JLY. PR The Home Paper ijiiin. Today! Newt Today , i. . Probably Showers VOL. XVIIL-No; 77 -- FIRST EDITION ETNSTON; N; G$ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1916 FOUR PAGES TODAY PRICE TWO COTS GERMANY AND JpSTIllA JU4ITG PLANS TO WAGE GREAt, OFFENSIVE r AGAINST ALLIED POLITICAL FUNERAL LASTING PEACE Al NAVAL BOARD JS TO ITY OPENS DEMOCRATS DOJIATE LiWiLY , RESULT OF KIAlNE ELECTiOlJ OF COLE BLEA8E A RESULT OF ftnufef OF ALLIES, VISIT MANY PLACES BALto AT BIG CONFERENCE TELLS THE CHAMBER RAPI PRESS IINIVERS BRIAN BIG D REGISTRATION Teuton Military Leaders rieadquarters-Protoosed Thousand -Men Against Serbs Now Co-Operating British Join French in Defense of Peronne Serbs Make Gains of Consider able Advantage, Paris Hearst-Berlin Feels Good Over Way Things Ate Going " Cheeked - (By the United Rome, Sept 14.Tentatjve plans for a giant Balkan I offensive by the Central Powers are being drawn up. at: a ; conference n6w sitting at the Kaiser's headquarters, say v diSDatches received here. . mans and one hundred thousand Austrians will partici pate, it is believed. ' ' ' 1 , j Co-Operation at Combles. - - ' ( t 1 London, Sept. 14. The. British progressed last night north of Ginchy and are co-operating witfy the French in a movement to encircle Combles," the principal support of Peronne and the BaupEUme line,- General Haig reported, Serbs Successful. '""-. : r ' Pans. Sept 14. Progressing west of the Vardar riv- er, the Serbs have carried Bulgar trenches between Kovil 1 and Vetrimk. Also progressing m the direction. Of, Kait I matchalon, northwest of Lake Ostrovo, ays an official 1 statement, the' Serbs carried a height west of hill 1500 i after most violent fighting. -Solkes Malkanidy. The Bulgars suffered heavily. Bending Ever Effort to Check Somme Drive. ? 'Paris, . Sept. 14. Tfie Germans have shifted ' more -.. troops "from Verdun to the Somme front'in an effort to ' check General Foch's drive on Peronne. . The French war ; office announces an unsuccessful . counter attack on hill 76 yesterday, led by a fresh German division that was j hastily transferred, from Verdun. Several attacks on . hew French positions northeast of Verdun, on the Vaux Chapitra fronts were repulsed. i Berlin Report Optimistic, v " ' ' ? Berlin, Sept. 14. The new Allied offensive in Macedo na has been completely halted, say Sofia dispatches. Very large British: forces attempting to advance in the region have been repulsed with heavy losses! The Serbs on the Bulgarian left wing, after a few temporary successes, have, been, driven to -their former positions by a, strong Counter. Ojperatfons in Southeastern Roumania under Field Marshal Von "MacKensen are pirogressingr-. ''"-':.". TWELVE YEARS FOR vtfia.tRMNftOBBtR t - f ! , : ,L Martinsburg, W. Va,, Sept. -3. Charles Jefferson Harrisori 'of ' San Antonio, Texas, made a full confes sion of ihe train robbery wth which fie was charged, before Judge Day ton, in the United States Court here today. Sentence of twelve years' .im prisonment . in the penitentiary at Atlanta, was immediately imposed, t Th crime to which he confessed was the robbery of a Baltimore and Ohio train near Central Station, W. Va, on October 8, 1915. . NARROW ESCAPE,WIIEN HIS DWELLING BURNED ? (By the Eastern Press) . WasMiigton, . N.' C., Sept. 14! . The 'htftoe' of Beverly Moss, a mill man, at Washington Park, was burn ed to the ground last night- Defect ive 'wiring is Relieved to have been the cause, The loss was $8,000, with 13,000 Insurance. The, family got afely 'oOt, But Mi. Ttfoss, returning to try to save valuables, was badly burned on the hands and feet, escap ing juat. as the roof fell in. DIG U ISLAND AND DYE-IT TO BUFFALO Buffalo,' Sept. 14. Sand Island, it w announced here today, is to be d"g gradually ort of its home in the ddle of the Clarion river near here, ni movid to town. The