing about the situation that wasjmost to be feared, namely, acute apprehension on the part of the trade over the question of supplies for the "coming season. In order to fully appreciate the situa tion as it exists today it is necessary to go back over the July and August weather. The most sensational rain fall in the history of the Eastern States occurred in July, cutting down the crop prospects in those sections, but leaving Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas with an excellent; outlook the first of the month .. Rains began to be needed, and one : of the w6rt droughts in the history of Oklahoma and sections of the other two States started, which is still , under way. Two such serious developments have seldom, if ever, happened to the growing crop. It will be recalled that we have ipointed out from' the beginning of the season that the real question of fertilizers couli not , be decided until th& fruiting of ' the plant was actually witnessed in Au- J gust. ' '':7''',3':t'''; '''"'; ,The govarnment report ofthe 31st, J showing a condition of 61.2 per cent., or 2.5 below the lowest previous con dition in the history of the Depart ment, that of 1909, can be definitely attributed to this question of fertil izers. Neither Tains of an etessiye character, nor dry weather, could ful lv exnlain these low figures. It is not surprising that the market itself was thrown into a turmoil, with one of the most sensational advances In years. Spinners are now thoroughly alarmed, and as it is still too early to obtain any large amount of actual cotton, the trade is rushing to the future markets for protection. , As long as this continues, a '.period -of wild fluctuations is inevitable. V It is still too early to even guess at the size of the growing crop, i A good September and October, with a late frost, would make all the differ ence in the world. On the other hand, there is an old adage in the cotton business that seasons are- uni form. This season has been unique in so many particulars that instead of a late frost we might have an ear ly one, but all that rests In the fu ture, and has yet to be determined. With the inflation that is a peculiar ity j of conditions In this country, as well as abroad, growing out of the progress ' of i the war, and the fact that cotton, in large quantities is ab solutely necessary as a war material, it is easy to see that very sensational developments are possible if. we are to have a crop very much below world requirements the coming season. Coffee The market has , reacted from the recent advance, but should advance again., Believe in purchase on the recessions. , ' ;v ' Cotton Seed Oil The oil market has been active and irregular on va ryinjNreporta as to the situation in the Balkans, together ' wUb the an. certainty over labor questions in this country. We rather expec wide fluctuations from present price both up and down. ' . S R. H. ROUNTREE & CO. SALE OF LAND BY MORTGA- i ' :' '. . ' GEE - ' Under and by virtue of the powers contained in that certain mortgage, made by R. A. Woolen and wife, Em ma Wooten, to Hinos Dro tiers Lum ber Company on April 18th, 1912, a appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds lor Lenoir Coun ty in Book 44 at page 261. said mortgage and the indebtedness there by secured having .duTy . come , by transfers to the undersigned B. F. D, Albritton, and default having been made in the payment of the indebt edness by the said mortgage secured, the undersigned will on the 25th day of jSeptcmber, 191 (at! about 12 o'clock M offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Klnston, N. C, the follow ing described tract of land, which is that described in tho said mortgage, and is more particularly described as follows: Situated in the aforesaid State and county, and in Vance township, adjoining the lands of Mrs. L. ' L. Parrot and follows: others and bounded as Beginning at a stake on the West edge of the Cinston and Snow Hill Public Road near a tenant bouse on Hytnan Mewbome's land and runs N. 43 E. with Mrs. L. L. Parrott's and W, O. Moselcy'a lines 1716 feet io a stake; thence N. 21 degrees and 38 minutes, West 18931-2 feet to a stake; thence N. 59 degrees and 52 minutes West 1515 feet to "a stake! thence N. 401-4 West 1633 1-2 feet to a stake; thence S. 79 West 723 feet to a stake in tho East edge of sodd road; thence with said road S. 2 1-4 E. 368 feet; thence S. 381-2 East 769 feet; thence S. 321-4 E. 1293 feet; thence S. 301-2 E. 155T feet; thence S. 27 E. 800 feet; thence S. 23 1-2 E., 913 feet to the be ginning. 