PAGE TWO THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS (United PrtM Tekgrapnle Reports) " H. Gait Braxton Editor and Manager f ubliihed Every Day Extent Sunday by tha Xlntton fit Praia Co. Inc. Kinston, N. C. : - Babwrltftloa Itefrarabto la Advances ; (Km WMk Jb ftiff KOmthj ,. LOO C IfoAfc 41 Six Mentha ?..'..... 100 Ona Taar H00 . ,.. JCnterofc at tho pottofflca at Kloiton. North Carolina, aa Meood-class matter wider act oX Congress, March 8, 187V. Communications received and not published will sot ba returned tmleaa atampa to cover postage accompany aame. NEW YORK OFFICE 8 Park Row. Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in aola chare of Eastern Department Filei of Frea Press can be seen, j.""' . J. . m 1 1 . I I 1 v WESTERN OFFICE In chare of Mr. C J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, wher flies of Th Free frees caa ba aeon. - ; ' . . ' ' Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephon Tfc Tb Free Press of any regularity of delivery or - Inattention whauoever on the part of th carriers. ' After Six P. M. subserfbers are reouested to call West ern Union and report failure to ret the paper. A copy wOl ba sent promptly, If complaint is made before Nina : P. If- without cost to subscriber. SATURDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER , 1916 Congress has adjourned. Congratulations far every v body! , ' ' ' .--.: a I. nm . : No evidence of that "all-in" condition of the tobacco apply In .this region yet.- More than " four million pounds have been sold on the local floors to date this eea- v-.- r.P'i'i:yi .' 1 ' .. V , : ' " 1 "' x ? vfc;t "f: An Alabama Confederate veteran died from the effects, v it is claimed, of a bullet wound received In battle fifty years ago. The old gentleman would have probably riv ' aled Methuselah had he not been shot. ' , t " . , , ,. , . ' t , . According to Berlin, the Russians have sacrificed more than a million men in the past three months for empty victories. According to the viewpoint of the right" think ers, all the men who have been sacrificed in the war on both side have given their Uvea for result which were : far short of the cost. , f s,s-".. i. n 'ii'i ,:''v;r.0:;H, V'-'V Ordinarily our sympathies ara naturally on the side of 4he newspaper which Is being' sued for liber, but In the case of the suit of Mr. Ford against the Chicago Tri bune we cant help but feel that it would be in justice to 'the South If another suit should be brought against the "muck-raker" for slandering the best section and the best people in the world with its "blatant ignoramus" el ; legation. ' '- ' - A WAR OF COMMERCIAL CREED. . -' That the terrible European struggle is in reality a trade war has been repeatedly charged since the cannon began to roar In August, 1914. The intense rivalry of Anglo-Saxon and Teuton for world commerce eupromacy ha frequently been assigned by mor than one critic as the contributing cause for the awful catastrophe which now devastates th continent of Europe and more or leas affects the people of the entire world. ' That these views are more or less well founded has been given color by the attitude of the Allies and their declarations of threat ened boycots of the products of their enemies even after the war shall have been brought to a termination. , It has been quite evident from the development of the past year that Great Britain 1 mad with the greed for continued supremacy on the high seas. The retaliatory measures adopted and proposed by, the British Govern ment have done much to wean public favor In this coun- try from the cause of the Allies and a continuance of the 'seeming utter disregard of the right of this country to engage In legitimate commerce where and when, and with 'whom the citizens of this Nation desire to trade, will 1 create a breach which will not be easy to bridge, i ' The United States cannot afford, and it will not sub mit to having the dust of jealousy thrown in its teeth by the British or any other self-seeking folk. According to' Manager Hayes of the Kinston-Carolina' Railroad, the recently inaugurated extension service to the heart of Duplin is already producing splendid results both from the passenger a well a the freight standpoint. So it will be with every railroad extension tapping tor ritory tributary to Kinston and making the way easy for the residents to come here to trade. Saturday Evening, September 9. 