Monday Evening, September 11. 19ig PAGE TWO THE KINSTON FREE PRESS THE DAILY FREE PRESS (Unit! Press Teterraphie Reports) H. Gait Braxton, Editor and Manager fnolished Every Day Except Sunday by the Kinitoa Fret - . Press Co.. Inc. Kintton, N. C Sahscrlptioa BU frrtbU In Advance! Or Week f JO Tmm Months . Li 01 i MdfU One Year 84.00 ,00 tM MR. G1FFORO PINCHOT VAPORIZES. Not all the Progressive but most of them will eup port President Wilson for a second term; that is. If they are truly progressive, they will. They have no other al ternative. , , 1 . ; , Mr. Clifford Pinchot is a more or ldse prominent exam pie cf those Who are neither Democrat or Republicans, who finds in the Administration of President Wilson many shortcomings to criticize and who seems confident that the country's continued prosperity and welfare depend upon the election of Mr. Hughes.' . ' ' , Mr. Pinchot has set forth his position in a rather lengthy circular letter which he is sending to the press of the country with the privilege of printing. The Free Press doesn't care to give apace to Mr, Pin chot's article. His criticisms are not warranted by fact. Mr. Pinchot avers that being neither a Democrat nor Re. publican, but a Progressive, he has to either vote for Mr Wilson or Mr. Hughes. . He professes to have thought well of President Wilson, in the outset of his adminlstra tion, but charges that his change of view is because he has learned that "President Wilson has a greater power than any other man in public life to say one thing but to do another, and get away with it."' Mr. Pinchot al leges that the facts Justifying this charge are common After Six P. M. subscribers are requested to call West-, knowledge, but he fail to enumerate them. He does cite , ntert at the postofflce at XViiton. North Carolina, as second-class matter under act of Congress, March 8, 1870. Communications received and not published will not be turned unless stamps to cover pontage accompany same. , NEW YORK OFFICE 58 Park Row. Mr. Ralph R. Mulligan, in sola charge of Eastern Department. Files f Free Press can be seen. ;,. ...;. - WESTERN OFFICE In charge of Mr. C. J. Anderson, Marquette Building, Chicago, where files of The Free Preas can be seen. . Subscribers are requested to notify, by Telephone 78, The Free Press of any Irregularity of delivery or Inattention whatsoever on the p1 of the carriers. an Union and report failure to get the paper. A copy will ba sent promptly, if comolaint is mad before Nina P. MH without cost to subscriber. tr MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1916 "Have you Latest salutation of the paper drummer: heard what newsprint is quoted at today?" ZZZ;ZZ. ::Z:Z " " '"' ' '' ' :: Z The Citizen of Oyster Bay is to appear in the movies. Plenty of action for the said picture is evidently desired. the Lusitama incident as one of the Instances, but in crit icizing President Wilson' course in the German contro versy, Mr. Pinchot very shrewdly emphasizes his own distaste for war and proclaims that there was no need for war but of courage to give peace with self-respect. the very course pursued most successfully by Mr. Wil son. National defense, Panama Canal tolls, and other questions which have given rise to more or less discus sion are touched upon and President Wilson's handling of all t them is criticized. Mr. Pinchot attribute ' the present peaceful condition of this counttry to ita "proverb- A contemporary speaks of the "problem of the boy.Minl good luck." and says in respect to the national 'de- ' We arise to make a correction !ema.w It should read the "prob- fense that this good fortune alone "has kept us from pay ing the bitterest, price for his (Mr. Wilson's) unforgiv able neglect."' ; Mr. Pinchot winds up by proclaiming that And now before the dear people can accustom them- he "cant support Mr, Wilson because he can't trust him, selves to the six cent loaf, the bakers have standardized that he does not do what he says," but on the other hand, the ten-cent variety. , ; i "Mr. Hughes does," and therefore, ho will support the .latter, New Born Sun Journal t "It is getting about time for J the Bremen to be reported off Beaufort or Morehead City again." Friend Dunn, why not off New BernT ':f'yXi:;'''''''"' t-Z,,,'Z,ZZ:' Major S, Glenn Brown of Greensboro, who found it so difficult to have a place made for hint in the Federalized National Guard, now realizes, perhaps, that the last shall be first. He is on his way to the border. Richmond News Leaden "Dr. Woods Hutcheson says it to hard to kill a poet jSjnce one comes to think of it, poets are scarce these days." But then, It Is more diffi cult to refrain from slaying some of the would-bo pocts. Somebody accuses the mail order, octopus of spreading infantile paralysis. The old -sinner is guilty of most every other crime and one morewill perhaps not make his impervious hide more vulnerable. The editor of the Wilson, Times we note, is wearing "no trespass" signs these dyw:j Jit has warned a bellig erent patron that his approach within fifteen feet of the person of the editor will be the. signal for "dropping him in hi tracks," It ia to be hoped that the differences will be smoothed