moving day Ust ten years. It is such a fine mJe of moul.lers sand that not a of H is to be watsej. Discuss Movement at Kaiser's to Utilize Three v Hundred British, French, Russians and Against ; German-Bulgars Drive on Combles, Important In Field Claims Allies Are . ' ' ' ! - V Pries) Two hundred thousand Ger- The advance guard reached VETERAN TELEPHONE. Gmt's l6ng record -"'Columbus, Ohio, , Sept. ' 14. Two million, four hundred thousand con versations on love, business, gossip and whatnot is the rccordf of Miss Nell Taylor in twenty-four years' continuous aervice as hello girl here 1 ' ' ' 1 - The first eight years she spent at the switchboard handling calls at the rate of 1,000 a day She spent an other veight years as supervisor, an swering foolish questions.' "Will you marry me?" she says,. is the silliest jind most frequent ques tion asked. She still is single and glad of it. ' , When sbe started to work twenty fonr .years ago Miss Taylor: was fif teen There were only 1,650 tele phones in Columbus then, as compar ed to 45,000 todaV! ,.r RIMMEflGERSCN t ! BIG SHI? IN TROUBLE . Wilmington, Sept. 13. Local Fed aral quarahtine officials have wired to Washington for advice as to what disposition 'to make of the fifty-one passengers, absard the British freight and passenger liner Mayaro, West Indie to New York, which put into Southport today, listing heavily be cause of the shifting of its cargo of asphalt in the northeast gale which it encountered yesterday. There are no quarters ' at the local quarantine station for the accommodation of the passengers, who could not be allow ed ashore until they pfls the immi gration regulations. .'. ' . ' Oscar LaRoquc, Private Se cretary to Manning, Tells Free Press' Via fcong Dis tance That Pardoner Is a Dead Issue . J ' , According to Mr," Oscar LaRoquc private secretary of Governor Mdn ning of South Carolina, Blease'g' pol itical funeral was held Tuesday, when Governor ' Manning defeated him in the run-off primary for the Demo- cratic nomination.- Elease can't over come the handicap o fhis defeat two years ago for senatorial honors to I . ; gether with ' the present "licking,1 thinks Mr. LaRoque. f The Free Press interviewed Mri LaRoque over long distance phone this morning. ' He, a smost readej-s of The Free Press know, Is a former Ranstonian, brother o fMesars. Mab., Walter and 'Frank." In addition to being the Governor's private secretk' ry, Mr. LaRoque managed the carti' paign and naturally he and his friends are proud of the fine showing made. The treturns to the time f the in terview weire: 70.972 for Manning, as against 6647 for.BTease, giving the o'rmer a majority of 47,25, with about 1,200 scattering votes "Ho 1 be heard from. , ". ' " ' . The interest in the 'South Carolina campaign has been "keen throughout the country. The fight has been one of good government against the at tempt of Blease to ' come back arid he country at large has looked on with unusual interest. Mr. LaRoque ays "we were simply showered with olegrams of congratulations and one cable came from Cuba." The mes Jages, 240 in (number, came from all parts of the country. " The vote polled in Hhf second pri mary was about the same as that of the (first, 'one hundred ' and. thirty- eight thousand of the possible v one hundred and fifty thousand register ed voters exercised( their rights. -fr. LaRoque. tTiinka that the Tllease forces turned out in force and polled theip full strength. About, 5 per" cent, of the Cooper vote as the estimate given1 Blease. GOOD WEEK FOR THE COTTON CROP, SAID Washingloh, Sept. 13. Cotton opened rapidly andthe work of pick ing and ginning i progressed under generally favorable weather condi tions last week', according to the wea ther bureau crop bulletin issued to day. ; The boll weevil is active ' in parts o:rj 'Mississippi. Texas and Ten nessee, according to