Tht Home Paper toJf'Nw Tod7 I If The Wcathet Fair VOL XVIIL No. 72 FIRST EDITION KINSTON, N. O, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8; 1916 . . . ' ...... t - i, ,.,.,., 'OUR PAGES TODAY 1 PRICE TWO CENTS FIVE CENTS ON TRAINS CONGRESS AD JOURNEIJ TEN O'CLOCK THIS HORNING; SESSION THAT LASTEu THREE QUARTEIiS OF YEAR HIST'liYMAKlNB ONE WAR COSTS ALLIES EJGIii; HUNDRED AND FIFTY TII'S'D BALES TRIO ' OF THAN HALF A NUMBER ROUMANIAN TOWNS FALL TO THE MORE THAN MILLION SPEAKERS AT ANN'L MILLION POUNDS ON HEN fill MONTHS MP IS GINNED LOCAL LEAF MARKET NOTALES MORE Little of the Spectacular at Close, But Fiery Spccchmak ing In Senate In Last Hours Canadian Officials Ac cused of Lobbying: In Favor Ordered Lewis Charges ing to Drive American Trade From Orient and Takes State Department to Task ident Signs Bills and Leaves for Atlanta City and the Summer White House at , (By the Washington; Sept , 8. 'o'clock this morning after a enjoyed more draroatic moments than . any , of , recent years, and appropnated more preceded it. . - . - . . The session was closed amid scenes -that contained lit tle of the bizarre or spectacular, .v. President ,Wilson went to his room in the Capitol and signed the bills passed dur ing the closing Jiours. ' These include the revenue, work ingmen's compensation, deficiency 2nd widows' pension bills. N " " . Serious charges were made today, of a lobby by Cana- dian officials, including Sir, Joseph Polk, to prevent the passage of an amendment to the, revenue bill which would have prevented admission into the United States of froz en halibut and salmon from the 'North Pacific, except Iwhen sent m bond from an American port. ..A resolution by Senator Curtis ordered an investigation by the lobby .committee. Senator Chamberlain declared "the time has countries are going through diplomatic and commercial agencies, to influence congressional legislation." ; - President Wilson left after the adjournment for At lantic City, to address the suffrage convention, and Long Branch, where he will spend bile this morning. - Lewis Scores State Department; t Washington,'. Sept. 8. Declaring that Japan and Rus sia are combining to force America out of the Far East, senator L,ewis scored ine otaieuepanmenx toaay ior us "peculiar silence" and "apparently little eftortr to irsist pn American rights in the Orient. ... . - v &y " V"' - - 'jLrfitjT7 1 fir 't:f: H v ... - -j ? iV" : CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD ,i.v,fc,,, , Xh Naw r-.l rvvrf urC7i HIP V-Bray ia tiia rieicalor of the Animated I ' aa olely o the Parwaount f i n. . I ill i .. . '.w.W.--. w ? 11.3. U 1 11 i-'.i.vj.i winp.a-t(a'wf-r', . t of Fisheries Investigation Russia and Japan Conspir for 'Peculiar Silence Prcs Long Branch United Press) ' . ., f Congress adiourned at 10 session that lasted longer and money than any that had . j ' '' . some time, in an automo - - and SIDNEY UKAN1 Morotco-Paramorot Stara. ..J Uf.iWJ R RRAY i ' Cartcon aad kia craatiaea ar to fc Prof n te.thejutiire. " Is German Estimate; Russi ans liOst More Than 600,000, Its "Figured LITTLE TO SHOW FOR IT Berlin Boasts That Empty Victories' Have Been Won by Enemies Toll In Flesh and Blood "Has Been Appalling . . . . . 1 (By the United Press) Berlin, Sept. 8. The Allies have lost more than a million men an kill ed, wounded , and , missing: einoe the grand offensive of the Entente pow ers opened with the' Russian attack Rtttack three months ago. The esti mate is by German military experts, who Relieve it is conservative. Against these lo3se the Allies have only the jonquest, of E'akowtna and some Galicialrf territory fcy the Rus sians, the capture of Goritz-by the IjaliaJis, the shallow 4hru3t into the German lines oj the Somme, and the occupation of mountainous Transyl vanjan territory by the Roumanians a positive military achievements. The armies of the Central powers are keeping their lines . intact every where under tremendous pressure, whHe at the ami8 time they have truck back, with success in the Bal kans. " v-v: ' - The Allies losses are estimated as follows; Russia, 600,000; British, 230,000; French, 150,000j Italian, Ser bian and Roumanian, 50,000. The Russian losses may execede 800,000; the British and French combined may have lost more than 400000, it is said. -Official London lists place the losses of the British at 125,000 in August alone.. h BULLETINS (By the United Press) THOUGHT GREECE WAS ENEMY. i Athens, Sept, . 