170 ana T-iow acres, more or less, excepting, however, from the foregoing description about 30 acre heretofore conveyed by R. A, Woot- en to his wife, Emma Woo ten, which is situated on the South side of the above described tract of land, and lying on the South aide of the lead ditch through the Bright new ground. This 23rd day of August, 1916. B. E,. D. Albritton, .' Assignee of Mortgagee. ' Raleigh, N. C. SALE OF LAND BY MORTGAGEE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained iti that certain mort gage made to the undersigned, W. H. McCotter by William Phillips and wife,. Addie Phillips, on Ootober 23, 1912, which said mortgage appears sf record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lenoir county in Book 14 at page 581, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness secured by said mortgage, now due the undersigned, the undersign ed will on - - SATURDAY, SEFL 2, 1916, it- about 12:00 o'clock M., offer for lale to the highest bidder for cash t the Courthouse door in Kinston, N. the following described tract of land, which is that land mentioned and described in said mortgage, to- Beginning at Siddie Lane's corner on the Kinston toad, running south with her line td lAE. Jenkins' line, hd with his line ' to J. L. Tucker's line; then with his line to the Kin ston road, and with said road to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less, and known as the Moses Spi vey home lot , - This July 28, 1916. W. II. M'COTTER, Mortgagee. 7-29-Safcs tall Aug 26-dly PARISIAN ; SAGE Puts Hair On Your Head and Helps to Keep It There. What's the use of being bald? What sense is there in deliberately illowing yeur hair to turn gray? w Do you want to look ' old before your time? Give up the thought; old sge will come all too soon. ' Look after" your "hair, Parisian Sage is a scientific preparation that lupplies hair needs is just what you xraht It aims' to prevent grayness xnd baldness 'by putting-life and aourishment intft the hair roots. Man or woman, bo matter how old vou are, Parisian Sage will help you U look younger and more attractive Why not go to J, E. Hood & Co.' rod get a large bottle today, it will tot cost more than 50 centsand your noney back, if It does not cure dan-' Iruff, stop falling hair, or itching of the scalp. ( It will make your hair luxuriant, bright and beautiful. It s a mo3t refreshing, pleasant and invigorating hair dressing and ab wlutely harmless to the hair and scalp. f ; :, ... ' dv. ( EAST CAROLINA RT. ImprtTsd Passenger Serrice of tho East Carolina Railway, Effective Train 1, Motor Car. .Leave Hook erton 7:10 a. m., Maury 7:20; Farm October 20, 1912. villa 7:40; connecting with Norfolk Southern , train No. 17, Raleigh and train No. 12 to Washington. Leave Fountain ,8:00 a. m- Macclesfield i;20; Pinetops 8:30; arrive Tarboro 9:10; connecting with A. CX. train No. 90 for Norfolk. . , ' ' ' ' . v' l: Train 4, Motor Carv Xeave Tar boro after arrival of A. C L. train 19 from Norfolk for Farmville. ar rive Farmvllle 2:00 p. m., connect ing with' No. 50 for Maury and Hookerbon. ' Train 8, Motor Car. Leave Farm ville 3:00 p. m arrive Tarboro 4:20 connecting with A. C L train No, 64 fof Plymouth and points in Eastern Carolina. Train 2, Motor Car. Leave Tar-i the tnotox cars, nor do we guarantee connecticas. Train 61, Mixed. Leaveooker- ton 3:30 p. Maury 3:40, Farm ville 5:12, arrive Tarboro, 7:00 mak ing connection with A. C L. train 41 for points South. i No baggage will be handled on mo tor cars except hand-bags. All bag gage will be checked and handled on trains 50 and 5U Don't you fjocd a Wire Fence BULLS CANNOT BREAK, HORSES LEAP OVER OR PIGS NOSE THROUGH, OUR STANDARD WIRE FENCING. 7-: ; , ; ' -f,y:-V? PRICE OUR WIRE FOR FENCING; YOU WILL BUY IT FROM US. TEST OUR HARDWARE; IT WILL MAKE YOU A LIFE-LONG CUSTOMER. D. V. DIXON a SOW mum p ONE DAY THU 7TH ii The Pavlowa The IncompariibSe Sn :: I i v i ' . .:. of Porter A supreme of all the achievement in silent drama in nine reels ' S 4 jf, J j ' s " 3 i x 1 .' " , v! Pronounced by the worlds leading critics as the most wonder- : - ful emduonal actress of the decade. The most lavhh'ra production ever filmed in the entire history of moving pictures. A weird, wild, wonderful spectacle staged at a cost exceeding a quarter of a million dollars. Matinee 3:30, Children 15c7 Adults 25c. Even!::; 7:30 and 9:49, Balcony 25c. Wain Floor 30s.

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