191 r EAST CAKOLIN A RY7Y. i ! 1 Imprved Passenger Service af th , East Carolina Railway, Effective Train 1, Motor Car. Leave Hook erton 7:10 a, m., Maury 7:20; Farm October 20, 191X ville 7:40; connecting with Norfolk Southern .train No, 17, Raleigh and train No. 12 ,to Washington. Leave Fountain 8:00 a. m, Maccleafield 8:20; Pinetops 8:30; arriv Tarboro I 9:10; connecting with A. CX. train .! ' ' No. 90 for Norfolk. Train 4, Motor Car. Leave Tar- boro after arrival of A. C L. train I 49 from Norfolk for Farmville. ar j rive Farmville 2:00 p. m, connect ing with No. 60 for Maury ana Hookerton. t V 3f X - A contemporary In emphasizing the advocacy of its choice for a judgeship,' urges his election, among other reasons, on rthe strength of hi being a Democrat and a member of a certain religious body. We are convinced that every judge antrusted with th interpretation of the law should be a God-fearing and God-erving man, but his peculiar religious tenets should neither bar nor qual ify any man for public office. , , . , ' . ' "' - i Col. Fairbrother, editor of the Greensboro Record, wise : ly tuggeats that when the law ts ao fixed that plstol-tot- era will go to the road fox five years th number of self- defense eases In th courts will diminish, We can cer tainly go with the Colonel 'to most any limits in the advo cacy of drastic laws for the suppression of this menace to society. Fiva year at hard labor for every scalawag convicted of transporting a deadly pistol about would not b a bit too sever. , , - Some few men, who have resisted the wcrk of midnight intruders, have succeeded in either holding the fellows , for th officer of the law or driving them off empty handed, but in a great many cases the householder U a v victim of the weapon of the burglar, who comas prepared ' and who ha every advantag over his victim, who is sud denly aroused from his slumber and begins to resist In a dasod and half-asleep condition. Safety first suggests giving the burglar right of way unless the drop can be gotten on him unawares, s WHAT OTHERS SAY MORE BAKER-WILSON TESTIMONIALS. Wmston-Salem Journal: "After hearing Secretary Ba ker, it would be hard to convince the average Democrat that a vote against Woodrow Wilson in this campaign would not b almost equivalent to casting a vote against the Christian civilization. In fact, one gentleman who has been hearing speeches and sermons a long time re marked, when Mr. Baker had finished, that his speech was the best sermon he had heard in years." BRINGING HOME THE GUARD. , Raleigh Times: "If the mustering out of twelve Na tional Guard regiments marks the beginning of a policy which will return the entire organization to their homes, it is expressive of a confidence in. a satisfactory Mexican settlement that the country cannot ehare upon any rea son of hopo yet given it. . "It must not be forgotten that Carrlzal was an act of war officially sanctioned by a man with whom the coun try is now dealing as a sovereign of equal dignity. It went unpunished, it even met with a silence that seemed to accept the act itself as one which Carranza was justi fied in taking. In the withdrawal of the Pershing forces from Moxico which the demobilization order in all prob ability foreshadows, it is given the effect of a smashing victory. When the American soldiers are out of Mexico, what can th Mexican people think except that they put them out by fore and threat of arms? When w come to negotiate with Mexican