it I J ' i : i ! i I? 1 PAGE TWO TITE KINSTON FREE PRESS. THE DAILY FREE PRESS . (United PraM Tclemtphie Reports) fl. Gait Braxton. Editor and Manager ; TublUlMd Erery Day Exeeot Sunday by the Kiniton Fm vL-vv,v '., Pmi Co Inc., Kiniton, N. C V.: SnbecrlpUoa Bafer-rarabto In AaVaaees Cm Weak ..,..1 -ID - fhrea Booths ........ 1-00 MoAk 41 Six Month 1.00 . , 0M INI JH -latere at tha poitoffiet at Kinston. North Carolina, ai second-class natter under act of Congress, March 8, 1871. ConuBonicatlons received and not published will not be Mturoed unless stamps to cover pontage accompany same. NEW YORK OFFICE 38 Park Row. Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sole charge of Eastern Department. Files of Free Press can be seen. , WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Press can be seen. f Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone IS, The Free Press of any Irregularity of delivery or Inattention whatsoever on the p". of the carriers. After SI P. M. subscribers are requested to call West em Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will be sent promptly, if complaint is made before Nino P. IT, without cost to subscriber. SATURDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 0, 1916 Congress has adjourned. Congratulations for every body! ' , f No evidence of that "all-in" condition of the tobacco apply in this region yet. More than four million pounds shave been sold on the local floors to date this sea son. ; '. ' . ' An Alabama Confederate veteran died from the effects . it is claimed,' of a bullet wound received in battle fifty years ago. The old gentleman Would have probably riv aled Methuselah had he not been 'shot. According to Berlin, the Russians have sacrificed more than a million men in the past three months for empty victories. According to the viewpoint of the right think ers, all the men who have been sacrificed in the war on both sides have given their live for results which wer far short of the cost. Ordinarily our sympathies are naturally on the sid of the newspaper which is being sued for liber, but in the esse of the eult of Mr. Ford against the Chicago Tri bune we cant help but feel that it would be in Justice tc the South if another suit should be brought against thi "muck-raker" for slandering the beat section and the , best people in the world with its "blatant ignoramus' al legations. , A contemporary in emphasizing the advocacy of it choice for judgeship, urges his election, among other : reasons, on (the strength of his being a Democrat and member of a certain religious body. We are convinced that every judge entrusted with the interpretation of the law should be a God-fearing and God-serving man, but his peculiar religions tenets should neither bar nor qual ify any man for public office. - " , a - Col. FaWbrother, editor of the'C-reensboro Record, wise ly vuggests that when the law is so fixed that pistol-tot-era will go to the roads for five years the number of self defense cases in the courts will diminish. We can cer tainly go with the Colonel to most any limits in the advo cacy of drastic laws for the suppression of this menace to society.' Fiv years at hard labor for every scalawa? convicted of transporting a deadly pistol about would no. be t'bit too severe. . Some few men, who have resisted the work of midnight intruders, have succeeded in either holding the fellows for the officers of the law or driving them off empty handed, but in a great many cases the householder is a victim of the weapon of the burglar, who comes prepared und who has every advantage over his victim, who is sud denly aroused from his slumber and begins to resist in a daxed and half-asleep condition. f?afty first suggests ' giving the fcurglar right of way unless the drop can be gotten on him unawares. A WAR OF COMMERCIAL GREED, , That the terrible European struggle is In reality a trade war has been repeatedly charged since the cannon began to roar in August, 1914, The intense rivalry of Anglo-Saxon and Teuton for world commerce supremacy has frequently been assigned by more than one critic as the contributing cause for the awful catastrophe, which now devastates the continent of Europe and more or la affects the people of the entire world, That hese views are more or less well founded has been given color by the attitude of the Allies and their declarations of threat ened bcycots of the products of their ensmies even after the war shall have been brought to termination. It has been quite evident from the developments of the post year that Great Britain is mad with the greed for continued supremacy on the high seas. The retaliatory measures adopted and proposed by the British Govern, mcnt have done much to wean public favor in this coun try from the cause of the Allies and a continuance of the seeming utter disregard of the right of this country to engage in legitimate commerce where and when, and with whom the citizen of this Nation desire to trade, will create a breach