The om Paper 7 Ac Weifct Tody'tNew Today Fair VOL. XVIII.-No.-74 ; SECOND EDITION ) ' , it. ; . KINSTON, N. C, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1916 FdUR PAGES TODAY .Ij'j'i'l i ft' "Xj PRICE TWO CENTS - . FIVE CENT ON TKAIX1 BULGARIA HAS NEARLY, All OF FIRST BIO BATTLE iliTrnroTrn argentine people many workmen killed viien dig cent'l Hold mass meeIg sMof famous Quebec bridge falls Til if BETWEEN LABOR AND IN RIAINE ELECTION; LOST VAR CAPITAL ON STAGE BOTH SIDES BOAST AGAINST BLACKLIST INTO RIVER; MANY YEARS' WORK IS LOST ii uitinfT ETOWfl DIIOSTOF.THETERRITA T01UIIMIA IN list BALKAN Inter- to Thanksgiving $fcrvices Being Held Throughout Country. Amalgamated , Association Russians-and Roumaiiians Itetraatimr. Arrjiin fiprman-l of Carmen at New York Bulgars Take Many. Prisoners and Important Fortres scs British Begin a Counter. Offensive Against Bui gars From Greece Severe Fighting Under Way Al lies. In West Make Gains and Repulse German Counters Estimated That Gains of Central Powers In South east More Than Offset Those of Allies in Attacks On Cormany Declare Financial ests Are Determined Kill Adamson Law This is the first step in a great fight between capital and organized labor, ii is stated. New York, Sapt. 10.--A strike of (By the United press) New York, Sept 11 The attempt of the New York traction companies lo crush "unionism" is the first di rect result of the eight-hour day rail- Way legislation, it was charged by the Amalgamated Association of Car. men todnv T) TT:iJ Tl I I- v it ,-,.,. , . I vi"wm uwca nut iiflu mat uns uernn, oept. 11. a leading local newspaper declares Wisiation ever i.n,.tan th me Bulgarians nave now conquered practically an towns books,- the said. The organization they were forced to surrender by the treaty of Bucharest declared thai the New York traction to the1 "Roumanians.- Thanksgiving services are being companies are backed, by tho most neia throughout Bulgaria m celebration 01 the victory. pwenui aggregation or capital in Roumania Has T,nst Ijit of TVrritnrv. . ' worW interests that Berlin. Rent. 11. More than a th rd of the Bu hrarian uauK "" . w country territory taken by the Roumanians at'the close Of the' se cond Balkan war has already been reconquered by the German-Bulgarians. The Roumanians and Russians are again retreating toward the Danube, abandoning pdsi uons.jiaHL aim ouuwieasu u.i uie luxtiess oi oiisue, say r stage employes, Icngshortimen, brew- Budapest dispatches. In little more than a week the com- cry workers, machinists, bartders. bined Germans and Bulgars captured far more of R6u-J moulders and printers in sympathy manian territory than the Allies have been able to take Wlth he unionized carmen who quit of German territory since the beginning of the war. Two thcir PIaces four dflys ae eu Tfnnmnnifln fnrtrpssps. Turkakan and Sih5?trA havp fall- ed uPn at meeting of 'the heads en. European Roumanian ana itussian prisoners numo- lu . . .. ... M . a. i h i , u ii riii i nnuiHiiTi . nn I- 11 iwnt . . i"in ten er ithirty thousand. Whether a real drive on Bucharest is planned, newspaper critics are unable to decide. Allies Repel Attacks in West ; , ' '' 'London; Sebt: li;The Germans iri two' counter at tacls in thb night on the village1 of Ginchy. captured by the Irish Saturday were driven off, it is reported by Gen eral Haig. An attack,. near Mouquetsf arm, also wasjre pulsed. Elsewhere all was quiet on the.Somme front.. Be tween Neuvillest and.'Vaast and the. Labasse "canal,, the British1 entered the enemv trenches at several points. takihg1 a numbet of prisoners.' ' British, on Offensive in Balkans. Pafis, ept.'lln The British have taken the offensive n j n ii i-"'. .m .n-f.n. i mi. 1 - in tne caiKans, it is saiu omciany nere. iney nave crus . ed the Sblima at Orljax, attacking the Bulgarians at Ni- volgen Kafad 'and JaqUeil. Heavy fighting continues. The Germans in five attacks on the French lines South oftheSomme, between Berny and-a point. South of Chaul- ntes. last night used liquid fire. All were checked by ar tillery, it is said 'at thenar office, the Germans losing heavily. , ; t t i , , i Claims of Landslide Made By Both Parties J Voting Is Heavy ' NATIONAL' ISSUES LEAD an announcement by Hus-h Fravne. i State organizer ' of the . American Federation of .Labor. '- m GE WINSTON 8 DEFEATED 1 THIRD BY A Local Affairs in Background First Spinning of Indi cator of Sentiment of North as to Administra tion Policies 1 . Uy PKKRY ARNOLD, (United Press Staff Correspondent) v .Boston, . Sept. 11. "Way Down East' took the center of the nation-' al political stage today. - Maine is ex-1 Declared at Bucrios AlreslTjitiR df ftrttinir It In Place Commenced TtWfav And flatfift- 1 hat Jo Weutral bhould tronhe Came Almost Immediatelv-AVorld Exnerts De signed Gigantic Section of Structure That Was to Link Up Transcontinental Railroads and Shorten Distance Across Canada by Several Hours Second Big Acci dent on Bridge Seventy Men Lost Lives There 1907 Placing of Wrecked Span Had Been Heralded as One of the World's Greatest Engineering Feats Submit to Such Violation I'1'',. . it. .. of international Law By Belligerent . , - (By the United Press) Buenos Aires, Sept. 11The great est demonstration against the British blacklist fcy any country attracted an immenso crowd to"the Plaza Congress yeslcriay. Ten , political orjraniza tiona and throngs &t businessmen pre tested the ' blacklist. ... The British were accused of attempting to break down tho whole Structure of interna tional, low. .The mass meeting declared no neu tral nation should submit to the throttling of its trade by any beljig (By the United Press) Montreal. Canada. Sent. 11. -The central soan of the (Jiiebeclbridge, which has been under construction many years, ana wnich was to link the Canadian transeontm pntal railways from Halifax and Vancouver, fell today as it was being placed in position. . ' Many workmen were killed. The number is uncertain. The span., weighing five thousand tons, was towed to erent. Retaliatory leeblatlon passed i hp hnno-p sirf rma mnrninir Thi ninmor nf thP ttnsm nan 9 United State hlld Creatlv Knnn t.n.T)n am nA IUa wixnn' nnivinnnmnw Ait in i ; iting the sentiment of the nation as! , thl) haiui . t " u,ci .aiucu aa unc u wic Kjcatcei, wBukviiu& xvauo ii UtLn Democracy ,and Republican- i XS J &t0ry f the WOrUL. A C01?80" V !...' y t the blacklist here. A num- n, tT; Cfn-n n rnn rA,,nA uxiitcu (ouai-ccs, viicai, iJiiam iiiu , vie many vvj,ivv out' thef plans. 4 . y., ' . This was the second catastrophe to the bridge. Sev enty lives were lost in 1907 .when a section, collapsed. Fol- x lowing the accident, the Canadian government called in world experts to complete the structure. The bridge was to be used by eight railroads, and shortened transcontin ental trips by two hundred miles. J ' It is estimated that ninety men were on the brfdg'eat the time the soan collapsed. 'Arrangements have been made to send divers down into the St. Lawrence, to deteiv mine if it is possible to raise the Steel span and whether traffic will be blocked. The death list is estimated at 25. , i3m. The crock-ribbed Commonwealth voters arc balloting on a complete Stats ticket', after probably the great- j est preliminary overture of oratory' that ever preceded a Maine election, , Weather and other 'conditions indi cate a record vote. Both sidas are claiming a landslide. Local "issues are playing little part and national questions are paramount. The result will bethe first expression of popular' sentiment, on Wilson's pol icies, j i , bcr of speakers referred to the action by the United States. REDISTRIBUTION OF MEXICAN LANDS IS PROPOStDTOCOIfliS Weldon, Sept. 10. Unofficial re turns of the judicial primary give J. H, Kerr a majority over- Judge F, D, Winston of 1,700 to 1,800 in the district for judge of the Third Judi cial Pistrict. " Kerr's majority in Halifax county I will exceed 1,000. MINGS ON TRIAL ON CHARGE KILLING niirnhi ILn UrtLU U WEST CAROLINA MAN SHOOTS FIVE; WIFE IDlioEDliAH Marion, Sept. 10. Virgil Butt, ' a "white man, 85 years of age, shot and eriously wounded five persona at the home of 'Thomas Morris this' sfter noon.