H fOn THE BATH SPONGES If you havent tried a rubber iponge or the bath, you ought to. Tbey are clean healthful and more economical (too, becauie they lat longer and give better aatufaciton. We have them in various tizet 25 CCntS (0 $1.00 LENOIR DRUG COMPANY W.D. Hood, Prop. On The" Squaw Phonal 14 ITH A CAPITAL OF $100,000.00 j SURPLUS of $9500000 thli bank is in position to extend aid to deposi- ; tort" .for any legitimate purpose. Nrw accounts large or small are desired, and a perfect service it as sured. m.',iv: .;.;; .... HAVE YOU A BANKING , -HOME? ' Ttt ""' " Na&sjJBaakcf Khstcs DR. C C. HARPE DENTIST Offloa Oret Poetofflee, fw Car Load just 'unloaded, New model having Gasoline guage on, dash .light,, easy riding and other improvements Price $5.95 F. WI ST BLOUNT STKE.ET uaras OUR BUYER Is now visiting Northern cities in our behalf, and daily Ship ping to us . . . ? New Fall Goods It will be to your interest to step in and see these new . arrivals. They .were bought at reasonable prices, and will be sold the same Way. ; 'f T3p mm In South.Window ..j -' Cream, arid White, Sergerv;,;; In North Window V'v ' " ;"V'' ' 1 " i ".' . 1 '' . CHAM The Telephone Store 1 , , N. J. Room Edward M, Lan4 I KlnatoswN.C ' Goldstar, N. C ROUSE & LAND, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices i Kinston, N. C Goldaboro, N.C ' ' 193-394 Borden Building 99 :3 O. B. Detroit ' 4. e KINSTON, N. C. em The day, it I IfiHv 'ATERS TalephMM II , I IS xv????:. v?: ton 1. LOGAL Box' Party. j- There will 4x a box party ct Coa homa'achoolhouae Friday night, Sep tember 8. All persona attending are requested to wear fancy dre cos tumes. Three prize are offered -lor the mot original," the prettiest and the most ridiculou costumes. jThe proceeds will be used for the benefit of ihe school, of which Miss Nell Wooten is the teacher. The prizes, offered by Kinston merchants, are a pair of silk hose for the most attract ive costume, a box of candy for the most comical and a pair of gloves for the most original. - Good Musie at Annual Meeting. , tA special feature of the annual meeting at The Kennedy Memorial home will be the music Beginning at 10 in ihe morning a choir from the Thomasville, Baptist orphanage will render a program for an hour. Dur ing ihe afternoon a choir from jthe various churches of Kinston will have charge of the music. There is to be a picnic dinner to which everybody is invited, "those attending- being re quested to bring well-filled baskets.1 The orphans Bre to be the guests of fthe visitor that day, Tuesday, Sep UTObr"-' , (.fitM, Colored Girl Rifled Mite Box. ' An "imported" colored maid, sent i down by "relatives of her employers from Greensboro, remained in the home ofMr. and Mrs". H. Stadiem ai Gordon and Imkpendent streets, about six days, quitting late in ihe past, week after securing e number of articles, including a valuable cai fpin and a suitcase, from the Jiouso. Her star accomplishment was i.he robbery of a charity box tacked up in the kitchen. This box it is the habit of the family to fill during each year with coins, to turn over to a cer. tain chiiritable agency. About $3,(i0 was In the box. The girl, about 16 years of age, has not been seen since she left the house. FlVk MINUTES' CHANGE WOULD GIVE CONNECT AT GREENVILLE IN A. HI. Judge Oliver Allon started to Wil son this morning via Greenville, to I begin term of Wilson County Supe rior Court, thinking to go to Green ville via A. C. L. and there take Norfolk Southern train. The Judgi I however, learned in the nick ,of time lhat the train he wanted to take at Greenville left that town five mil i utes before the time for the A. C U train's arrival. This he consid n , Inconsistent anf unfortunate, for the traveling public The matter as, he was compelled to Temadn should be remedied, he stated. As it here until 10 a. m.,kwhen he went rby Goldsboro to Wilson4 As it was, he was compelled to remain here un til 10 a. m., when he went by Golds I boro to Wilson, due to arrive in time for beginning the term this after. I noon. Had be gone to' Greenville he would have bad to lay over nearly all fitly, unless the morning train to Wil I son had been late.