representatives, what hope have we that they will fail to reflect at the conference board the child-like pride which such a circumstance ia sure to foster? "From tho point of view of the personnel of the Nation al Guard,, we can all look with satisfaction on the pros pect of their early relief from a character of service which can be justly expected of them, but which not one of them contemplated when he enlisted, either before or after the order of mobilization. ' These men are doing a patriotic daty at great personal sacrifice. The'y are entitled to very particle of sympathy they receive from the public or from the War Department, But pending a settlement through the Mexican Commission that is both reasonable in its formal assurances and capable of practical enforce ment, the material weakening of the border guard is no more than an invitation to further trouble calling for another and even larger mobilization." f 'I Lenore Ulrich. kllaa-Prarsoant Star. Train 3, Motor Car. Leave Farm ville 3:00 p. m., arrive Tarboro 4:20 connecting with A. C L. train No. 64 for Plymouth and pointa in Eastern Carolina. Train 2, Motor Car. Leave Tar the moto can, nor do we guarantee connectiis. Train 51, Mixed. Lcav H joker ton 3:30 p. m., Maury 3:40, Farm ville 5:12, arrive Tarboro, 7:00 mak ing connection with A.CL train 41 for pointa South. ' 4 " No baggag will be handled on n. tor car except hand-bags. .. All bag.' gage will be checked and handled on trains 60 and W'';':X:- ; Suhscribe loThe ' Fiee Piess BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM 18-It .Builds up the. System 18pt ' Pearson Remedy Company, . -..f Burlington, N. C. ' Gsntlomen: , t I wish to aay that I have used your Indian ECood Purifier in my home and am pleased with it. It purifies the blood and buildo up the system as you claim.' :r r , Yours very truly, A. A. APPLE, Sec. & Treas., Lakeside Cotton Mills1 . . Burlington, N. C For sale by E. B. Marston Drug Company, Kinaton, . N. C; W. E. Forest, Kinaton N.- C, R. F. D. No. 2,; J. Exum & "Co., Snow Hill, N. C; Hosea Bros., Pikeville, N. C. ; Howell & Langston, Goldsboro, 'A. Z.; Hr. J. J. Wainwright, Farm ville, N. C; Whelens Drug "Company, Farmville, N. C. ; Hookerton Drug Company, Hookerton, N. C. adv DKfBS SALE OF LAND BY GEE MORTGA- Subscribe to The Free Press . Under and by virtuo of the powers contained in that certain mortgage, made by R. A. Wooten and wife, Em ma Wooten, to Hines Brothers Luin- bcr Company on April 18th, 1912, as appears of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Lenoir Coun ty in Book 44 at page 261, said mortgage and the indebtedness there by secured having duly come by transfers to the undersigned B. F. D, Aibritton, and default having been made in the payment of, the indebt edness by the said mortgage secured, the undersigned will on the 25th day of September, 1919. t aboult 12 o'clock M offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash at tho Courthouse door in Kinston,. N. C.t the follow ing described tract of land, which is that described in tho said mortgage, and is more particularly, described cs follows: " " i Situated in the aforesaid State and county, and in Vance township, adjoining the lands of Mrs. . L. L. Parrot and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake ou the West edgo of the Kinston and Snow Hill Public Road near a tenant house on J, Hyman Mewborne's land end runs N. 43 E..with Mrs. L. L. Parrott's and W, O, Moseley's lines 1715 feet to a e take; thence N. 21 degrees and 38 minutes West 18931-2 feet to a stake; thence N. 59 degrees and 52 minutes West 1515 feet to a stake! thence N. 40 1-4 West 1633 l-2 feet to a stake; thenco S. 79 West 723 feet to a stake in the East edge of said road; thence with said road S. 21-4 E. 368 feet; thonce S. 38 1-2 East 769 feet; thence S. 82 1-4 E. 1293 feet;..thonca S. 301-2 E, 155? feet; thence S. 27 E. 800 feet; thence St 23 1-2 E. 913 feet to the be ginning. 