- The wounded are Lawrence . Morris, Roland Morris, J. L. Biddix, .Mrs, J. H. L. Miller nd Mrs. Vir gil Butt, wife of the assailant, ;-t Bubt'a wife was a cook at the home of Morris, and supposedly against' his :k will. About 6 o'clock Butt appeared t the rear door of the Morris home armea with a rifle and Shot his wife, then entered iths home and fcegan shooting at the other occupants of the bouse. - Mrs'. J, H. Ii. jMillei who- - was shot in the neck, is in a serious con dition . ' The assailant,esca"pe4 and. is .day morning at 9 -o'clock. With pret yet at large with' several hundred ty -weather, on the opening day, Wed mea onlhis trail. . , nesday, the tarra is expected to start Butt has been a heavy drinker and off . record-breaking enroll was regarded ' as dangerous when (nient, f drunk. . ' ' ' i . . : i. . - - - . - A SC0TCHT.1EN KEEP QUIET NOBODY CAN GET. SOUSED ON THE BATTLf FIEDS OF GETTYSBURG ANY MORE '' G'tasgow," 'Sepl'. ''lOl-ameVA. O' Hai'a.' a wourid'sd nd' discharged sol Brcr",' learned ' the art of omb-throw-Tng at th front and girew tallbus in regard W&Ji results;- ' Early today a f txjwd "of men and womeK' iii the' rear of nis tenement became noisy. 'ti'Ha ajs'slted loir qutict,and wncn he receiv 'ear a derisive "reply ljurleA a n"an:d gre nade Into the crowd, i One man and a girl of nine years were killed and a"do.zenother persons were wounded. , Gettysburg, Sept. 11. This is not a dry town, ibut' sightseeing: parties on the battlefield must be reasonobly so. The licensed guides have been instructed by the Battlefield Commis sion to prevent booze, parties carous ing on the field. This is the result of ever'al parties of the sort TEACHERS ARRIYING; tf MEET TUESDAY A. IL Examination of pupils of the city .schools, is now in progress. Practi cally all of the teachers are expected to arrive during the day; and y will meet' at the' Grainger building Tues- THE PRESIDEOT GOES TO SISTER'S BEDSIDE BULLETINS Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 10 President Wilson received word late knight that the condition of his sis-' r, Mrs. Anne frowe, who is critical-' ill at New London, Conn., has tak-' a a turn for the worse. j The President immediately cancell- cd 11 engagements for tomorrow and "u-.ounctd he would start for New! ldon early in the morning. ' . j (By tl(e United P.-ess). BERLIN W-Ir STATEMEuNT. Berlin, Sept 11 The lo of advanced trenches between Gin chy and Combles to the British . h admitted at the war office this afternoon. Fighting for the pos- ' sevsion of - Ginchy continues. South of the Somme, portion of the village kt Berny has been re captured from the French. BULGARIANS EVACUATE VARNA London, Sept, 10. The E'algarians are evacuating Varna, he principal part on the Black Sea, according to a semi-official news agency dispatch San Francisco, Sept, 11. The firat of tho bomb cases resulting from the murder of ten persons by the explo sion of an 'infernal Machine" in' a suitcase planted in the preparedness parade crowd here July 22, began to- day when Warren Billings, princi pal suspect, went to trial. - The Theory of the prosecution "is that Billing and his -confederates we're not anti-preparedness cranks, as at first was supposed, but sought to kill employes of the local United Railroads, a division or waich would have been passing the bomb suitcase at the moment it exploded if tho pv rade hadn't been, delayed. Thomas J. Mooney, also indicted for complicity in the bomb ;pIot, unsuccessfully had tried to organize a strike among these employes 'and the prosecution will claim the bomb was used to set even With the men. The trials of the four other defend ants, Mooney, - his wife, Mrs. Ren Mooney, Israel Weinberg and, .Ed ward Nolan, will be held later, Evidence of a sensational charae- (By the United Press) , New London, Sept. - if. A re distribution ot lands through a taxa tion scheme which will break up largo Holdings, was Suggested for one lu- i tion of the Mexican internal pvb- lems, which the Mexican commission ers outlined to the Americans in the peace conference today. i ..... i . b . m. ..... . .. KARL LEHMAN HERE TO SPEAK AND HOLD C. E. CONFERENCES tor is expected to be 'given The prosecution , is based on . the theory that EKUings, under instruc tions frcm Mooney, planted the bomb, that Mrs. Mooney"was an accessory before and after the fact; that; Nolan Mr, Karl Lehman( the noted field worker of tho Young People's Socie ty of Christian Endeavor, and Mr. Wyatt Taylor, a field secretary for the South, arrived here today to con- either manufactured or iisaistfd in J duct two important meetings of local manufacturing the bomb and that j Endeavorers, th first of which was Weinberg was an accessory