this report v : TRUE BILL AGAINST ;k SPANNELL AT ALPINE Alpine, Texas, Sept. 13. Indict? ments charging ' Jlarry J. Spannell, an' Alpine hotel keeper with the mur- er of hia wife and Lieut. Col. M. C. Butler", Sixth Ut S Cavalry, were re turned by f county grand jury here today. - Spannell will be brought here Thursday from El Paso, where he has been held": for "safekeeping to plead to the indictments. r LOCAL MINISTER IS j, : HEAD OF PRESBYTERY - News reached the ci7 Thursday from Stovall, U. ., where rthe Al bemarle Presbytery has been meet ing, that Rev. G. B. Hanrahan, pas tor of Atkinson Memorial -- church, this city, had been elected to the of fice of Moderator, highest place in the Presbytery. s ' HUGHES PLANNING AS SECOND LONG TOUR New York, Sept 13. Charles E. Huches' second campaign trip will Declares Teutons - Can Only Be Oh Defensive From " Now On SOLIDARITY IS COMPLETE Entente Powers Working Together , With Unity of Purpose and With Better Prospects for Success Than Ever, Says By HENRY WOOD, (United Press Staff Correspondent) ' Pttt i3, Sept. 14. That lasting and durable pcafca will be imposed by Ki lled agreemert has been insured by the estabhshmt-nt of complete unity among the Allies. ' Prcimicr Brianii declare J today In a srevlew of the" war before, the Charn ber of Deputies v that the "tntervefa tion of Roumania and Itoly'i! decla ration of war, on Germany completed the solidarity of action by the'' Allies," said the French Prime Minister. i "Their action completely reduces the Central Power to a defensive polidy and deprives them of all initiative in military operations." OFFICER SAYS THERE, IS NOTHING INDICATE MOVEMENT OF TROOPS Rumors are floating around to th'e effect that the troops at Camp Clenn are getting ready to move. Some "signs'' have been seen by enlisted men coming to or passing through this city. 'However,' if anything hds been ordered to move or any crder ig contemplated ,thos in authority, .who.are in aposition to be ven-in- formed, told The Free Press over long distance telephone ' this after noon, that he knew of nothing to in dicate an early removal ofHhe men to the Texas frontier. Railroad men here state they have heard of no or der for the-assembling .. .of rolling tock at Camp Glenn. MARSHALL TO BE TOLD ABOUT IT THIS P. M. Indianapolis, Sept 14. Democrats from every" State gathered here to day for the formal notification to night of Vice-President Marshall that he has' been renominated " for that place by the Democratic party. Na tional Chairman Vance ' McCormick and western leaders were also ' to confer on the political situation. Martin II. Glynn, ex-Governor of New York, will deliver the notifica tion address tonight at Tomlinson Hall. Governor Ralston will ; pre side. ' - " ' - "l . Tonight's notification will be the third held in Indianapolis, in the present campaign'. Republican Vice Presidential Candidate Charles War ren Fairbanks, and Prohibition Pres idential Candidate J. Frahk Hanly also received the official notification of their selection, in this city. ' ; BULLETIN! ' (By the United Pros) i NEW RECORD STEEL COMMON. ' . New York, Sept 14. A wave " of public buying today boosted United States Steel Common to ' a new high record on the Stock Exchange of 106 1-2, leading the market. " take him through Illinois, Wisconsin nounced here tonight. . The Republi can presidential nominee will leave Ne York Monday, September ISth, and will. enJ the trip at Buffalo on SaturJay night, September 30th. Merits of 125 Cities and ' Towns . Have Been Laid Before the Commission- - Protection In ... Time of War Consideration I (By the United Press) , . Washington, Sept. 14. With . the conclusion of arguments for the 125 cities seeking the government armor plate pi' it, the Navay Boai-d today decided -. y visit a majority of the sites proposed before making a deel siot). A section of the bill providing for location "with special attention to safety in time of war," is the prin cipal issue. Some points, such as Southport,' N. CV atid Wilmington. are defended by guns of 'forts. : Washington, Sept.