8. A German submarine is reported to have fired on he Greek steamer Eleni, the commander, apologizing later, saying he thought Greece was at war with Germany . ; ; ENGLISH SHIPS SUNK. London, Sept 8 TheEllermaa : liner; Tagus, the British steamer Stratfiy and the British steamer Hazlewood have been sunk, the latter off Yarmouth. The crew ' of ,the Stratey was saved. The Tagus was of 6.000 tons and the HazelWood of 3,000. lOfiST ARTILLERYMEN BACK FROM THE LINE Wilmington, SeBt. 7-After liav ing spent nearly half a year on the Mexican border, the 31st Coast Ar tillery arrived in the city this1 morn iMg and late irfthe day embarked for Fort , Caswelr where they were sta tioned previous to being ordered to the . border. The company left the border several days ago and has been traveling continuously ever since An two pullmans and one express car. It is in command of Capt. Francis NH Cooke and Lieutenants Prentice and Welschnflf. ' TWO MEN KILLED IN AUTO-TRAIN SMASHUP Albemarle, Sept 7. Tw men are dead and another seriously injured asj the result of a collision of a Ford mo tor truck and passenger train No. 63 of the Winston-Salem Southbound Railway Company, which occurred Ir.te this afternoon, just north of the c:ty. The dead are J. K. Kames and John Merritt. both of Albemarle. The injured is Caud E Merritt, a brother of John Merrit. of New Crop Had Bern .Handled bv September I, Report In . . ... . r dicated-f46i,000 Bales by Same Ditc Last Year 5 (By th United Prew) Washington, ept. 8; A report by '. 'it the United. States Department of Commerce shoF 850,000 bales of cotton ginned ,m the 1916 crop pri or to September1 1, against 40-f ,000 by the same date last year, and 440 bales of Sea Island agrainst 1,91.1 lat year, Domejtie consumption in the fiscal year ending July was 1,400,000 IN NO HURRY BRING tlffi FROM t 1 B (By the United Pre3) (Washington, : Sept. 8. Neither the xni'I itifv on the border nor Pershing's column will b Mexican-Amur i withdrawn until the V peace commission reports, it is stated on high authority. In the meantime the plans to send other ' guardsmen to the bord'er will not be altered.! BUT S00S RESUME WORK Grdnsboro, ,Sept. 7. One hundred and sixty employes of a local cigar factory here- struck today -to enforce a demand for higher wages and a change 'in working hours. iA com mittee appointed by: the workmen called on th.3 management of the fac tory and after a conference1 called off the strike. .It was understood the change in working hours was grant ed but that the increase in wages was refused. ,"' ' ' BAD AMAZONS BREAK , 'MONOTONY IN POLICE COURT; LONG TERMS Ada McNeil and Elizabeth Arm strong, who drew 12 months each when convicted of assault, disorderly conduct, etc., in the Recorder's Court Thi" 4ay, were responsible for the mot, interesting session ot, the local tribunal in months and months. "In dependent," "sassy," "bull-hoaded" and at timen downright venomous, they !.t His Honor the Court know .. . that they didn't care 'a " what he did with them. They expressed pre cisely that sentiment when they walk ed down stairs to go to tfie jail. The couple "jawed" at each other in court. "Wilmington's my twme; I guess I kin ride on trains as much 83 I pi 3ase," and "She never played wid mej she played wid my sister; she's a show gal," and "Dat gal, she tried, to kill me; she wuz a-goin' to stick a knife right down in my head," were some of th? etatementa of the principals. Frequently they voluntar ily assisted in the examination ' of witnesses. One had a bad wound on her head, inflicted by theother. One was very drunk; the other nearly so. The local police court is no pIace;foT amusement, but thepecta tors' ouhi hot resist their inclination to laugh. One Woman referred to "an offiaw as a . "graveyard