in that he transported the conspirators in his jitney bus And had guilty knowl edge of the plot. S -"" Four persons were killed outright and the paraders panic-stricken when the .bomb exploded at the intersection of Steuart and -Market streets, In the crowd of 20,000 people. One man died of heart failure and 40 persons were injured, of Whom 6 later died. Among the leaden missies, automo bile bearings and bits of metal that sprayed th6 crowd like sfiraptiel, en ough pieces of leather; and clockwork mechanism were picked up to shovi that the bomb had been set to ex plode at 2:10 p, m. Billings served a term at Folsom prison for dynamiting. --' . V .'.' ':" ., ''. .. ! i-Cx ', C i i " ' ' '" i1 WUhi Jt-"- - ' " x i ' .. ; - 4 ..' ' . ' "iV-W ..! .. - '--.,.,, f .......'.'.;"-... ? . , . .. .. x .. . .' '- ' " .... .'..;..:.. . '.. ',. ... - ." ' , '. . " - - ,'. - - : ' ' ' ,!XJJ" l"lil81JJl."...II.JLl!!lU!Jli!!B.lm l...fcU.iWla-' lAftWA MM iiioii Estimated Mof e Thart 400, W6 Fotinds : tTarfdlcd To ay.Veelf Will Be Rcs coi'd Bealter; Pf diction of Tobacconists Evidence of one of Kinston's big steps forward. - A street recently asphalted, one of many improved in a paving program that is costing the municipality and individuals between. $400,000 and $500,000 Wide, - shady; surface smooth enough to skate on. 5 commenced at 4 o clock and wmcn is being devoted to Juniors' work, Tonight at 8 the main conference I will be held. The program includes .M(pft- tnafl mm podna8 of toV the following features: ivouonai , . ... Craig of the First Baptist ' church; ' Wrr 'toeedmgly 1 solo by Mrs. J. A. McDaniel, Jr.; Monday. The weed on the market introduction of Mr. Lehman by Mr. was worth probably 80',000, fta aver H., Gait Braxton; address" by Mr. g pt'te on most' wai-elibuse floors Lehman; duet by Misses Hargott and heing estimated at around 20 cents'. Davis; conference -with Endeavor , Offerings were' of all grades, leaders' of the city; social period. Today's big sales presage, in the . A large audience is expected to bo' opinion of tobaccViists, a record present tonight. Mr. Lthman's breaking week, with anything like work Is interdenominational. He is respectable weather. Should the an enthusiast, and enthuses, others, '( ; day's 'average be maintained , two and his address will be found to ' million pounds or more would be han abound in interesting things. Mem- died in the five sales days, bill Wed bers of all churches are invited to . ncuday's and Thursday's1 sales may be hear him. , The Gordon Street Christian church is the place of the meetings. "'-' f ' ' ' WILSON RESPONSIBLE FOR LABOR; SHORTAGE THREATENING COUffTRY W. A . Thompson, former Repre sentativo in the General' Assemjly fi'om E'aaufort county and trustee of the Caswell Training school, here Sat urday night from . Aurora, declared chut he had heard one prosperous end very profane old plant?r of the VSouth-side-of-the-rrver" country in Beaufort express an opinion that Wil son was driving the nation to , th bow-wows. The prosperous and pro fane old planter stated his belief to another farmer, about as follows: "Here I've gone and sold a pile of tobacco worth $75 for $175. Who ever heard of such a blank thing? Well, if this dodgasted business keeps up, Ve'll all be blank-blank million aires, an' ithcreH be nobody to work, an' the country 11 go smack to blank." "Yes," he said, scratching his head, "we got to get that fe!l?r Wilson out of politics," expected to at least pass the half-mil- lion mark. ; Warehousemen are very optimistic over the prospect. , ; : It is believed by a number of per sons connected with tha market that 10,000.000 pounds will have been sold hpre by October 1. " LAGftANGE SCEOfcllS . OPENED FOR THE TE?:i The public school at La Grange was opened today. - D. W. Arnold of Goldsboro is the new superintendent in charge, and the faculty has been changed considerably from last yeaflr's. RECREATION CONGRESS . GRAND RAPIDS OCTOBER ' ' (By the United Press) Grand Rapids, Sept. 11. A system of play for little boys er.d girla to fit them physically to take up tho defense of their heme 03 powir ful men and women later on is t' program cf the Internal'.oiial K-vcj. tion Congress uhlch y" rnvXt from the first to the sixth of Octo ber. The meeting, are ta be e; ? ; 1J9 public.