- 14. Proximity cf cheap and abundant raw materials, adequate : transportation . - facilities, sheltered deep waters, six trunk lines reaching within 24 hours all eastern shipping centers, accessibility to the Indian Head testing grounds, lar available naval supplies, 'a granite foundation on the water front to within ten or twenty feet of the'sur face, and the' strongest "defense lines" on . the Atlantic seaboard, are Richmond, Virginia's, claims for the proposed government armor plate plant. x ' GERMAN PRESS SORE WITH GERARD AG AiNj REMARK CRitlCIZEO Berlin, Sept, 13, (Via London) The American Ambassador, James W, Gerard, again is under fire in a sec tion of the Gorman press, this time for remark attributed to him re garding a speech made recently by Dr.. Gustav Stresemann, , National Liberal member of the Reichstag, ad vocating among other things, a re sumption of the submarine warfare. Ambassador Gerard is ouoted as saying that' he did' not understand howthe representative of .'districts for which export to America was a vital question could advocate -ruth less submarine warfare The Na tional Liberal Press Agency, in a communication ,i to the newspapers, takes the Ambassador to task for what is termed "unwarranted inter vention fn a purely German ques tion." ,' , PROPOSES TO STOP., BLACKLIST BY LAW Buenos Aires, Sept. 1. Represen tative Avelaneda is waging a vigor ous fight in the Argentine congress for passage of a bill, introduced by himself, prohibiting in this country all commercial practices of the nature involved in the British blacklist of enemy firms in business , in' foreign cohntries. -r-.:.. . : . . For violations of the proposed pro hibition, the bill provides maximum fine of 2,000 pesos ($800), imprison ment up to six months and cancella tion of the offending firm's charter to transact business in the country. Avellaneda is ex-Speaker - of the Argentine House of Representatives, and one of the most influential of its members. His feil)is considered to stand an .excellent chance of adop tion. DUNNE AND LOWDEN the ILLINOIS CANDIDATES Chicago, ; Sept 13. Former Con gressman Frank O. Lowden of Ore gon,-111, and Governor Edward F Dunne, incumbent, were nominated by large pluralities for Governor by the Republicans and , Democrats, re spectively, in the' Illinois . primaries today according to estimates based on incomplete returns tonight. ... Number Students Soon ' to v pass 1,000, Believed Ad dresses' hy President and Dean SelMIelp Men Numerous . (Special to The Free Press) v Chapel Hill," Sept 14-The session of 1916-1917 at North Carolina was formally ushered in today with ap propriate exercises in Memorial hall. College songs were sung, announce ments of faculty changes and other matters of importance made, and Dean Marvin II. Stacy and President Edward K. Graham delivered addres ses to the student body. ; Registration has been going on apace since early Tuesday morning. Tuesday night found 620 students en rolled.' and it is expected that, the number1 will reach 1,000 shortly. The first classes enet at 8:30 this morn ing and will continue regularly dur ing the rest of the week and there after. - , ' Tha self-help committee recently met with about 125 . applicants for work to enable them to go through college this year. There were post ed 65 names, from which the walte.'j in Swain Hall will be chosan. Many boys -earn their board in this vay aeh yeair. . ' NEARLY THIRD, OF A MILLION SALES ON Righfaro'und 300,000 pounds of tobacco possiblysten or fifteen thous and pounds more than that amount. wns sold here today. Prices were better than Wednesday's, some ware