policeman," and :"whert thaT same officer assisted! in ipking the prisoncf sout of court cursed him in a. profane masterpiece of about a dozen words. They were inadvert ently put Into the same cell, where upon the sobersst inquired of a "pol iceman, "Whai did they do with this 'cman?" Iiifofmed tha tliey both drew . alike, ( she expressed satisfac tion; had it been 'otherwise she in tended to beat her sister in misery to dt-ath, she declared, . , That Much Conservation Discussed By Baker, Small and Poteat. Tell How to Preserve and Build Up National Re sources ' (Special to The Free Pre) CreenslKro',. Sept. 8, Sacretary of War Newton D. Baker, Congressman John H,' Small and President W. L Poteat of. Wake Forest College were tha honor guests and speakers at the second annual dinner cf .the Chamber of Commerce and the State Normal College, held at the ' college last night. The conservation of the na tional resources was the theme .for the dinner. At the first dinner, in the Fall of 1915, Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo was tha principal speaker, and Pan-Americanism ' his subject. 1 - .'. Secretary 'Baker declared that the people of the Nation must make sac t'ifices for the national good, that physical betterment ehould be ' the aim of the populace, and that the Democratic party had accomplished a great deal looking toward 'the con servation of the country's resources. Dr. Poteat confined himself to the Conservation of the Resources of Noith Carolina.". Mr. Small, fath er of the inland waterway," discussed transportation problems and stated that North Carolina has magnificent possibilities in its rivers and other in land waters. . ' Secretary Baker made an address to a'thousand persons In Winton-Sa- lem during the afternoon ALLIES CAN BACK DOWN WITHOUT HUMILIATION Washington, Sept. 7. The cxpecta tion of ofllcials here is that any t . "I . .... 1 -1 . change the Allies may decide to make as a result of the trade repriaa.! pro visions in the revenue bill will be niade gradually": rather than in the form of a blanket modification of the blockade. By exercising greater len iency in case of detained cargoes, by loss rigorously enforcing the black list, by permitting maila to pass through more quickly and by similar means, it is pointed out, a groat part of the annoyance to Americans could be eliminated without formal ac knowledgement of defeat in the dip lomatic controversy. " " rnmr.mmn TOWNS AND COu iS OF EOTN CAROLINA New Bern's water commerce now picking up. "Not day passes but that half a dozen, schooners and bar ges cither come into this port from the North or leave for that section with' cargoes," says the New Bern Sun-Journal. Heavy rains this week have caus ed half a dozen or moro washouts along the Wilmington-New Bern line of the A; C. L. , ' ' An, unusual number of last year's high school students returned t to sehoof at Greenyfyejthw fall, in fact, aH but three except graduates. An automobile found together with four bodies of negf&Cs in Pantegr creek at Belhaven'ThUrsday, was the property of Virgil Howard, 'on of tho victims. The bodies of Howard, Allen' Mann, porajlarding -and Bes sio Wahab were recovered- There is believed to have been a fifth passen ger. It is thought the car went over the side of a bridge when the driver fost control of it. Pantego" creek is a river in width, and it is thought the fifth corpse may be Jfound some dis tance from where the car was locat ed. 1 - Breaks May Be as Heavy as Thursday's, and Average Price as Gossl or Better Very Successful Week all Round A- - Today's sales of tobacco promise as heavy if not heavier' than Thursday's. About 576,000 pounds was estimated to be the total on hand. ; Sales had not been commenc- od on some floors early in the after noon, and there was a prospect foe a block, . - ' . ' . The average price, it is said, will be?ully up to Thursday's, which waa the best in several days. The bright, warm weather, and the tendency of price to increase, were among the things responsible for the big breaks of today,' Planters were here from the country north of t Kinston in greater number than on any preced ing day of the season, it is said. . A num'oer ware from he neighborhoods of markets of considerable import ance. The local market, tobacconists declare, is leading the belt just now, and it would be no big surprise to some to see Tvinston wind up in first place for the season., Well above a million pounds will have been sold by the time the week's business is ovsr. . The total for the five days, with bad weather for more than half of the week, may even go to 1,500,000 pounds. ' FORD SUES CHICAGO . TRIBUNE FOR MILLION . ; .