176 and 72-1000 acres, more or less, excepting, however, from the foregoing description about 30 acrcf heretofore conveyed by R. A, Woot en to hi wife, Emma Wooten, which is situated on the South aide of the above described tract of land, and lying on the South aide of the lead ditch through the Bright new ground. This 23rd day of August, 1918. B. F. D. Aibritton, " : v ' Assigiioe of Mortgagee. Operate Passenger Train ' from North Carolina into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. , N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON East Bount 11:21 p. m. "Night Express," Pull man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all pointa North and Weet. Parlor Car Ser vice between New Bern and Nr folk. , Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. m. Daily for Beaufort and , Oriental. ' West Bound ' 7:50 a. m. Daily, for Beaufort, New 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro, I 10:03 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 8:14 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro . For further information or reserva tion of Pullman sleeping car space, oapply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kin ston,' N. C. ' E D. KYLE, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. H. S. LEARD, General Passenger Agt, "Norfolk, Va. i I, , , i ii cI(G)j V - L SHOES For, Men, Women, and Children , We will give you the best Footwear, and the best ser vice, at prices that you will find Surprisingly reasonable Yours to Please MARK CUMHIfiGS DO YOU WISH TO WAKE OR RENEW fl MORTGAGE ' The Equitable Life Assurance Society,assets over$500,000,000, WILL MAKE LOANS on approved home property in certain leetioni oi Kiruton it 6 per cent n'mple interea. to be repaid by fixed monthly instalments over period of 10 years, with additional provision that m event o( death of the borrower, balance due on the loan is repaid from the proceeds of the life insurance policy issued therewith. , ; For pamphlet and information see C. J. DUPREE, SPECIAL AGENT., " FORGET YOUR ACHES Stiff Knees, aching . limbs,' lame back make life a burden. If you suf-, for from rheumatism, gout, lumbago, ' neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Lin- intent, 1 the - tmiversal remedy for ( pin; Easy (o apply; it penetrates. without ' rubbing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more ef fective than mussy ointments or poul tices.. For strains or sprains, sore muscles or wrenched ligaments re- suiting ; from strenuous ' exercise,. Sloan's Liniment gives quick relief. Keep it on hand for emergencies. At your druggist, 23c. adv' I, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTON Capital and Surplus $160,000 . ',.!.- f .4 :". , ; . .; ,. , . s. . ."('" '! :.')" . "'j1' m.1.1 '- .... .h - v-,,,v ... ;.? ;. . . .. f r-;,, - 4 ,: . ..... ;. Congratulates it's farmer f fiends on the . prevailing prices of Tobacco W. J. ROUSE, Presides! DR. HENRY TUU, Ylce-Pretrt. D. F. WOOTEN, CaahleK 1. J. BIZZELL, AmC Caahler TV W. HEATH, Teller . : : W. L. Kenedy Or. Henry Tall J. H. Canady J. F. Taylor H. H. MeOif BISECTORS. S. H. Isfer N. J. Room , : C Felix Harrcy . , David Oettlnger . , H. E. Hoaeler ' " HiM VERY TOUCHY Bg ' -ms MW . e feN ; - m4 : IF You CAU M VLl pffoCEED To KNOCK TH' UflCf LIGHTS OUT OF jUHJ ' ".ygj -MIKE'HESSEt I srjirffci : I - ---v I f n't tt i wi i O) in ' ' I I -rr7T 7 . M I vun-1 omiv m v Iinirttv j , on iek way I L WJh-' ' -y I - V KIO-AN'OON'T v0WUN6ij S I TRY IMONE OP . C ) " .y&t eon "o f i c y J n . ' fii y - J f U , .' w , .-arts-Mr It X X "rg. X Sr. . . r 1-- i ; L- I- iii I ;&ZfyA ilr: '-i-t - ' -i? ' WMli GEE LOOK LIKE A HArtScRGEf STEAK -J 1 Avl . l rcei . ... d v ( ?F ZP- soey- but U .1 TJU)6HT DATCMY fJrVTTT, I , " -w fl i vi w T WOZN'T WHAT PO YoO MEAN BY coMiNa it Here in that GiVento me- iw inn i cluck EYE FIGHT 1 i- - - 'Mil v &i . r1 ;n-w.";rxit T-?T?J tfPVY" Qw.- 1 I - J ' K It" I