which will not be easy to bridge. - The United States cannot afford, and it will not sub mit to having the dust of jealousy thrown in its teeth by the British or any other self-seeking folk. Accot ling to Manager Hayes of the Kinston-Carolina' Railroad, the recently inaugurated extension service to the heart of Duplin is already producing splendid results both from the passenger as well as the freight standpoint. So it will be with every railroad extension tapping ter ritory tributary to Kinston and making th way easy fur the residents to come here to trade. WHAT OTHERS SAY " MORE BAKER-WILSON TESTIMONIALS. Whtston-Salem Journal: After hearing Secretary Ba ker, it would be hard to convince the average Democrat that a vote against Woodrow Wilson in this campaign would not be almost equivalent to casting a vote against the Christian civilization . In fact, one gentleman who has been hearing speeches and sermons a long time re marked, when Mr, Baker had finished, that his speech was the best sermon he had heard in years." x BRINGING HOME THE GUARD. Raleigh Times: "If the mustering out of twelve Na tional Guard regiments marks the beginning of a policy which will return the entire organization to their hemes, it k expressive of a confidence in a eatisfactory Mexican settlement that the country cannot share upon any rea son of hopo yet given it. , ,' "It must not be forgotten that Carrizal was an act of war officially sanctioned by a man with whom the coun try is now deaKng as a sovereign of equal dignity. It went unpunished, it even met with a silence that seemed 'o accept the act itself as one which Carranza was justi fied in taking, i In the withdrawal of the Pershing forces from 'Mexico which the demobilization" order in all prob ability foreshadows, it is given the effect of a smashing victory. When the American soldiers are out of Mexico, what can the Mexican people think except that they put them out by force and threat of arms? When we come to negotiate with Mexican representatives, what hope have we that they will fail to reflect at the conference board the child-like pride which such a circumstance is sure to foster? V , "From the point of view of the personnel of the Nation il Cuard we can all look with satisfaction on the proo oect of their early relief from a character of service which sran be justly expected of them, but which not one of them iontemplated when he enlisted, either before or after the order of mobilization. These men are doing a patriotic 'aty at great personal sacrifice. They are entitled to ovcry particle of sympathy they receivs from the public or from the War Department. But pending a settlement through the Mexican Commission that is both reasonable In its formal assurances and capable of practical enforce ment, the material weakening of the border guard is. no more than an invitation to further trouble calling for another and even larger mobilisation." Subscribe to The Free Press Saturday Evening, September 9. 191 s . " 1 I : ' r , j v : Ki K. i f ' a-, . , ' I s. - hi ' ' ' ? t y , I ..... . EAST CAROLINA Rr.T. Imprtved Passenger Service of the East Carolina Railway, Effective Train 1, Motor Car. Leave Hook- ert?n 7:10 a. m.. Maury 7:20; Farm October 20, 1912. Lenore Ulrich. r&Iles-Parainount Star. ville 7:40; connecting with Norfolk Southern train No. 17, Raleigh and train No. 12 to Washington. Leave Fountain 8:00 a. m., Macclesfield 8.20; Pinetops 8. "30; arrive Tarboro 9:10; connecting with A. CJ train ! No. 90 for Norfolk. Train 4, Motor Car. Leave Tar boro after arrival of A. C I train 49 from Norfolk for Farmville. ar rive Farmville 2:00 p. m., connect jng with No. 60 for Maury nd Hookerton. ', Train 3, Motor Car Leave Varm ville 3:00 p. m., arrive Tarboro 4:20 connecting with A. C L, train No. 64 for Plymouth and points jn Eastern Carolina. Train 2, Motor Car.-f-Leave Tar the moto cars, nor do we guarantee connections. " " : Train 51, Mixed. Leave-1 Hooker ton 3:30 p. m., Maury 3:40, Farm ville 5:12, arrive Tarboro, 7:00 mak ing connection with A.C L train 41 LIKE A BOY AT FIFTY BUBBLING OYER WITH VITALITY TAKING IRON DID IT Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Is Greatest of All Strength Builders Often In creases the Strength and Endurance of Delicate, Nervous folks 200 Per Cent In Twd Weeks Time New York, N. Y. Not long ago a nan came to me who was nearly half I century old end asked me to rive him fl preliminary examination for life insurance. I was astonished to find him with the blood pressure of a boy of 20 and as full of vigor, vim ind vitality as a younjr man; in fact, a young man he really was notwith standing his age. The secret he said was taking iron nuxated iron had filled him with renewed life. At 30 ho was in bad health; at 40 careworn and nearly all in. Now at 50 a mir acle of vitality and his face beaming with the buoyancy of youth. As I have said a hundred times over, iron is the greatest of all strength build ers. If BeoDle would only ; throw away patent