-- , . ' . . -,-. ,-, v - V , . .'. - - ' ' ' ' 0" mmmm : Chicago, 111., Sept. 7. Suit for $1.- 000,000 waa filed by Henry Ford, thfe Detroit manufacturer, against the Chicago Tribune in the United States DistriJt count here today. Mr Ford nsks for personal damages as com pensation for an editorial printed in the Tribune, June 23. which, it is al leged called Ford an anarchist. , COTTON MARKET TODAY; ' NO SALES THIS CITY There ware no receipts on the lo cal cotton exchange today. f Today's New York futures quota. Hons were: Open 2:40 15.29 15.53 15.03 15.20 January ...... . .. . .715.33 March .. ........ .. 415.50 May .. ...... ...... ..15. 67 October .. .......... .15.14 December . . . . 15.22 . By ' an inadvertency in reporting quotations on Wednesday and Thurs day it was made to appear that the staple had jumped considerably on the latter day," while the opposite was the case. ' r i VALUABLE CARTLOAD OF TOBACCO SOLD HERE A. S. Johnson, manager of Mieis May . Harvey's , farm, eold a dump- bodied cartload of tobacco tips at the Central Warehouse Thursday for $226.87. a " . CERALOINEFARRAR A a.TUr 3eood Laskr-f uurauoj An V v v ' , , f : vi f y " a I - y i f 1 : ,-ii"f jiff i " t i hi III . V ; h r . 4 r" Ul , jrA , P, :!-?$i' pit ;v. u While Entente Powers' New Allies Capture Orscrva, - Gateway to Hungary, FRENCH TAK1 TRENCHES Is German AdmissionTur kish Foreign Minister ' At Berlin Elkus Made Fine Impression In Kaprr Capital, Said , ; . (By the United Press) . - ' Sofia, Kept. S.-The Bulgarians and Germans have cccupiod the Roumani an towns' of Debsia, TJalchika Cavar na and Kaliekpa,' H ia reported offl- daily. It is admitted that the Rou manians have taken Orsova, the VIron Gate" to Hungary. Berlin Statement. m Berlin, Sept. 8,-r.The .Roumanians have driven hack north of the Rou-, manian town of Pobrk: after a atrontr attack, it is said officially. The Ger mans have lost sections of trenches to the French south of the Somme and , west of Berny, also northeast of Sou villa, on lie Verdun front, it b offi cially admitted. i 1 Halil Bey, the Turkish foreign min ister, has arrived jr. Berlin and ex pects to confer with Chancellor Von, Dethmann Hollweig and Foreign Se cretary - Von, Jagow. Conferences havenbccn arranged with leading. bankers. The object of his visit ia undisclosed. Abram I.' Elkiistho new United States ambassador to Constantinople, has arrived at Vienna' after few days in Bei-lin, where he' made a find impression.. Hei will teach his. post Monday, . , ; Not Much Doing In West , , L?st Night. , - London, Sept. 7 8.--Artillery ing 3outh' of Ginchy constituted the only activity in the Somme , ''aector ,1 last night. '. ' IN-TIIE POLICE COURT Margaret artcllo, charged with vagrancy, was found not 'guilty by Jury in the Recorder's Court today. Sue Huggins and Bessie Morris, Col ored, charged ''with assaulting Pearl alleged assault being stated to have occurred at a South Kinston "fime shun' were fined $10 and osts.eac1, with the pvilege of going" t jail for thirty day if they preferred that. .'.'.' .'., ' ... ' .- " ' ANITA ICING The Para&iount Girl 1 DONT NEGLECT TOUE COLD Neglected colds" gef worse, instead of tetter. A stuffed head, tight chest must be relieved at once. Dr. fie'.l'a Pine-Tar-Honey H ' Nature's r.rraedy. Honey and glycerine heal the irritated membrane, antiseptic tar loosens tha phlcgh, you breathe easier and your cold is broken up. Pleasant to take, Dr. Bell's Tine-Tar-rfoney itf an ideal remedy for chil dren as well as grownups. At your druggist, 23c.' , Jv4 AT"' I j . tj I a:- :' j f f h . . (