over and that no -tragedy -will result. It 1 to be regretted that Mr. Pinchot. finds that he can not support Mr. Wilrron. In fact, the loss of one vote may causa the President some concern, but Mr. Pinchot's article, patterned, as it seems to be, after the weak and empty vaporings of his choice for the Presidency, fails to say anything about the currency bill, the form loan act and other achievements of the Wilson administration which are recognized as examples of the most construct ive legislation of tho past several generations. Mr. Pin chot undertakes to detract from President Wileon credit duo him for maintenance of peace and for the country's prosperity, lie falls to reckon with the righteous fact that tho public praises the bridge tha carries it over. No, we are not printing Mr. Pinchot's article because it is not worth the space, . . er that ha can't get himself in touch wi,th producer who are not their own consumers of all they produce? The producers of flour In Minneapolis and the producers of Chicago and Kanjas City backhand have a nice' way of reaching consumers who are able to consume. Just to tell you the truth, the main thing that keeps buyers and sellers from getting together is the price. W can get intouch with the producers by mean's of cash, but it Is so much easier if or consumers and middle men to get together over the telephone. ,s It is quite often the case that th, middleman fa exported to send a H-cent head of cabbage Vn blocks when it SrflCeost him "nearly one a blocktiTaead it." GOING ON IN OTHER i TOWNStND COUNTIES MOFfEKI(M0llItt - Among this convicted at last week's terra of Superior 'Court in Craven county 'were "Kev." Mosei i Thomas, three months for larceny cf a revolver; and "Dr." W. H. Harris, three months for practicing medicine without a license. A 19 or 10-year-oid youth who dropped a big revolver in front of an j amusement place at Washington! paused thereby. 'no little excitement. The weapon was discharged when it struck the pavement, and excitement resulted. The fellow giabijed up ths revolver, which had slipped out of a I pocket and ran. Jeff Lockyear, white, is alleged to. I have purloined 15 half pints of whu ky from a room in the Beaufort jail while on a visit to prisoners. Th whisky was within easy reach and the thief, using a stick with a nail in one end, only had to put an arm between ths bars of a door to an empty cell to swipe the "evidence." The arrest of Lockyear came after he had boasted of the affair. " ' 7 m " m Tr "7 ZZ. ;i :? ::v"; 'Z'ZZZ:ZZ' - - Mvx;;s,-'Vt.rt-t. ; - h.-. ' v '' -i:'-:,":-'''xX--i MlTaTiiiar"''" " I ""1 Piifl """ ": -'-t'"'--'y'K' , '" .- .jf,-Mi.n.'- hi 1, . ,),. 'l'-i,1'. , i: that 'pSncb hit 13 tisfv! WHAT OTHERS SAY Wa lonrn from the esteemed Raleigh Times that there Is some complaint reaching the Corporation Commission because "the inalienable-right of passengers to stick their heads out of the car windows and have ithem knock ed off by passing telegraph poles, mail cranes and other obstacles have been donled them because of new plans in car construction, and it ia further said that the Cor poration Commission aides with the "imposed" upon pub lic. ' 1 CIVIC "SLACKERS." ' Columbia State: "Two years ago England 'suddenly found herself in peril and needing every man to give his bwt for his country on the battlefield or on the- eea, or in the munitions factories. But even in such a cisis the rail for volunteers uncovered some who sought to evade the summons; The nation called them 'slackers' and the word has gone forth into all English-speaking countries. "The safety and welfare of a people may be threatened by tther enemies, however, than such as come with big gur.s and bayonets. There are those within a State that seek to prey upon its people, who see in laws and juries wly obstacles to their game, who would sow corruption for out of corrnptlcn their harvest comes, who would make gain out of the human weakness for stimulants, for gambling and for immoral sensuality. They are the in veterate enemies of law and of any administrator who en forces law. . "If the forces of corruption and lawlessness should gain the day Tuesday next, it would be undoubtedly in no small "Professional identifier" is the latest vocation in pro hibition Alabama, where the law requires the thirsty who patronize the express rout to be identified before ship ment can ba delivered to them. It is said that in some localities there are so many "strangers" and the occa sion for identifyers have become so numerous, that the otherwise unemployed hav come to the relief; of the . smrit He excuses himself by saying, 'there will be plen- distresscd" at twenty-five and fifty cents per Identiflca-; of othersI not trouble myself. WINTER SLEEPING CAR SERVICE TO WESTERN CAROLINA IS ASSURED ' According to announcement by the Southern Railway, ithe Winston-Salem sleeping car service now in ef fect will be cut down but not abolish ed after ' today. ' Ssrvice is to be maintained between Goldsboro ' and W'nston-Salem. This is a matter of considerable interest to the local trav clling public, since an all-night sleep er service to points west in North Ca rolina will be furnished