medicines and nauseous concoctions and take simple nuxated iron, I am convinced that the lives of thousands of persons might be 6aved, who now die every year from pneu monia. grippe, consumption, kidney, liver and heart trouble, etc. The real and true cause which started their diseases was nothing more nor less than a weakened condition brought on by lack of iron in the blood. Iron a absolutely necessary to enable your biood to change food into living tis sue. Without it, no matter how much or what you eat, your food merely passes through you without doing you any good. You don't get the strength out of it, and as consequence you be come weak, pale and sickly looking just like a plant trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron. If you ere not strong or well you owe it to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you can walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nuxated iron three times per for points South. . - No baggage will be handled en bo. tor cars except hand-bags. All bj. gage will be checked and handled o trains 50 and 51. Sulscribe to The Ftee Press BUILDS UP THE SYSTEM 18-It Build . up the. System 18pt Pearson Remedy Company, , , t ; ji Wi Burlington, N. C. -.- Gentlemen :- ' : ; I wish to aay that I have used your Indian t'Icod Purifier in my home and am ' pleased with it. ft purifies the blood and builds up tht system as you claim. - Yours very truly, r A. A . APPLE, Sec. & Treas., Lakeside Cotton Mills, " " Burlington, N. C. JPor sale by E. B. Marston Drug Company, Kinaton, 1. C; W. E. Forest,' Kinston, N, C.,, R. F. p. No. 2,; J. Exum & Co., Snow Hill, N . C ; Hosea Bros . , Pikeville, N. C. J Howell & Langston, Goldsboro, IT. C ; J. J. Wainwright, Farm ville, N. C. ; Whelens Vrug Company, Farmville, N. C. Hookerton Drug Company, Hookerton, N. C. adv day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run down people who were ailing all the while, double their strength and en durance and entirely get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten four teen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper form. And this after thsy had in' some cases been doctor ing for months ; without obtaining any benefit But don't take the old! forms of reduced iron, iron acetate or tincture of iron simply to save a ' few cents. You must take iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated like nuxated iron if you want it to do you any good, other wise it may prove worse than useless. Many an athlete or prize-fighter has won the day simply because he knew . '.he secret of great strength and en-' lurance and filled his blood with iron 1 wfore he went into the affray, while r.any another has gone down to in-! rlorlous defeat simply for the ack if iron. E, Sauer, M. D. NOTE. The manufacturers , of Nuxated Iron have suh unbounded i confidence in its potency that theyS luthorize the announcement that they will forfeit .$100.00 to any Charitable Institution if they cannot take any man or woman under sixty who lacks iron and increase their strength 200 per cent or over in four weeks' time, provided they have no serious organ ic trouble. Also they will refund your money in any case in which Nuxated Iron does not at least dou ble your strength in ten days' time, tt is dispensed in this city by J. E. Hood & Co., and all other druggists, adv. PHI CFi theArch- a b shoes ; For, Men,. Women, ' and Children We will give you the best Footwear, and the best ser vice, at prices that you will find Surprisingly reasonable ' s '' ; Yours to Please HARK CUMHIKGS DO YOU WISH TO VIE OR RENEW A MORTGAGE : The'Equitable Life Assurance Society.assets over $500,000,000, WILL MAKE LOANS on improved home property in certain tedious of Kinston at 6 pet cent simple be repaid by fixed monthly instalments over period of 10 year, with additional provision that in event of death of the borrower, balance due on the loan is repaid from the proceeds of the life insurance policy issued therewith. ' - For pamphlet and information see C. J. DUPREE. SPECIAL AGENT., 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF KINSTOfi Capita) and Surplus $160,000 Congratulates it's farmer friends on the prevailing prices of Tobacco S. J. BOUSE, Preaideas DR. HENRY TULI, Yke-Preit D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier J. J. BIZZELU Aaat CaaUsr r T. W. BiiATH. Telle a W. L Keaaely Dr. Henry TnH J. H. Canady J. F. Taylor , H. H. McCey BISECTORS S. H. Islsv . ' N. J. Room 1 ' C Felix Harvey David OettinfW H. S. Hoaeley mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm W MIKFhs'MF-SFMitFR ' HIS CASTIUAN BLOOD HAKfS w WAf?';' w h: rilriL l8CJDLnV7.l HIM VERY TOUCHY- - ' . lf MM1 . , H'L;5w ZT 1 Try Nome of J -zr ) ?llpep'H ? Zax Mf chqp-sIboA enrinT J jgbrt; I -TO" BUM Z t To KNOCK TH- -CV-- rfftU I i HT OftTGUY NCTia V -n S Y ,T"L- I 7.! t .'-V i 1 C7J, "V. r 41 il'.V.-: J : . jM A - .w' J F '. I r II II II m i j a ra w m ' , t , i j i i a m n rv . i i. i . t r 1 j , i , r - . S