housemen , state,' although offerings on the whole were not quite as good, t is believed. Prospect of rain again kept the , breaks' smaller than they would have been.' ' , iSd far a million and a half pounds or more of leaf has been sold here this week, with another , sales day kft. ' ' .Twenty bales !of cotton had been weighed here today by 1 o'clock. Re ceipts were theft thought to be about all in. .' Prices ranged from I21-c to 14 3-4c. ' New York futures quotations to- day were: f . ' t . , ' Open 2:20 15.75 t5.3 16.10 15.54 15.69 January .. ,' ... . . .15.74 March 15.90 May .. ...16.14 October .. ...15.45 December .'. .....i... 15.62 " ' (By the TJmted Press) " ' Washington.- Sept U. Tennessee militia V&a today Aro'ered to the 'bor der. ' Thebrigade consists of two re giments 6f Infantry , on troop of ca valry and one field hospital, totalling 2,200 men. - - ' London, Sept. It. Lleut. Robinson, the 21year-old British aviator who shot, down a. zeppelin in the recent raid over London, 'was widly acclaim ed at the Baltic Exchange today when he was formally presented with a $2,500 purse raised by shipping men. A great crowd cheered and sang "For ne' a Jolly" Good Fellow. Robin son was led to the platform blushing to tlie roots of his hiar. He made the first public speech in his life, six words long: "Thanks. I only did my duty.".; ; ;";': ' VV.' TEUTONS TRY TAKE : OFFENSIVE. Petrograd, Sept 13. The Teu ; tons have been . unsuccessful in an attempt to take the offensive on the Halits front and are cross ing the Bistritza river, it is said officially. - Defeat Taugnt Party That OverCohlldence Is Oat of Place Campaign Con tributions Pout Into tne Headquarters Now e " , . (By the Urited Brews) Long Branch, N.' J,' Sept, 14. Th Maine election started a boom" in campaign contributions, according to tha guiding' heads of, the Democratic party. The-defeat .caused an awak ening .which is said to be "just .what the party needed at this 'time." t During the last two days popular subscriptions Tanking frctn ' one to one hundred dollars ' and totalling about eight thousand dollars a '.day, have poured in. Th'e increased' act ivity of party leaders which1 obviates the danger 6f Taxity due to over-con-, (ldenc4, Is manifest oh All sides. ""'Ef forts are being made tor instil! punch and pep in the campaign.-, - t THIRTY THOUSAND STOLEN-AUTOS TO ? fiffi ;Ms, sAVs St Paul, Minn., Sept. 14. Thirty thousand automobiles stolen in the ' United States during the last year have been unwittingly purchased by. representatives of the : Allies ; and' 1 shipped to the front, according to G. A. Smith, a local detective, here' to day1, " 4 ' ' -' 1 4 ; MINNESOTA HAS A LITTLE , TIMBER LEFT YET St. Paul, Minn., Septt 14. -Despite the general belief that tiniber d'a's are past arid gone In Minnesota, there still is a little matter of ten millfdn acres of merchantable timber ' still . standing in the State, tha Depart ment of Forestry" siid today; yt: ; , MACLYN ARBUCKLE As "The Reform CndiUt"la the Fallal Paramount Picture bated f B hi - r.. .awnpUyUt. J EXECUTORS' NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as executors of thelast will and, tes tament of W.. W. LawrencV,'deceaed, this is to" notify all" persona having claims against the estate of said do ceased to exhibit them to C P. An thony, Weldon, N. C, or Mrs. Sarah V". Riddick, Parmalee, N. on or before the 15th day of August, 1917, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their .recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. . ' " ' This the 11th day of August. 1916. v MRS. SARAH V. RIDDICK, C. P. ANTHONY, - Executors of the .ast win and tcs tament of W. W. Lawrenca. 8-16-law-6wks. ' SLAVS REPULSED IH BUKOWINA." 4 ' " "l "Berlin, Sept. 13 f.us ''is as saults on the I- ii-:i f, t hare been rrpi.' -1 v ! '. I y losses, it is said , it I - . V