- v " A LOT OF FOLKS. DO, NOT EVEN KNOW THATj THIS IS LABOR DAY i , ... This is Labor Day, with no more attention being paid to the occasion here than if it were the Fourth of July, which ia atating-a plain truth. There may be a doxen or so persons in the city celebrating it. The neat- ast honest-to-goodness observance is at Beaufort, which small oity ia do inp the day jip quit nicely. A hand-' ful 'of folks went fom Kinston to Beaufort and Norfolk tttr the day I Police Court is suspended for the but then, there wasn't much need , for holding a session, anyway. The police got about three drunks during the .week-end and called it "quits." The most gratifying thing 'about this Labi' Day tha country over is' that 7 a. m. found the rail toads in ' operation. Conjrrese circumvented the National strike laU -r Saturday, 1 I and the tie-up rde of the" railway brotherhoods was Annulled. Mountain Excursion to ASHEVILLE, N. C, THE LAND OF THE SKY? Tuesday, Sept. 5th, 1916 1 Via' . INTEREST SOUTHERN RAILWAY, TICKETS LIMITED SIX DATS Through' Pullman .Cars and Coaches. LEAVEr ":" Goldsboro 2:00 p. ra. SG.75. Selma 8:00 p.' ni. 16.25. Raleigh 4:05 p. m. $5.75. . ; , Henderson 2:15 p. m. $5.75. Oxford r! , ; i. ashdrl uautab Oxford 2:55 p. m-$5.75. . Durham 5:08 p. m $5.75. , Chapel Hill 4:00 p. m. $5.75. ; Burlington 6:25 p. m. $5.75. Greensboro 7:20 p. m. $5.00. ARRIVE s Asheville, ; Wednesday morning, September 6, :1916. - Round "trip fares : on same basis from intermediate points. r - Returningtickota will be good to leave Asheville on all regular trains up to and including all trains leav ing Ashevillfr' Sunday, September 10, 1916. - ' This is the best time of the season to visit the mountains. Asheville, Waynesville, Henderson ville, Brevard,; Lake Toxaway and Various other points. Make your sleeping car reservations in advance. , V , " for sleeping, car reservations and further information ask Southern Railway Ticket Agents, or pddress, J. O. JONES, . Traveling Passenger Agent : : -r Operates Passenger Trains from Vorth Carolina Into- Terminal Sta tion, .Norfolk, without Transfer. ' ; N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only and are not guaranteed, ? ' , TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON , , East Bount , 11:21 p. m. "Night Express." Pull man. Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all points North nd West. Parlor Car Ser vice between New Bern and Ner. folk. 7:50 a. m.- Daily, for Beaufort, New Bom and Norfolk. 4 ril n m Dailv fnr Rpanfnrt nl I .Oriental. ';-:.:- r" :: West Bound 5:40 a. m-Daily for Goldsboro v 10:03 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 8:14 p. nu Daily for Goldsboro. , 'Por further information or reserva tion of Pullman sleeping car epaoe, oapply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent Kin ston, N. C. . .:" 1 -.j-i1?..