during win ter as well as summer. Heretofore the car has been operated only as far as Raleigh, arriving shortly after midnight, during the winter, and the Free Press and various individuals have requently agitaited the matter of improved service. Cars will leave WlnstonnSalem at 3:60 p. jm. and Goldsboro at 10:35 p. m. The present Greensboro-Raleigh slcoper service will be maintained. -Bad Cold from Little Sneezes Grow, Manycolds that hang on all win ter start with a sneeze, a sniffle, a fore throat, a tight chest "You know the symptoms of colds, and you know prompt treatment will break them up. Dr. King's New Discovery, with its yiiip. r- Two out in the 9th! The "pinch" hitter lines a beauty over "short" In comes the winning run. The "fans" go wild it cer tainly satisfies! That's what Chesterfields do when you smoke they satisfy! ' Still, they're MILD! . It is this combination of "satisfy' with ' mildness that is giving smokers that ' new " ' cigarette enjoyment! , But only Chesterfields can give it to them, for the good reason that no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend! Trv , . - j T .w. GXGAILBTTB 10 for 5c AUn packed 20 for 1 Oo nwi t v. ton 3:30 p. m., Maury 8:40, Farm ville 6: 12, arrive Tarboro, 7 :00 mak lngconnection with A. C L. train 41 for points South. No baggage will be handled on mo tor cars except hand-bags. All bag gage will be checked and handled on trains 50 and 61. ' . soothing antiseptic balsams, has part due to 'slackers,' to men who know quite well how been breaking up colds ami healing urgent is the call, but deliberately neglect their own duty I coughs of young and old tot 47 years. to go and vote because, they selfishly rely on others to save the state. This is the very essence of slackers' tion. Now a good opportunity for the revenue collector la to put a license of abouT $1.00 per identification on the "profcseslonal Sdontifyer." Subscribe to The Free Press Don't be a slacker on Tuesday. For the" time and trouble required, there is no more important business for you to attend to that day than to go' and declare yourself effectively against a return to the Blease regime Indif ference to that duty and neglect of it for any freason short of insuperable obstacles will smack of the earn unpatriot ic selfishness shown by men who in military crises put their, own Interests before those of their country to the disgust of all men. Ir. King's New Discovery loosens the phlegm, clears the' head, soothes the irritated membrane and' make breathing 'easier. At your Druggist, 50c , . adv. , COST OF DELIVERY OBSTACLE. Wilmington Stars 'What Is the matter with a consum-1 fry a-Want Ad in F1EE PRESS EAST CAROLINA RTCY. Impraved Passenger Service of the East Carolina Railway, Effective October 20, 1912. - Train 1, Motor Car. Leave Hook- erton 7:J0 a. m, Maury 7:20; Farm- vine 7:40; connecting with Norfolk Southern train No, 17, Raleigh and train No. 12 to Washington. Leave Fountain 8:00 a. m, Macclesfield 8:20; Pinetops 8.-50; arrive Tarboro 0:10; connecting with A. CX train No. 90 for Norfolk. ... -. Train 4, Motor Car. -Leave Tar boro after arrival of A. C L. train 49 from Norfolk for Farm ville- ar rive Farmville 2:00 p. mn connect ing with No. 60 for Maury and Hookertoa. ' - 1 ' . . v ; . " Train 3, Motor Car. Leave Farm ville 3:00 p. arrive Tarboro 4:20 connecting with A.C.L train No. 64 for Plymouth and point in Eastern, Carolina, Train 2, Motor Car. Leave Tar- I the motor care, nor do we guarantee connective. Operates Passenger Trains from North Carolina into Terminal Sta tion, Norfolk, without Transfer. ' N. B. The following schedule fig ures published as information only and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE KINSTON -,-Z ZZ-. East Bount '- .' '; 11:21 p. mNight Express.' Pull v man Sleeping Cars New Bern to Norfolk. Connects for all points North and West . Parlor Car Ser vice between New Bern and Ner. ' folk Bern and Norfolk. 4:41 p. m. Daily lor Beaufort and Oriental. , '' " West Bound ! 7:50 a. wu J)aily, for Beaufort, New 5:40 a. m. Daily for Goldsbccu. 10:03 a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 8:14 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. For further information or reserva tion of Pullman sleeping car space, oapply to W. J. Nicholson, Agent, Kin- ston, N. C. - " E D. KYLE, -Traffic Manager, Norfolk. Va. H.S.LEARD, General Passenger Agt, Norfolk, Va. ii r i -uk 3 1 ., wesi Hi uMimii ff"4isT sTTmrii ii mail iium mntei 'iFlfiSI MliLlffOF SHOES For, Men, Women, and Children . ,We will give you the best Footwear, 'and the best er-. vice; at prices that you find Surprisingly - - reasonable l Yours to Please MARK CUMMINGS -J Train 61, Mixed. Leave Hooker- Sulscribe to The Free Press F KIIISIOII Capital and Surplus $160,000 I Congratulates it's farmer friends on the prevailing prices of Tobacco N. J. EOUSE, Presldeai DR. HEN8T TUL1, vTce-Preet, D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier - J.' J. BIZZELL, Asst Cashier T. W. HEATH,' Teller . , ' W. L. Keaaeay Dr. Henry Tall J. H. Caaady I.F.Taylor H. H. MeCey BISECTORS 8. H. Islar N. J. Rouse C Felix Harvey David Oettiager B. E, UseeWy Subscribe to TE3E UUHE Fr m "