---E D. KYLE, , Traffic Manager, Norfolk. Va. H. S. LEARD, I General Passenger Agt., Norfolk, Va. CLEAR BAD SKIN FROM WITHIN Pimply, muddy complexions are due to (impurities in the blood. Clear up the skinv by taking Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before. At your druggist, 25c, adv. FORGET YOUR ACHES Stiff Knees, aching limbs, lame back make life a burden, s If you suf fer from rheumatism,' gout, lumbago, neuralgia, get a bottlcof Sloan's Lis. invent, the universal remedy fori pain, tasy to apply; it penetrates without rubbing, and sdolhes. vtho tender flesh.; Cleaner and more, ef fective than mussy ointments or poiil-; tices. For Strains or sprains, sore muscle or wrenched ligaments re sulting from , strenuousy ; exercise, I Sloan's Liniment gives ' quick reli lief. Keep it on hand for emergencies. At your drufrjrist, 25c, ad 4 "'I Grand Theatre TODAY'; A Triangle Tine Arts Lillian Glsh and Ellioyt Dexter in n 4DapiiIne and - the:E!rate?- A Musty Suffer Comedy. ; TOMORROW' PARAMOUNT - Cleo Ridgley and WaUace Reidln '?TheLdveBIask Matinee Dally 330 5 & 10 ;n;;Tv;r-,,ii:j;v,ulw.-: 1. - ----- COUIITEIiPAiiES Full Size, Good Quality 4 95c "to. $3.50 ; Values I' WortW CbnsTdeiing 11 Hem Stitched and plain hem :; style; - ; 81X90 and .63X90 Bleached and Unbleached : l 9-4 ahd 1 0-4 Wide.- 1 :' ' ' V ' - Use Qn$s ppec Casli Star A. J. Sutton & Sons Telephone 34 V iL Your last Opportunsty! reeling Mr i ; '" 'n ''"iii ' ' i ' i " vr--y. --J . hi ' if .' ' ' ' ' ' " 61 i . . .-- w " 1 ..v m ! fWii'afciv?..!' .-i 1 1 bl we are offering finally ' .... ... r . ir -v i ,., REDUCTIONS O.N Automatic Refrigerators ' if you buy now it maans a big- saving because prices next yearwUI be considerably higher than this ..4 ' v,'- ' OETTINGER'S R E F R I G I'SKIRT Ve have left over Seven Palm Beach, and Sixteen Corduroy, Skirts, which.-sold up to $10, we will bffefi hem on Wed nesday morning at SEE SOUTH Tp W,i R2eivborn & Co. JOHNSTON IVIOWERS Lead Them All 5 i7;7v7vvr u-u ONE satisfied customer ucai.v-iuui uiiuiuu iuuwer t got ot VOU last has given entire satisfaction: I consider it a bet stronger machine than others." ' . ' Every. Johnston Mower is carefully tested before leaving, the factory., The frame is set up with pitman push-bar. and ctitter bar attached and run at a sDeed SSS ln eifi0f h.at .!t- .WOuI be in actal field operation. If the wrist pm ls gomg to heat it will heat during this test Also ,if gearings do not mesh properly the fact is at once deceeted and the trmiHa nLA n. E. MOSELEY HARDWARE COMPANY Call and examine these Mowers before buying else- We fiie All Summer Goods s And : Low SHdo J'1 REDUCED FRIGES- ' Elk tll rrei i I s ' . . I Tim-,, For the next few days . E R AT ORS S3BBI each WINDOW recently wrote us as follows: season better and 6 ; jj in "Y'.( Mam ! AT I f , We" have added to 1 our line the well-known . 1 "f-.V'T -if.f ,9' ,.v GRAND, AND, PLAYERPIANOS Our. line is complete in every respect : ' JBef ore purchasing a PIANQ call Phone 329 J, or, a postal card will do.i We now use a storage house instead of a store. v Forr est, Smith '!V - - IjSell the Famous Barre Granite. Also all other-Monumental Granites and have a splendid collection of Polished j Ham mered -and Rustic designs. Give, me an opportunity to show you.,, f E. DAUB, KINSTON N. C. DR. JAS. W. POWEL!; . ' dentist;'' ! ' i ' ejMdaUat--Pyorrkk. Crowm and Bridg .Wl First Nat Bn Bids. Pbona 595. SXr GI: K. KORNXGAT. ! Diaewea of Womem ft Chndrca " Offio Hoon: 19 to M ' f OlMt 117 Wwt CMweS fitrwt PHONE lit, DR. F. FITTS i Osteopath, -Upstairfl, Next Door Old Poatofilet EXAMINATION FREE. Phones: , OffletN80. , Rcfc 523 btVMPIAN CAIiDY KITCHEN 127 N. Queen Street Nice candies made ln our own Sanitary candy kitch- en. M ts and all flavois - to order. - FRESH FRUITS , COLD DRHKS WeMsie our ice creani. Pure aad -delicious, 35 ' cents Quart delivered. PriCNE 350, Kinston'a Only Candy Store artsfiei - f - f Carl Fisher